Dong Yi Episode 46

Yi Geum is leading Sukjong running into the many streets of Doseong. Sukjong can’t run no further.
Sukjong: Wait…wait…a moment…just hold on
Sukjong sits down
Sukjong: Just rest a moment for a breather before we leave
Yi Geum: Are you alright?….How can a gentleman like you be so physically weak, is it maybe because you are from the Yanban class, you only just run a short distance…tsk…tsk…
Sukjong looks up to Yi Geum & smiles
Sukjong: Never would I imagine that Hwang Ja Mama, will also the exact same words to me
Yi Geum confuse on Sukjong remarks
Sukjong: I am Hanseong Ban Gwan sends greetings to Hwang Ja Mama

Choi Dong Yi comes looking for Yi Geum then sees Yi Geum with someone in the distance as she takes a closer look, on who might he be as she could only glimpse the back of that person….but then Yi Geum school teacher call out to Choi Dong Yi as she turn to greets him. Then Yi Geum see his teacher then drags Sukjong away as Choi Dong Yi turns back to have a 2nd look, she find her son missing. Choi Dong Yi has something of importance to speak to the school teacher. The school teacher invites her into his school
Somewhere aside, Sukjong kneeling in front of Yi Geum
Yi Geum: Did say you are Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan?
Sukjong: Yes I am, Hwang Ja Mama. Yesterday, that it was insolence of me that I didn’t recognise who you are & offended you in ignorance therefore today I have come to render my apology
Yi Geum: This is fine. There will be times when Man makes a fair mistake, moreover as my dressing in cotton, how can you possibly know that my hierarchy is higher than yours
Sukjong surprise.
Sukjong: Yes…yes it is indeed Mama. I never realise that in this world there is someone else that could be higher in hierarchy than me
Chief Eunuch Han smiles
Yi Geum: Fine then don’t bear this in your heart, as being a gentleman myself, I will forgive you
Sukjong: Hwang Ja Mama can render his absolution to me, it is an honour
Yi Geum: That what are we to do, it already late that the lesson has started
Sukjong & Yi Geum went back to the school to find themselves locked out
Sukjong: The door has been locked, Mama
Yi Geum: Yes, is it?…then what are we to do? If we knock on the door, then it will say that we are late, & be scolded by that
Sukjong: Then why don’t we have another option, how about that you don’t have to go to school…
Yi Geum: What!
Sukjong: What is in that? When scholars are bored with their studies, they will escape occasionally by playing truant from class by scaling the fence of the academy
Yi Geum: Is that so?
Sukjong: Of course…
Yi Geum: Then have you done this before?
Sukjong: I can practically fly over the fences
Yi Geum: Is it, that you are more creditable that perceive, a gentleman
Sukjong please with his son praises as he boast
Yi Geum: We can’t go to school, what are we to do…but then I can’t return home, or else I will be scolded
Sukjong: What are you so worried? It is just fine…just you come together with me
Yi Geum: You & I?
Sukjong: Yes
Choi Dong Yi goes to see the teacher about Yi Geum’s education. The teacher learn that Choi Dong Yi’s intention that she wants him to conceal Yi Geum’s potential from public. Choi Dong Yi affirms. Choi Dong Yi explains that the teacher must be well aware of the political implication to the matter, this is why she request his help to keep this under wraps & hope for his understanding. The teacher understands perfectly of Choi Dong Yi concern. It is very hard for a prodigy Royal Prince to survive in a political environment. The teacher assures Choi Dong Yi that he understand & asked her to rest assure her concern. Choi Dong Yi thanked the teacher. The teacher asked what is Choi Dong Yi going to do about Yi Geum’s further education. Choi Dong Yi wants to hire the teacher as a private tutor for Yi Geum but the teacher declines that he suggest to Choi Dong Yi that his lacking knowledge will be too shallow or eligible to teach Yi Geum any further but then the teacher suggest to Choi Dong Yi that is only a person in this nation who will able take on as Yi Geum’s teacher. Choi Dong Yi asked who may that be. The teacher names Yun Han, then Choi Dong Yi asked that he referring to Yun Han then the teacher affirms that the person will be Yun Han Kim Gu Seon. Choi Dong Yi leave the school as Bong Sang Gung informs Choi Dong Yi that she has convey Seo Yong Gi & Shim Yun Taek to see her. Choi Dong Yi acknowledge & Ae Jung tells that they will fetch Yi Geum from school, then asked Choi Dong Yi to return home to see them. Choi Dong Yi acknowledge & asked Ae Jung & Bong Sang Gung to handle the rest
Yun Han is a pen name for Kim Gu Seon
Sukjong goes to the book store to buys Yi Geum some books. Yi Geum asked what are these, as Sukjong tells that it is “Elementary learning” where he finds Yi Geum that his book looks weathered then he also buy a book wrap & tell he chose the best in the shop. Yi Geum looking rather disappointed that is “Elementary Learning” as Sukjong wonder what is the matter, doesn’t he like the books. Yi Geum tells he doesn’t but then he would had prefer “Great Learning” & Doctrine of Means” to “Elementary Learning”. Sukjong surprise that Yi Geum wants those classics. Chief Eunuch Han is taken aback. Yi Geum tells that it is troublesome that he has to borrow those books from his mother to read but then Yi Geum thanked Sukjong’s purchase just as well that he will accept this book with gratitude. Sukjong goes to Chief Eunuch Han whispering that his son reads “Great Learning” & “Doctrine of Means” & that he can boast that he can read this books. Chief Eunuch Han comments that Yi Geum seems to have cut from the same cloth as Sukjong, if he dares to say. Sukjong is offended.
Yi Geum hears the music play from the Sa Dang troupe. Sukjong asked whether Yi Geum wishes to see the Sa Dang troupe. Yi Geum wants to as Sukjong asked him to come along. Yi Geum & Sukjong enjoying the various street performances that is display & having a fine time
Sa Dang Troupe are travelling street performance
Then they were at a Ssireum bout where a Ssireum wrestler take on challengers. Sukjong tells that the contender is using his built to bullied his challengers.
Yi Geum: Ssireum is not just about strength
Sukjong: This is correct, the most important is to use resourcefulness & wits
Yi Geum: Do you know how to Ssireum?
Sukjong: Which Man doesn’t know about Ssireum…you may not know that I am a Ssireum expert
Yi Geum: Is it? You are able to fly over fences…also Ssireum, you must be a great person
The Ssireum bout then asked for challengers from the crowd. Yi Geum encourage Sukjong to take the challenge
Yi Geum: Why don’t you give this challenge a try?
Sukjong: What…you mean me?
Yi Geum: Yes, it is….aren’t you Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan, therefore a Military official & your martial arts skill must be an exception
Sukjong: That…
Sukjong is shocked at the contender that looks like a giant as encourage from the crowd to take up the challenge
Sukjong: However, Mama, there is the social hierarchy of the Yanban
Yi Geum: The previous challenger was from the Yanban class
Sukjong: But my hierarchy is slightly higher than him
Yi Geum: It looks like you don’t have much in confidence
Sukjong: No….Not at all…It should be with some ease
Yi Geum: Yes….really…then give it a challenge…over here…here…here….He is Official Ban Gwan….he will give a challenge
Chief Eunuch Han tries to dissuade Sukjong from the attempt
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Na?…This you can’t do…you mustn’t
Sukjong remove his gat hat
Sukjong: Move aside!…it is just Ssireum
Sukjong passes his gat hat to Chief Eunuch Han who is in horrors
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Na?…
Sukjong enters the Ssireum bout. Yi Geum gives encouragement to Sukjong to fight on. Sukjong show his son that he can do it. Yi Geum giving encouragement, while Chief Eunuch Han looks frightful for Sukjong. The 1st bouts, Sukjong gets thrown off with ease, then Sukjong pains from the throw. Yi Geum asked whether Sukjong is alright. Sukjong doesn’t want to look bad in front of his son, brushes that he is fine, there is nothing to matter. The 2nd bout, Sukjong tries to stay on but then get throw off again as this time Chief Eunuch Han goes to the Ssireum ring & tries to convince Sukjong
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Na…please I beg you to stop this at once….if you continue, you will certainly get hurt
Sukjong: Hey Man, you move away. I will have to teach that insolence brat a lesson
The 3rd bout, Yi Geum giving encourage then by a fluke of a change, Sukjong managed to topple the contender by using his body weight as a counter as the contender fall awkwardly & gets knock out. Sukjong amaze that he has won as Yi Geum comes to the ring to dance a victory parade. Chief Eunuch Han can’t believe Sukjong has won & cheer for Sukjong. Sukjong carry his son Yi Geum & dance in jubilation
The at the Ssireum match, Sukjong boast that he is skilled in Ssireum then encourage by Yi Geum to do Ssireum. Sukjong went all out impress in front of his son, much to the concern & horror for Chief Eunuch Han, who think that Sukjong is engaging in serious risk of injuring his health. Sukjong is determined to show his son what manhood he is & play a father role, then after 2 loses managed to win the Ssireum as Chief Eunuch Han could keep his own excitement. Sukjong is so thrilled by the win like he won a lottery as Yi Geum dances a victory parade. Sukjong carries his son in jubilation
Yi Geum takes Sukjong to come to the waterfall for a cold dip. Yi Geum running like a little Pungsan” that Chief Eunuch Han also find it hard to keep up with them as he hold his own chest. Yi Geum tells that since it is a hot day & they are all sweaty, they will take a bathe in the water. Sukjong tells Yi Geum that it is a great idea. Sukjong passes his clothes to Chief Eunuch Han in his concern of horrors that Sukjong wants to enter the water. Chief Eunuch Han concern that although this is summer but the water from the falls might be too cold for Sukjong. Yi Geum invites Sukjong to enter. Sukjong acknowledged then passes all their clothes to Chief Eunuch Han to hold as Sukjong couldn’t pay less attention to Chief Eunuch Han’s concern, then gingerly enter the cold water as Yi Geum splashes water at Sukjong & started playing water games & having a fine time
Choi Dong Yi consults with Seo Yong Gi & Shim Yun Taek. Shim Yun Taek tells that if this is true as Seo Yong Gi affirms that Yi Geum’s potential is a prodigy & this can be consider a happiest moment but on the other hand, this also give some great concern of worry. Choi Dong Yi tell this is why, she has come to consult them on the matter with some urgency. Choi dong Yi concern that if someone else know of Yi Geum’s great potential, then there are implication risk to his safety. Seo Yong Gi is also aware that it is more riskier as they are leaving in a private abode. Shim Yun Taek advice Choi Dong Yi that she needs to keep Yi Geum’s potential a secret
Seo Chae is the to have extraordinary ability like the deity…a child prodigy
Choi Dong Yi understands then moreover Yi Geum can only seek to find teacher for education tutelage from just one person to nurture Yi Geum’s potential privately. Seo Yong Gi wonders on a teacher. Choi Dong Yi asked whether they are acquainted with Kim Gu Seon. Seo Yong Gi tells that if it is Kim Gu Seon then she will be referring to “Yun Han”. Shim Yun Taek confirms that if it is Yun Han Kim Gu Seon to take Yi Geum’s tutelage, he will be most eligible. It seems that Kim Gu Seon himself was a child prodigy like Yi Geum. Seo Yong Gi tells that Kim Gu Seon lives his life in hermitage. Although Sukjong has summoned his a few time to take up governmental office, but however he also refuse to accept student that has political background, furthermore what about a Royal Prince to that fact, will Kim Gu Seon take consideration to tutor a member of a Royal Household
Shim Yun Taek tells Choi Dong Yi that during his time at Sungkyunkwan, he has a classmate who is a student of Yun Han, therefore he will asked around for Kim Gu Seon whereabouts. Choi Dong Yi thanked Shin Yun Taek for his efforts. Shim Yun Taek asked whether Yi Geum’s potential should have prior inform Sukjong in regards to the matter
Choi Dong Yi: No, it is best he doesn’t…
Shim Yun Taek: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: As for Cheon Na to say, that the past has been difficult for him…to render another blow to Cheon Na to inform that Royal Prince’s potential, this is jolt his memories of yearning for me, I can’t render him this kind of suffering again
Sukjong having quality time with Yi Geum after their bath as Yi Geum rest on his lap
Sukjong: Are you tired….did you have a fine time today?
Yi Geum: Yes I did
Sukjong: If you continue, you might catch a cold
Yi Geum gets up from Sukjong lap
Sukjong: Where are you not feeling well?
Yi Geum: No it is not that, it is just being with you that make me think of my Ah Ba Mama (Royal Father). As you may know, that I was born & raise outside the palace, that I have yet once see my Ah Ba Mama’s face in appearance
Sukjong is rather sad
Yi Geum: Perhaps by chance, have you seen my Ah Ba Mama since you are Hanseong administration Ban Gwan
Sukjong: Yes, I have met him
Yi Geum lights up
Yi Geum: Really in what proximity in distance did you see my Ah Ba Mama? Then what is my Ah Ba Mama personality is like?
Sukjong doesn’t know what to say
Yi Geum: I really envy you….that you are able to see my Ah Ba Mama
Sukjong: Mama?….Have you never laid blame on Cheon Na?
Yi Geum: Eh?
Sukjong: The matter in regards that Cheon Na has forsake Hwang Ja Mama to private abode without any concern or bother
Yi Geum: Forsake to private abode? It is nothing like that. Mother has said that this was done for the best interest for her & me. No matter what the world say about this in whatsoever, but then the least I should know better therefore I will never put blame on ah Ba Mama’s action but however, it pains me in my heart to see that each time when I see my mother years & long for Ah Ba Mama. Mother has always until now, yearns for Ah Ba Mama but then Ah Ba Mama it seems must have forgotten about my mother & I by now
Sukjong: No…he will never….Cheon Na definitely at even the slightest of moment of time has ever forgotten Sukwon Mama & Hwang Ja Mama
Yi Geum takes his leave & parts with Sukjong. Sukjong wish him safe journey. Yi Geum then remember as he passes some wild herb he has pick & asked Sukjong to accept this from him. Sukjong takes him from him then asked what with the herbs. Yi Geum tells that this is plantain herb & he sees that Sukjong is having a bad cough. Yi Geum took the opportunity when Sukjong was changing, to pick it up in the slopes of the mountain. Sukjong is touch. Yi Geum tells that his mother will brew this plantain herb for him when he has his cough. Yi Geum tells he will take his leave now & leave then turn back to wave goodbye to Sukjong, Sukjong looks at the plantain herb
Jae Gyeon is Che Qian Cao in Chinese 车前草 & in latin Herba Pogostemonis & common name Plantain Herb. It Dissolves phlegm, clears the Lungs & stops Cough that cough that is due to heat in the lungs with symptoms such as thick, copious, and yellow sputum.
Choi Dong Yi learns Ae Jung & Bong Sang Gung that Yi Geum didn’t attend school. Bong Sang Gung tells after Choi Dong Yi left, they went to the school to fetch him but it seems he didn’t attend school. Choi Dong Yi then asked where did Yi Geum went off to. Yi Geum return home
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Bong Sang Gung: Mama
Yi Geum: Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi: Where were you again? I have heard from them that you didn’t go to school
Yi Geum doesn’t know where to explain
Yi Geum: That…is…I wanted to go but something came up…Ah…after I met up with a certain Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan
Choi Dong Yi: What with a certain Hanseong Ban Gwan?
Yi Geum: Yes, I was with him all this while together
Choi Dong Yi looks baffled but seems to accept her son’s explanation
Choi Dong Yi: We will speak of this inside the house
Yi Geum: Yes Eomeoni
Yi Geum breathe a sigh in relief that his mother accepted his explanation
Sukjong is looking over Choi Dong Yi’s abode at the distance watching her go in with Yi Geum. Sukjong tells that it was in the year Gyeyu (circa 1695) 6th month 11th day, it is that fateful day that he has send Choi Dong Yi away to her private abode, also the day that the child was born, it was the year of Gapsul. Chief Eunuch Han feels for Sukjong. Sukjong tells Chief Eunuch Han that he is well aware that he has never forgotten that fateful moment. Sukjong determined that the time has come. The time that he has long awaited for the moment to come has arrived
Yi Geum shows Choi Dong Yi the books that Sukjong purchase for him. Choi Dong Yi queries that this certain Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan bought his theses book & book wrap. Yi Geum continues to rave that he went to see the street performance, Ssireum match then it was an interesting & fun time. Choi Dong Yi wonder who this Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan is
Sukjong looks for a moment then leaves his observation post as Oh Ho Yang was behind him & was stealing peeks notices Sukjong observing Choi Dong Yi’s abode. Oh Ho Yang asked what is happening here that he clearly can recognise that it is Sukjong. Sukjong is contemplating in Daejeon & recalls the fateful day that Choi Dong Yi leaving the palace to her private abode. Sukjong picks up the reports to read & looks determined
Choi Dong Yi putting her tired son to bed pats him to sleep then she recalls her son telling her that he has met a certain Hanseong Ban Gwan as Choi Dong Yi smiles to tells the similarity that her son has also met a particular Hanseong Ban Gwan then she recalls the past when she met Sukjong & asked who he is & asked perhaps whether he is a Military Officer. Sukjong affirms then introduce himself to her as Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan. Choi Dong Yi smiles but feel sad to relive those memory of Sukjong
Notice of Geum Hyeong Ryeong read by the public that Crown Prince is about to get married & candidate for his Consort is selection trails will be selected. Jang Hee Bin is Chwi Seon Dang is upset as she reads the notice that Crown Prince will be selecting Se Ja Bin (Crown Princess) & crumpled the notice in upset. Jang Hee Bin tells that Queen Inhyeon finally made her move. Jang Hee Jae tells that Queen Inhyeon is now insisting to pursue in selecting candidates for in regards to the selection of the Crown Princess. Mdm Yoon asked whether the Crown Prince has yet to have any improvement to recover from his ailment then she fear what if Sukjong finds out that Crown Prince’s ailment that he can’t produce any posterity. Jang Hee Bin insist that this will never happened. Jang Hee Bin tells Jo Sang Gung that she will go & see Queen Inhyeon in Daejojeon & asked her to prepare. Jo Sang Gung acknowledge
Queen Inhyeon is rather blunt to hear that Jang Hee Bin is in Daejojeon to seek audience with her.
Queen Inhyeon: Is it?….Hee Bin?….
Ahn Sang Gung: Yes, Mama
Queen Inhyeon looks at the Crown Prince who is with her as Crown Prince looks unsettle
Queen Inhyeon: She may enter.
Jang Hee Bin marches in then surprise to see Crown Prince presence in Queen Inhyeon’s residence.
Jang Hee Bin: Se Ja?
Crown Prince stands up to greets his mother. Queen Inhyeon coldly welcomes Jang Hee Bin
Queen Inhyeon: Welcome…Hee Bin…please sit down, we are in the midst of discussing the selection of candidate for the Crown Princess that is why I have summon the Crown Prince to come here
Queen Inhyeon can detect & see that the ambience between Jang Hee Bin & Crown Prince is somewhat amiss & awkward
Jang Mu Yeol looks like he has been promoted to the Military Ministry to the officialdom of 3rd rank as Jang Hee Jae approach him that he need to convince the Namin faction to defer Crown Prince from taking a Consort & take up a petition that Crown Prince is still too young to have a Consort. Jang Mu Yeol asked if this is Jang Hee Bin’s intention that he will have no comments but however in his opinion why defer in Crown Prince’s marriage. Jang Hee Jae can’t speak on the matter. Jang Mu Yeol tells that in his opinion that they must stabilise the Royal Household that the Crown Prince must take a Consort & produce posterity to strengthen his foundation & stabilise the Royal Household. Jang Hee Jae can’t say further & asked Jang Mu Yeol to do as he is instructed & not to asked question & asked if he is clear. Jang Mu Yeol now beginning to have doubts about what the Jangs sibling is hiding & concealing something from him as he looks excluded from their circle. Jang Mu Yeol send Jang Hee Jae off then Jang Hee Jae reminds Jang Mu Yeol to bear this in mind & leaves. Jang Mu Yeol tells Officer Min that a person who can’t keep his emotion in check will soon reveal it clearly on his expression, Jang Mu Yeol tells Officer Min that there is something clearly amiss that they are keeping conceal then asked Officer Min to find out what may that be. Officer Min acknowledged
Queen Inhyeon queries Jang Hee Bin
Queen Inhyeon: Defer in the marriage? I have said it the past that this is not possible
Jang Hee Bin: I understand…but however…
Queen Inhyeon: Then why are you asking me to repeat myself. Now at presence what is most crucial & of importance in the agenda than anything else is that the Crown Prince takes a Consort. The matter of the utmost importance, as the mother to Crown Prince that you have come to mentioned to have his marriage defer
Jang Hee Bin; Se Ja’s age is still too young to be married, Mama….therefore the marriage will like to defer to a later date.
Queen Inhyeon: Se Ja is already in an eligible marital age to be married. Haven’t you forgotten that a few months ago under your request that the selection of Consort have been deferred? I still can’t comprehend & baffled what your intention are on this matter…Tell me….wouldn’t it perhaps there is another undisclosed reason that is playing a part in this decision.
Jang Hee Bin is taken aback as Queen Inhyeon tries to read Jang Hee Bin’s reaction
Jang Hee Bin: No…there is nothing at all. How can that be anything else, Mama
Queen Inhyeon: Is it?….If you say there is nothing then I will proceed with the selection of the Crown Princess as schedule. If there is nothing further you may be excuse from the residence, Hee Bin
Queen Inhyeon really have no patience to entertain Jang Hee Bin & can’t wait to eject Jang Hee Bin out of her residence, as there is nothing cordial between them. Jang Hee Bin leave in a huff then recalls Queen Inhyeon queries if there is an undisclosed reason. The Jang Hee Bin wonders whether Queen Inhyeon’s remark perhaps trigger her sense on suspicion to have see through on the Crown Prince’s matter. Queen Inhyeon tells her residence staff that there is definitely something wrong with the Crown Prince that Jang Hee Bin is trying to conceal. Queen Inhyeon asked her staff to discreetly meet & convince Court Physician Nam’s member of his medical staff to find out the reason. Queen Inhyeon asked Jung Geum to look for an opportunity to bring that staff to her under discretion
Shim Yun Taek accompanied Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum to the rural areas to seek the recommended Yun Han Kim Gu Seon & tell that from his description that it should be residing at this parts. Then Shim Yun Taek asked a farmer in the paddy fields for the direction to Yun Han’s house. The farmer tells that if they are referring to that person, it seems he scatter into mountain a long time ago. Shim Yun Taek surprise as the farmer reiterates that that the said Yanban has scatter into the mountain & mentioned that he is already dead. Choi Dong Yi is surprised Shim Yun Taek insist that this is impossible from the information he has gathered. The farmer just grunts it off & return to his field. Shim Yun Taek brushes that the farmer doesn’t know anything as he asked Choi Dong Yi to wait while he looks for direction. Choi Dong Yi acknowledged. Choi Dong Yi asked Yi Geum to wait a moment here for Shim Yun Taek to return as he acknowledge
The farmer comes out from his paddy field but he slips as Yi Geum goes to support him & asked whether he is alright. Choi Dong Yi calls out to her son.
Yi Geum: Are you alright
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Kim Gu Seon: I am fine
Then Yi Geum retrieves his azada from the field for the farmer
Yi Geum: Here is your azada….
Then Yi Geum notices the verses from the Doctrine of Means in the handle of the azada.
Yi Geum: Oh This is the verses taken from the “Doctrine of Means”
Kim Gu Seon: Can you comprehend this verse?
The farmer is surprise that Yi Geum can recognise the verse.
Yi Geum recites that it is the Doctrine of Means Chapter 23 誠者物之終始、不誠無物。是故君子誠之為貴
Yi Geum: Sincerity is the beginning and end of all things. Without sincerity there is nothing. Thus the Superior Man values the process of “becoming-sincere.” Isn’t that indeed?
Azada is a square shape bladed hoe
The farmer is shocked that Yi Geum is well verse in the Doctrine of Means. Choi Dong Yi know that the farmer is Yun Han Kim Gu Seon
Choi Dong Yi: Teacher. It is first time meeting you; Teacher Yun Han I presume….
The farmer identity had been found out
In Kim Gu Seon’s cottage, Yi Geum playing with the house dog outside as Kim Gu Seon tells that such a young age to able to comprehend the “Great Learning” & “Doctrine of Means” that he himself can’t surpass that in comparison. Kim Gu Seon tells that when he was Yi Geum’s age, he could only recites the Analects of Confucius. Shim Yun Taek asked Kim Gu Seon about suggesting to accept Yi Geum as his student & to be responsible for his education as a tutor. Kim Gu Seon tells that Yun Han is already dead, this is what he has just mentioned to them. Shim Yun Taek pleas with Kim Gu Seon. Kim Gu Seon apologise that they have waste their journey to come here to see him, although it is said that Yi Geum is indeed a child prodigy but it his principal that he never accept student who are from political background. Choi Dong Yi tells that at the present situation, Yi Geum has no other teacher to turn to for his education except Kim Gu Seon & asked whether Kim Gu Seon would consider making an exception for Yi Geum. Kim Gu Seon declines Choi Dong Yi & tells that he is regrettable for Yi Geum not able to seek a tutor but that is none of his concern or business. Choi Dong Yi then tells Kim Gu Seon that she understands then apologise for coming here to disturb him then Choi Dong Yi asked Shim Yun Taek to leaves
Choi Dong Yi leaves Kim Gu Seon’s cottage as Shim Yun Taek is concern why Choi Dong Yi is giving up so easily. Choi Dong Yi turns around then asked how can she give up on Kim Gu Seon. Choi Dong Yi tells Shim Yun Taek he still doesn’t understand her disposition. Shim Yun Taek is surprise as Choi Dong Yi said she is not nickname Pungsan for nothing then she insists of employing Kim Gu Seon as her son’s tutor. Choi Dong Yi tells Liu Bei has to invite Kong Ming (Zhuge Liang) 3 times before Kong Ming agrees to help him. Shim Yun Taek tells that Choi Dong Yi wants to follow the footsteps of Liu Bei as Choi Dong Yi tells that she is not as great as Liu Bei then she asked whether 3 times is sufficient for to persuade Kim Gu Seon. Choi Dong Yi tells that there is a possibility that because of Kim Gu Seon, she will become a most bothersome figure to him. Choi Dong Yi looks at her son playing with the dog & his future. Choi Dong Yi enquire from Shim Yun Taek on something whether he knows who is the current Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan
Mdm Park goes to report on the pretext to provoke Mdm Yoon. Oh Taek Pung learns from his son that Mdm Park has gone to Mdm Yoon’s residence. Oh Ho Yang confirms that his mother wants to convey what he has seen Sukjong loitering around in Choi Dong Yi’s abode to Mdm Yoon & her mother took flight without a trance to the Mdm Yoon’s residence at once. Oh Tae Pung asked why as Oh Ho Yang tells his father that Mdm Park wishes to provoke upset at Mdm Yoon. Oh Taek Pung can’t believe that his wife has done this as he want to use that news for Jang Hee Jae to barter & his wife slip this one pass him. Mdm Yoon obviously very shock to Mdm Park has mentioned & want to affirm where was Sukjong. Mdm Park asked how many times must she repeat herself, Mdm Park reiterate that Sukjong has been seen around Choi Dong Yi’s abode & then dress under incognito goes to see Prince Yi Geum. Mdm Yoon is blowing in puff as Mdm Park tells that this is all she knows, that actually Sukjong really miss & long for Prince Yi Geum who is his posterity….then Mdm Yoon shout for her servant Wong then demands Mdm Park be leave her residence at once, as Mdm Park leaves quickly. Mdm Yoon upset that Sukjong went to seek Choi Dong Yi again & also meets Prince Yi Geum
Choi Dong Yi learns from the actual Hanseong Ban Gwan that he didn’t meet with Yi Geum. Choi Dong Yi asked whether there is another Ban Gwan as she knows that Hanseong Administration has 2 Official that will hold that designation titles. Hanseong Ban Gwan apologise that the another position is still vacant at this moment. This leaves Choi Dong Yi to wonder who might that be
Sukjong is in Daejeon with Seo Yong Gi. Sukjong pass a document where Seo Yong Gi surprise to read & asked whether this is the material evidence that Sukjong has keep under wrap all this while with intent. Sukjong confirm that this is indeed, this is why he require a long duration of time to gather these materials
Mdm Yoon decides on her own accord without prior consultation with either Jang Hee Bin or Jang Hee Jae. Mdm Yoon pays the arsonist 100 nyang & asked them to settle the matter according to her instruction. The arsonist acknowledged & takes the money & leaves. Mdm Yoon maid concern whether they should prior inform Jang Hee Bin in regards to the matter. Mdm Yoon tells that Jang Hee Bin is already vexed with worry about Crown Prince’s affairs & informing her about the matter, will not be beneficial for Jang Hee Bin’s stress. Mdm Yoon will have to take to her own hand to resolve the matter to eliminate Choi Dong Yi discreetly
Choi Dong Yi puts her son to sleep as then she ponder who is the person incognito as Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan to get close to Yi Geum, she wonder & suspect whether it could have been send by Chwi Seon Dang. Then she pats the sleeping Yi Geum. The arsonist jumps over the fencing. Choi Dong Yi hear some noise outside & wonder could it be Bong Sang Gung then not suspecting a thing, blow of the oil lamp to prepare to sleep. The arsonist bolted & latch the doors with a hoe. Choi Dong Yi prepares for bed then hears noise again then calls if someone is outside then call out whether it is Bong Sang Gung. The arsonist open the door for his accomplice who came in with lighted torches then they bedded the house with dry straw & start to set the fire on the straw, as Choi Dong Yi goes to bed with Yi Geum, she sees a puff of smoke from outside seeping to the room.
Choi Dong Yi reaches the door to find it bolted & jam then shout for someone outside the shouts for Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung as the fire rages. Meanwhile Ae Jung & Bong Sang Gung sleeping like a log. Choi Dong Yi goes to wake up Yi Geum to get up at once.
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!…Wake up!…. Geum Ah!
Choi Dong Yi sits up her son
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!…Wake up!…. Geum Ah!
Yi Geum: Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah…open your eyes, we must escape from here at once!!!!… Geum Ah!… Geum Ah!
Yi Geum is coughing from smoke inhalation. Choi Dong Yi gives Yi Geum a cloth to cover his nose & mouth as a filter
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Yi Geum: I can’t breathe, Eomeoni.
Choi Dong Yi: Just hang in there for a while….Geum Ah….just a while
Choi Dong Yi attempt on the door but her hand get burn from holding the hot metal door rings
Bong Sang Gung wakes up by the smoke & call Ae Jung to wake up & shout that the house is on fire. They tries to make their escape but their window & door are also bolted. Choi Dong Yi breaks the door open & attempt to unbolt the door but the heat from the fire was too hot for her, as she shout help from outside.
Choi Dong Yi: Is anyone outside….Bong Sang Gung…Ae Jung!!!!…Cough!!!! Cough!!!
By this time, Yi Geum already falling unconscious from smoke inhalation. Choi Dong Yi turns to sheer panic to see her son loses consciousness & goes to him to shout for him to regain consciousness that he can’t lose consciousness & shout for her son to wake up.
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!…. Geum Ah!…. Geum Ah!….Regain your consciousness… Geum Ah!….You can’t close your eyes…. Geum Ah!….
Choi Dong Yi can’t gets her son to regain consciousness then picks up her unconscious son,
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!…. Geum Ah!…. Geum Ah!….
Choi Dong Yi starting to cough from smoke inhalation
Then the Captain of the guards come shouting for Choi dong Yi
Captain: Mama!!!!
As they break the door open then the captain asked his soldier to escort Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yi Geum out of danger.
Captain: Sukwon Mama!!!! What are you all waiting for…. escort Sukwon Mama & Hwang Ja Mama Royal Prince out of here to safety
Soldier: Yes…
Choi Dong Yi: Geum..ah!!!….My Child…. Geum Ah!…. Geum Ah!…. Geum Ah!….
Choi Dong Yi follow her son being carry by the soldier from the engulfed flame house as she is concern with worry that her son has lose consciousness & shouts at her son whether he is alright as she is fighting cough from her own smoke inhalation.
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!….are you alright!!!…
Captain: Mama, are you alright
The soldiers trying to put the fire out. Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung are also rescue & calls out to Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi now panic that Yi Geum has lose consciousness as she too have been badly affect by smoke inhalation herself
Choi Dong Yi: Geum …yi…Ah!….he has lost consciousness….he is unconscious… Geum Ah!….
Sukjong learn from Chief Eunuch Han that Choi Dong Yi’s abode has been set on fire & looks panic. The wonder how can this be happening.
Choi Dong Yi is sent to Royal private residence for safety as Choi Dong Yi demand to know how is Prince Yi Geum from the Court physician attending to her injuries
Choi Dong Yi: How is Hwang Ja?… Geum Ah!….how is he doing?….I must go & see Hwang Ja
Choi Dong Yi wants to see Prince Yi Geum at once then wants to run out as the Court physician & Bong Sang Gung stops her. Court Physician tells that Choi Dong Yi must 1st seek treatment for her burn hand.
Court Physician: Mama? Your hand had suffer burns & firstly you need to have your injury treated
Choi Dong Yi is paying not concern about her injuries then asked the Court physician to move aside as she leave to see Yi Geum.
Choi Dong Yi: Move aside & let me through. I need to see to Hwang Ja first
Choi Dong Yi leaves the room in desperate worry for Yi Geum as Bong Sang Gung can’t stop her.
Sukjong & his security gallops on their steed to the Royal private residence. Choi Dong Yo comes to Yi Geum room as Yi Geum is sitting up & greets his mother. The medical staff move aside for Choi Dong Yi to approach her son
Yi Geum: Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi goes to her son to hug him with some relief to see he is alright. Bong Sang Gung follows
Bong Sang Gung: Hwang Ja Mama?
Choi dong Yi: Are you alright, Geum…ah?…Are you fine?
Yi Geum: Eomeoni?
Court physician: Please be rest assured…Mama. The Prince just suffer from slight shock, there is nothing concern about ailments
Choi Dong Yi glad to hear the prognosis & hug her son
Choi Dong Yi: Geum…Ah!!!
Sukjong comes sprinting into the Royal Private residence & demands from the Officer who greets him
Sukjong: Where is Sukwon…& Hwang Ja?….
Choi Dong Yi comes out staggering wobble in her steps after the traumatic experience from the fire to calm her nerves then look at her burn hand sustain from the fire. Then wonder who could have done this when Sukjong comes running. Choi Dong Yi surprise to see Sukjong
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong can’t believe who is standing before him. Sukjong slowly approaches Choi Dong Yi as Choi Dong Yi calls out to him
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?….How can Cheon Na be here?…Why are you here?….
Sukjong wipes Choi Dong Yi’s tears from her cheeks for his 1st touch of Choi Dong Yi in 6 years
Sukjong: Really….is that you Dong Yi?…is it really….that you that is now standing in front of me…..
Sukjong just embrace Choi Dong Yi
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Choi Dong then relents & melts into Sukjong’s embrace. Sukjong hold Choi Dong Yi tightly to have Choi dong Yi secure in his embrace
Jang Hee Bin has a bad migraine day at Chwi Seon Dang & bethink in her thoughts. Jo Sang Gung asked Jang Hee Bin to retire to bed, it has been days that Jang Hee Bin suffer sleepless nights. Jang Hee Bin tells that sleep, it will be nice if she can sleeps. Then Yeong Sun comes shouting in frantic. Jang Hee Bin tells at this time of the night, what has happened. Jo Sang Gung asked Yeong Sun to enter then inform there is a problem. Jang Hee Bin tells what is the matter. Yeong Sun tells that it seems Sukjong has gone to look for Choi Dong Yi. Jang Hee Bin looks stun then asked what is Yeong Sun saying that why would Sukjong go look for Choi Dong Yi & what did he do that. Yeong Sun tells that Cho Dong Yi’s private abode was set on fire as Yeong Sun can’t make a comprehensive sentence with the mentioned… therefore she is now in the Royal Private residence…also Sukjong went to find Choi Dong Yi there. Jang Hee Bin asked Yeong Sun to make a proper sentence to what she wants to say as she rebuke that she can’t understand a word Yeong Sun is saying & asked Yeong Sun construct her sentence comprehensively. Jang Hee Bin question why Sukjong has gone to look for Choi Dong Yi, then asked what is the meaning of this then
In the Royal Private residence, Sukjong is beside Yi Geum bed to see him to sleep as he touches his son face, sadden that his son has to suffer such traumatic ordeal. Choi Dong Yi outside the premises contemplating, her burn hand has been medically attend to & is bandage then recalls she learns from the Captain of the soldiers
Choi Dong Yi: Is this really …..under Cheon Na’s instructions?….Is it really that Cheon Na’s instruction that has provided & sent security protection on my private abode?
Captain: Yes, this is so….Mama
Choi Dong Yi surprise
Captain: Cheon Na wants us under great discretion from everyone knowledge to provide protection & security to Sukwon Mama & Hwang Ja Mama’s safety hence forth since Mama left the palace 6 years ago, no matter where or when Sukwon Mama or Hwang Ja Mama’s whereabouts, we were monitoring closely in providing security to the both of you, this fire incident is due to our shortcoming & folly in our observation & surveillance. It will spell disaster if we are just a step too late. I deserve death for this folly…Please render forgiveness to us for our folly
Sukjong comes outside to Choi Dong Yi as she turns to him. Sukjong picks up Choi Dong Yi bandage hand
Sukjong: In the end, I still render & brought you to this kind of harm….then has allow them to come & hurt you.
Choi Dong Yi has no words to answer
Sukjong: It should be no matter what the odds are, that I will safe guard you at all cost. I don’t want & must not for you or the Royal Prince to come to any harm
Choi Dong Yi: How…What is actually happening here….Cheon Na?…Why have Cheon Na send soldiers to provide….
Sukjong: Do you think it is possible for me to forsake you? Do you think that I will able to do that & vice versa in turn that you can do that to me?….Never in a moment of your life that I have ever left you, that I have every day have chats & laughs with you together, seeing the Royal Prince grow up, by using my heart that I have spent my days like that
Choi Dong Yi is touched
Sukjong: Here now this can no longer able to stay this way, I want to see with my eyes that you are physically in front of me at a moment notice & that I will able to use my arms to give the Royal Prince my embrace
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Return to the palace…Dong Yi….together with the Royal Prince & to return to your former placing then the child to his rightful place
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na! What are you implying by saying this? You wish for us to return to the palace
Sukjong nods in affirmative
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na, this is impossible… can you able to go against your own decree & retract what you have decree, don’t you know what backlash implication might result in this?
Sukjong: Do you know, how is it possible for me…for so long a time that I have endure for this moment? It is because I have the opportunity to overturn this matter, because it has past 6 years, that I will able to seek to have you & my child to return to my side
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong holds Choi Dong Yi’s hand to give her some assurance of confidence
Sukjong return to Daejeon rather furious then asked Chief Eunuch Han to summon Do Seong Ji to see him. Chief eunuch Han acknowledge as Sukjong looks at the hoe that bolted Choi Dong Yi’s abode doors then Sukjong is seen fuming with anger
Royal Court is assemble in Injeongjeon as the Namin faction learns that Sukjong went to seek Choi Dong Yi last night. Jang Mu Yeol confirms that Sukjong indeed has. The Namin faction asked what is happening here. The Namin faction tells that Sukjong went against his decree to seek Choi Dong Yi again, how can this happened. Jang Mu Yeol can only sighs
Jang Hee Bin is pacing with anxiety in Chwi Seon Dang as Jang Hee Jae comes in then assures Jang Hee Bin not to worry that Sukjong has given them another golden opportunity to get rid of Choi dong Yi once & for all then it will definitely will not happened what Jang Hee Bin has feared
Meanwhile Queen Inhyeon doing a counter measure in assault, to asked Jung In Guk to look into the matter at once. Jung In Guk acknowledged & leaves. Ahn Sang Gung asked with concern whether will this matter bring catastrophe to Choi Dong Yi. Queen Inhyeon tells that it will not, on the contrary that Sukjong will conduct to do matter in such a rash & reckless manner, if this is Sukjong’s decision then he has every comprehensive reason to do so. Queen Inhyeon is most certain
Sukjong face his Royal Court
Chua Sang: Last night we have heard some unfavourable news that has happened…it is said that Cheon Na…..
Sukjong: Wait a moment….before proceeding to that…I will like to convey matter to the Official of the Royal Court…it is nothing major in said of issue…it could have been done simply in form of written decree but since everyone has assemble in the throne hall then I will take this opportunity to convey to you all….Is it by chance that the official must have knowledge…there is a Royal Prince who have reside in a private abode is already now 7 years old this year, moreover all of you may know, at that age, the Royal Prince should eligible to enter Jung Hak to received his Royal education, therefore I will accordance to the Royal protocol will summon Royal Prince & his mother Sukwon to return to the palace, to allow the Royal Prince to receive his Royal education that has been render for him as a member of the Royal posterity
Jung Hak during Joseon Dynasty was the academy that was responsible in providing education for the member of the Royal Household & that they hold officialdom of 4th rank
Chua Sang: Cheon Na? You really want to summon Hwang Ja Mama & Sukwon Mama to return to the can….
Sukjong: I have not finished speaking…Chua Sang!!!!
Sukjong show the evidence of the hoe to the Royal Court
Sukjong: Do you know what this is….Last night…don’t know who may it be, that they wanted to harm & threaten Sukwon & Royal Prince’s life by setting fire to their abode & bolted the door…. with this hoe!!!! Therefore it is my turn in question to asked the Royal Court, I definitely never decree that to put Sukwon to death, never has decree that the Royal Prince as the member of the Royal posterity can never able to have his Royal education but however for a Royal Prince who share the bloodline with the Monarch & also the life of his birth mother has now been threatened in grave risk but however you all oppose Sukwon & Royal Prince not to return to the palace…Then this is fine & well….how about this….if I were to abide to your petition to have Sukwon & the Royal Prince to continue residing in a private abode, if yet again when any harm come to threaten their lives, at that moment will I able to compensate their lives in exchange for the lives of the Royal Court that is presence here to be held responsible for their deaths
Royal Court is silence
Eun Geum comes to inform Jeong Sang Gung whether she has heard the news that Choi Dong Yi will return to the palace. Jeong Sang Gung has heard the news as the decree has reach the Internal Bureau of Investigation. Jung Im tells that Sukjong has been waiting for an opportunity that will able to summoned Choi Dong Yi to return to the palace. Yoo Sang Gung concurs that she knew that Choi Dong Yi will one day return to the palace. Shi Bin tells that she has no knowledge that she thought that Sukjong has abandon Choi Dong Yi. Eun Geum tells does Shi Bi think that Sukjong is such a person, will he do that. Jung Im is surprised, as far as she knows that Eun Geum has been blaming Sukjong for forsaking Choi Dong Yi. Eun Geum tells that it is just prattles. Everyone is happy for Choi Dong Yi
Queen Inhyeon hears the news of Choi Dong Yi imminent return to the palace. Ahn Sang Gung share the joy
Ahn Sang Gung: Mama!
Queen Inhyeon: Looks like this is exactly what I has said, didn’t I have mentioned that one day, Cheon Na will summoned Sukwon to return to the palace
Shim Yun Taek: Seo Yong Gi of Nae Geum Bu was hoping for a long time for this moment then I have heard that Seo Yong Gi only learn of Cheon Na’s intention recently, Mama
Queen Inhyeon: But however, Chwi Seon Dang & the Namin faction will not stand by idle to let this pass without protest therefore this time, Seoin faction must step forward to render assistance to Sukwon
Shim Yun Taek: Yes, Mama…Please be rest assured
Queen Inhyeon: I really wish to see Sukwon soon, now I am waiting here in excitement with some impatience
Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal share the joy with Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung that they can return to the palace. Bing Sang Gung & Ae Jung tells that Sukjong is really frightening to have endures so long a time to wait for this opportunity. Hwang Joo Shik thanked Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung for standing by Choi Dong Yi’s side all this time. Yeong Dal sebae to Bog Sang Gung & Ae Jung in gratitude
Seo Yong Gi with Choi Dong Yi as he is surprise that Choi Dong Yi has her concern to return to the palace
Seo Yong Gi: What are you saying here, Mama? Are you saying that you have fear in returning to the palace? Would it perhaps because the reason lies in Hwang Ja Mama…..
Choi Dong Yi looks worried
Seo Yong Gi: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: Just thinking that the Royal Prince who will return to the palace, what kind of ordeal will he has to experience is giving me fears…Yeong Gam…you are well aware..what kind of potential that child possess…
Seo Yong Gi: Therefore you wish to avoid that….do you feel that this matter can be avoidable?…Even in the private abode environment….you can never able to conceal the Royal Prince’s potential…there comes a day, that they all will know that Royal Prince extraordinary talents then at that moment, it will come to a great risk to you & him
Choi Dong Yi: I understand…I am clearly aware of that risk…Yeong Gam…therefore this has let me to fear…that I know that this is the child destiny & the journey he has to take as a Royal Prince…from now commence that the child will have to face all the ordeals that is forth coming
Choi Dong Yi step outside to contemplate with sighs as Yi Geum comes running to his mother
Yi Geum: Eomeoni!
Yi Geum comes to hug his mother
Yi Geum: Is this true, Eomeoni? Did Ah Ba Mama really summoned Mother to return to the palace? Is it truth that I can enter the palace?
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Yi Geum: I have heard from Bong Sang Gung…it is said that I can enter the palace. Ah Ba Mama has come to looks for Mother & me to return to the palace
Choi Dong Yi stoops down to her son eye contact
Choi Dong Yi: Are you really so happy?… are able to enter the palace that you are so happy?
Yi Geum: Of course I am, Mother….Mother, aren’t you also happy about the matter? I am so excite & happy that I can take flight….
Choi Dong Yi realise how longing Yi Geum is…
Yi Geum: Yesterday I has a dream, I dream that Ah Ba Mama came to me & stroke my head & hold my hands, when I woke up, it was just a dream…it was really sad….make me sad..that…this….
Choi Dong Yi weeps
Yi Geum: Now I can able see Ah Ba Mama in physical appearance, isn’t that so?
Choi Dong Yi wipes her son tears & hugs him
Jang Hee Jae can’t believe that Sukjong has summoned Choi Dong Yi to return to the palace & the Royal Court showed no opposition
Jang Hee Jae: How can this be happening? How can Cheon Na speaks so incomprehensively
Jang Mu Yeol: However, we don’t have the lawful right to oppose the Royal Prince from entering the Jung Hak for his Royal education, moreover Sukjong has given careful consideration to the matter & that he has referring in other rightful rights
Jang Hee Jae: This is why I am saying, why this must happened now ….when the Crown Prince is having….
Jang Hee Bin: Orrabuni!….Orrabuni?
Jang Hee Bin stops her brother from blurting about the Crown Prince. Jang Mu Yeol sense something amiss
Jang Hee Bin: You just convey this to the Namin faction, Cheon Na wants to stake their lives in collateral then convey to them that she also wish for the Namin faction to stake their lives as well, do you understand?
Jang Mu Yeol: Yes
Choi Dong Yi contemplating as she looks at her Tang Yi that has prepare for her to enter the palace then recalls Seo Yong Gi telling Choi Dong Yi whether she wishes to avoid the matter….or does she feel that this matter can be avoidable?…Choi Dong Yi thinks of Cha Cheon Soo & utter for him.
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabuni?
Cha Cheon Soo in exile looking towards the direction of Doseong
Choi Dong Yi comes to see her son to tuck his bedding then smiles to see Yi Geum holding to his shoes as he smiles in his sleep in excitement that he is returning to the palace & his imperial clothes is next to his bed
Choi Dong Yi finally acknowledged
Choi Dong Yi: Fine…Geum Ah!….We will go back….return to the palace where your Ah Ba Mama resides…we will return….My child…let Mother to come to safe guard your safety, no matter what the storm is, no matter what the trials & ordeals is, all this will be block & shelter by Mother that is in front of you
Choi Dong Yi takes Yi Geum hands then vows
Choi Dong Yi: Trust mother….My Child….I will never let go of you….If I able to safe guard you…if I am able to save you…I will do whatever it takes no matter what the consequences may be
Choi Dong Yi is determined in steadfast to protect her son
It is a touching scene as they enter the palace, everyone bows in greeting. Choi Dong Yi leaves the palace alone on a single palanquin. Now returning with a large entourage with more than one palanquin. The palanquin stops & the doors open as Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum steps out from their palanquin & view the palace, everyone greets them as Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum as Choi Dong Yi smiles
Yi Geum comes to his mother
Yi Geum: Eomeoni
Choi Dong Yi holds her son as she looks on.