Dong Yi Episode 52

Palace soldiers are deploys to Doseong streets with galloping steed & foot soldiers combing streets & alley to looks for the Princes
The police constable comes to the lock up & asked Crown Prince Yun to come out. The police constable asked that Crown Prince Yun be brought out from the cell as the jail keeper acknowledge & opens the door. Crown Prince Yun is drag out from his cell, while Prince Yeoning is sprint on the streets. Choi Dong Yi finds the embroidery purse that belongs to Prince Yeoning then calls for her son
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah…Geum Ah!!!
Cha Cheon Soo comes to Choi Dong Yi as she calls out her son
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama…this is

Choi Dong Yi: This belongs to Prince Yeoning…This proves that Geum Yi has definitely been here…where could Geum Yi & Crown Prince Yun has gone to….Orrabuni
Cho Dong Yi on the brink of panic stricken with anxiety over the missing whereabouts of her son & Crown Prince Yun. Cha Cheon Soo looks around
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!!!…Geum Ah!!!
As she turns…..
Meanwhile Crown Prince Yun is bought to see the captain as Sukjong is upset for the guards incompetent that they still can’t find Crown Prince Yun whereabouts, how can such an absurdity be happening that they can’t even find this nation’s Prince Successor that they don’t know when or where he went missing & now they are here giving Sukjong excuses. The Captain of the palace can only tells Sukjong that he deserve death for his incompetent. Sukjong asked how can they allowed this to have happened & asked what are they doing in their delegation of duties or responsibility. Do Seong Ji asked Sukjong to calm down in his upset as if it get all worked up, this will affect his health. Sukjong now in panic asked whether they can confirm that the palace has no assassin that infiltrated the palace or they can guarantee whether Crown Prince Yun was not kidnap from the palace. The Captain of the Palace confirms that it is none of the above as they can’t see traces of that. Sukjong order the Captain of the palace to look for Crown Prince Yun whereabout at once then warns that if the Captain of the palace doesn’t come back with Crown Prince Yun together then his life will be at stake as he will not leave in body in whole & asked whether the Captain of the palace is clear that Sukjong will make good on his threat. The Captain of the palace acknowledged & leaves. Sukjong sat down in shock in worry then calls out to Crown Prince Yun
Sukjong threaten the Captain of the palace death by decapitation
Jang Hee Jae is also pacing in anxiety at Chwi Seon Dang then tells that it is going to be soon the time of Sul Si & if this continues, that her internal organs will disintegrate from anxiety & dies. Jo Sang Gung assures Jang Hee Bin that they will find Crown Prince Yun soon & asked Jang Hee Bin to calm down her nerves. Jang Hee Jae tells that she doesn’t know of the status on Crown Prince Yun’s well being don’t know whether he is dead or alive, how can she keep calm in this situation
Sul Si is the hour of Dog between 7-9pm
Jang Hee Jae comes to see Jang Hee Bin then asked Jang Hee Bin that they will take their conversation inside the residence. Jang Hee Jae confirms that Crown Prince Yun intentionally divert the residence staff then there is no evidence to suggest that the palace has been infiltrated therefore rule out that it is kidnapping or any attempt of malicious. Jang Hee Bin asked Jang Hee Jae that he is suggesting Crown Prince Yun went out of the palace alone on his own initiative. Jang Hee Jae confirms that Crown Prince Yun indeed did so to suggest that. Jang Hee Bin shocked as Jang Hee Jae tells that there is a possibility something must have happened outside the palace that causes his delay to return to the palace. Jang Hee Jae vows that he will find Crown Prince Yun at all cost then assures & appease Jang Hee Bin’s anxiety. Jang Hee Jae tells that she still can’t comprehend why Crown Prince Yun’s action in doing this & does Crown Prince Yun know what the serious implication to his action is. Jang Hee Bin tells Jang Hee Jae that Crown Prince Yun never went against the rules & regulation before, how can Crown Prince Yun now behave in such a manner. Jang Hee Jae tells Jang Hee Bin that he is looking into the reason behind the matter then he discovers something rather odd. Jang Hee Bin queries about the oddity
Ae Jung asked the residence staff on the progress of their search as they report to her that they still can’t find Prince Yeoning’s whereabouts anywhere in the palace premises grounds or even the Gungnyeo’s quarters. Jang Hee Bin learns from Jang Hee Jae that Prince Yeoning is also missing from the palace. Jang Hee Jae confirms that Bo Gyeong Dang residence staff is frantically looking for something, it clearly suggest that Prince Yeoning is also not in the palace. Jang Hee Bin tells wouldn’t it perhaps by chance to suggest that Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning went out of the palace together. Jang Hee Jae confirms that there is a possibility. Jang Hee Bin jaw agape & utter “heavens”
Yoo Sang Gung & her staff can’t find any traces of the Princes then Shi Bi asked whether they have already returns to the palace. Yoo Sang Gung tells that it is impossible. Yoo Sang Gung tells that before they hear any news that the Princes are found, they must continue their search. Eun Geum tells that she & Shi Bi will split up to continue searching as Yoo Sang Gung agrees that they do so as they split up
Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im meets up with Choi Dong Yi & Cha Cheon Soo then Choi Dong Yi asked them about the progress. Jeong Sang Gung tells that she & Jung Im came up with a naught on their search in their designate area. Jung Im tells that Han Jang Bu & Hwang Jung Gu also came up with nil on their search. Jeong Sang Gung apologise to Choi Dong Yi that they have come up empty handed. Choi Dong Yi tells them not to be as Choi Dong Yi show the perfume pouch & tells that this embroidery purse belongs to Prince Yeoning then it definitely prove that Prince Yeoning did watch the Tak Kyun festivity then Choi Dong Yi asked Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im to start their search from the bridge for the Princes’ whereabouts. They definitely will able to find passerby & eye witnesses that has seen Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun. Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im acknowledged that they will do so at once
Jang Hee Bin contemplating in her residence & upset & in disbelieve that Crown Prince Yun’s disappearance involves Prince Yeoning. Meanwhile Prince Yeoning running to find help as he runs then slip & fall then bruise his knee caps from the fall. Prince Yeoning calls out to asked Crown Prince Yun to wait a while longer while he will find help as Prince Yeoning takes off again
Crown Prince Yun is brought to see & kneel before the Captain as he demands know from Crown Prince Yun where he lived & what is his name. The Captain tells that he has no patience with Crown Prince Yun since the palace has report that the Prince Successor is found missing that Do Seong is now in tumult & the Captain doesn’t have time to entertain Crown Prince Yun’s childishness & asked him to cough it out. The Captain tells that if his parents come to bail him out then he will only give Crown Prince Yun 2 flog penalty & sent him home. Crown Prince Yun is silence as the Captain demands Crown Prince Yun to speak up & of Crown Prince Yun want to be such clam mouth, he will have to gives Crown Prince Yun a beating for him to talk & teach him a lesson. Crown Prince Yun asked him to halt & tells how dare the Captain is going to take a swing at him. The Captain is surprise. Crown Prince Yun stands up & tells the Captain this is fine, he will tells the Captain who he is…..
Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal looks at the frantic scene at the street with soldiers combine the streets. Yeong Dal is surprise that how can this happened that Crown Prince Yun has gone missing. Hwang Joo Shik agree as he hope that Crown Prince Yun is safe, if not he is afraid that this nation will spiral & suffer tumult. Yeong Dal asked Hwang Joo Shik whether if by chance perhaps that Crown Prince Yun is now together with Prince Yeoning. Hwang Joo Shik surprise as Yeong Dal explains that in the day time, Ae Jung came to them to ask them for Prince Yeoning’s whereabouts. Hwang Joo Shik tells that Yeong Dal has nothing to do to speculate on the probability that happened long ago. Hwang Joo Shik tells that it will be preposterous that both the Princes scale the palace wall & went out of the palace together
Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik went back to Yeong Dal house as Yeong Dal speculates that if this is true then this will be trouble. Prince Yeoning is waiting for them at Yeong Dal’s house then shout to them as they are shock to see Prince Yeoning at the premises then Yeong Dal asked Prince Yeoning what is going on & how did Prince Yeoning come about being here at his house. Prince Yeoning pleas with Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik to render help to him
Choi Dong Yi tells Jeong Sang Gung that the Princes could have been involved in a fight. Choi Dong Yi tells that she has found that Prince Yeoning drops his embroidery purse around this area that now given her the worries. Choi Dong Yi tells she has heard that not many people participate during the Tak Kyun festivity, whether the Princes by chance were involve in a fight with others. Cha Cheon Soo tells that he will check the police bureau for the Princes’ whereabout. Jung Im agrees that this a fighting incident then they should be a report on the nearby police bureau will have reported on their log book. Cha Cheon goes to the police bureau, show his identification then tells he wants to see the case log book report for today. The police constable acknowledge & goes in to the police bureau
Hwang Joo Shik is at end wits in handling the matter & asked Yeong Dal what they suppose to do. Yeong Dal volunteer that he will go to the police bureau to save Crown Prince Yun then asked what is he suppose to say, who he is. Prince Yeoning gives him the excuse to tells Yeong Dal to acknowledge that he is Crown Prince Yun’s Uncle. Yeong Dal agrees that he will use that. Yeong Dal will tells that he is Crown Prince Yun’s uncle & will bring him back to the palace then Hwang Joo Shik will be responsible in getting Prince Yeoning back to the palace. Prince Yeoning insists that he wants to follow to the police bureau with Yeong Dal. Hwang Joo Shik disagree for Prince Yeoning to go, if people find out that Prince Yeoning left the palace together with Crown Prince Yun, it will create trouble therefore he convince Prince Yeoning to come & follow him back to the palace with him. Prince Yeoning hesitates as Yeong Dal persuades that Prince Yeoning needs to do so. Yeong Dal assures that he will bring Crown Prince Yun to return to the palace safely. Yeong Dal asked Prince Yeoning to have some trust in him. Prince Yeoning asked Yeong Dal he must promise him to do so that he will able to bring Crown Prince Yun back to the palace safely. Yeong Dal kneels before Prince Yeoning & assures Prince Yeoning that he will & stake his life on the matter. Prince Yeoning taps Yeong Dal shoulder & nods in affirmative that Yeong Dal has his trust. Yeong Dal takes off. Hwang Joo Shik kneels before Prince Yeoning & tells that they will leave for the palace
Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik are acting like a pair of Hwarang Warriors
Yeong Dal sprint to the police bureau with some covert mission to accomplished. Hwang Joo Shik has to drag a reluctant Prince Yeoning to hurry on their journey
Cha Cheon Soo comes out from the police bureau as Choi Dong Yi waits outside for him anxiously then asked what is the progress, as Cha Cheon Soo tells that there was a report case that in the hour of Yu Si, they did arrest a youngster for pickpocket. Choi dong Yi surprise that it is for pickpocket but then the youngster’s description given resemble that to the description of Crown Prince Yun. Choi Dong Yi asked where is the youngster now
Yu Si the hour of Chicken between 5-7pm
Do Mo is pickpocket
Yeong Dal at the police bureau telling himself & programming that he is Crown Prince Yun’s Uncle. Then the police constable comes out as his fellow Officer tells that this person tells that he is a relative to the pickpocket that was caught. Yeong Dal tells that he is the Uncle has heard that his nephew has been arrest to the police bureau therefore he came to bail his nephew out. The Captain tells Yeong Dal that the youngster is on his way home. Yeong Dal surprise that he is on his way back to his house then asked whether Crown Prince Yun is going back to the palace, as the Captain is surprise of the reference to the palace then Yeong Dal makes an excuse that he has too much to drink & leaves….The captain & the police constable drawing blanks & clueless
The Police escort is taking Crown Prince Yun back to his “house” to get the bail money then the police wonder that Crown Prince Yun is such grown up youngster who doesn’t know the names of his parents or his own house address. His partner tells that Crown Prince Yun must be an idiot. The police escort warns Crown Prince Yun not to play trick on them or else he is dead meat as they will not be courteous. Meanwhile Yeong Dal leave the police bureau & wonder where did Crown Prince Yun has gone to as Cha Cheon Soo comes by the police bureau then calls out to Cha Cheon Soo who is surprise to see Yeong Dal. The police escort after walking some distance is feeling tired as the police escort panting for breath to asked whether this is Crown Prince Yun’s “house”. Crown Prince Yun points to make an identification that over there is his “house” then taking Crown Prince Yun there as he confirms that it is his “house”. The police escort calls for attention from the tenant of the house & asked there is no one in. Then the tenant answer the door as the police escort asked the tenant whether Crown Prince Yun is his son. The tenant tells that Crown Prince Yun is not his son & what are they saying. Crown Prince Yun makes a run for it as they turn their attention on the tenant. The police escort gives chase
The least that Crown Prince Yun can do some running, a little improve in formula than when his father 1st started. As he was running from the police escort, Crown Prince Yun was intercept by Cha Cheon Soo to hushes his mouth to one side until the police escort passes them. Cha Cheon Soo take a look at Crown Prince Yun
Crown Prince Yun: Who are you?
Cha Cheon Soo: Crown Prince Yun…please don’t be afraid….I am Military Officer Bu Sa in Uigyeombu
Choi Dong Yi pacing in anxiety then Jeong Sang Gung comes to see her to informs her with some news
Jeong Sang Gung: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: Jeong Sang Gung?
Jeong sang Gung: Mama…. Crown Prince Yun is found….now he is currently together with Cha Cheon Soo & he is safe
Choi Dong Yi glad to hear
Choi Dong Yi: Is this true?…. Crown Prince Yun is unharmed….
Jung Im: Yes, Mama… Crown Prince Yun is safe
Choi Dong Yi breathes a sigh of relief
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning?…What about Prince Yeoning?
Jeong Sang Gung: Please be rest assures on Prince Yeoning, Hwang Joo Shik is in the midst of escorting him back to the palace as we speak
Choi Dong Yi: He has return to the palace?
Jeong Sang Gung: Yes Mama…At this moment, Prince Yeoning would have already arrive at the palace
Choi Dong Yi can breathes easily in relief to hear her son is safe
Choi Dong Yi goes to greet Crown Prince Yun as he greets Choi Dong Yi
Choi Dong Yi: Crown Prince Yun?
Crown Prince Yun: Suk Bin Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: Are you alright?….Is there anywhere that you are hurt?
Cha Cheon Soo: It is a relief that he is unharmed
Crown Prince Yun: My apology to have cause you so much vex & anxiety
Choi Dong Yi: No…not at all… Crown Prince Yun…it is great that you are safe…really a relief….this is really my gratitude… Crown Prince Yun
Choi Dong Yi bows to Crown Prince Yun
Crown Prince Yun: Mama?
Cha Cheon Soo: We need to escort Crown Prince Yun back to the palace at once
Crown Prince Yun: No need, I will return to the palace alone. I have heard that because of me that the palace is now in tumult, if you were to accompany me to the palace then you might be instigated & this may attract unnecessary misunderstanding for you
Choi Dong Yi: But however…. Crown Prince Yun
Crown Prince Yun: Prince Yeoning…because of my folly, he will also be implicated & punished….the child has said that he doesn’t want to…..but it was I who force him to come out with me. I don’t wish for this incident to have any repercussion on Prince Yeoning….
Choi Dong Yi is touch that Crown Prince Yun is righteous
Crown Prince Yun: It is a relief to hear that Prince Yeoning make it safely to the palace then we can consider that Prince Yeoning wasn’t with me all this while today in going out from the palace…Mama…I beg of you….
Choi Dong Yi: Crown Prince Yun?
Crown Prince Yun bows earnestly to Choi Dong Yi as he leaves for the palace. Choi Dong Yi smiles that Crown Prince Yun is such nice in thoughtful character
Sukjong is glad to hear from Chief Eunuch Han that Crown Prince Yun is making his way back to the palace. Chief Eunuch Han conforms that Crown Prince Yun is being escort by his security personnel as Sukjong asked Crown Prince Yun’s well being whether he was unharmed & safe. Chief Eunuch Han gave Sukjong an affirmative that it is a relief that he is unharmed. Sukjong can breathes a sigh of relief
Se Ja Ik Wi Sa is responsible for Crown Prince personal security. In Yi San, Jeongjo personally selected his security personnel that included his friend Park Dae Su
Crown Prince Yun return to Donggungjeon as Jang Hee Bin runs to meet her son as Crown Prince Yun greets his anxious & aghast mother as Jang Hee bin asked his son whether he is alright. Crown Prince Yun assures his frantic mother that he is fine. Jang Hee Bin steps back & asked Crown Prince Yun what is happening here, how can Crown Prince Yun pull out such an absconding act. Crown Prince Yun apologise that he tells Jang Hee Bin that he was feeling rather troubled & bored therefore he just want to take some fresh air alone in a stroll & in the end he didn’t realise that his action has stir to create tumult in the palace. Jang Hee Bin queries
Jang Hee Bin: You say you were alone?…. Crown Prince Yun, are you here now trying to cover up & gloss over for Prince Yeoning!!!
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni? What do you mean by saying that?…
Jang Hee Bin must be so disappointed that Crown Prince Yun is standing to side Prince Yeoning than to see Jang Hee Bin standpoint. Jang Hee Bin tells that she has learn about everything that Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning both of them went out of the palace together, it is Prince Yeoning who coax Crown Prince Yun & bring him out from the palace. Crown Prince Yun defend that it is not like that, it was not Prince Yeoning, instead that he was the person who convince Prince Yeoning to come along. Jang Hee Bin asked whether she will believe what Crown Prince Yun is saying now is true. Jang Hee Bin insists that if it not for Prince Yeoning’s coaxing, how could Crown Prince Yun has come up with such a frightful & preposterous idea to venture out of the palace. Crown Prince Yun tries to pacify as Jang Hee Bin tells that she definitely will not forgive Prince Yeoning for what he has done, the Jang Hee Bin pushes that everything is all Prince Yeoning’s fault that he was the person who tempt Crown Prince Yun to wander in the street of Doseong. Crown Prince Yun insists that it is not what she has said…this is not Prince Yeoning’s fault. Jang Hee Bin asked her son to come to his senses. Crown Prince Yun insists to advocate in defence of Prince Yeoning to his mother…then suddenly collapse in faint before Jang Hee Bin as Jang Hee Bin calls out to her unconscious son
Sukjong in attendance as Court Physician Nam examine Crown Prince Yun’s pulse. Sukjong concern & asked for a prognosis. Court Physician Nam tells that Crown Prince Yun is alright, after some rest, he will recover quickly. Sukjong express relief. Court Physician Nam tells that it is due to fatigue & also expose to chill weather of the night that affect his health. Court Physician Nam excused to leaves the room. Sukjong goes to Crown Prince Yun’s bedside & tell his son not to worry. Court Physician Nam comes out to meet with the anxious Jang Hee Bin then as Jang Hee Bin asked about the prognosis from Court Physician Nam as he tells that it is a relief that Crown Prince Yun’s health has been stabilise & will recovered. Jang Hee Bin breathes a sigh in relief. Court Physician Nam tells that Crown Prince Yun is such a frail health to venture outside the palace, this will have drastic implication affects on Crown Prince Yun’s ailment. A female physician calls out to Court Physician Nam that the medicine tonic is ready
Jang Hee Bin orders Jo Sang Gung to summon Crown Prince Yun’s personal security to come & see her at once as Jo Sang Gung acknowledged
Jang Hee Bin: How dare that child did bring mortal harm to Crown Prince Yun, I will never forgive Prince Yeoning
Jang Hee Jae: Mama, you must press on the matter & be vigilant
Hwang Joo Shik trying to sneak Prince Yeoning to the palace as Hwang Joo Shik pretends to have a very chronic coughs to the sentry at the palace. The sentry asked who is Prince Yeoning, as Hwang Joo Shik acts more drama to his chronic cough then shield the sentry from taking a closer look at Prince Yeoning, Hwang Joo Shik tells Prince Yeoning is the music bureau’s Mudong (dancing child), then cough his chronic into the sentry like he is having a contagious disease, then sentry quickly allow Hwang Joo Shik to enter the palace before fearing that he might be infected as well. Hwang Joo Shik Prince Yeoning to somewhere safe then he almost dies from faint then Hwang Joo Shik tells Prince Yeoning that this is all & well. Prince Yeoning thanked Hwang Joo Shik for helping him sneak back to the palace. Hwang Joo Shik goes down to his knees & begs in prayer to asked Prince Yeoning not to stir such a problem again. Prince Yeoning nods in concurs as Hwang Joo Shik that they are lucky that they aren’t been discover, but this is really a traumatic experience then asked Prince Yeoning to give him a pinky promise never to pull another one of this incident again. Prince Yeoning gives his pinky promise & apologise to Hwang Joo Shik. Prince Yeoning enquire when will Crown Prince Yun return to the palace.
Then the Crown Prince Yun personal security asked Hwang joo Shik to halt as Hwang Joo Shik protects Prince Yeoning & asked what is going on here. Choi Dong Yi returns to her residence as Bong Sang Gung greets her
Bong Sang Gung: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: How is the progress…has Crown Prince Yun return safely?
Bong Sang Gung: Yes, Mama…. I witness Crown Prince Yun was escorted by his personal security & has return to Donggungjeon
Choi Dong Yi: It is a relief to hear
Bong Sang Gung: Whatever it is that this matter has been appease to resolves so quickly, it is indeed a great relief, or else Prince Yeoning would have spell trouble for him
Choi Dong Yi: Has Prince Yeoning return?
Bong Sang Gung: Still as yet….haven’t sighted his return?
Choi Dong Yi surprise
Choi Dong Yi: What?….Prince Yeoning has yet to return…until now!!!!
Bong Sang Gung: Yes…as yet….
Choi Dong Yi: Didn’t it was said that Hwang Joo Shik did bring him back to the palace?
Bong Sang Gung: Yes, this is why it is making me worry then I have asked Ae Jung & the staff to go & take a look
Choi Dong Yi: Is it?
Ae Jung comes running in & shouting for Choi Dong Yi
Ae Jung: Mama!!!!…Mama!!!…Mama!….There is trouble!!!!
Choi Dong Yi: What has happened!!!!
Ae Jung: It seems Crown Prince Yun’s personal security has apprehended Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: What…. Crown Prince Yun’s personal have apprehended Prince Yeoning?…What are you saying there?
Ae Jung doesn’t know where to begins. Choi Dong Yi demand a reply
Choi Dong Yi: Ae Jung Ah!!!!!
Jang Hee Bin goes to see Sukjong at Daejeon to his surprise
Sukjong: What are you implying, Hee Bin?….. Crown Prince Yun’s predicament was cause by Prince Yeoning
Jang Hee Bin: Today, the person who was with Crown Prince Yun together that left the palace was Prince Yeoning….Cheon Na
Sukjong: What are you saying?
Jang Hee Bin: Crown Prince Yun a person who has never once gone against protocol…it is because of Prince Yeoning that Crown Prince Yun scale over the palace walls absconded from the palace & end up in such a pitiful predicament…Cheon Na
Sukjong: What you are really implying is really out of line with your remarks….Hee Bin…Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning are just children…moreover it is just the children’s own innocent mistakes
Jang Hee Bin: Cheon Na are you going to use this excuse to safe guard Prince Yeoning?……Are you always going to come out to advocate in defense for Prince Yeoning?
Sukjong: Hee Bin?
Jang Hee Bin: However as the Prince Successor suffer disgrace from being arrested as a petty thief & lock up in a cell & finally collapse from suffering from that trauma, Cheon Na….This nation Prince Successor…therefore Cheon Na can’t let this incident just let this pass in passing by covering up without being reprimand….After day break, the whole nation will know that Prince Yeoning attempt to bring mortal harm to Crown Prince Yun. The Royal Court will not let this incident go in passing either
Sukjong: Hee Bin?
Sukjong surprise at Jang Hee Bin’s “threat” & in some state of disbelieve that Jang Hee Bin is persisting to make this incident a political issue
Choi Dong Yi & her entourage rushes from her residence to go where Prince Yeoning is confine. The Crown Prince Yun’s Captain of security greets Choi Dong Yi
Wi Sul: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: I have heard that Prince Yeoning is here…what is really happening that you need to apprehend Prince Yeoning here?
Captain: My apology, Mama….I have heard that Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun went out of the palace together…Mama…but however that Crown Prince Yun’s return to the palace then collapse into unconsciousness then hearing Crown Prince Yun’s ill condition, we need to conduct an investigation to the matter
Choi Dong Yi: Tonight just an accident but however how can Crown Prince Yun’s personal use this incident as a platform to conduct an investigation on Prince Yeoning
Wi Sul: This is because that the incident has threatened the safety of Crown Prince Yun, Mama…. therefore even if it is Prince Yeoning, we have to follow proper procedures to conduct our investigation
Choi Dong Yi is at her end wits
Bong Sang Gung: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: I wish to see Prince Yeoning for a moment
Wi Sul: Mama!…that…
Choi Dong Yi will not take no for an answer
Choi Dong Yi: I dare say…Wi Sul…didn’t you just hear me….I said that I want to see Prince Yeoning!!!!
Wi Sul is a officialdom of 5th rank in the Prince Successor personal security that follow closely at the side of the Crown Prince
Captain: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi shock her upset at the Wi Sul
Bong Sang Gung is concern
Meanwhile Prince Yeoning sitting down under the custody of the Crown Prince Yun’s security as Choi Dong Yi enters to see her son
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi comes to her son
Choi Dong Yi Geum Ah!
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!…I heard that Crown Prince Yun has collapse into unconsciousness. Is Crown Prince Yun alright?…Is his ailment serious?….
Choi Dong Yi finds that the brothers have great concern for each other welfare as she console her son
Prince Yeoning: All of this has been my fault….Eomeoni….I insisted that Crown Prince Yun to go & participate the Tak Kyun festivity with me, as Crown Prince Yun did mentioned that he needs to return before the time of his Seok Gang but because of my insistence of staying behind at the street market, this is why this have happened
Seok Gang is night lectures
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Prince Yeoning: If we didn’t go for the Tak Kyun festivity ….then Crown Prince Yun wouldn’t have been arrest & taken to the police bureau…then he wouldn’t have taken ill…what am I suppose to do now, …Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi hugs her son to pacify Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Don’t you worry, Geum Ah… Crown Prince Yun will definitely recover…for your sake….he will definitely do so
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!
Choi Dong Yi giving assurance to her son that all will be well as she consoles him
Sukjong learns from Seo Yong Gi that everything is really true then that Prince Yeoning was together with Prince Yeoning in his out of palace excursion. Seo Yong Gi confirms that it is a fact that Prince Yeoning was with Crown Prince Yun as Prince Yeoning insist that Crown Prince to participate Tak Kyun festivity then under unforeseen misunderstanding the Crown Prince Yun was arrested for being a pickpocket & taken to the police bureau & this has been verified by the police bureau authorities. Seo Yong Gi tells what Prince Yeoning has discloses this matter in detail content to Crown Prince Yun’s personal securities. It seems that both of them afraid that that the matter was too sudden therefore Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning conceal their own identity in order not to escalate matter into tumult. Sukjong tells that it is too late for that since the incident has spiral to crisis. The faction that support Crown Prince Yun is pitching to use this incident as a platform to accuse Prince Yeoning of wrongdoing & will not pass this as the Princes’ mistakes, they really want to use this incident to put the blame totally on Prince Yeoning’s account
Cha Cheon Soo goes to see Cha Cheon Soo at Nae Geum Bu. Han Jang Bu tells that Seo yong is just waiting & asked Cha Cheon Soo to enter quickly. Cha Cheon Soo tells that the Soron & the Namin faction Royal Court officials has gather to assemble in Injeongjeon to debate on yesterday night incident. Seo Yong Gi affirms that it seem that incident has escalate into a major crisis. Shim Yun Taek said that Crown Prince Yun was arrest by the police bureau, return to the palace, only to have taken ill. The Royal Court will be seizes this opportunity to make a stir. Cha Cheon Soo tells that this is just an accidental mistake, how can the Royal Court manipulate this incident & charge Prince Yeoning of wrongdoing. Seo Yong Gi tells that the matter lies in regards that this matter has instigate to involve Crown Prince Yun in it, they will bring up the argument that Prince Yeoning attempt to bring mortal harmed to Crown Prince Yun. Cha Cheon Soo tells that this is absurd to suggest “mortal harm”, how can they make that argument stand. Shim Yun Taek reminds that the place like a palace, petty issue can create to make to people lose lives, that since Crown Prince Yun is current in an ill health that the people who see Prince Yeoning as a threat & will not let go of this incident so readily
In Injeongjeon as Im Sang Hyeon petition to Sukjong that he must not allow this incident to be taken lightly & be tolerated. Crown Prince Yun has gone through a traumatic experience, how can Sukjong just brush this in passing without rendering penalty. Sukjong tells that this incident is merely an accidental mistake, how can this be seen as an offence that render penalty, & asked the Royal Court that they are out of line in making this an issue. Chua Sang Dae Gam tells that this can’t be consider as an accidental mistake, since last night, Crown Prince Yun’s safety was threaten. Im Sang Hyeon tells that he beg to defer that this is all because of the doing of Prince Yeoning who have lived outside the palace & doesn’t understand the Royal protocol that has allow this incident to have happened. Im Sang Hyeon tells that according to the conducted investigation by Crown Prince Yun’s personal security that Crown Prince Yun wanted to return to the palace before the time of Seok Gang but it was Prince Yeoning’s doing that cause Crown Prince Yun to be arrested by the police bureau as pickpocket & that has lead to this traumatic experience, this is because it is due to Prince Yeoning’s folly. If it is not Prince Yeoning, how could Crown Prince Yun had done such reckless act. Sukjong reprimand Im Sang Hyeon for getting out of line on his debate, how can they be putting all the blame on the young Prince Yeoning’s account. Im Sang Hyeon argue that this incident will waver Crown Prince Yun’s position as Prince Successor & bearing the responsibilities doesn’t have status or creed, how can Sukjong uses the excuses that Prince Yeoning is just a child to let this pass. Sukjong is shocked as Im Sang Hyeon tells that it is clear that Prince Yeoning wish to bring mortal harm to Crown Prince Yun & that his action need to given appropriate judgement of punishment & tells Sukjong that the Royal Court will not stand down on their mindset on the issue
Crown Prince Yun learns that the Royal Court instigate to prosecute Prince Yeoning for yesterday’s incident
Crown Prince Yun: What?….The Royal Court Official
Residence Sang Gung Yoon: Yes, indeed….The Royal Court want to use this incident to make an issue to drive Prince Yeoning out of the palace
Crown Prince Yun: This incident is really my fault…how can they push all the blame on Prince Yeoning’s account?
Jang Hee Bin comes in & informs her son
Jang Hee Bin: This is because Prince Yeoning dare to attempt to bring mortal harm to you Crown Prince Yun
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni?
Jang Hee Bin sits in front of her son
Crown Prince Yun: What are you saying, Eomeoni?…Prince Yeoning wish to being harm to me…Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi is shocked to learn that the Royal Court has accused Prince Yeoning the offense of “mortal harm” against Crown Prince Yun. Shim Yun Taek confirms that this was debated in the Royal Court. Shim Yun Taek tells that Crown Prince Yun had experience such a predicament & Prince Yeoning was at the scene. Shim Yun Taek tells that it is affirms that the Royal Court is going all out to prepare to put up this incident to wrongly accuse Prince Yeoning of wrongdoing. Choi Dong Yi can’t believe that they will prosecute Prince Yeoning
Meanwhile in Donggungjeon
Jang Hee Bin: Yes that is precisely….I have definitely said….”mortal harm”… Crown Prince Yun
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni…I was the person who wanted to go out of the palace & asked Prince Yeoning to come with me….this is no fault of Prince Yeoning
Jang Hee Bin: No!!!….Prince Yeoning has taken Crown Prince to dangerous places & also allow Crown Prince to experience such trauma…also the person who couldn’t make Crown Prince to return on time & asked you to participate the Tak Kyun festivity is none other than Prince Yeoning but however how can you argue that this is not Prince Yeoning’s fault
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni?
Jang Hee Bin: Why do you think Prince Yeoning did this to you? This is because he aspire to desire to avarice your Prince Successor position…What did Mother have mentioned before…Prince Yeoning is not your brother but your rival…After this incident….Prince Yeoning will definitely be render expulsion from the palace therefore he will never be again a threat to Crown Prince’s position…I will definitely have this stand as it is
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni!
Jang Hee Bin: Therefore… Crown Prince Yun, before this matter is resolves that you will stay put in Donggungjeon & not interefere, this is my advice to you
Jang Hee Bin about to leave when Crown Prince Yun pops up a query
Crown Prince Yun: Are you doing this because of my conceal ailment?
Jang Hee Bin turns to her son
Crown Prince Yun: Therefore you are doing this, that you fear that I have no choice in succeeding the throne & that you are afraid that Prince Yeoning might snatch from me as Prince Successor, hence this is why you falsified to accuse Prince Yeoning unjustly of wrongdoing
Jang Hee Bin: What are you saying there, Crown Prince Yun?
Crown Prince Yun: I ….I have full knowledge on what ailment I am suffering…I know that I will be unable to produce posterity, I am aware of that fact
Jang Hee Bin shocked to learn that Crown Prince Yun knows the truth about his ailment
Jang Hee Bin: Crown Prince Yun?
Jang Hee Bin sat down to face her son
Jang Hee Bin: How did….How did you come to learn about that matter…. Crown Prince Yun…I am asking you how did you come to find out about the truth….
Crown Prince Yun: Eomeoni?
Jang Hee Bin: No…. Crown Prince Yun, no matter on how you have learn, this is not the truth…do you understand… Crown Prince, you are just currently in frail health
Crown Prince Yun: This….this ailment is my affairs, Eomeoni, please I asked of you not to lied to me again…I earnestly beg of you….Eomeoni….don’t persist to use this incident to harm Prince Yeoning in any way
Jang Hee Bin: Crown Prince Yun?
Crown Prince Yun: I can’t for the sake to safe guard my position as Prince Successor to use Prince Yeoning as sacrificial scrape goat…I will not render misfeasance to my younger brother & become a horrid & tyrant elder brother…this I will not do
Jang Hee Bin staggers out of Donggungjeon in pale white has to be support by Jo Sang Gung when she took a stumble. Jang Hee Bin distraught that Crown Prince Yun has learns about his ailment. Crown Prince Yun contemplate in his residence
Sukjong looking at the written petition in Daejeon that petition for Prince Yeoning to be penalised is never ceasing to submit to him. Sukjong asked Chief Eunuch Han where is Prince Yeoning now. Chief Eunuch Han tells that he should be in the residence.
Jang Mu Yeol pays Choi Dong Yi another visit at Bo Gyeong Dang to sell his political wares to Choi Dong Yi
Jang Mu Yeol: Disclose Crown Prince Yun’s health ailment as public knowledge…Mama, this is the alternative left for Mama to take break this onslaught assault
Choi Dong Yi: Yeong Gam?
Jang Mu Yeol: If the Soron faction Official knows the truth that Crown Prince Yun is unable to produce posterity then they will not render their political support Donggungjeon & Chwi Seon Dang.
Choi Dong Yi: Please take your leave….Cham Ban Yeong Gam
Choi Dong Yi: I have already indicate clearly state on my steadfast stand that I will not use Crown Prince Yun’s ailment as a political tool.
Jang Mu Yeol: Mama?….Are you really going to stand by & see that Prince Yeoning accept being penalise.
Choi Dong Yi sighs
Jang Mu Yeo: Are you going to use whatever method it takes to safe guard Prince Yeoning’s interest at all cost, moreover the said solution is now in Mama’s possession to utilise.
Choi Dong Yi gives some thought
Jang Mu Yeol: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi thinking hard how to resolves this
Prince Yeoning is sighing away then hearing footsteps then surprise to see Sukjong standing in front of him as he gets up quickly to greet Sukjong. Meanwhile Choi Dong Yi contemplates in her residence. Prince Yeoning learns from Sukjong that Crown Prince Yun has recovered, as Sukjong assures that Prince Yeoning needn’t use the health wreath that he did for Queen Inhyeon’s illness & assures Prince Yeoning that Crown Prince Yun will have a speedy recovery to get well soon. Prince Yeoning expresses gladness over the news that Crown Prince Yun will have a speedy recovery & expresses his relief. Sukjong laughs at his son & asked that this news make him so joyous. Prince Yeoning said that he is thrill with joy that he can take flight
The Prince Yeoning turns serious to tell Sukjong that this incident was really his fault
Prince Yeoning: Ah Ba Mama, please forgive me….it is because of my matter that it has causes you worries & troubles
Sukjong: Prince Yeoning?
Prince Yeoning: Everything that has happened is all my fault, it is because of naïve & childish behaviour that has render Crown Prince Yun to suffer hardship
Sukjong: Really?….Therefore, what you are saying that the said incident was really your fault?
Prince Yeoning: Yes, Ah Ba Mama… Crown Prince Yun wanted to return to the palace before the time of Seok Gang but I was the person who insisted Crown Prince Yun to stay longer to participate the Tae Kyun festivity to have fun…everything is all my fault, Ah Ba Mama
Sukjong kneels down to Prince Yeoning to his eye level
Sukjong: Oh Ho! This is really odd then….yesterday, Crown Prince Yun has said that this incident was all his fault that he absconded from the palace…that it has nothing to do with Prince Yeoning
Prince Yeoning: What?
Sukjong; Crown Prince Yun has said that this is all his fault….then here you are saying that this is all your fault….really don’t know who is lying here….
Prince Yeoning: Ah Ba Mama?…That is….this is
Sukjong: Prince Yeoning, no matter what your answer is, it doesn’t matter…what is there, the most important is that the both of you have expresses concern for each other’s welfare
Prince Yeoning: Ah Ba Mama?
Prince Yeoning sees Choi Dong Yi coming
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi greets Sukjong
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong: In end that fault lies that it is because the children have a King for a father
Sukjong sees his smiling son
Sukjong: Is it because of this reason?…. As for me to say that the children are the most important & cherish posterity but yet the government Officials as for them they are using Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun as tools for their political feuds
Choi Dong Yi can only sigh that it is a reality. Sukjong looks at worried Choi Dong Yi
Sukjong: Dong Yi?…..
Choi Dong Yi: I have heard that the Royal Court is in the midst of submitting their proposal & petition that they wants Prince Yeoning to be penalise
Sukjong: Don’t you worry & flutter over the matter in regards to the Royal Court, no matter what happens, I will definitely protect Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong is determined as he looks at his smiling son. Choi Dong Yi returns to Bo Gyeong Dang & recalls Sukjong assurance that don’t she worry & flutter over the matter in regards to the Royal Court no matter what happens, he will definitely protect Prince Yeoning then she recalls Jang Mu Yeol about whether she is standby & see Prince Yeoning to accept being penalised…isn’t she going to use whatever method it takes to safe guard Prince Yeoning’s interest at all cost, moreover the said solution is now in Mama’s possession to utilise. Choi Dong Yi looks perturbed
Mdm Park learns from Oh Tae Pung that Prince Yeoning will be expels from the palace. Oh Tae Pung tells that this is of course, attempt to bring mortal harm to Crown Prince Yun is a serious crime & the Royal Court will not let this incident pass with justification & protest. Mdm Park tells this is Chwi Seon Dang pulling string behind the scene. Mdm park tell that Jang Hee Bin is a frightful character to be crossing swords with & really malicious. Oh Tae Pung tells Jang Hee Bin has to do that in order to protect Crown Prince Yun’s interest. Oh Tae Pung tells that he can understands Jang Hee Bin after seeing what repercussion of the trauma has done to his son Oh Ho Yang. Which parents will stand by idle & watch while his/her child suffer in agony. Mdm Park tells that their son Oh Ho Yang is really pitiful & what are they supposed to do . Oh Tae Pung tells his wife he now has no confidence in police bureau therefore he has found a few ruffians for hire, no matter what method to apprehend those perpetrators that did this to their son
Oh Ho Yang runs in & tells that there are some ruffians outside who has come to catch him as Oh Ho Yang hides under his bedding covers. Oh Tae Pung goes out to have a look as the ruffian he hired greets Oh Tae Pung as Mdm Park whether her husband knows these people. Oh Tae Pung comes to his son with a pole then pull put the cover & give Oh Ho Yang the pole then tells that he has found the perpetrators that nearly killed him then asked his son to take his revenge
Oh Tae Pung asked Oh Ho Yang to identified the perpetrator to see whether they are actual perpetrator as Oh Ho Yang takes a look & obviously recognise them as he gave a loud scream & that they are the perpetrator who tried to killed him. Oh Tae Pung happily paid the ruffian for hire for a job well done then Oh Tae Pung gives the permission for Oh Ho Yang to beat the living daylight out of the perpetrator for giving him such grievances. Oh Tae Pung encourage his son as Oh Ho Yang gives the perpetrator back his suffering grievance & whack them with the pole & wants them dead then the perpetrator tells that he will confess to spare his life as he will disclose who has hired them to do the job
Oh Tae Pung has to drag his son away from beating the perpetrator to death, Oh Tae Pung then goes to asked who was the person who hire them to do this job. The perpetrator tells that it is Mdm Yoon from Jaedong. Oh Tae Pung shocked that it is Mdm Yoon that it means it is Chwi Seon Dang’s doing. The perpetrator tells that Mdm Yoon who is Chwi Seon Dang Jang Hee Bin’s mother that they were just following her orders. Oh Ho Yang tells that what are they implying that Mdm Yoon went all out to kill him off. Oh Tae Pung can’t believe that this has happened as he is upset with fits
Interesting lesson, never under estimate the “fool” or the “jester” e.g. the Oh Tae Pung & son with misshapen or mentally-deficient individualism found in a drama plot, they can be purveyors to open that can of worms that may lead to one’s demise, the 1st on the casualty list is Mdm Yoon
Mdm Yoon’s maid comes to see Mdm Yoon laughing as she commented that it has been a while since she hears her laugh. Mdm Yoon agrees that finally they can get rid of the splinter in their eye which is Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning once & for all. Mdm Yoon’s maid asked whether this is really true. Mdm Yoon laughs that this is of course that matter have happened, hearing this, she will able to die in peace. Mdm Yoon tells that why would she died, she will prosper with longevity in happiness & laughs cunningly
Mdm Yoon still refers Choi Dong Yi as Suk Ui, obviously not wanting to recognise Choi Dong Yi’s official title as “Suk Bin”. Mdm Yoon can have the time to laugh as she will be knocking netherworld gate soon
Jang Hee Jae meets with Im sang Hyeon & his Soron faction & asked for the progress as Im Sang Hyeon assures Jang Hee Jae that they will voice their continuous protest until a judgment of punishment is made, they will boycott not to participate in Injeongjeon’s proceedings. Jang Hee Jae is pleased with the Soron faction application of political pressure. Im Sang Hyeon assures Jang Hee Jae they have justify their rights in their argument that Sukjong can’t not ignore in their argument
Choi Dong Yi hears from Bong Sang Gung about the voice of protest not only from Namin faction then the Soron faction has added their voice to the protest as well that they want to see Prince Yeoning punished & will not stand down. Ae Jung tells what are they supposed to do. Choi Dong Yi can only look at her son who is looking dazed & aimlessly troubled into void
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning?
Prince Yeoning startled & wake up from his dazed as his answer his mother call
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi feels for her son.
Meanwhile Crown Prince Yun recalls what his mother saying that this incident will render Prince Yeoning to be expel from the palace…& Prince Yeoning will never again become a threat to Crown Prince Yun as his position as Prince Successor…Jang Hee bin vows that she will do so….Crown Prince gives some thought then inform his residence staff to prepare to get ready that there is somewhere he needs to go. Residence Sang Gung Yoon acknowledged. Crown Prince Yun leaves with his entourage
Jang Hee Jae goes to see Jang Hee Bin telling that the Namin faction & Soron faction is helping them to voice their protest & rendering a great support to their cause. Sukjong will not able to endure much longer to the pressure with the strong amount of protest that is mounting. Jang Hee Bin looks shell shocked in pale as Jang Hee Jae notices her expression as being so pale
Jang Hee Bin: Crown Prince Yun….already learn the truth about his ailment….Orrabuni
Jang Hee Jae: What?
Jang Hee Bin: Crown Prince Yun knows everything on what ailment he is suffering?
Jang Hee Jae: Mama, what are you saying… can it be possible that Crown Prince Yun learns of this…Mama
Jang Hee Bin is really distress
Meanwhile at Bo Gyeong Dang, Choi Dong Yi is surprise of Crown Prince Yun’s arrival at her residence
Choi Dong Yi: What?….. Crown Prince Yun has arrived to the residence
Bong Sang Gung: Yes, Mama
Choi Dong Yi goes out to greet Crown Prince Yun
Choi Dong Yi: Crown Prince Yun?
Crown Prince Yun: Mama!
Crown Prince Yun comes in to Bo Gyeong Dang
Choi Dong Yi: Don’t know what the purpose of your visit here to my residence?…Do you wish to see Prince Yeoning?
Crown Prince Yun: No it is not that…today…I have come here to see you
Choi Dong Yi is surprised
Choi Dong Yi: If you are looking for me…then what is it in regards to…. Crown Prince Yun?
Jang Hee Jae goes to Donggungjeon as Jang Hee Bin have asked Jang Hee Jae to see & convince Crown Prince Yun not to waver in his mindset & how on to his steadfast, if jang Hee Jae speaks to Crown Prince Yun, he may believe Jang Hee Jae’s coaxing. Jang Hee Jae arrives at Donggungjeon only to be told that Crown Prince Yun is not in residence. Jang Hee Jae is surprise then asked the residence staff where did Crown Prince Yun has gone to
Crown Prince Yun leaves Bo Gyeong Dang then tells his residence staff to leave. Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung wonder what is this all about. Choi Dong Yi digesting what Crown Prince Yun has said to her. Choi Dong Yi calls out to Bong Sang Gung & tells her to get ready that she needs to go to Donggungjeon to see Crown Prince Yun. Bong Sang Gung is surprise since Crown Prince Yun was just here but she acknowledged
Kim Gu Seon is giving his lecture on the passage Doctrine of Mean Chapter 32 “唯天下至诚,为能经纶天下之大经,立天下之大本,知天地之大育”
Kim Gu Seon: It is only the individual possessed of the most entire sincerity that can exist under Heaven, who can adjust the great invariable relations of mankind, establish the great fundamental virtues of humanity, and know the transforming and nurturing operations of Heaven and Earth;– shall this individual have any being or anything beyond himself on which he depends?….
But Prince Yeoning’s thoughts is occupied somewhere else
Kim Gu Seon: Mama! Are you being affected by the recent palace’s tumult, that your thoughts are perturbed.
Prince Yeoning: Yes, Teacher. It is because of me that Crown Prince Yun had suffer hardship moreover I have heard that the Royal Courts chorus to demands of me to be punished
Kim Gu Seon: Mama?
Prince Yeoning: Teacher, does this mean that I will be expel from the palace?….Will I have to reside outside the palace again?….Because of my fault, that Mother will suffer backlash implication
Crown Prince Yun comes to give his assurance
Crown Prince Yun: That will never happened, Prince Yeoning
Kim Gu Seon & Prince Yeoning stand up to greet Crown Prince Yun
Prince Yeoning: Crown Prince Yun?
Kim Gu Seon: Crown Prince Yun!
Crown Prince Yun: This definitely will not happened
Crown Prince Yun approaches Prince Yeoning
Crown Prince Yun: Little brat…look at your expression….it seem that you not the least happy to see me at all
Prince Yeoning: No…not at all Crown Prince Yun. I am always happy & glad to see Crown Prince Yun
Crown Prince Yun; then why aren’t you smiling but looking downcast over there…look!…you don’t even address me as “Hyungnim” & instead why the address as Crown Prince Yun
Prince Yeoning: Crown Prince Yun…that is because I thought that Hyungnim don’t wish to see me again…
Crown Prince Yun: What?
Prince Yeoning: It is because of my wrongdoing…this is of course…can be understood
Crown Prince Yun: No…Prince Yeoning….how can this be your wrong…how can you say such things?….That day it was I who say that I wanted to go out of the palace but I have heard that you told Ah Ba Mama that you instigate it…on the contrary the person who should be penalise should be I but not you instead, therefore that I should be apologetic towards you, it is because you stood out for me & show concern for my well being, but as your Hyungnim, I only render your difficulties
Prince Yeoning: Hyungnim, not at all, this is all my fault….that night it was I who insist to do the Tak Kyun festivity or else Hyungnim wouldn’t have be arrest by the police bureau then suffer hardship…this is all my fault
Crown Prince Yun: No…not at all…Prince Yeoning
Crown Prince Yun console Prince Yeoning & looks determined to resolves matter & set it right
Choi Dong Yi & entourage marches to Donggungjeon then recall what Crown Prince Yun has said to her
Crown Prince Yun. The matter in regards to Prince Yeoning,…please be rest assured. Chwi Seon Dang’s Mother & the Royal Court’s petition to expel Prince Yeoning out of the palace is because for my sake. The reason that I am the Prince Successor…from their perspective that they believe that Prince Yeoning is a seen threat to my position as Prince Successor
Choi Dong Yi: Crown Prince Yun?
Crown Prince Yun: But however, I now it seem that I don’t qualify to hold or retain the designate of Prince Successor. I don’t wish because of my sake to let Prince Yeoning to come to any harm unjustly
Choi dong Yi: Crown Prince Yun…what are you trying to say here?…Why are you saying that you don’t qualify to hold & retain the designate of Prince Successor?
Crown Prince Yun sighs
Choi Dong Yi marches to Donggungjeon & say to herself
Choi Dong Yi: Wouldn’t it be perhaps that Crown Prince Yun already has learn about the truth to his ailment?…Wouldn’t be perhaps….
Sukjong is in Daejeon. Chief Eunuch Han comes in
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Na, Crown Prince Yun wishes to seek your presence urgently
Sukjong: Crown Prince Yun?
Chief Eunuch Han: Yes
Chief Eunuch Han leaves
Crown Prince Yun comes in & greets Sukjong
Sukjong: Crown Prince Yun?
Crown Prince Yun: Ah Ba Mama!
Sukjong: Yes, Crown Prince Yun, what is the matter?
Choi Dong Yi arrives at Donggungjeon then the residence staff greets Choi Dong Yi
Choi Dong Yi: I have come to see Crown Prince Yun
Staff residence: Crown Prince Yun has currently gone to Daejeon
Choi Dong Yi: What did you say?
Jang Hee Bin comes to Donggungjeon
Jang Hee Bin: What is the purpose of you coming here?
Choi Dong Yi greets Jang Hee Bin
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Meanwhile in Daejeon. Sukjong is with Crown Prince Yun
Sukjong: Yes, Crown Prince Yun, what would you like to say?
Crown Prince Yun: Ah Ba Mama, I now don’t have the eligibility to hold the position as Prince Successor
Sukjong: What?
Crown Prince Yun: I know to safe guard & secure the Royal Household & its lineage, is the obligations & duty as the Crown Prince….this nation’s Prince Successor must do & conform, this I understand & aware, but however I have contracted a serious ailment…I can’t kept this truth in concealment…to retain my position as Prince Successor
Sukjong: Serious Ailment?….What do you mean…. Crown Prince Yun?
Crown Prince Yun sighs
Sukjong: Crown Prince Yun?
Meanwhile at Donggungjeon where Jang Hee Bin confronts Choi Dong Yi
Jang Hee Bin: Didn’t you hear what I have just said, Sukbin….what is your purpose of your visit coming to Donggungjeon?
Choi Dong Yi: Did Crown Prince Yun already come to know & learn about the truth of his ailment?….. Mama….Whether or not that Crown Prince Yun already come to learn the truth about his ailment?
Jang Hee Bin: How did you know about this?
Jang Hee Bin looks bewildered as Choi Dong Yi looks to Daejeon