Dong Yi Episode 35

Choi Dong Yi knows that Seo Yong Gi knows the truth about her identity
Seo Yong Gi: Also then after for a very long time, I have been always looking for his daughter…the child has shares the same name as you…?
Choi Dong Yi is froze in shock that Seo Yong Gi has learn who is she is
Choi Dong Yi: Yeong Gam?
Seo Yong Gi: Her name is Choi…Dong Yi, are you; her then?
Choi Dong Yi is hyperventilating & choke as Seo Yong Gi looks at Choi Dong Yi
Seo Yong Gi: Speak up….are you the child I am looking for…that you are indeed that child… Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi: Yeong Gam?
Choi Dong Yi give a thought then looks at Seo Yong Gi
Seo Yong Gi: Is it…Are you really her?
Choi Dong Yi: Yes I am…., you are correct, it is I, the person that you have been looking for since, the daughter of Geumgae leader, Choi…Dong Yi, this is my name.
Seol Hee & Cha Cheon Soo arrives their destination as she slips & Cha Cheon Soo asked whether she is alright. Seol Hee directs Cha Cheon Soo to the temple to tell him that this is the place is where the former proprietor of Seong Cheon who she worked for & has taken tonsure in this temple. Cha Cheon Soo tells that the former proprietor still kept the records from 12 years ago. Seol Hee tells that this is what they must hope for. Cha Cheon Soo looks anxious. Seol Hee meets with her former proprietor who is now a Nun at the temple. The former proprietor is really touch to see Seol Hee that she is able to see Seol Hee again. Cha Cheon looks at the moving scene of the 2 ladies
I wish they elaborate Seol Hee relationship with the former proprietor than leaving up hanging
In Bo Yeong Dang, Bong Sang Gung & Ae jung is outside the residence. Choi Dong Yi tells Seo Yong Gi that she always knew that sooner or later this day will come. Choi Dong Yi tells the 1st time when she met Seo Yong Gi in the police bureau & she denies her identity, no it is for her own survival, in order to find out the truth, from 12 years ago that she 1st enter the palace, that she always knew that this day & every day since then she knew that this day will come eventually bit however she never thought that she will have become to this status & it will has come to this presence. Choi Dong Yi tells the truth is she has hurt the immense trust that Seo Yong Gi has rendered her then will eventually harm Sukjong. Seo Yong Gi agrees that Choi Dong Yi really has his trust, Seo Yong Gi tells no, that he has, what he think is no concern but however what about Sukjong’s trust, it is no other person but the King’s who compare to anyone has great trust in Choi Dong Yi, as it was the same a likes with Seo Yong Gi & Choi Hyo Won a long time ago just like he trust himself as much as he lay his trust on Choi Dong Yi & asked if Choi Dong Yi knows. Choi Dong Yi nods as tears can only roll down on her faces
Seo Yong Gi goes back as Han Jang Bu greets Seo Yong Gi’s return. Seo Yong Gi tells at daylight to go to the police bureau & asked Hwang Jung Gu & Han Jang Bu to dig up & retrieve every records about Geumgae at once & bring it to him. Han jang Bu surprise that the matter regards with Geumgae. Hwang Jung Gu asked why the sudden reference to Geumgae. Seo Yong Gi tells them to do as they are been told. Hwang Jung Gu tells that Seo Yong Gi is in the foul mood
Seo Yong Gi recalls telling Choi Dong Yi he is a government official of this nation’s government. Choi Dong Yo contemplates in her residence, as she also recalls Seo Yong Gi that therefore even of this matter brings risk of danger, but he will able to conceal the truth from Sukjong. Choi Dong Yi asked Seo Yong Gi whether if he can please allow her to disclose the truth to Sukjong. She begs Seo Yong Gi that she will personally reveal the truth to him verbally. Seo Yong Gi asked whether Choi Dong Yi by doing that will feel less burden in her heart but what about in regards to Sukjong’s feelings when the truth is revealed to him when he verbally hears it from Choi Dong Yi & asked if she has given thought to what the implication be. Choi Dong Yi weeps alone then calls out to Sukjong
Sukjong also contemplating. Chief Eunuch Han comes in to informs Sukjong who is in deep thoughts that it is already Ja Si. Sukjong acknowledge & tells it is that late that time passed so quickly. Chief Eunuch Han asked whether Sukjong wishes to go to Choi Dong Yi residence. Sukjong tells that he will not go tonight, that it seems that Choi Dong Yi looking at him will render trouble to Choi Dong Yi, that he couldn’t provided any comfort to her troubles but the in fact that it adds burden to her existing troubles. Sukjong tells he will be glad if Seo Yong Gi comes back with some news. Chief Eunuch Han assures Sukjong that nothing major will come to matter with Choi Dong Yi. In this nation where there is no lowborn who doesn’t have their difficulties. Sukjong agrees & he concurs with Chief Eunuch Han wholeheartedly
Ja Si is the hour of rat between 11pm – 1am
Yoo Sang Gung in a hurry to see Queen Jang & inform Jo Sang Gung that she has some urgent matter to convey to Queen Jang. Yoo Sang Gung comes in as Queen Jang is with Oh Tae Seok is discussing as Yoo Sang Gung tells just as Queen Jang has mentioned about Choi Dong Yi’s matter that there is no traces of Choi Dong Yi’s background before entering the palace. Oh Tae Seok tells that this is the key point to the matter that is more than sufficient to make their case. Oh Tae Seok tells this point of doubt, they can pressure Choi Dong Yi. Queen Jang doesn’t think so, this is clear insufficient to able to cause any form of waver in Sukjong’s trust in her. Yoo Sang Gung tells that they are unable to find any traces of Choi Dong Yi’s background, what else are they able to do. Queen Jang believes that now the person who is most restless will be Choi Dong Yi & those who wish to protect her. Queen Jang tells Yoo Sang Gung to put surveillance on their movement. Yo Sang Gung acknowledge as Queen Jang turns to Oh Tae Seok that he still can’t understand as sooner or later, they will have to divulge Choi Dong Yi actual identity on what kind of person she is. Oh Tae Seok nods
Jeong Sang Gung asked Jung Im whether this are all the records retrieve from Music bureau servants’ registrar. Jung Im affirms but Jung Im queries that she finds it strange that there is no prior records before Choi Dong Yi enter the palace, she is concern that this will attract doubts regarding her background. Jeong Sang Gung recalls Choi Dong Yi telling her that in her situation, she is not eligible to permit her to be with Sukjong’s side therefore she doesn’t qualify that she can’t d so. Jung Im calls out to Jeong Sang Gung who recalls what Choi Dong Yi has said & wasn’t paying attention to what Jung Im has said. Jung Im asked whether she should directly asked Choi Dong Yi in regards to her background. Jeong Sang Gung tells there is no need to do that, Jeong Sang Gung tells Jung Im that she will personally asked Choi Dong Yi & Jung Im just needs to tone down the rumours mongers regarding Choi Dong Yi background. Jung Im acknowledge
Shim Yun Taek in official clothes that he is now a rank official. Shim Yun Taek goes to see Seo Yong Gi to inform that Jang Hee Jae is now looking for the original Military log book. Shim Yun Taek tells that now they have learn what Jang Hee Jae is looking for that they can now catch Jang Hee Jae by the tail by using the original Military log book that Choi Dong Yi has in her hand as a lure that this will definitely make their case against Jang Hee Jae. Seo Yong Gi looks rather distracted & not paying attention to what Shim Yun Taek is saying. Shim Yun Taek sense something amiss. Seo Yong Gi tells they might face some difficulties. Shim Yun Taek asked what is Seo Yong Gi implying by saying that why will they face with difficulties. Shim Yun Taek sense there is something wrong & asked whether perhaps something has happened in regards to Choi Dong Yi. Shim Yun Taek tells that Seo Yong Gi & Choi Dong Yi has be acting rather odd. Shim Yun Taek leaves Nae Geum Bu then he recalls asking Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung what exactly did transpire between Choi Dong Yi & Seo Yong Gi yesterday that he really wants to know the details. Bong Sang Gung tells that the conversation that can’t even grasp to comprehend. Ae Jung tells that there is most certain something must have happened during the discussion. Ae Jung tells that she has never seen even when she was a Internal Bureau of Investigation Gungnyeo, Choi Dong Yi’s expression being so shell shocked it is the 1st time she has seen Choi Dong Yi in such difficulty
Hwang Jung Gu & Han Jang Bu retrieving the old & dusty Geumgae records from the police archives dusty in the years of dust. Hwang Joo Shik looking for Geumgae records telling that the paper already turn yellow with aged then asked Han Jang Bu why Seo Yong Gi asked them suddenly to retrieve all Geumgae old records to be taken out. Han Jang Bu has his baffle doubts about the matter. Han Jang Bu tells that Seo Yong Gi has use time to almost erase his memories of Geumgae & asked what is happening here. Hwang Jung Gu asked what is the purpose for them to retrieve all these old Geumgae records & complains what Seo Yong Gi going to do about the records.
Cha Cheon Soo comes back to Nae Geum Bu Uigyeombu, as he sees Hwang Jung Gu & Han Jang Bu retrieving piles of records. Han Jang Bu acknowledged Cha Cheon Soo’s return. Cha Cheon Soo tells that he is late in coming. Hwang Jung Gu complains where did Cha Cheon Soo has gone to, can’t Cha Cheon Soo see that they are very frantically busy without Cha Cheon Soo. Cha Cheon Soo apologise to Hwang Jung Gu for his lateness then Cha Cheon queries why they are so busy & what are they doing. Han Jang Bu tells that it is nothing just retrieving some old past cases for reference. Cha Cheon Soo queries about past cases. Hwang Jung Cu confirms that it is really old past records then complain that he has to run such onerous errands as Hwang Jung Gu & Han Jang Bu leaves. Hwang Jung Gu drops a book from his pile he was carrying as Cha Cheon Soo then picks up a book that he notices that it is Geumgae records & material being access & is very shocked by it.
Queen Jang also learns from Jo Sang Gung that Seo Yong Gi has access Geumgae’s records & material from the police bureau archives. Jo Sang Gung affirms that it is some old past cases Queen Jang want to know what is the records then. Jo Sang Gung comes out of Gyotaejeon then asked Yeong Sun to run an errand immediately to summon Oh Tae Seok to the palace. Yeong Sun acknowledge. Queen Jang ponder on the matter in regards to Geumgae’s records & material then asked why Seo Yong Gi is retrieving the Geumgae records
Seo Yong Gi is looking through the Geumgae past records. Cha Cheon Soo goes to see Seo Yong Gi that find the Geumgae’s document piled up on his table. Seo Yong Gi asked where Cha Cheon Soo has gone to that he didn’t see Cha Cheon Soo the whole day yesterday. Cha Cheon Soo informs he went to Seong Cheon in regards to Choi Dong Yi’s background. Seo Yong Gi question about Seong Cheon as Cha Cheon Soo affirms & tells Seo Yong Gi that the place is where it will able to confirmed that Choi Dong Yi’s family & parentage is from there & has registered. Seo Yong Gi has his doubts & asked that in Seong Cheon was able to retrieve Choi Dong Yi’s records & that he is really surprise by the findings. Cha Cheon Soo is taken aback at Seo Yong Gi lines of question. Seo Yong Gi tells that the Hancheon coroner Choi Hyo Won will be more appropriate to be Choi Dong Yi’s father, that according to his knowledge that this should be correct that he is Choi Dong Yi’s father. Cha Cheon Soo is astonished that Seo Yong Gi know the truth about Chi Dong Yi’s identity
Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal surprise as they are inform the Sa Heon’s Ji Pyeong is looking for them Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal bumps Shim Yun Taek & gives each other the startle as Shim Yun Taek recognise that they are the person, he is looking for, just like they have been description, the tall that looks like a long pole & the short that looks like the tortoise. Shim Yun Taek tells that they have no time to make cordial conversation & tells them he needs their help & asked them to come follow him quickly. Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal are baffled to who is Shim Yun Taek. Hwang Joo Shik asked Yeong Dal, who is Shim Yun Taek, do they know him. Yeong Dal tell it is the 1st time they has met Shim Yun Taek. Hwang Joo Shik tells that they aren’t even acquaintances how can Shim Yun Taek makes reference that he looks like a tortoise. Yeong Dal concurs that Shim Yun Taek looks like a dog. Shim Yun Taek turns around to asked why Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal is stalling there for that he is rushing for time & asked them to come quickly. Yeong Dal tells that Shim Yun Taek is rude & asked Hwang Joo Shik not to restraint him if he goes for Shim Yun Taek’s throat
Sa Heon Ji Pyeong is the officialdom of 5th rank
Cha Cheon Soo asked how did Seo Yong Gi come to learn about the knowledge about the matter. Seo Yong Gi tells Cha Cheon Soo that he has heard it from Choi Dong Yi. Seo Yong Gi threatened to use the law to process the charges against Choi Dong Yi. Seo Yong Gi doesn’t wish to harm Cha Cheon Soo & hope that Cha Cheon Soo will honestly just abide to instructions. Cha Cheon Soo begs Seo Yong Gi to let Choi Dong Yi go. Cha Cheon Soo tells Seo Yong Gi that it is not her fault. Cha Cheon Soo begs Seo Yong Gi not to press charge to Choi Dong Yi who has done no wrong & bring harm to her. Cha Cheon Soo earnest begs Seo Yong Gi as Seo Yong Gi reminds Cha Cheon Soo that he is well verse with the law of this nation. Seo Yong Gi know that Cha Cheon Soo knew why the reason behind Choi Dong Yi to conceal her identity until to this date
Choi Dong Yi looks at her garakji then tells herself that she must settle the matter & only she can resolve matters. Choi Dong Yi calls out for Bong Sang Gung as Bong sang Gung comes in to asked if Choi Dong Yi call for her then Choi Dong Yi informs Bong Sang Gung that she has decided to go Daejeon to see Sukjong. Bong Sang Gung surprise that Choi Dong Yi wants to leave for Daejeon as this very moment. Choi Dong Yi tells if it is alright, she will like to leave & asked Bong Sang Gung to convey her arrival to Daejeon
Seo Yong Gi tells Cha Cheon Soo does he know what is fabricate trust is. Seo Yong Gi explains that the person whom you most trusted goes to betray the very trust & asked Cha Cheon Soo whether he is aware of the fact. Seo Yong Gi tells that Choi Hyo Won was the person who told him that. Seo Yong Gi leaves his office as Cha Cheon shout out that the incident wasn’t Choi Hyo Won’s doing. Cha Cheon Soo tells Seo Yong Gi that 12 years ago, the incident wasn’t Geumgae’s doing, not the Yanban serial killing spree or either the assassination of his father, it is none of their doing. Seo Yong Gi asked whether it is now passable for Cha Cheon Soo is giving out excuses now. Cha Cheon Soo denies that this aren’t excuses but what he is now saying to him is the gospel truth. Cha Cheon Soo tells that the reference to the fabricate trust that Seo Yong Gi just mentioned. Cha Cheon Soo tells Seo Yong Gi that he is wrong about that. Cha Cheon Soo tells that the person to breech Choi Hyo Won’s trust is Seo Yong Gi himself. Seo Yong Gi is surprise. Cha Cheon Soo accuse Seo Yong Gi that the false & fabricated evidence has made Seo Yong Gi to waver his trust for Choi Hyo Won & the person who had doubted Choi Hyo Won was Seo Yong Gi himself. Seo Yong Gi tells that he wanted to believe Choi Hyo Won, no matter what Choi Hyo Won has to say, he will believe his words but Choi Hyo Won didn’t even utter a word in his defence. Cha Cheon Soo tells that Choi Hyo Won did that for the sake that he wanted to protect Seo Yong Gi. Seo Yong Gi is surprise as Cha Cheon Soo tells that Choi Hyo Won did that, it is because that Seo Yong Gi will stop pursuing Geumgae’s cases & in that way, he will able to protect Seo Yong Gi. Cha Cheon Soo tells this is the trust Choi Hyo Won has render to Seo Yong Gi. Choi Hyo Won believe & knows & believe that one day, the truth over the matter will be revealed, therefore he fondly cherish this friend of his that he was willing, in front of his friend to take the blame & the wrap for Seo Yong Gi’s father’s murder. Seo Yong Gi now digesting the truth what has been reveal to him by Cha Cheon Soo.

Seo Yong Gi staggers to digest the truth. Cha Cheon Soo walks out from Seo Yong Gi’s office & grips his sword. Seo Yong Gi slumps into his chair. Seo Yong Gi recalls asking Choi Hyo Won was brought to him then Seo Yong Gi asked Choi Hyo Won whether it was him who killed his father but Choi Hyo Won doesn’t answer him as he was saddened that Seo Yong Gu doubted his trust & leaves then Seo Yong Gi finally realise & mutter that Choi Hyo Won was indeed….
Recalls, Korean drama flaws is their indulgence into recalls & flashbacks
Choi Dong Yi comes to Daejeon to see Sukjong
Shim Yun Taek goes though the music bureau records book with Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal to look for records on surname Cheon. Shim Yun Taek is also taking an interest looking into Choi Dong Yi’s identity. Shim Yun Taek asked Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal whether they have any records of a court musician by the surname Cheon
Firstly he look through the records of Choi Dong Yi 1st enter the palace, then find something amiss about the past records. Shim Yun Taek is really great, just a search of the record in the music bureau records now that 12 years ago, there is no Court Musician with the surname Cheon then asked about any musician that has died. Hwang Joo Shil recalls the musician, there is Court Musician by the surname Choi. Shim Yun Taek asked what is his name. Yeong Dal acknowledged there is none to be found, as Hwang Joo Shik tells according to his memory who serve him that in the year of Shinyu that was 12 years ago, there weren’t any Court musician by the surname Cheon. Then Shim Yun Taek asked what is really going on here, the records clearly has stated that Choi Dong Yi was the sister to a Court Musician that is known in the Music Bureau then he realise that the Court Musician who died. Hwang Joo Shik asked what, as Shim Yun Taek asked if there was any Court Musician in which year who had died. Hwang Joo Shik gives some thought to the question then realise that there was a Court Musician that was executed for high treason but the Court Musician’s surname wasn’t Cheon but Choi. Shim Yun Taek is surprise as Hwang Joo Shik confirm the fact as correct that the incident has cause a stir in Doseong. Shim Yun Taek curious what incident was that in reference
Shinyu (辛酉) is the 58th year of the sexagenary cycle
In Daejeon, Sukjong is inform of Choi Dong Yi arrival in Daejeon
Sukjong: Cheon Sang Gung has come?

Chief Eunuch Han: Yes, Cheon Na
Sukjong: Asked her to enter
Sukjong looks rather excited as Chief Eunuch Han acknowledge as Sukjong stand up to greet Choi Dong Yi as she enter.
Sukjong: Please enter
Sukjong approaches Choi Dong Yi as she can see how Sukjong is so happily welcomes her to Daejeon but both their expression is far apart in differences. Sukjong is happy while Choi Dong Yi looks troubled.
Choi Dong Yi greets Sukjong
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?…You must be busy attending to state affairs, don’t know whether did I disturb or interrupt you
Sukjong: No you didn’t, how can this be interruption…I feel that it is more of a disturbance if I didn’t see you
Choi Dong Yi smiles
Sukjong: What are you standing there for, come sit down
Choi Dong Yi & Sukjong sits down
Cha Cheon Soo is shocked to learn from Ae Jung that Choi Dong Yi has gone to Daejeon.. Ae Jung acknowledges & Cha Cheon Soo rushes over to Daejeon
Sukjong sees Choi Dong Yi in Daejeon is happy to see her, while Choi Dong Yi is preoccupied with her thoughts.
Sukjong: Looking at you outlook the other day you don’t seem to be too well that got me a little concern, but seeing you today, you looked happy & bright, this is a relief
Choi Dong Yi: Is that so?
Sukjong: Yes, that is correct, now I can be rest assures of my anxiety & smile
Choi Dong Yi tries to put up a smile in front of a happy Sukjong.
Sukjong: Really, where there is a person like me who is brought up to be good for nothing, as a Sovereign of this nation that I am just happy to have delight conversation with you
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: But however, I do feel rather happy, that for the 1st time that I have been stress by matters that gave me anxiety, that it is really interesting to know what a common man’s stress is about & this is all thanks to your efforts, but then I don’t wish for you smile forcibly, do you understand?
Choi Dong Yi tries to hide her emotion as Sukjong is really slow in reading Choi Dong Yi’s mood, but then he find something wrong with Choi Dong Yi.
Sukjong: But however what is the matter, Dong Yi? It seems that you look like you have something to say to me
Choi Dong Yi looks at Sukjong.
Seo Yong Gi looks at Choi Hyo Won’s wanted poster then Shim Yun Taek enters Seo Yong Gi’s office & tells that this matter is actually in regards to Geumgae. Seo Yong Gi is surprise that Shim Yun Taek has learn about the matter. Shim Yun Taek is a genius, just a moment noticed, he can comprehend the whole matter. Shim Yun Taek tells that he does vividly recall the Geumgae incident that they were an outlawed Cheonmin organisation that was indicted in the Yanban serial killings. In the same time, the Geumgae leader was the person who murder Seo Yong Gi’s father but in the beginning, Seo Yong Gi came to his defence. Seo Yong Gi queries where is Shim Yun Taek is taking this. Shim Yun Taek admits that he doesn’t know the full details about the incident & also he doesn’t have to curiousity to probe further to the incident but however there is something that Seo Yong Gi needs to know. Shim Yun Taek informs that Choi Dong Yi is now has gone to Daejeon. Seo Yong Gi is surprised at Choi Dong Yi’s action. Shim Yun Taek tells that if he has the heart to prevent this from happening, the person who can persuade to changed Choi Dong Yi’s mindset will only him alone as Shim Yun Taek whether this is correct
Sukjong is concern over a very quiet Choi Dong Yi
Sukjong: Dong Yi? What is really the matter? What is the matter that has make you so perplexed & troubled?….This is fine….Dong Yi…there is no need to speak further….I have mentioned this before to you, if it is too difficult then don’t speak any of this
Choi Dong Yi confess to Sukjong as she mutters t
Choi Dong Yi: I am a criminal’s daughter.
Sukjong is rather lost
Sukjong: What?
Choi Dong Yi: I am a criminal’s daughter, Cheon Na
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi: At the time, on the ravine, that I was not able to come forward the truth about the matter is this….My deceased father & brother, both of them has committed a grave crimes against the nation 7 the Royal court
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Na, I am Chief Eunuch Han

Chief Eunuch Han comes in
Sukjong: What is it then?
Chief Eunuch Han: Cheon Na, Seo Yong Gi wishes to seek audience with you urgently. Choi Dong Yi is shocked, Sukjong is confused.
Sukjong: Seo Yong Gi? What does he wish to speak?
Seo Yong Gi rushes in with a letter in his hand & greets Sukjong.
Seo Yong Gi: Chon Na! My apology….It is because the matter of great urgency that I didn’t convey my arrival to Daejeon
Sukjong: You?
Choi Dong Yi: Yeong Gam! Please…allow me….this matter let be the person to resolve…
Seo Yong Gi: Mamanim, please return to your residence….have you already forgotten, I have mentioned that let me be the person who will resolve this matter for you
Cha Cheon Soo sprint to Daejeon as Choi Dong Yi staggers out of Daejeon then she turns to look at Daejeon as she sobs, Cha Cheon Soo arrives to call Choi Dong Yi as she turns to call Cha Cheon Soo then Cha Cheon Soo approaches her as Choi Dong Yi can only profusely cries, Cha Cheon Soo hold Choi Dong Yi’s hand to comfort her
Seo Yong Gi asked Sukjong whether he recalls the incident about Geumgae. Sukjong recalls that Geumgae was a Cheonmin outlawed organisation that was instigate in the serial killing of Yanban in the year of Shinyu, Sukjong remember that he has decrees to charge prosecuted the group. Sukjong surprise to asked why the mentioned of Geumgae. Seo Yong Gi tells Sukjong that Choi Dong Yi was trying to speak to Sukjong is regarding this matter. Sukjong is surprise. Seo Yong Gi passes a letter to Sukjong as Sukjong asked what is this letter. Seo Yong Gi explains that this is a letter regarding the findings that they have found in Seong Cheon regarding Choi Dong Yi’s background. Sukjong takes the letter & reads it. Seo Yong Gi tells Sukjong that after reading the letter, Sukjong will learned that Choi Dong Yi father is Cheon, mother is Kim that in the Seong Cheon Gibang, there is a record of them being traded as servants.
Sukjong then asked what is that got to do in regards to Geumgae & what is it that Choi Dong Yi was finding so hard to say to him about. Seo Yong Gi tells that Choi Dong Yi wasn’t really born or brought up in Seong Cheon. Seo Yong Gi tells just has Sukjong has guess that they were abused by their owners & ran away as escape servants, the moment their lives was being threatened that they has been render gratitude help by Geumgae then finally they will able to escape to Seong Cheon. Seo Yong Gi tells Sukjong that what Choi Dong Yi wishes to inform Sukjong about is regarding this matter, although Choi Dong Yi went through perils of risk to decided to disclose the truth that she has been render help by the Geumgae to make her escape but Geumgae being an outlawed organisation, therefore this is why she is ridden by guilt. Sukjong asked that was it this is that what made Choi Dong Yi so troubled & hard, was this matter. Sukjong feels for Choi Dong Yi’s predicament
Cha Cheon Soo learns that Shim Yun Taek was the person who persuade Seo Yong Gi to do otherwise. Cha Cheon Soo asked that Seo Yong Gi took his letter from Seong Cheon to pass it to Sukjong. Shim Yun Taek confirms & this matter will just pass through as it is & asked Cha Cheon Soo to be rest assures his concern. Shim Yun Taek ponders on the fact that Choi Dong Yi is the daughter of Geumgae leader. It seems that Choi Dong Yi is really no ordinary person that she has inherited her father’s bloodline. Cha Cheon Soo is concern as Shim Yun Taek assures Cha Cheon Soo that he may look like her blabbermouth but his mouth is really a clam mouth when needs be, moreover Shim Yun Taek if it was him, it is the same, that because of status constraints that they aren’t allow to exercise their potential, maybe he fear that he too might take up the sword, this is the righteous of man. Cha Cheon Soo looks worried as Shim Yun Taek tells Cha Cheon Soo not because of his remarks that Cha Cheon Soo exposes him too. Shim Yun Taek tells that he has his own aspirations. Shim Yun Taek leaves as Cha Cheon Soo ponder what to make of Shim Yun Taek
In Bo Yeong Dang Choi Dong Yi asked Seo Yong Gi as she has concern that Seo Yong Gi has committed perjury in front of Sukjong by covering up for Choi Dong Yi
Choi Dong Yi: Why did you need to do this?….Don’t you know the consequences as Seo Yong Gi has willful given falsehood testimony to Sukjong by telling him otherwise that may lead to persecution of “high treason”….Yeong Gam
Seo Yong Gi: Do you remember that fateful night?….You have told me that your father died a wrongful death from being falsely accused
Choi Dong Yi surprise
Seo Yong Gi recalls that night that he let Choi Dong Yi go & tells that he will do let her go the 2nd time, as she is the criminal daughter & it is best that Choi Dong Yi must not get found out by him. The young Choi Dong Yi tells Seo Yong Gi that her father is not a criminal & tells that her father never did any wrongdoing & she reminds Seo Yong Gi about the hand gesture by Jang Ik Heon that she has seen a Ha Oh Nim doing the same hand gesture & Seo Yong Gi did tell her that the hand gesture was an important evidence then she asked Seo Yong Gi to go & find that said palace maid & the truth will be revealed when he goes to verify the matter. Seo Yong Gi tells Choi Dong Yi that maybe it was because of that, it was his reason of quest for a long time the purpose of looking for Choi Dong Yi all this while. Seo Yong Gi tells that he has never able to discard Choi Hyo Won from his heart. Choi Dong Yi is surprised. Seo Yong Gi tells that if that is true then he must go & pursue & learn the truth. Seo Yong Gi tells Choi Dong Yi that if Choi Hyo Won did admits to killing his father for his sake, then it is correct that it will be his own personal matter moreover for the sake of Choi Hyo Won that today he was willing & dare to commit perjury in front of Sukjong that he has conceal the truth from Sukjong & committed the highest offence against Sukjong but then he always be abject an apology towards Sukjong but however he reminds Choi Dong Yi
Seo Yong Yi: But however, please I do hope that you will bear this in mind, that you must not, there will come a time that I will have to kneel before Sukjong to admit to my crimes but you must never utter a single word to Cheon Na…
Choi Dong Yi: Yeong Gam?
Seo Yong Gi: You are not doing this for your sake, but the sake of Sukjong…As you did mentioned before that the status you been render in, is being heavy laden in responsibilities but however the heavens has its reason to have allow you to be in this position…it is in this position that you may be out to do some extraordinary achievement that you must do. Therefore that you are beside Sukjong, do what you need to do, are you clear…..Use your life that you must not let anyone to expose you, moreover for Sukjong trust, you need your utmost trust in your sincerity to reimburse Sukjong great trust for you
Seo Yong Gi leaves Bo Yeong Dang where Cha Cheon Soo met him outside. Cha Cheon Soo greets Seo Yong Gi as Seo Yong Gi tells Cha Cheon Soo that it is a long time ago, it is not easy to justify to conceal Geumgae’s crimes as Seo Yong Gi tells Choi Hyo Won & Cha Cheon Soo did indeed shake the foundation of the nation’s root with the forming of Geumgae that is no denial in that fact. Cha Cheon Soo understands. Seo Yong Gi tells but however, the day Choi Dong Yi is still in the palace that Cha Cheon Soo must take the responsibility to safeguard Choi Dong Yi until then, as Seo Yong Gi tells because of his friend’s crime, he will carry this away under his responsibility, moreover what Choi Dong Yi & Cha Cheon Soo should do is to erase this matter from their memory & asked Cha Cheon Soo to bear this mind. Seo Yong Gi leaves
Choi Dong Yi is crying as she contemplates & calls out her father & brother then she weeps. Seo Yong Gi is a nice person
Jang Hee Jae’s man comes to Mdm Yoon residence as Mdm Yoon greets him. Jang Hee Jae’s man asked whether Jang Hee Jae is in as she affirms. Mdm Yoon asked Jang Hee Jae what is the progress that it is still going smoothly . Jang Hee Jae sighs. Mdm Yoon’s maid comes to tell that Jang Hee Jae’s man wants to see him. Jang Hee Jae asked him to enter as Jang Hee Jae’s man comes to him & he asked his man whether they have found the Military log book. Jang Hee Jae’s man tells that they have yet locate the Military log book whereabouts. Jang Hee Jae upset with his man that all the effort is given & he only can come up with that answer. Jang Hee Jae’s man apologise but there is a matter that is seen more greater urgency than the Military log book. Jang Hee Jae queries about the urgent matter. Jang Hee Jae’s man tells the Chinese Envoy Chen has convey a message that he want to Military log book with tomorrow as a dateline & it seems that Chinese Envoy Chen has learn about their failed in attempt to locate the Military log book. Mdm Yoon is concern what they are suppose to do now
Queen Jang learns from Jo Sang Gung that Choi Dong Yi’s identity has been pacified with a document. Yoo sang Gung tells that the document doesn’t finds nothing amiss or in doubt. Oh Tae Seok is with Queen Jang as she asked what is the matter regarding Geumgae then. Queen Jang asked that Nae Geum Ui was said to have investigated about the Geumgae’s case that she believe that she could get Choi Dong Yi to be in league with Geumgae. Oh Tae Seok tells that he has send someone to verified the matter & the matter has been justified. Jang Hee Jae comes to see Queen Jang as she asked what is the matter. Jang Hee Jae asked that he needs to speak to her in private. Oh Taek Seok queries what is the matter that his presence is not welcome that he wonder what all the secrecy about. Jang Hee Jae signal to Queen Jang that he wants Oh Tae Seok to be excuse. Queen Jang asked Oh Tae Seok to be excused as Oh Tae Seok is surprise that he has been dismissed. Oh Tae Seok leaves Gyotaejeon then asked Oh Yun to find out what is Jang Hee Jae up to lately. Oh Yun tells that the most important matter for them now is to deal with Choi Dong Yi’s background. Oh Tae Seok sense that they is something important that Jang Hee Jae has bungled up. Oh Yun acknowledged & leaves
Oh Yun is still around that he hasn’t exit from the drama
Queen Jang learns from Jang Hee Jae that the Military log book might be with Choi Dong Yi & Shim Yun Taek’s possession. Jang Hee Jae tells just as Queen Jang has guessed that it seems that it might be true. Jang Hee Jae sense that Shim Yun Taek might be out to plot something. Queen Jang asked what is that something. Jang Hee Jae tells that the Military log book is seen in their possession & yet they have not reacted on the matter, Jang Hee Jae that he has made the wrong call. Jang Hee Jae tells that they are awaiting for some important evidence & to seize an opportunity. Jang Hee Jae tells Queen Jang even if he needs to massacre them all, that he will….Queen Jang asked whether the dateline is tomorrow by Chinese Envoy Chen. Jang Hee Jae confirms the matter. Queen Jang asked her brother to calm down & focus, if they now loses their sense of reasoning then it will spell their downfall. If they don’t wish for everything to be over & done with, Jang Hee Jae is concern. Queen Jang tells that if the Military log book is in Choi Dong Yi’s possession, that they will just have to retrieve the Military log book & all will be well. Jang Hee Jae queries on retrieval
Joseon worker busy with a construction site as Chinese Envoy Chen is doing a recce the construction site. Chinese Envoy Chen orders his men to go & take a closer look. Then they are spotted by the Joseon soldiers patrolling the premises & raise the alarm then the Chinese Envoy Chen & his entourage are surrounded. Sukjong learns from Do Seong Ji Qing Chinese Envoy Chen covert night recce to look in to the Military deployment in Ganghwasan & was apprehended. Do Seong Ji confirms & Sukjong is baffled
The construction site is the Gapgotjin base that was built during the reign of Sukjong in 1679 in Ganghwasan
Sukjong summon the Chinese Emissary & tells that he has hears distressing report discuss then asked the Chinese Emissary whether their real intention is regarding to this matter, that by issue the Imperial Endorsement for the Crown Prince Investiture was to pacified Sukjong but then covertly goes to observe Joseon’s borders & military activities to discreetly understand their military deployment. The Chinese Emissary denies that they are doing that. Chinese Envoy Chen tells Sukjong that he will have to be bold that it seems like it is a Joseon practice to go around pacifying someone in order to discreetly to have ulterior motives. Sukjong is surprise at Chinese Envoy Chen remarks. The Chinese Emissary asked Chinese Envoy Chen to stand down. Chinese Envoy Chen acknowledge then he queries about Ganghwasan’s construction of the fortress, that it seem it didn’t have any prior discussion with Qing China in regards to the construction of the fortress. Sukjong asked that whether the Qing China was Joseon to provided them with every boulder or rock is being moved. Chinese Envoy Chen brushes it off. Sukjong tells this is fine, if he think that this will raise their interest, he will not stop them, Chinese Envoy Chen can take his entourage & go & inspect all they want. Chinese Envoy Chen tells how about changing the subject in regards to their common border. Chinese Envoy Chen has heard there is deployment of Military force in the common borders then asked whether the fact is true. Sukjong tells Chinese Envoy Chen that he is out of line. Sukjong leaves the Chinese Emissary then he is clearly upset & asked Do Seong Ji to looks into the matter that the Chinese Emissary has taken the Military border deployment as their reasons of raising an issue with Joseon. Do Seong Ji acknowledge
Shim Yun Taek goes to see Choi Dong Yi, as Choi Dong Yi is surprise that Qing Chinese Emissary’s intention to come to Doseong in such hurry is to get hold of the Military log book. Shim Yun Taek tells does Choi Dong Yi think that just for an Imperial endorsement that they will make such a journey. Qing China always wish to know what Joseon border deployment. Qing China has fears that the strengthening of Joseon Military might. Qing China wants the Military log book to justify their fears to see whether it is correct in order to counter measure. Shim Yun Taek tells that by chance the Military log book falls into the Chinese hands, Joseon will yet again faces the threats from Qing China. Shim Yun Taek affirms the matter. In order to pacified Qing China, that Joseon has to be seen to have a weak Military might, this has always been Sukjong’s intention to perceive as that but now the Chinese Emissary is trying to make an issue over the matter. Shim Yun Taek tells that this is not just simply selling state secret but what they are really doing is high treason against the country. Shim Yin Taek tells that they need to protect the Military log book at all cost, moreover that they need to use this to hold them by their necks on the matter. Choi Dong Yi asked Shim Yun Taek how do they go about doing this then. How will they able to prove that Jang Hee Jae really wanted intention to pass the Military log book to Qing China. Shim Yun Taek tells that he has very well thought plan but there is some calculative risk involved for them to undertake
Scene changes to Queen Inhyeon’s cottage. Jung In Guk deliver a letter & tells Queen Inhyeon that this is a letter from Choi Dong Yi. Queen Inhyeon takes the letter to read. Ahn Sang Gung tells what is the content in the letter that has cause Queen Inhyeon some concern.
Queen Inhyeon: Cheon Sang Gung looks like she is somewhat planning to preparing for an counter assault
Jung Geum: What?…. Cheon Sang Gung Mamanim?
Queen Inhyeon: It could be said that, this could be seen as the final battle between I & Hee Bin
Oh Tae Seok learns from Queen Jang that they has handed the Military log book to Qing China. Queen Jang confirms that they did indeed. Oh Tae Seok is shocked with his jaw agape & asked how can they do this….Queen Jang understands the implications that it is laden perilous in risk. Queen Jang tells that Sukjong haven’t grasp the reality of the situation. Queen Jang tells that Joseon & Qing China must not be adversary, moreover they need to have friendly ties, that it is more important for Qing China to have the rights to know that will be more beneficial. Oh Taek seok worries that if Sukjong learns about the matter that it will be grave results of implications. Queen Jang tells that this is only for Oh Tae Seok to know, that the horse that he is riding on is already galloping with speed, do you think that Oh Taek Seok will able to jump off from its back. Queen Jang asked if he doesn’t wish to then Oh Tae Seok must render his support to them that they are now on the same bandwagon for their survival
Choi Dong Yi with the Military log book on her table as she contemplates. Bong Sang Gung informs that Sukjong has arrived. Choi Dong Yi comes out to greet Sukjong. Sukjong looks at Choi Dong Yi & nods,

Sukjong goes for a stroll with Choi Dong Yi. Sukjong sighs
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Sigh! Today has been a very long day…It is because that I have conflict with the Chinese Emissary in some matter of urgency that my mood has been fouled that the matter wasn’t resolves as expected, that I have no time to look after your feelings
Choi Dong Yi is surprise
Choi Dong Yi: It is nothing like that, how can you bear this matter in your heart
Sukjong: I have heard from Seo Yong Gi in regards to your matter. I have finally understand what difficulties that you had to faced within you
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: However, please don’t worry…I know that the fault is not on you or your father…on the contrary it can be said that the fault should lie on me as the Monarch of this country. The existence of this country to have segregation of distinctive social class of gentry & commoner, the wealthy because of their own asset & wealth that they will oppress the innocent commoner, moreover as the King of this nation that I have never done in my effort in protecting my Cheonmin class but I have always voice that I have kept my people interest dear to my heart but then he has never kept that pledge on Cheonmin class
Choi Dong Yi: It is not like that, Cheon Na. Cheon Na compare to whoever is a Sovereign that cherish his people….Have you forgotten? You have entrusted your trust upon me who has nothing & just a Cheonmin that you have offer your stretch hand to help me, is it that you Cheon Na
Sukjong: Yes, you are correct, as for me to say that you are that person to me therefore there are time I often think, wouldn’t it be perhaps it is that reason that heavens bestowed to send you to me to be at my side. The person who has told me & acknowledged that the Cheonmin class is also my people & my responsibility to them as a King that I need to go through your suffering to have listen to your grievances in order to know about the Cheonmin class citizen
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong holds Choi Dong Yi’s hand & pats it. Chief Eunuch Han & Bong sang Gung & Ae Jung is pleased to hear Sukjong admission. Sukjong holds Choi Dong Yi hands to console her,
Queen Jang gives Jang Hee Jae; her carte blanche & asked him to use it. Queen Jang that the matter they must use the time given to expedite whatever they have to with the time frame create & given to them & tells Jang Hee Jae to bear this in mind. Queen Jang tells that the sword is already coming near to their necks & if they don’t seize the opportunity to gain the upper hand then all they have will be vanquish into dust & spell their imminent end. Jang Hee Jae assures her that he will successful resolve everything
Oh Tae Seok having a Namin faction assembly meeting, then tells his faction that they are on their brink & that their political survival is on the line. Oh Tae Seok urges his Namin faction to gather in strength to counter the onslaught or else it will be over for them. Oh Tae Seok asked his faction will they defend this with their lives. The Namin faction agrees
Sukjong is informed by Jang Hee Jae that there is a banquet in honour of the Chinese Emissary. Jang Hee Jae affirms that he has heard that Sukjong & the Chinese Emissary has been in loggerhead in dispute over matters but to have them return with this grievance might not be beneficial for both countries diplomatic relationship, before their return that they needs to appease the Chinese Emissary. Sukjong is still upset as Do Seong Ji advice that what Jang Hee Jae has said, has his points of reason & tells that this is just diplomatic entertainment that it will be beneficial for them to appease the Chinese Emissary. Sukjong is not pleased while Jang Hee Jae set up his scheme
Mdm Park asked Oh Tae Pung what suddenly there is the banquet held that her husband & son is going as Oh Tae Pung explains that the banquet in honour of the Chinese Emissary that has come to Doseong that this is an important banquet. Oh Ho Yang tells that this is the biggest even that they have prepared since taking over the music bureau. Mdm Yoon asked why is that. Oh Ho Yang tells there is something that they need to do that is important. Mdm Park queries about is that, Oh Ho Yang tries to tell his mother but Oh Tae Pung rebukes his son not to disclose to Mdm Park. Mdm park insist as Oh Tae Pung insist that his wife doesn’t need to know about politics & leaves. Mdm Yoon wonders what his husband is really doing
Choi Dong Yi learns from Bong Sang Gung that Queen Jang send out invitation that she is preparing a banquet for the Chinese Emissary & entourage, Queen Jang has requested for Choi Dong Yi to attend the banquet. Bong Sang Gung affirms that Queen Jang has decree for her participation to the banquet. Choi Dong Yi queries what reason for her attendance. Bong Sang Gung explains she doesn’t know the actual reason but that Choi Dong Yi is now the member of the Royal Household with the receipt to Inner court, wouldn’t that be a reason. Ae Jung asked Choi Dong Yi to put on her best appearance & asked if she understands as Choi Dong Yi smiles but then she has her doubts
Yoo Sang Gung comes to hand a document to asked Jeong Sang Gung to just follow accordingly to what it has been written then asked Jeong Sang Gung to take Jung Im & the other Gungnyeo with her. Yoo Sang Gung tells Jeong Sang Gung that she wants Jeong Sang Gung to take charge of the banquet. Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im express surprise. Jeong Sang Gung tells that it is customary that Jejo Sang Gung (Yoo Sang Gung) attend this Royal banquets. Yoo Sang Gung tells that she will not forever be holding this post, then Yoo Sang Gung knows that Jeong Sang Gung strive to this position, this is the reason that Yoo Sang Gung allow Jeong Sang Gung to attend for experience & tells that the preparation must be done without mistakes. Yoo Sang Gung leaves
Jang Hee Jae waits for his man who comes to see him as he asked how matters are progressing. Jang Hee Jae’s man informs that all is prepared & ready according to plan that the Nae Geum Bu & Internal Bureau of Investigation will have their hand tied down. Jang Hee Jae asked about Shim Yun Taek. Jang Hee Jae’s man assures Jang Hee Jae that he has send men to eliminate Shim Yun Taek
Shin Yun Taek walking in the street as he is being followed & then found himself in danger being cornered & surrounded. Shim Yun Taek asked who are they as the assailant order for Shim Yun Taek to be capture as he tries to fend off the assailant but ended being knocks out cold & carried away
In the banquet, Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im usher Choi Dong Yi to the banquet. Choi Dong Yi notice Cha Cheon Soo & Seo Yong Gi looking after security
Choi Dong Yi: Tonight the both of them (Cha Cheon Soo & Seo Yong Gi) are also here?
Jeong Sang Gung: Yes, they are, since it is the matter regarding the palace, Seo Yong Gi of Nae Geum Ui will be taking charge of security
Choi Dong Yi sense bad premonition that the danger in the midst. Choi Dong Yi beginning to have her doubts that something is wrong
Assailants running on the streets, guard has been diverted from their post by order. Yoo Sang Gung & her girls comes to Bo Yeong Dang & asked them they must do this quickly
Yoo sang Gung: We must be quick or else tonight’s effort will go to waste
Eum Geum: Yes, Mamanim
Shi Bi: We understand, Mamanim
Cha Cheon Soo with Choi Dong Yi who looks vexed
Cha Cheon Soo: What are you mean by saying…Dong Yi…that you find matter strange?
Choi Dong Yi looks around
Choi Dong Yi: All of us are currently present in this exact premises
Cha Cheon Soo: What?
Choi Dong Yi: I…with Jeong Sang Gung, also you Orrabuni & Seo Yong Gi, that has allow us to be assemble in this place, don’t you sense there is something rather odd about this arrangement?
Choi Dong Yi: Where is Shim Yun Taek, Orrabuni? Have you not since him yet?
Cha Cheon Soo: I don’t think it is possible for him to participate in this banquet
Choi Dong Yi: Go & find out what is Shim Yun Taek is doing
Cha Cheon Soo: Yes, I understand
Cha Cheon Soo leaves the banquet. Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im comes to see Choi Dong Yi
Jeong Sang Gung: Mamanim?
Jung Im: Just like you have said that you suspected, there is something amiss, I will go & find out
Choi Dong Yi nods. A palace maid drops her tray & breaks the plates that gave Choi Dong Yi a fright
Bong Sang Gung: Mamanim, are you alright?
Choi Dong Yi sense something is indeed out of place,
Choi Dong Yi: We need to leave for the residence at once to have a look
Bong Sang Gung: What?
Choi Dong Yi about to leave when Queen Jang comes
Queen Jang: Where are you going, Cheon Sang Gung?
Choi Dong greets Queen Jang. Choi Dong Yi wants to leaves but Queen Jang stops her
The battle of the Inner court Round 3 Dong Yi vs Queen Jang….Start!!!!…Fight!!!