Dong Yi Episode 50

Prince Yeoning busy making his health wreath for Queen Inhyeon & is happy & proud that he complete it that he can give to Queen Inhyeon straight away
Choi Dong Yi takes a step a back in disbelieve & mutter that this can’t be possible when she learns from the Royal Physician that there is nothing medical that he can do to help Queen Inhyeon’s recovery as Choi Dong Yi can’t digest the truth about Queen Inhyeon’s imminent passing & in a state of disbelieve over the prognosis. Then Sukjong shouts for Queen Inhyeon as Choi Dong Yi fears the worst as she hears Sukjong screaming for Queen Inhyeon
Sukjong: Jung Jong?…Jung Jong!!!!
Ahn Sang Gung shouts for Queen Inhyeon
Ahn Sang Gung: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: MAMA?…

In Daejojeon, Queen Inhyeon grasping for her last breaths as Sukjong pleading to Queen Inhyeon to hang in there.
Sukjong: Jung Jong, just hang on….I beg you….will you please take strength…please…Jung Jong…please just take strength
Queen Inhyeon grasping in selflessness telling Sukjong to adhere to her indelible last words
Queen Inhyeon: Cheon Na, this must be done….you must do this for Suk Ui….you must do that in order for the sake of Crown Prince Yun…also Prince Yeoning to be safe & sound
Sukjong: Jung Jong?
Queen Inhyeon: Cheon Na….you must adhere…I plead you, to just do in accordance…for Royal Household…please I asked of you….protect the Royal Household….please….
Queen Inhyeon is fighting & grasping for breath to finish her sentences then Queen Inhyeon drops her hand then expires from her last breath. Sukjong shocked at Queen Inhyeon passing as Sukjong goes & pick her up into his arms then trying to wake her up by calling out to her & asking her to hang on & she can’t do this, she can’t leave him like this. Choi Dong Yi comes in stun at Queen Inhyeon’s passing as she slumps to the floor crying & mourns for Queen Inhyeon’s passing. Sukjong telling Queen Inhyeon that he can’t do without her that Queen Inhyeon can’t leave the world like that. Choi Dong Yi cries that Queen Inhyeon can’t leave them like that
Prince Yeoning runs to Daejojeon to give his flower wreath to Queen Inhyeon as Ae Jung calls out to Prince Yeoning not to run so fast or he will slip & fall & Prince Yeoning asked Ae Jung to catch up quickly. Prince Yeoning comes to Daejojeon only seeing residence staff wailing for Queen Inhyeon’s passing. Bong Sang Gung greets as Prince Yeoning asked what is happening while are all the people kneeling down & wailing in cries. Bong Sang Gung can just cry as Ae Jung could sense that wouldn’t it perhaps that Queen Inhyeon has passed away
Choi Dong Yi stagger out as Prince Yeoning calls out to his mother as Choi Dong Yi approaches her son. Prince Yeoning asked whether Queen Inhyeon has passed away. Choi Dong Yi can only utter for her son as Prince Yeoning tells that he has completed the flower wreath for Queen Inhyeon & that hanging this wreath will wish her fast recovery, as Choi Dong Yi console Prince Yeoning, as Prince Yeoning mourns for Queen Inhyeon’s passing in his mother’s consolation embrace
Seoin faction wails in cries in public mourning for Queen Inhyeon’s passing at Injeongjeon then the music bureau. The general populace also mourn for Queen Inhyeon’s passing. Oh Tae Pung & family pretending to mourn for Queen Inhyeon
Korean traditional funeral has their hidden belief. It is said that the wailing cries the louder it is, the less the spirit of the deceased person will harm the living members in the family. This is said that most of the spirits are very jealous of the living people, including their own family members. The longer and louder Sang Ju and the family wails, the more the spirit will accept his or her death.
There is a painting illustration (Banchado) about 24 pages of the state funeral Uigwe (Royal Protocol) of Queen Inhyeon
Jang Hee Jae come home screaming in jubilation for his mother that he look like he has struck lottery then informs Mdm Yoon that he has just heard that Queen Inhyeon has just died, as Mdm Yoon asked whether this is true. Jang Hee Jae that this will just do for them they now can survive, it is a great success. Jang Hee Jae & Mdm Yoon are so relief of Queen Inhyeon’s death
Jang Hee Bin & her residence staff takes a bow of respect to the direction of Daejojeon for Queen Inhyeon. Sukjong looks daze from shock of Queen Inhyeon’s passing & calls out to Queen Inhyeon outside her residence
Choi Dong Yi at Queen Inhyeon’s death bed with Prince Yeoning’s flower wreath
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi recalls Queen Inhyeon’s last words to her
Queen Inhyeon: Please don’t ever forget…Suk Ui… that it is my happiest & providential to have had your pleasant acquaintance & friendship, having able to have such a bosom friend it is a most intimate & happiness for me with you Suk Ui
I always think that they should at least cover the neck when they do the death scene at a close up as it is so obvious to see the arterial palpitation of the carotid artery (neck). It was the same with the death of Seong Seon Yeon (Yi San, it was really obvious at Han Ji Min’s neck was almost palpitation with vibes) & Princess Cheon Myeong (Queen Seon Deok).
Choi Dong Yi put Prince Yeoning’s flower wreath
Choi Dong Yi: I was able to serve you & Mama who has regard me as a bosom friend…I feels indeed that is most fortunate & happiness in which I am thankful in gratitude & I will never forget our friendship. Mama has render me so much favours & kindness, I will never forget the bestowed grace you have render me…Mama
Flashback of Queen Inhyeon rendering Choi Dong Yi her warms hand holds on her return from disposition. Choi Dong Yi mourns for Queen Inhyeon’s death
After being notified of the tragic news, the Royal Household would take off their regular headgear and garments, wear their hair in a natural style, and remove all decorative accessories. The royal court would issue a decree that prohibited various activities during the mourning period, while the military office declared a state of emergency and mobilized reinforcements to secure the palace grounds and city gates. During the mourning period, the coffin of queen would be placed above an ice tray and enclosed with a framework of bamboo that was packed with ice, which provided adequate refrigeration to preserve the body. Although the ice enabled the body to be preserved, additional provisions were needed to absorb the moisture that resulted from its melting. For this, another bamboo framework was installed that would be packed with dried seaweed, which provided a dehumidifying insulation to absorb the moisture. Over the course of five months, huge mounds of seaweed would be needed for this purpose.
Court offices forwarded official notification documents to central and provincial governing authorities with information about the pending state funeral. For a five-day period, the retail markets were closed, and essentials could only be acquired through underground channels. For three months after a king or Queen’s death, there would be a general prohibition of wedding ceremonies, musical performances, and butchering of livestock. The Minister of Personnel, in conjunction with the State Council, formed three temporary offices – Office of the Royal Coffin, Office of the Royal Funeral, and Office of the Royal Tomb – to oversee various activities related to the state funeral. Those assigned to the royal coffin made arrangements for the Queen’s funeral garments, mortuary tablet, and coffin, as well as garments for the official mourners, while the royal funeral officials procured a variety of burial items, such as ceramic wares, furniture, musical instruments, funeral bier, ritual implements, and royal seals. The most significant tasks were undertaken by the Office of the Royal Tomb, which was responsible for constructing the royal tomb. The development of a tomb included preparation of the site for building the T-shaped shrine (for conducting ceremonial rituals for the deceased), pavilion to enshrine the memorial stone, and tomb structure, with a burial chamber, and areas for tomb caretakers and the preparation of ritual food. The mayor of Seoul would assure the proper maintenance of the roadways and bridges along the path to the tomb site.
The palace wears mourning clothes, as Queen Inhyeon coffin is taken to her tomb with a funeral procession. For example the funeral procession of Queen Inseon, the wife of King Hyojong (reign 1649-1659), which began on May 28, 1674, proceeded from Seoul to Yeongneung in Yeoju, Gyeonggi-do Province, by way of the Hangang River over a period of three days and two nights, involving a flotilla of 150 vessels manned by 3,690 sailors. For the funeral of Queen Inyeol, wife of King Injo (reign 1623-1649), her procession included 6,770 people, according to historical records.
The happy scene of Queen Inhyeon. Choi Dong Yi in her mourning clothes seeing Daejojeon is being empty of all furniture as she turns to Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!…You must never forget Queen Inhyeon…how Queen Inhyeon’s grace was render toward Mother & you & how fond she is…
Prince Yeoning: Yes, Eomeoni!
Choi Dong Yi looks at Daejojeon
Choi Dong Yi: I will adhere & obey to what you have said…that I will survive….just like I have swore my promise to you …that we will survive in this palace…to have the Royal Prince…this child….I will protect him at all cost
Thunderstorm in the night as a palanquin is carried on the streets. Jang Hee Jae goes to Chwi Seon Dang in the rain to see Jang Hee Bin who is waiting for him.
Don’t they have umbrella in the Joseon dynasty
Jang Hee Bin asked how is the progress as Jang Hee Jae tells that they are now in the midst to gather in assembly for their discussion between both faction. A new leader of the Seoin faction comes out from the palanquin. The character is Oh Sang Dae Gam (Right Minister) Im Sang Hyeon as Jang Mu Yeol send greetings to Wu Sang Dae Gam Im Sang Hyeon. Jang Hee Jae is surprise that Im Sang Hyeon who is the Soron faction leader is participating in the discussion. Jang Hee Jae tells that in the end Seoin Soron faction also concurs with the Namin faction that in agreement that they will propose Jang Hee Bin to resume to succeed as Queen Consort since in principal, it will justify as she is the mother to the Crown Prince. Jang Hee Bin aspires to triumphant return to Daejojeon. Jang Hee Bin tells that Soron faction sides with them, then the Noron faction who sided Queen Inhyeon will not be able to have the vocal to utter in protest. Jang Hee Jae affirms that they will know soon enough
Seoin faction splits to Noron (Old Doctrine) & Soron (Young Doctrine) faction
Im Sang Hyeon chairs the meeting & he gets the general consensus of approval as Namin & Soron faction in acknowledgment of having the same agenda. Jang Hee Bin is in her residence waiting for good news & looks victorious. Jang Hee Jae sends his men on an errand to escort the Mudang to a safe house & make sure their movement is not detected & tells them whether they are clear. Jang Hee Jae’s men acknowledged & leaves. But then Cha Cheon Soo is keeping a close watch on Jang Hee Jae’s men & track them to the Mudang’s hide out
Yoo Sang Gung takes Jang Hee Jae’s dagger to a blacksmith to verify who does it belong to. The blacksmith tells that this dagger belongs exclusively to Jang Hee Jae that he has forge & cast for him. Shi Bi asked whether the blacksmith confirms as the blacksmith tells he made the dagger when Jang Hee Jae was in tenure as Chief Commissioner of the police bureau. Jang Hee Jae’s men passing whisper message to the Mudang as the Mudang looks slight anxious. Cha Cheon Soo track the men to the Mudang’s cottage
Cha Cheon Soo reports to Choi Dong Yi that he has confirms that Jang Hee Jae’s men did indeed have contacts with the Mudang. Cha Cheon Soo tells Choi Dong Yi that he has investigate that after Queen Inhyeon’s death, the Mudang packed up & left from her former house, now seeking refuge in a secluded abode in the mountains. Choi Dong Yi believes that this Mudang was the person who did Queen Inhyeon’s shamanistic ritual to curse with the intent to bring harm to Queen Inhyeon therefore she definitely need to hide away
Bang Ja is shamanistic ritual or witch craft to put a curse on someone
Jeong Sang Gung confirms that the dagger found does belong to Jang Hee Jae. Choi Dong Yi picks up the dagger. Jung Im tells that they have confirmation from the blacksmith who forge the dagger for Jang Hee Jae. Cha Cheon Soo suggests that if they arrest of the Mudang to implicate the Jangs in witchcraft practices against bringing harm to Queen Inhyeon, they can make their case. Seo Yong Gi advises that they must exercise caution & not to act rash, that they 1st have them under surveillance & wait for an opportunity to strike them at one go. Cha Cheon Soo concurs. Shim Yun Taek tells that he fear for the missing female physician that is giving him the worries, all them knows that in finding the female physician the truth about Crown Prince’s health ailment will be expose, even though they can implicate that Chwi Seon Dang of wrongdoing but then Crown Prince Yun succeed the throne then Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning’s safety will be at risk. Shim Yun Taek tells it is seen that Chwi Seon Dang will wish to get rid of the female physician at all cost but then where did she disappeared to & where is her whereabouts now
Jang Hee Bin also wonder that it has already past 2 months there is no traces where is the female physician’s whereabouts although she know that Choi Dong Yi don’t have her then asked where is that female physician’s whereabout now
Im Sang Hyeon leaves the meeting. Jang Mu Yeol looks like he has another agenda at hand, since the Namin & Soron faction has mutual agree unanimously to propose Jang Hee Bin as Queen Consort that will secure Crown Prince Yun’s position. Officer Min asked Jang Hee Yeol whether he has already decided to take the common stand to side Chwi Seon Dang & Crown Prince Yun. Jang Mu Yeol question on siding & that if there is no alternative measure to choose Jang Hee Bin become Queen Consort, indeed it will be, even if the truth that Crown Prince Yun is impotent can able to succeed the throne. Officer Min asked Jang Mu Yeol whether they need to do away with the female physician as Jang Mu Yeol tells there is no rush that they will take matter at stride slowly as they wait for Jang Hee Bin to become Queen Consort is still not late to deal with the female physician, before that happened, Jang Mu Yeol want to seek for a justify escape route if matter fails
Choi Dong Yi contemplates then calls for Bong Sang Gung as Bong Sang Gung come in & acknowledge. Choi Dong Yi wishes to see Prince Yeoning & asked him to come over. Bong Sang Gung informs Choi Dong Yi that Prince Yeoning has gone to Donggungjeon. Choi Dong Yi is surprise that Prince Yeoning is yet again gone to Donggungjeon then she sighs
Donggungjeon is the official residence of Crown Prince
The Canon of Yao says, “he was able to manifest his lofty virtue.”
Prince Yeoning discussing the Canon of Yao classic with Crown Prince Yun on the text “the Canon of Yao says, “he was able to manifest his lofty virtue.” That Prince Yeoning tells that his teacher has explains “He made the able & virtuous distinguished, and thence proceeded to the love of (all in) the nine classes of his kindred, who (thus) became harmonious”
Jae Jeon or The “Canon of Yao” and the “Canon of Shun” present a picture of an ideal monarchy administered by benevolent sages. The Cannon of Yao comes under the Book of History under the 6 classics. The Classic of History (Shū Jīng) is a collection of documents and speeches alleged to have been written by rulers and officials of the early Zhou period and before. It contains examples of early Chinese prose. The rest of the 6 classics; The I Ching (I Jīng; Classic of Changes or Book of Changes); The Classic of Poetry or The Book of Odes Shī Jīng); The Classic of Rites; The Spring and Autumn Annals Chūn Qiū, also known as Lín Jīng); The Classic of Music (Yue Ching)
Crown Prince Yun hears Prince Yeoning explanation tells he can comprehend better the meaning of the text. Crown Prince Yun tells that it is enjoyable to study together with Prince Yeoning. Crown Prince Yun express that it is such a boredom study the classics alone by himself. Prince Yeoning tells that he enjoy studying with Crown Prince Yun & accidentally utter to address Crown Prince Yun as “Hyungnim”. Crown Prince Yun is surprise with that reference. Prince Yeoning apologise for his disrespect then tells that outside the palace, the common folk address their elder brother as “Hyungnim” that it was wrong of him to address Crown Prince Yun as “Hyungnim” but it came so natural in address him as “Hyungnim”. Crown Prince Yun tells Prince Yeoning that it is fine, that he likes being address as “Hyungnim” & therefore Prince Yeoning should continue to address him as such when they are together rather than Crown Prince. Prince Yeoning is happy that he can really address Crown Prince Yun as “Hyungnim”. Crown Prince Yun tells that this is of course. Crown Prince Yun tells it is his turn to teach Prince Yeoning with his studies by teaching how to write in ink brush in calligraphy as Prince Yeoning volunteer to grind the ink stick for Crown Prince Yun since he is the younger sibling & that he should do it for his elder brother then trying to pacify an itch, Prince Yeoning dirtied his face with ink. Crown Prince Yun laughs to see a funny sight of Prince Yeoning. Prince Yeoning asked why is Crown Prince Yun laughing as Crown Prince Yun tells Prince Yeoning that he can be outstanding that he can read & well verse in the classic but he is still a child…Crown Prince Yun asked Prince Yeoning to come over as he wipes the ink off Prince Yeoning’s face as Prince Yeoning asked whether there is something wrong with his face, Crown Prince tells that it is his fault that he use his hand to scratch his face that he has ink on his face then show the proof on the cloth…as Prince Yeoning is embarrass & Crown Prince Yun smiles
Jang Hee Bin comes in & shouts what is Crown Prince Yun thinks he is doing. Crown Prince Yun surprise at his mother’s arrival as Prince Yeoning greets Jang Hee Bin. Jang Hee Bin shows her disapproval at seeing them together. Prince Yeoning leaves Donggungjeon as Choi Dong Yi comes to meet with Prince Yeoning & call him as Prince Yeoning greets his mother as Choi Dong Yi surprise to see Prince Yeoning has anxiety written on his face.
Jang Hee Bin reprimand her son asking what did she has instructed to him about not to get so close acquainted to Prince Yeoning. Crown Prince Yun comes to defense that Prince Yeoning is his younger brother. Jang Hee Bin tells who has told him that Prince Yeoning is his younger brother, as Jang Hee Bin who permits him to address Prince Yeoning has that. Jang Hee Bin reminds Crown Prince Yun that Prince Yeoning is his rival. Crown Prince Yun can’t understand his mother’s opposition as Jang Hee Bin tells Crown Prince Yun not to have repeats herself again on this matter that he is not to allow to invite Prince Yeoning to come to Donggungjeon again & asked if he is clear. Crown Prince Yun refuses to comply & adhere to Jang Hee Bin’s request as he will not do so. Crown Prince Yun tells Prince Yeoning is a well like person in his character & Crown Prince Yun finds that he is very fond of Prince Yeoning that he can’t understand why his mother said otherwise to perceived that Prince Yeoning is his rival. Jang Hee Bin tells her son how can she makes him understand the dire implication at hand & that Crown Prince Yun can say such things. Jang Hee Bin reiterate to her son that Prince Yeoning is Choi Dong Yi’s son therefore Choi Dong Yi is making use of Prince Yeoning that he will one day usurp & waver his Crown Prince position & moreover Prince Yeoning will divulge about Crown Prince Yun’s ailment. Crown Prince Yun then question his mother on what is the ailment that he is suffering but Jang Hee Bin doesn’t go further
Choi Dong Yi having a meal with her son at her residence then asked that Crown Prince Yun is teaching Prince Yeoning calligraphy as Prince Yeoning tells that Crown Prince Yun asked him to come back tomorrow as Choi Dong Yi surprised Prince Yeoning refers Crown Prince Yun as “Hyungnim”. Prince Yeoning explains that Crown Prince Yun has asked him to refer him as elder brother “Hyungnim” & no need to use protocol when they are alone together. Choi Dong Yi is surprise that Crown Prince Yun has allows Prince Yeoning to do away with protocol & permit Prince Yeoning to address him cordially as “Hyungnim” when they are together in which Prince Yeoning is really happy about it. Choi Dong Yi tells that Prince Yeoning has done well & must be really happy that Prince Yeoning gets to address Crown Prince Yun as Hyungnim & Crown Prince Yun is an excellent brother as Prince Yeoning tells he always envious when the children in ordinary family could address their elder brother as “Hyungnim” & Prince Yeoning express having a great time with Prince Yeoning. Choi Dong Yi smiles that she will like to share Prince Yeoning’s joy but has her concern & caution as she goes to pats Prince Yeoning
Bong Sang Gung comes & asked Ae Jung whether Choi Dong Yi is in as Ae Jung tells that Choi Dong Yi is having her meal with Prince Yeoning & asked whether something has happened. Bong Sang Gung then calls out to Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi asked Bong Sang Gung what the excitement is all about that Bong Sang Gung looks frantic pale with panic as Bong Sang Gung tells that the Namin & Soron faction has assemble to stage a petition at Injeongjeon to propose that Jang Hee Bin is to be made as Queen Consort. Choi Dong Yi looking at her son Prince Yeoning can only sigh at hearing the news
Shim Yun Taek goes to see Seo Yong Gi whether they have heard about the proposal. Seo Yong Gi also have heard & express his dismay that what they has foreseen coming has finally come. Sukjong is also alarm to hear about Royal Court’s petition at Injeongjeon for Jang Hee Bin to be made Queen Consort. Sukjong tells his Royal Court that Queen Inhyeon’s state funeral was just recent & still in mourning & how dare they bring up the subject is such disrespectful manner. Im Sang Hyeon tells that the Queen Consort can’t be vacant even for a single day & such an importance, why is Sukjong hesitant as Im Sang Hyeon propose that Chwi Seon Dang’s Jang Hee Bin is Crown Prince Yun’s mother therefore eligible & bearing in consideration the importance of stability of the nation’s foundation that Crown Prince Yun is succeeding Monarch, the Royal Court has consent in general consensus that Jang Hee Bin is eligible to become Queen Consort, the Royal Court asked Sukjong to reconsider. Jang Mu Yeol doesn’t have a reaction that he concurs with the Namin faction
Jang Hee bin looks at the vacated Daejojeon as she aspires to be the proprietor of the residence again. Cha Cheon Soo comes to see Choi Dong Yi as Choi Dong Yi greets Cha Cheon Soo. Cha Cheon Soo express that they can no longer wait on this matter, Cha Cheon Soo tells that they should arrest the Mudang & the found Jang Hee Jae’s dagger is enough evidence to prove conspiracy to bring harm to Queen Inhyeon & therefore report the matter to Sukjong for his decision. Choi Dong Yi hesitates to ponder & mentioned about disclosure everything to Sukjong as Cha Cheon Soo tells that they still can’t find the female physician but they have other substantial evidence that can be justified & Sukjong will believe Choi Dong Yi in what she say
Choi Dong Yi in turn asked does Cha Cheon Soo knows where is Prince Yeoning is presently at now. Choi Dong Yi answer that Prince Yeoning is in Donggungjeon where Prince Yeoning is together with the Crown Prince Yin who he already has addresses him as “Hyungnim”. Choi Dong Yi tells that it is said that Crown Prince Yun is today teaching Prince Yeoning on how to play the game of “tuho”. Choi Dong Yi can only sighs
Tuho, or ‘Pitch-pot,’ (also Mandarin Chinese touhu, Japanese tōko) is a game with a long history, both in China and Korea. Tuho is a game of skill that involves throwing arrows (or in this case sticks) into a jar or vase.
Shim Yun Bok’s painting on the game of tuho
Historically Yeongjo finally vanquish the Namin faction all together & took them off the register, most probably it could be to render justice to his mother. When the remnants of the Namin faction support Crown Prince Sado politically, this led Yeongjo to be furious with his Crown Prince in which the Noron faction manipulate & falsified Crown Prince Sado’s treason
Crown Prince Yun teaching Prince Yeoning a game of tuho as Prince Yeoning practices his throws as Crown Prince Yun helps Prince Yeoning to fine tune his throws
Meanwhile Choi Dong Yi tells Cha Cheon Soo that she understands & fully aware that if Jang Hee Bin becomes Queen Consort & this may bring Prince Yeoning a possibility a great risk to his safety & moreover if Crown Prince Yun ascend the throne, it goes without a doubt the added implication therefore she express her frightful fear at this moment, how does she go about safe guard Prince Yeoning’s safety, but if she wishes to protect Prince Yeoning then that moment, Crown Prince Yun will be at risk. Cha Cheon Soo express his concern over Choi Dong Yi being pessimistic in hesitant but then…as Choi Dong Yi adds she know that this is the palace, this is politics & intrigues but she express that however, Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun no knowledge or nothing about politics, that the brother are now presently getting acquainted & having a great time in each other company. Choi Dong Yi tells after Queen Inhyeon’s passing, that the promise she swore to her, is finding it difficult to uphold. Choi Dong Yi has adhere to what she has promised Queen Inhyeon that she must safe guard Prince Yeoning no matter what the consequences but afraid on the consequences to safe guard Prince Yeoning, might end up usurp his trusted elder brother in which Choi Dong Yi doesn’t find it correct that whether by doing this, will be of any beneficial advantage to Prince Yeoning. Cha Cheon Soo asked what Choi Dong Yi wants to do about the matter.
Choi Dong Yi: I am determined to safe guard Prince Yeoning & his all in which his life, his heartfelt & every thing
Do Seong Ji tells Sukjong to reconsider that the Royal Court has proposal has justify & sufficient argument. Sukjong doesn’t want to hear & asked Do Seong Ji to leave as he already got an earful from the Royal Court in Injeongjeon. Do Seong Ji tries to persuade but Sukjong wouldn’t listen to anymore as Do Seong Ji leaves. Sukjong recalls Queen Inhyeon’s indelible last words of her final & earnest request that she wishes to have Choi Dong Yi succeed her to become Queen Consort & asked Sukjong to make that possible that if he does so, with Choi Dong Yi then it could guarantee the safety of Choi Dong Yi, Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun
Queen Inhyeon: Cheon Na, I have a final earnest request to ask from you….the designation of Queen Consort…that position of Queen consort….please render to Suk Ui
Sukjong: Jung Jong?
Queen Inhyeon: If it is Suk Ui, she will able to embrace the pitiful Crown Prince Yun…If it is Suk Ui, she will able to cherish & dotes on Crown Prince Yun….this must be done…..only in that…Crown Prince Yun…also Prince Yeoning….is able to be safe & well
Sukjong discuss this matter to Chief Eunuch Han in regards to Queen Inhyeon indelible last words for him. Sukjong tells that Queen Inhyeon could foreseen that if Jang Hee Bin assume Queen Consort then it may threaten the safety of Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning. Chief Eunuch Han tells but however the matter as Sukjong understands well that this will be difficult to accomplished since Choi Dong Yi is from Cheonmin class moreover Jang Hee Bin is the birth mother of Crown Prince Yun. Sukjong perplex that moreover as for Choi Dong Yi this is not the results that she hopes for or intent & he is understands Choi Dong Yi’s feeling on the matter. Sukjong tells that this is why he is so perturbed on how he is in suppose to go about resolving this matter. Sukjong tells that it will be great that if he can just believe & trust in Jang Hee Bin of Chwi Seon Dang but express his doubtfulness in Jang Hee Bin
Choi Dong Yi in her residence & looking at the Mudang evidence in front of her, determined that she has come to a decision. Jang Hee Bin is surprise after being told by Jo Sang Gung that Choi Dong Yi has come to Chwi Seon Dang to see her. Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung frantically looking for Choi Dong Yi who is missing from her residence as Ae Jung tells that Choi Dong Yi wasn’t in Prince Yeoning’s room & either did she go to Daejeon then asked whether she went out of the palace. Bong Sang Gung express that she was so glad that Choi Dong Yi’s disappearing act has halted then asked what is happening here that in the lateness of night, Choi Dong Yi didn’t go out with her Gungnyeo entourage & asked where did Choi Dong Yi has gone to. Ae Jung thought that she could get some peace & quiet. Bong Sang Gung scolds that Ae Jung didn’t keep her eyes alert on matters
Jang Hee Bin is with Choi Dong Yi
Jang Hee Bin: Well!….speak & let’s have it…what is the purpose of your lone visit to my residence, in this lateness of the night without even an accompanied Gungnyeo entourage
Choi Dong Yi: it is because the reason that I mustn’t let no one have the knowledge that I have come to visit your residence
Jang Hee Bin is taken aback in surprised
Jang Hee Bin: What?
Choi Dong Yi: This….will become a pact secret between you, Mama & I
Choi Dong Yi brings up the package of the Mudang evidence & pass it to Jang Hee Bin as Jang Hee Bin question what is in this package.
Jang Hee Bin: What is this?
Choi Dong Yi: Please open & have a look at the package.
Jang Hee Bin open the package to find a half burn straw effigy & a wooden block with the inscription of “Yeoheung Min Clan” as Jang Hee Bin is stun by the items.
Jang Hee Bin: These are……What is the meaning of this….
Choi Dong Yi: This are the items & the evidences of your brother Jang Hee Jae & your mother Mdm Yoon who have engage a Mudang with the intent to bring harm to Queen Inhyeon
Jang Hee Bin: What?
Choi Dong Yi: Both of them has brought the Mudang into the palace then using witchcraft to curse Queen Inhyeon, moreover to inform you that the said Mudang is now under my custody
Jang Hee Bin: Shut your trap!!!!……Engage witchcraft on Queen Inhyeon!….You have no chance to do anything amiss to Crown Prince Yun, now in turn you have come to accuse me in misfeasance…Do you think that I will accept this kind of threats from you?….
Mu Go is engaging witches to use witchcraft to curse someone
Choi Dong Yi just sighs at Jang Hee Bin’s outburst
Jang Hee Bin: You just want to complete what Queen Inhyeon has started in scheming again Crown Prince Yun, don’t you think I don’t know…..You don’t even have the female physician who know about Crown Prince Yun’s secret…now you have come here to assault me with malicious excuses to waver Crown Prince Yun’s position
Choi Dong Yi: This…this items I will give this to you, Mama
Jang Hee Bin: What?
Choi Dong Yi: What I am saying that I will give you, Mama this items….
Jang Hee Bin can only looks stun at a very serene Choi Dong Yi
Seo Yong Gi is shocked to learn learns from Cha Cheon Soo that Choi Dong Yi took the Mudang evidence to confront Jang Hee Bin as Seo Yong Gi tells that this will jeopardise Choi Dong Yi’s own personal safety. Cha Cheon Soo can only express regret
Jang Hee Bin is shocked that Choi Dong Yi is giving this evidence to her.
Jang Hee Bin: Now…what are you trying to say there?….You are going to give this to me….
Choi Dong Yi: yes, this is precisely….although this matter in accordance to the law of the nation is a serious offence, but however I do know that this is not of Mama’s own doing, moreover I do know that this kind of witchcraft & absurd practice can’t bring about in contributing to someone’s death
Shamanism was suppressed during the heavily Confucian Joseon Dynasty but doesn’t stop common populace from practice & belief & embedded culturally & even to this day. I have a Neurosurgeon’s friend who has a tenure being a teaching Professor in a University hospital in Seoul that Korean patient generally seek treatment for their illness in this order. First try Traditional medicine or Oriental medicine, if it doesn’t work then a Shaman practitioner then only to a Western practitioner. By the time the patient come & see him, they are already advance, thus their distrust in Western medicine
Jang Hee Bin: What are you trying to pull here…what kind of calculative scheme are you trying to conjure here…toward me
Choi Dong Yi: Moreover….I in regards to the knowledge of Crown Prince Yun’s ailment will never disclose not a single truth about the matter to Cheon Na, Mama…therefore Crown Prince Yun will smoothly able to ascend the throne, Mama…
Jang Hee Bin: What is your purpose of intention in speaking of this to me…what is the reason that you have come to derive to this decision
Choi Dong Yi: I just want to create a chance of an opportunity….
Jang Hee Bin: What?
Choi Dong Yi: For Mama….& I….also Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning to give us all…that can be said…a final chance that we may have….
Choi Dong Yi leaves Chwi Seon Dang then as she turn to see Chwi Seon Dang. Jang Hee Bin recalls Choi Dong Yi conversation with her
Choi Dong Yi: I wish to render to Prince Yeoning is not power & politics, moreover a teaching of life itself, Mama, in comparison to power & politics, this is seem more importance to teach him the lesson to cherish & treasure lives in itself…hence what you have fear that might happen, will never happened, therefore, will you choose to trust me this once on this matter…just let it be…to have Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning to develop & flourish their brotherly relationship to exist in this world, will you permit that?….The time that I first met you when I return to the palace, that I have said to you that I will never forget a single matter, that the matter that I can’t never erase from my memories, will be offset by the memories of when I first time I ever met you, just like at it was then, that I was able to trust Mama, so wholeheartedly that I wish to have that trust of the past, in order for us to be given this final chance. I want that trust, Mama
I wonder if Choi Dong Yi made a good tactical move but I will believe that Jang Hee Bin till trample on Choi Dong Yi’s sincerity that she just want to survive peacefully in the palace
Jang Hee Bin takes the straw effigy, but then Choi Dong Yi still have Jang Hee Jae’s dagger as backup
Choi Dong Yi returns to Bo Gyeong Dang as Bong Sang Gung notice her return then driving Bong Sang Gung frantic in panic with her missing whereabouts & asked where she has been. Choi Dong Yi apologise & asked if they are looking for her as Bong Sang Gung tells that goes without saying & that the ambience of palace in now in the state of tumult. Bong Sang Gung tells that Choi Dong Yi is driving them crazy with anxiety & shorter life span in fear for her safety. Choi Dong Yi makes a joke that they haven’t play this disappearing act game for a while, it should find it exciting. Bong sang Gung & Ae Jung protest as Choi Dong Yi laughs
Sukjong comes to Bo Gyeong Dang & calls out to Choi Dong Yi
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi is surprised at Sukjong visit to her residence at this late hour & greets him. Sukjong smiles
Choi dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Choi Dong Yi & Sukjong takes a night stroll at the palace & sat at their favourite railing then question where did Choi Dong Yi went in the lateness of the night.
Sukjong: Where did you go?
Choi Dong Yi: I was feeling rather bore therefore went for a stroll to get some fresh air.
Sukjong: Is it?….If you wish stroll to get some fresh air, why did you look me up for that
Choi Dong Yi looks at Sukjong
Sukjong: It seem you prefer to take stroll alone, this leave me slightly disappointed
Choi Dong Yi smiles.
Sukjong: I thought that once you return to the palace, I could get to see your every day but however all day long you only know & chose to be spend all your time at Prince Yeoning’s side & pacify his needs
Choi Dong Yi: therefore…now are you jealous of Prince Yeoning, Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Yes, that is correct…
Choi Dong Yi laughs
Sukjong: That insolent brat….doesn’t know how to allocate appropriate time for his father in sharing his Mother…But however what is the matter that is making you vexed in bother…isn’t perhaps by chance of the events that has occur lately at the palace…the debate of discussion of having Chwi Seon Dang (Jang Hee Bin) resume the position of Queen Consort
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na…that is….
Sukjong: You….can you able to choose to put your trust in me, Dong Yi?…No matter whatever decision I make & whatsoever the decision made, may bring you some kind of laden of difficulties in responsibility…but I will never allow you to bear this laden of difficulty alone
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong takes Choi Dong Yi’s hand & hold it warmly for comfort but both of them show vexed on their faces
Sukjong return to Daejeon & asked Chief Eunuch Han to summoned Do Seong Ji at once to see him. Chief Eunuch Han acknowledged & leaves. Do Seong Ji passed Sukjong decree to his staff & inform them that this is the Suk Ui Mama issue of receipt & asked them to expedite to announce the decree after 3 days but in the meantime, they need to keep this under wraps. Do Seong Ji issue a gagged order on his staff. Do Seong Ji staff acknowledge but then there is an insider in Do Seong Ji’s office goes to look for Officer Min & whisper the information to Officer Min in which he is surprise
Jang Mu Yeol is more astonished to learn about the news
Jang Mu Yeol: What….there is an issuance of receipt for Suk Ui Mama to the rank of “Bin”
Officer Min: Yes, this is indeed, Yeong Gam, this is done under discretion, that it is said that a gagged order has been order to keep silence
Jang Mu Yeol: This moment of time to be issuing a receipt for Suk Ui to the rank of “Bin” that this will mean….

Officer Min: Yeong Gam?

Jang Mu Yeo: It is Suk Ui…Now Cheon Na is making preparation arrangement to have Suk Ui ascend as Queen Consort
Jang Hee Bin ponders on Choi Dong Yi’s sincere intention that Choi Dong Yi is out to test her 7 it is out of sincerity. Jang Hee Bin recalls her conversation
Choi Dong Yi:….that the matter that I can’t never erase from my memories, will be offset by the memories of when I first time I ever met you, just like at it was then, that I was able to trust Mama, so wholeheartedly
Jang Hee Jae goes to Donggungjeon to see Crown Prince Yun but then the Donggungjeon Sang Gung tells that Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince are out of the residence, as Jang Hee Jae acknowledged that they are at it again. The Donggungjeon Sang Gung asked whether she need to calls Crown Prince Yun to see him, Jang Hee Jae tells her there is no need, he doesn’t want to intrude & let them be. Jang Hee Jae enters Donggungjeon then he asked Donggungjeon Sang Gung whether this is Prince Yeoning’s books wrap. The Donggungjeon Sang Gung affirms. Jang Hee Jae acknowledged then excuse the Donggungjeon Sang Gung to leave as she leaves. Jang Hee Jae takes up Prince Yeoning books & tells if this is done well & right, done right, this will implicate Prince Yeoning
Prince Yeoning practice his tuho throws as Crown Prince Yun looks on but he is more bothered with what his mother has said about Choi Dong Yi is making use of Prince Yeoning that he will one day usurp & waver his Crown Prince position & moreover Prince Yeoning will divulge about Crown Prince Yun’s ailment but Jang Hee Bin doesn’t go further. Prince Yeoning is successful with his tuho throws as Crown Prince Yun praise his brother that he has done well. Prince Yeoning invites Crown Prince Yun his turn to throw. Crown Prince Yun then asked Prince Yeoning whether he can render help to him. Prince Yeoning asked what is the matter that require his help
Crown Prince Yun comes to Naeuiwon as Prince Yeoning has to sneak in. Crown Prince Yun wants to enter the Naeuiwon as Court Physician Nam greets him. Crown Prince Yun tells that he was looking for Court Physician Nam, as he acknowledged & invites Crown Prince Yun to enter. Crown Prince Yun enters Naeuiwon then asked whether this place is where they brew his medicine tonic. Court Physician Nam queries Crown Prince Yun’s sudden visit to Naeuiwon. Crown Prince Yun tells he was just passing through & want to pay Naeuiwon a visit, since Court Physician Nam every day brew his medicine tonic, but then Crown Prince Yun wants some knowledge & understanding on how Court Physician Nam’s effort in brewing the medicine tonic. Crown Prince Yun tells that he wants to put a recommendation for Court Physician Nam for his render effort then asked where is the person in charge of Naeuiwon. Court Physician Nam thanked Crown Prince Yun for his recommendation
Crown Prince Yun look at this medicine tonic brewing away then as he leaves, he praise the staff for their effort well done & leaves before signal Prince Yeoning to enter as Prince Yeoning goes to the medicine tonic then identify the medicine brewing by its signage “Donggung” as Prince Yeoning said that this is the medicine. Crown Prince Yun wants Prince Yeoning to identify the herbs on the medicine brew..Chinese angelica… White Mulberry Root-bark.
Dang Gwi is Angelica Sinensis. The common name is Chinese Angelica. It is also given for strengthening blood circulation, for cardiovascular conditions/high blood pressure, inflammation, headache, infections, and nerve pain. It is one of the most popular herb in Oriental medicine & also known as “Female ginseng”
Seong Baek Bi is cortex radix mori albi. The common name White Mulberry Root-bark. Disperses endogenic heat and Phlegm from the Lungs; Calms dyspnea; Diuretic; Resolves oedema; …
Prince Yeoning hears someone coming, then asked what is suppose to do & he decided to take samples of the herb with him & runs off.
Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning goes to browse the library for reference for the samples of the herb that Prince Yeoning has taken. Both brothers take an undertaking to find out the usage of the medicine tonic that Crown Prince Yun is taking. Prince Yeoning tells that they need to seek what combination of the medicine herb, then they will now what ailment that it is prescribe for. Crown Prince Yun tells that they will do so. Prince Yeoning find the prescription then Crown Prince Yun goes to take a look, as Prince Yeoning tell that this prescription has all the herb he has collect in the sample
that it is for an ailment is for erectile dysfunction as Crown Prince Yun is stun to discover his ailment. Prince Yeoning expresses concern for Crown Prince Yun as he went back & slump oh his chair then Crown Prince Yun asked how can this happened. Prince Yeoning asked whether the ailment is serious obviously too young to know what is erectile dysfunction
Wi Jil is erectile dysfunction, incapable of sexual intercourse, often because of an inability to achieve or sustain an erection, unable to produce posterity, impotency
Jang Hee Bin confronts her brother on the straw effigy then he is shocked
Jang Hee Jae: Mama?…This means…
Jang Hee Bin: Suk Ui full knowledge of everything to the matter….This items is what Suk Ui has given me….moreover Suk Ui has said that she will not disclose about Crown Prince Yun’s ailment…she will not waver Crown Prince’s foundation to happen
Jang Hee Je, No Mama…this is not true…this is impossible …do you perhaps believe what Suk Ui has said?
Jang Hee Bin: Orrabuni?
Jang Hee Jae: This is a set up…can’t you see that this is all Suk Ui’s misfeasance of decoy tactics…Suk Ui is lying to you….
Jang Hee Bin looks confused
Choi Dong Yi asked Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im to their great surprise to stop all investigation on Chwi Seon Dang. Choi Dong Yi asked Jeong Sang Gung & the Internal Bureau of Investigation to give her some time to resolve matter. Meanwhile Jang Hee Jae order his men to keep surveillance in Choi Dong Yi & her residence then asked that he wish to go & see Jang Mu Yeol. Jang Hee Bin contemplates in her residence. The assailant comes to take the female Physician away as the female physician asked to spare her life & asked where are they taking her. Jang Mu Yeol asked Officer Min in regards to the female physician as Officer Min that he has instructed accordingly to Jang Mu Yeol’s order
Jang Mu Yeol goes to meet Han Jang Bu & Hwang Jung Gu but their meeting has been seen by Jang Hee Jae then asked what is their connection between Jang Mu Yeol & Nae Geum Bu since he can recognise that Han Jang Bu & Hwang Jung Gu are Seo Yong Gi subordinates. Jang Hee Jae is upset. Jang Mu Yeol goes to see Seo Yong Gi as Cha Cheon Soo question Jang Mu Yeol surprise visit & his purpose to meet with them. The female physician is gagged & bound & taken to Officer Min as he asked this men to confine her at the storage house. Jang Hee Jae finds out that Jang Mu Yeol is keep of hold of the female physician all this while. Jang Mu Yeol plans to hand over the female physician to Seo Yong Gi much to Seo Yong Gi surprise.
Seo yong Gi: What…the person that we are looking for…. that is that missing female physician from Donggungjeon is under your custody?
Jang Mu Yeol: Yes, Yeong Gam, this is indeed…the female physician who have knowledge what Crown Prince’s ailment is suffering. I will hand over this female physician into your custody of you & Suk Ui Mama, this is why I request to see you….
Female physician is brought to in to Seo Yong Gi’s Nae Geum Bu by Officer Min
Seo Yong Gi: What is the purpose of intention that you are doing this?
Jang Mu Yeol: Intention?…..What else in the intentions for a governmental official to have…that is to support & stabilise this nation
Jang Hee Bin is shocked to learn from Jang Hee Jae that Jang Mu Yeol was holding the female physician under his custody & now that he has handed the female physician to Seo Yong Gi, then Jang Hee Jae confirms then claims that Jang Mu Yeol has betray them. It was Jang Mu Yeol who snatches the female physician right under them, now he is transacting with Choi Dong Yi’s ally. Jang Hee Jae queries on that Choi Dong Yi has said that she will disclose Crown Prince’s ailment, & question whether Jang Hee Bin wants to believe what Choi Dong Yi has vouch, what prattles about giving them a final chances, it is for this reason as Jang Hee Jae tells that Choi Dong Yi was playing time with them that Choi Dong Yi want to has the noose to strangle them & she in turn will ascend as Queen Consort. Jang Hee Jae tells what he has said about the matter, everything is Choi Dong Yi’s set up & scheme as decoy tactics. Choi Dong Yi has outplayed Jang Hee Bin with her deceit to appease Jang Hee Bin then in turn, Choi Dong Yi will backstabbed her & Crown Prince Yun. Jang Hee Bin is aghast
Choi Dong Yi is doing reading at her residence as she sees her son sighing away
Choi Dong Yi: What seems to be the bother that it is troubling you, Geum Ah?
Prince Yeoning: What?
Choi Dong Yi: Why since from the starts that you keep sighing away?
Prince Yeoning: because…Eomeoni?….Crown Prince, he is…..
Prince Yeoning wants to tell Choi Dong Yi but on 2nd thought that he has promised Crown Prince Yun to keep this a secret as he sighs
Crown Prince Yun: Prince Yeoning, you must keep this a secret between us, will you able to do that?
Prince Yeoning: Yes, Hyungnim, the righteousness of man will honour his word I definitely will honour this promise
Prince Yeoning sighs again
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?….
Prince Yeoning makes an excuse that he needs to go & study & leaves.
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni, it is time for me to leave for my lesson…I will take my leave…
Choi Dong Yi is left clueless
Jang Hee Jae convey his men to expedite according to their plan at once that they will apprehend Prince Yeoning & take action as his men acknowledge. Jang Hee Bin recalls that her brother tells that Choi Dong Yi’s terms of a final chance are just prattle hoax & it is for this reason….that Choi Dong Yi wishes to wait for the time that she can strangle Jang Hee Bin. Jang Hee Bin question that Choi Dong Yi’s sincerity is true, from her eye expression, she knows that Choi Dong Yi is definitely sincere in her terms. Jang Hee Bin must go & confirmed the facts & that she just wait here idle. Jang Hee Bin calls for Jo Sang Gung that she will make a trip to Bo Gyeong Dang
Meanwhile in Bo Gyeong Dang, Choi Dong Yi contemplating, when Bong Sang Gung comes to call Choi Dong Yi
Bong Sang Gung: Mama!….I am Bong Sang Gung
Bong Sang Gung comes in as Choi Dong Yi surprise to see the excitement on Bong Sang Gung’s face
Bong Sang Gung: Mama! Congratulation to you
Choi Dong Yi: What is the matter, Bong Sang Gung? Did something has just happened?
Jang Hee Bin making her way to Bo Gyeong Dang when Yeong Sun comes running to intercept to stop jang Hee Bin on her way
Yeong Sun: Mama!
Yeong Sung approaches Jang Hee Bin
Yeong Sun; Mama…Did you just got to hear the news…this is why you are setting your way so urgently to Daejeon.

Jang Hee Bin: What are you saying there?…What news?

Yeong Sun: Mama?….They have said that Cheon Na has decree to issuance of receipt for Suk Ui to the rank of “Bin” therefore it will be soon that Suk Ui will share the same ranking system of “Bin” as you Mama
Jang Hee Bin: What are you saying?
Jo Sang Gung: Is this really true?
Yeong Sun: Yes, indeed it is, Mama…therefore it is now in everyone debates to say whether Suk Ui will ascend as Queen Consort
Jang Hee Bin is aghast to hear the news
Jo Sang Gung: Mama?
Jang Hee Bin: When was….When was the issuance made?….
Yeong Sun: It was 3 days ago…. Mama…it was 3 days prior that the decree of the issuance was made
Jang Hee Bin makes the calculation & conclude that if it was 3 days ago, Choi Dong Yi would have knowledge about the issuance of the receipt was made. Jang Hee Bin thinks that she has been outplayed by Choi Dong Yi
For Choi Dong Yi this is a double promotion in her status. She was Seong Eun Sang Gung then when Queen Inhyeon return from her disposition she issue Sukwon (4th rank) to Choi Dong Yi. As Choi Dong Yi return to the palace with Prince Yeoning after 6 years residing in a private abode, she has a double promotion in rank to Suk Ui (2nd rank), now in such shortness of time, Choi Dong Yi receive yet another double promotion to the rank of “Bin” that comes 2nd to Queen Consort
Choi Dong Yi is just as shocked that she been issue the rank of “Bin”
Choi dong Yi: The rank of “Bin”…why Cheon Na make such a sudden decision…
Jang Hee Bin staggers & is seen fume in upset over Choi Dong Yi’s receipt as “Bin”
Choi Dong Yi want to go to Daejeon & asked to convey her arrival to Sukjong. Jang Hee Jae comes & asked Choi Dong Yi to wait a moment as Choi Dong Yi turns around & greet Jang Hee Bin.
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Jang Hee Bin: I am here to give my answer to the previous discussion we have together
Prince Yeoning is having lesson with Kim Gu Seon
Kim Gu Seon; Why are you so slow…Quickly bring out & open your book…Mama
Prince Yeoning: Yes, Teacher
Prince Yeoning notice there is an untitled book that is not his among in his book wrap.
Prince Yeoning has the Spring Autumn Annals & Doctrine of Means with him
The Spring and Autumn Annals is the official chronicle of the State of Lu covering the period from 722 BCE to 481 BCE. It is the earliest surviving Chinese historical text to be arranged on annalistic principles. The text is extremely concise, and, if we excluded all of the commentaries, is about 16,000 words long; because of this its meaning can only be appreciated with the aid of ancient commentaries, especially the traditional Commentary of Zuo. Because it was traditionally regarded as having been compiled by Confucius (after a claim to this effect by Mencius), it was included as one of the Five Classics of Chinese literature. However, few modern scholars believe that Confucius had much influence on the formation of the text; this is now assigned to various chroniclers from the State of Lu.
Prince Yeoning: What is this doing here?
Kim Gu Seon: What is the matter?
Prince Yeoning: There is a book in my book wrap that doesn’t belong to me
Kim Gu Seon: What?….What kind of book is it?….please let me take a look at the book,
Prince Yeoning passes the untitled book to Kim Gu Seon takes a look & he is shocked to see the content
Kim Gu Seon: No…this is….Where did this book come from…Mama
Prince Yeoning: What?
Kim Gu Seon: What do you have this book in your possession?
Prince Yeoning tells he has no knowledge on the whereabouts of the book.
Prince Yeoning: I….
Kim Gu Seon finds soldiers coming to them
Meanwhile in Bo Gyeong Dang
Choi Dong Yi: Really….you will do as you have said, Mama…
Jang Hee Bin: Yes, this is precisely…for the sake of you & I….also for the sake of Crown Prince Yun 7 Prince Yeoning, I will grab that final chance that you have render to me
Choi Dong Yi looks sold with Jang Hee Bin’s favourable answer.
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Here Jang Hee Bin is pacifying Choi Dong Yi that she concurs with Choi Dong Yi on their final chance of peace while her brother is out to bring harm to her son Prince Yeoning