Dong Yi Episode 42

Oh Tae Seok learns his valet that he is happy that the time that Oh Yun will be returning to Doseong soon as the Valet confirm that the Namin faction exiles will set off to Doseong. Oh Tae Seok tells that his trusted associates returns that he will able restart his path to power again. Oh Tae Seok tells while waiting for this day to come that heavens has made him exposure all the weather beaten in politics, but now he can looks forward to resume his quest & laughs
Seo Yong Gi, Shim Yun Taek & Choi Dong Yi still digesting the truth that just been revealed. Shim Yun Taek tells that it was as it is, Oh Tae Seok at that time wanted to usurp to power in the Namin faction that he need to eliminate the incumbent Namin faction leader & wishes to make that position as his own mastermind the assassination. Seo Yong Gi then tells that after Oh Tae Seok just pushes all the blame to the Cheonmin Geumgae, moreover he has make use of him then addresses that if this is really the doing of Oh Tae Seok, that Oh Tae Seok may not have act alone in this matter, they is definitely someone else that is involve. Shim Yun Taek asked that what is Seo Yong Gi implying by saying as Choi Dong Yi soon comes to realise & mutter Jang Hee Bin’s name. Seo Yong Gi & Shim Yun Taek is surprise. Choi Dong Yi excuse herself that she needs to go somewhere to verify a matter as she leave in a haste
Choi Dong Yi & her entourage marches back to Bo Gyeong Dang as Choi Dong Yi now recalls clearly & affirms as she tells that the day the Gungnyeo she witness displaying the hand gesture was indeed Jang Ok Jung that that Jang Hee Bin may be involves or definitely had knowledge on the Shinyu intrigue. Choi Dong Yi return to her residence & frantically looking for the butterfly ornament sketch that she found in Chu Jong Seo (Dong Yi Episode 5). Bong Sang Gung being kept in the dark & asked what is Choi Dong Yi being so hurried in looking for something. Choi Dong Yi retrieve the butterfly sketch then looking at the drawing in the centre of the butterfly ornament drawing the character “玉” (ok) is display
In the private residence. Jang Hee Bin learns from Jang Mu Yeol to her surprise that Choi Dong Yi & Geumgae somewhat in link. Jang Mu Yeol acknowledged that Choi Dong Yi’s leaving the palace for private residence is somewhat related is some coincidence to Geumgae. Jang Hee Bin tells Jang Mu Yeol that Choi Dong Yi is a Royal Consort in the Inner court, how can she as Jang Mu Yeol tells that before Choi Dong Yi was a Royal Consort, she is from Cheonmin class. Jang Mu Yeol asked whether Jang Hee Bin can now understand that Geumgae & Cheonmin class are closely associated & therefore there is that possibility
Jang Hee Bin return to her Chwi Seon Dang residence then asked Jo Sang Gung from now onwards to use all manpower & resources from their residence to find out & observe Choi Dong Yi’s whereabouts & movements. Jang Hee Bin must know where Choi Dong Yi has been & whom she has seen. Choi Dong Yi then cuts in & asked Jang Hee Bin where she has been all this while that she looks hurried. Jang Hee Bin is surprise that Choi Dong Yi is in the premises
In Chwi Seon Dang as outside the residence Ae Jung curiously asked Bong Sang Gung why in such a late hour is their purpose of coming to Chwi Seon Dang in such lateness of the night & asked what is Choi Dong Yi trying to do. Bong Sang Gung tells that she concurs that it is driving her frantically with anxiety that is feels like the calm before the violent storm mad that she out of wits in what Choi Dong Yi is trying to do. Ahn Sang Gung & Yeong Sun looks at Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung’s expression for clues. Ae Jung tells that they are staring at them as Bong Sang Gung tells Ae Jung that they are still staring, the way they are staring at them side ward at them, from the corner their eyes that it will soon be rip off.
The battle of the Inner Court, Choi Sukwon vs. Jang Hee Bin Round 5…Play!!!….Fight!!!!
Choi Dong Yi is staunch in her firmness in Jang Hee Bin’s residence. Choi Dong Yi takes the initiative to seek out Jang Ok Jung. Choi Dong Yi sees Jang Hee Bin as they met in confrontation. Choi Dong Yi allow Jang Hee Bin to take the 1st seat
Choi Dong Yi: In this lateness of the night, why you have left discreetly from the palace? It looks like there is some matter of great urgency to attend to
Jang Hee Bin: My mother in her private residence has taken ill, I just merely left the palace to visit her but it seems that there is no reason whatsoever to explain my movements to you. Tell me what is the purpose of your visit here tonight that you are looking for me, I am sure that it is not out of boredom that you came here for a chat
Choi Dong Yi: Perhaps can you recalled, that a long time ago, when I 1st met Mama that I have earnest request to see Mama’s personal ornament in a form of a butterfly ornament.
Jang Hee Bin recalls the past that Choi Dong Yi dare to asked to see her personal ornaments. Jang Hee Bin gave Choi Dong Yi to look at a cloisonné butterfly ornament for Choi Dong Yi to verify as Choi Dong Yi opens the box to her disappointment that it is not the butterfly ornament that she is looking for.
Choi Dong Yi: I remember that time Mama mentioned to me that this was your most dear ornament that you have carried since you were a child but then however is that really the only butterfly ornament that you own that is dear to you or perhaps there is another ornament that you have chose to conceal away
Jang Hee Bin is baffled why Choi Dong Yi bring the subject of the butterfly ornament.
Jang Hee Bin: What are you saying over there? Why the sudden that you have come to my residence to bring up this subject?…Then query me about if there is another….what are you trying to imply
Choi Dong retrieve the drawing from her sleeves & pass it to Jang Hee Bin
Choi Dong Yi: This sketch… do you perhaps own a butterfly ornament that is exact to the sketch? This is why I came here to ask
Jang Hee Bin takes a look then she was taken surprise as her eyes raise
Jang Hee Bin (herself): This is indeed my butterfly ornament?
Then Jang Hee Bin asked Choi Dong Yi
Jang Hee Bin: How could you possible….
Choi Dong Yi could read that Jang Hee Bin indeed has knowledge of the butterfly ornament & affirmative
Choi Dong Yi: Does this really confirm that this is indeed the butterfly ornament that Mama owns?
Jang Hee Bin: What is this?….What is the really the reason that you want that you have come to asked me for what kind of verification
Choi Dong Yi is silence
Jang Hee Bin: Didn’t you what I have just said. What are you doing to come here to being such nuisance that beyond comprehension?
Choi Dong Yi seeing Jang Hee Bin gets all work up. Choi Dong Yi knows the answer. Choi Dong Yi leaves Jang Hee Bin’s residence & heavy steps down the steps as she recalls
Jang Hee Bin: What is this?….What is the really the reason that you want that you have come to asked me for what kind of verification
Choi Dong Yi turns to Chwi Seon Dang
Choi Dong Yi: Is it really you then?….The person who is involve the intrigue that drove my father & Geumgae to their demise, that the perpetrators are Oh Tae Seok & Mama, this intrigue, Mama already have knowledge of the matter
Choi Dong Yi is seen choked with emotion
In Chwi Seon Dang, Jang Hee Bin takes out her said butterfly ornament to have a look, then wonder what is the reason behind this that Choi Dong Yi is being so inquisitive to confirm the butterfly ornament
Jo Sang Gung: Mama?
Jang Hee Bin: What is really the matter? Why does Sukwon wish to ask me to verify this butterfly ornament? What does that child wish to know or find out…what is her purpose…
Cha Cheon Soo comes hurried to Bo Gyeong Dang rather anxiously then asked where is Choi Dong Yi. Cha Cheon Soo enters Bo Gyeong Dang to see Choi Dong Yi breathes heavily after her return from Chwi Seon Dang
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabuni!… It is confirm that it is Oh Tae Seok & Jang Hee Bin, they are the perpetrator the perpetrator who cause the death of father & Orrabuni (Choi Dong Joo) then after put the blame of their crimes on to Geumgae’s account, but however I was really naïve until that I has render my utmost effort use to help Hee Bin Mama from her predicament, that I believe in her sincerity, this is why I did my utmost for her
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi is bitter even though it is said that Choi Dong Yi confirms that the Gungnyeo is indeed Jang Ok Jung, but Jang Ok Jung has denies that acknowledgement that Choi Dong Yi is left without any choice or alternative.
Choi Dong Yi: I will never forgive them….Orrabuni…They have use the blood of father, Orrabuni & Geumgae as a sacrificial pawn that they has achieve to aspire to the present status. I Will definitely will not render them absolution on their crimes that they have done
Choi Dong Yi is so choked to tears
Oh Ho Yang is happy that they finally return to Doseong that it have been so long that he hears the bustle noise of the capital that it feels like a dream. Oh Tae Pung is also thrilled & tells that he now feels like he is breathing as a live person in this world. Meanwhile on the other hand, Mdm Park’s expression is not thrilled. Oh Ho Yang asked whether his mother has prepare them a welcome lavish banquet, that they have travel a far journey that they are famished. Mdm Park tells that they can still asked for a lavish banquet. Oh Tae Seok & Oh Ho Yang is surprise at Mdm Park’s tone. Mdm Park asked why her men folk is stalling & asked her men folk to enter their residence as she show her men folk their new residence. Oh Tae Pung & family has become impoverished Yanban staying in a thatcher cottage. Oh Tae Pung asked where is his residence & asked if it is at a distance. Oh Ho Yang still asked her mother where is the residence. Mdm Park tells her men folk not to asked her where is the residence that the residence is directly in front of them as they see it. Oh Tae Pung shocked that this is their residence. Mdm Park asked what do they expect as they have contribute all their wealth & asset in exchange for their freedom, what kind of abode can they still afford. Oh Ho Yang is dismay with the living residence as they will have to live in such meagre condition & still be have to eat grass & roots. Mdm Park wails about her fate that she has come to such an age & still need to suffer in poverty. Oh Tae Pung faints at the sight of his new abode as Oh Ho Yang has to support his fainting father. Oh Tae Pung tells that he can’t continue eating grass & roots as he may turn into a cow soon, now his stomach is already filled with grass & roots & make be taking roots in his stomach
Mdm Yoon’s maid open the door to greets Jang Hee Jae as she announce to Mdm Yoon that Jang Hee Jae returns home to Mdm Yoon’s residence but even if Jang Hee Jae has donate all his wealth & assets, still can reside in a great residence, it must be Mdm Yoon personal asset. Mdm Yoon burst open the house doors to greet her open arm son. Mdm Yoon tells that her son finally has come home. Jang Hee Jae confirms to his mother that he indeed has return. Mdm Yoon want to have a clearer look at her son
Jang Hee Jae comes to Chwi Seon Dang as Jang Hee Bin runs out to greet her brother with such longing yearn for her brother. Jang Hee Bin approaches her brother & hold his hands in a brother & sister reunion. Jang Hee Bin misses her brother as they had a teary reunion.
I like it when it is suppose to be a happy reunion for the Jang siblings, they play such eerie music in the background
Jang Hee Jae tells Jang Hee Bin about well being during this time. Jang Hee Bin asked whether her brother has suffer agonising during his exile as Jang Hee Jae tells that this can’t be compare to what her sister has suffer as for the sake of his sister, he is all worthwhile to do this for her. Jang Hee Jae regrets that he left Jang Hee Bin to fend for herself alone. Jang Hee Bin tells it is not at all that Jang Hee jae now has return as she will one by one take back what she has lost. Jang Hee Jae acknowledge that this is what they of course they will do & isn’t that the purpose of his return. Jo Sang Gung & Yeong Sun is happy to see the sibling reunited
In Jang Hee Bin residence, Jang Hee Jae learns from Jang Hee Bin about the oddity in Choi Dong Yi’s movement that is worth suspicion. Jang Hee Bin acknowledge that it is indeed that Choi Dong Yi is conceal something in connection with Geumgae then also in regards to their matter, it seems that Choi Dong Yi has found some insight. Jang Hee Jae asked what is Jang Hee Bin implying by saying. Jang Hee Bin tells it is said that risk & opportunity are running co-existing at parallel & no matter what the matter is this will be a battle of life & death between Choi Dong Yi & her, to see who will end up dead or survive in this engagement. Jang Hee Jae acknowledged & understands Jang Hee Bin’s intention
Shim Yun Taek comes Nae Geum Bu & asked whether Seo Yong Gi are in. Hwang Jung Gu tells Shim Yun Taek to go in quickly that all are presence & waiting for him as Shim Yun Taek acknowledged. Choi Dong Yi, Seo Yong Gi & Cha Cheon Soo are in Nae Geum Bu. Shim Yun Taek show them the document from his research as Cha Cheon Soo explains that although the hand gesture indicate that it is Oh Tae Seok’s sobriquet, using that as an argument, they will not able to press any charges or make a case against Oh Tae Seok & what they need is a solid substantial evidence. Shim Yun Taek concurs that although they can use documentation from the Shinyu incident as records & adding to what Choi Dong Yi has as evidence, they can make a case to start an investigation but they need to make a solid case against them that not to give them an opportunity to let them evade prosecution by giving excuses from their wrong doing. Seo Yong Gi tells that the Shinyu incident is already many years past, how will they able to come out with solid & substantial evidence
Choi Dong Yi: If there is none, then we must go & create one.
Seo Yong Gi: Mama, what you means is….
Seo Yong Gi surprise as what is she implying as Choi Dong Yi tell that they will force Oh Tae Seok to react
Choi Dong Yi: We will lure Oh Tae Seok to make his own solid & substantial evidence
Choi Dong Yi is all down serious mode executing great calmness & wisdom as a group of men stand surrounding her to help her to resolves matter.
Oh Tae Seok is surprise to learn that Oh Yun is unable to return from banishment. The valet tells that it is not only just Oh Yun, it is said that all of Oh Tae Seok’s trusted associates were not giving amnesty to return to the capital. Oh Tae Seok tells that they are eliminating from his subordinates. Jang Mu Yeol & Jang Hee Bin is forcing to lose his power base
Gu Rib Mu Won is a Chinese idiom means isolated & cut off from help
Oh Tae Seok leaves his residence & asked his palanquin bearers to hurry to go to Hanseong Administration then as he is about to leave, he notice there is a Notice paste on his residence’s wall then asked what is that. A passerby takes the notice off the wall & discuss with other passerby. The valet tells that it is Gyeok Mun, when he came out, he already seen is pasted on the walls. Oh Tae Seok surprise that it is a Gyeok Mun then gets up from his palanquin & approaches the passerby to take the notice off them. Oh Tae Seok reads that it is a Notice of declaration to the call of arms. by Geumgae as the valet assures Oh Tae Seok not to be too concern that lately Geumgae has been causing tumult in the capital lately
Gyeok Mun is a notice of declaration to the call of arms. The notice reads that Oh Tae Seok is the mastermind to the Shinyu incident & has put the blame on Geumgae
Oh Tae Seok can’t believe what he reads in the notice & shocked that how can this is happening & is seen clearly upset. Oh Tae Seok comes to see Jang Mu Yeol in regards to Geumgae notice of declaration that was paste in his residence wall. Oh Tae Seok is seen awfully flustered that the notice of the declaration content is the disclosure of Oh Tae Seok as the mastermind the Shinyu incident & put the blame on Geumgae. Jang Mu Yeol takes the notice of declaration from Oh Tae Seok to read. Oh Tae Seok then accused whether this is Jang Mu Yeol’s doing. Jang Mu Yeol is surprise as Oh Tae Seok tells that Jang Mu Yeol purpose deprive him from all is trusted subordinates that Jang Mu Yeol really want to get rid of him. Jang Mu Yeol tries to calm Oh Tae Seok as Oh Tae Seok tells do they think that they can do away with him with this ploy, if he goes, Jang Hee Bin will not go away unscathed. Oh Tae Seok tells will he sit idle alone to wait for retribution to knock at his doorstep. Jang Mu Yeol asked Oh Tae seok to calm down & focus.
Jang Mu Yeol tells just as Oh Tae Seok has mentioned that if the truth to the Shinyu incident is exposed, then all of them will not come out of this unscathed. Jang Mu Yeol tells how can he pull something so stupid like this. Oh Tae Seok tells however, this secret is only know to him & Jang Hee Bin. Jang MU Yeol tells that this means that someone else has found about the secret behind the Shinyu incident, someone else have knowledge of this secret. OH Tae Seok surprise & wonder who as Jang Mu Yeol looks anxious. Oh Tae Seok leaves Hanseong Administration is sheer panic as he asked his valet to go to Uigyeombu & to summon Official Nam to see him. The valet is surprise as Oh Tae Seok scolds his valet to go & run the errand at once. The valet acknowledged & leaves. Someone is keeping surveillance on Oh Tae Seok’s movement then leaves to report
Cha Cheon Soo & Hang Jang Bu comes to see Seo Yong Gi in Nae Geum Bu as Seo Yong Gi asked what are their findings. Cha Cheon Soo tells just as they have anticipated, Oh Tae Seok did have a reaction & make his move. Han Jang Bu tells that he has send someone to trial Oh Tae Seok’s valet, it will be soon that they will reveal some oddity. Cha Cheon Soo tells however he senses something amiss & rather odd as seo Yong Gi question the oddity. Cha Cheon Soo report to Seo Yong Gi that the 1st person that Oh Tae Seok went to see was Jang Mu Yeol in Hanseong administration. Seo Yong Gi queries that it is Jang Mu Yeol as Cha Cheon Soo confirms, why Oh Tae Seok of all person goes to see Jang Mu Yeol. Han Jang Bu asked wouldn’t it because Oh Tae Seok went to Hanseong Administration to make an enquiry to the notice of declaration that was pasted in his residence wall, because Hanseong Administration is responsible for handling the Geumgae case. Seo Yong Gi ponders on the finding.
Jang Mu Yeol reads the notice of declaration that he seems rather agitated & asked himself whether the real Geumgae has learn about the truth behind the Shinyu incident but however how would they has known then also Choi Dong Yi, what is her relationship with Geumgae. Jang Mu Yeol calls for Officer Min as Officer Min comes in, Jang Mu Yeol orders Officer Min to dig up all the case files of Shinyu incident in regards to Geumgae from the police bureau & bring it to him. Officer Min acknowledge
Sukjong reads the reports that the serial killing of the Yanban is done by Geumgae. Do Seong Ji affirms that it is indeed. Do Seong Ji tells just as Sukjong has instructed that he has conduct the probe discreetly. Sukjong tells that this is the conflict between upper & the lower class. Then Sukjong recalls Choi Dong Yi telling that they must be a reason why Geumgae has resorted to this tactics
Choi Dong Yi: But however, no matter when or how, please bear this in mind, why the Cheonmin class has taken the calls of arms under the banner of Geumgae, the reason behind the matter, it could that they are left with no alternative choice or option except to take this up & if they don’t that they feel that they are left with no other choice to safeguard their survival of their lives or their family kin in this country
Sukjong ponders on what Choi Dong Yi said to him
Choi Dong Yi paces anxiously in her courtyard looks rather perturbed. Seo Yong Gi comes to see Choi Dong Yi & greets her.
Seo Yong Gi: Mama?
In Bo Gyeong Dang, Seo Yong Gi with Choi Dong Yi
Seo Yong Gi: Just adhere as per according to Mama’s instruction that we are keeping surveillance on Oh Tae Seok’s movement, what is left now is that Oh Tae Seok has take the bait that will able to buried him & then we will able to apprehend him in the act at that very moment.
Seo Yong Gi: Mama?
Seo yong Gi could read Choi Dong Yi vexed blank expression
Choi Dong Yi: Yeong Gam, I will leave everything in your hands & decision to settle matters. But it is just as of now that I have asked to see you, is that I have some earnest request that I need to convey to you in regards to matters. As we wait eventually for the truth to be exposed then it is also the time I need to reveal the whole truth to Sukjong’s attention about my conceal past
Seo Yong Gi: Mama? That….
Choi Dong Yi: This must be done, Yeong Gam, everything from the moment when I witness the hand gesture, from my very start from here, I will not able to conceal my past anymore moreover when the truth is expose in the open…. Sigh! For a long time ago, I have already prepared myself mentally & anticipate for this day to come sooner or later, bit don’t know how Sukjong will be……
Seo Yong Gi: Mama?…The matter of the Shinyu incident, the case is unjust wronged, please have trust in Sukjong, Mama. When the truth is expose & proven, Sukjong will not put the blame on you, Mama
Choi Dong Yi: No, how dare can I wish for Sukjong to render me absolution & forgiveness?…Yeong Gam, no matter what happens, if there is a need for me to bear this responsibilities, I will not shun them or run away, but however it is to say there a matter that is in regards, this matter make me wish to avoid at all cost..…it is in regards to Royal Prince Yeong Su, the least is not to allow the child because of his mother’s faults to come to bear in sufferings
Seo Yong Gi: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: Therefore I can only sincerely make this earnest appeal to you
Seo Yong Gi: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: Royal Prince Yeong Su, I appeal to you to look after him, Yeong Gam
Seo Yong Gi: Mama, what are you implying by saying this?
Choi Dong Yi: No matter what happens here after, that Yeong Gam must keep a safe distance to avoid being incriminate & in order to retain at this palace to protect Royal Prince Yeong Su, also no matter whatsoever matter in the days that to happen after, Yeong Gam must 1st choose to renounce me. Yeong Gam must say that you are following & just only adhere to my instruction in conducting the investigation, moreover that you have the knowledge about my true identity that I am the daughter of Geumgae’s leader, you must not admit to have prior having knowledge of this
Seo Yong Gi: Mama! This is impossible for me to do. Didn’t you forget that I have mentioned that I will bear all responsibility on Geumgae….
Choi Dong Yi: Therefore…this is why I am saying this will be a difficult decision for you to make…because that I know & aware that if I chose to make this decision, it will render great hardship & pain towards you
Seo Yong Gi: Mama?
Seo Yong Gi is choke in tears
Choi Dong Yi: Please I beg of you to do this for me, because if perhaps by chance something undesired were to happened to me, that at the moment, the person who is in the palace that can able to safe guard Royal Prince Yeong Su…it will be just you Yeong Gam as there is no other one else to do so….So I beg of you please…for the sake of the child, just agree to do as I say…please… Yeong Gam
Choi Dong Yi looking at him earnestly as Seo Yong Gi is pain with tears. Seo Yong Gi leaves Bo Gyeong Dang rather startled
Choi Dong Yi has Royal Prince Yeong Su with her at Bo Gyeong Dang as she pats Prince Yeong Su gently to put him to sleep as she quietly weeps. Choi Dong Yi then carry & brings her son to her embrace & continues to pat him to sleep as he sleep secure soundly snugly wrap inside his mother’s arms embrace, as Choi Dong Yi looks at her son & rock gently. It is really a sad & touching scene
In Geumgae cave, Gae Do Ra learns from Cha Cheon Soo that they have found out who is the perpetrator who mastermind the Shinyu incident. Cha Cheon Soo confirms that they can now go & settle the score with them properly therefore Cha Cheon Soo convinces Gae Do Ra to disband the present Geumgae & don’t continue with the killings. Gae Do Ra is not convince whether they can bring the Yanban perpetrator to justice. Gae Do Ra is convince that the evidence they have on hand can prosecute the perpetrator but nothing else will change or altered, in the end they will end up being scot free from any wrongdoing, just like what has happened in the past. Gae Do Ra tells that this country belongs to the Yanban class, the crimes of putting the blame against Cheonmin class, what punishment will they received in the end, the heaviest sentence it will be just be banishment, do you think that this will compensate the lives that has been lost. They will still able to return to menace.
Cha Cheon Soo tells Gae Do Ra that they can use the Cheonmin class to do their bidding to go around killing Yanban. Cha Cheon Soo asked Gae Do Ra let them be the person to arrest them & reverse Geumgae unjust deaths, then to allow Sukjong to render them a just sentence. Gae Do Ra asked what can the Sukjong do, in the end, Sukjong will conspire to take the stand for the Yanban class. Cha Cheon Soo tells that Sukjong is not that kind of the person & asked Gae Do Ra to trust him on this just once. Cha Cheon Soo tells that if Sukjong learns about the truth, no matter what it is or the price, he will resolves the matter justly
Jang Mu Yeol marches to see Jang Hee Bin with some Geumgae materials. Jang Hee Bin is surprise that she inform by Jo Sang Gung that Jang Mu Yeol is in her residence seek audience from her. Jo Sang Gung confirms as Jang Hee Bin asked Jang Mu Yeol to enter quickly. Jang Mu Yeol comes in & greets her
Jang Mu Yeol: Mama!
Jang He Bin: What is has happened? How can you come personally to my residence like that?
Jang Mu Yeol: It is because this matter is of utmost urgency that can’t wait, that I can’t be bother or care less if someone were to see me here
Jang Hee Bin: What is the matter? Is there something in your findings?
Meanwhile Oh Tae Seok asked his Namin subordinates to find the Secretariat Official Jang Ryeong & asked him to retrieve from the archives the material of Shinyu incident, then have them destroy. The subordinate acknowledge & leaves. Oh Tae Seok asked Uigyeombu subordinate about the errand he has asked him to run. The Uigyeombu subordinate tells that he has send someone to settle the person who was in charge of the case Hong Dae Yoon who is now in exile discreetly
Jang Hee Bin surprise to learn about the Geumgae’s Shinyu incident
Jang Hee Bin: The Shinyu incident case in regards to Geumgae?
Jang Mu Yeol: Yes, Mama…I have been through the case files & found something worth a suspicion
Jang Mu Yeol pass the case file to Jang Hee Bin
Jang Mu Yeol: Please look into this… that time, the Geumgae leader who was killed in the massacre has a young daughter
Jang Hee Bin: A young daughter
Jang Mu Yeol: Yes…Although it the case file, it is clearly state that she has died, but the matter of suspicion lies in that fact…it was done under the circumstance that a clear identity was unable to be verify & the verification is done on just Seo Yong Gi’s verbal testimony to confirm that the corpse was the young daughter, then close the file that she has died
Jang Hee Bin reads through the files as Jang Mu Yeol show Jang Hee Bin the past Uigyeombu warrant poster of the arrest of Choi Hyo Won & Choi Dong Yi
Jang Mu Yeol: This is the composite drawing of the young daughter but then her name is Choi…Dong Yi
Jang Hee Bin picks up the warrant poster then finds young Choi Dong Yi familiar
Jang Mu Yeol: Of course these are just pure speculation & still have not been proven but however if by chance Sukwon Mama is indeed this young girl
Jang Hee Bin is startle
Jang Hee Bin: I have seen this child before
Jang Mu Yeol: What?
Jang Hee Bin: At that time….when I was with the child
Jang Ok Jung recalls the young Choi Dong Yi picking up her butterfly ornament that she has drop then looking around for the owner. Jang Ok Jung return & asked whether the young Choi Dong Yi is looking for her & asked why is she looking for her. The young Choi Dong Yi tells Jang Ok Jung that she has drop this. Jang Ok Jung is glad that the young Choi Dong Yi found her ornament & thanked her & tells young Choi Dong Yi that the butterfly ornament is really dear & important to her. Then the palace guard calls out for Jang Ok Jung, Jang Ok Jung finds young Choi Dong Yi looks rather in panic as Jang Ok Jung blocked the soldiers from sighting Choi Dong Yi & asked young Choi Dong Yi to run away as the palace guard might recognise her. Jang Ok Jung leaves
Jang Hee Bin: The butterfly ornament?
Jang Mu Yeol: What?
Jang Hee Bin: This is correct, it is because of this…this is why Sukwon came to me to asked in regards to the butterfly ornament
Jang Mu Yeol: Mama?
Jang Hee Bin: That child is Sukwon…do you understand…
Jang Hee Bin turns the warrant poster to Jang Mu Yeol
Jang Hee Bin: That missing daughter of the Geumgae leader is none other than Sukwon
Jang Mu Yeol: Mama? Then this is to say
Jang Hee Bin: Sukwon know the truth about the matter. The secret to the past Shinyu incident, she also has knowledge of the matter
Oh Tae Seok send his subordinates to look library for some archive material on the Shinyu incident but they can’t find it as the official clearly note that the Shinyu incident is kept in this shelves. Then Shim Yun Taek comes in to say are they looking for these, as Shim Yun Taek has the books in his hands, then asked the official why they are so shocked. Shim Yun Taek tells that they must have done something wrong & now they have been caught red handed. Shim Yun Taek then order the palace guard to arrest the trespasser away as the guard drag them away
In Hong Dae Yoon place of exile, Oh Tae Seok assailant takes out the guards then finds that the house is empty. Cha Cheon Soo comes to confront the assailant & asked are they looking for Hong Dae Yoon, as the assailant wants to take down Cha Cheon Soo, the troop arrive is roar & surround the assailant
Choi Dong Yi contemplates in her residence looks like she is determined to meet her fate as she starts to arrange her affairs properly. Choi Dong Yi calls out to Bong Sang Gung as Bong Sang Gung comes in to answer her. Choi Dong Yi tells Bong Sang Gung that she is going to see Queen Inhyeon. Choi Dong Yi comes to Daejojeon to see Queen Inhyeon & greet her. Queen Inhyeon asked Choi Dong Yi what is the matter. Queen Inhyeon could read Choi Dong Yi is troubled & asked her out of concern. Choi Dong Yi tells she has something to disclose to Queen Inhyeon & Jung In Guk, doesn’t know what was said
The next scene Choi Dong Yi leaves Daejojeon then asked Bong Sang Gung that they will leave to go to Daejeon to see Sukjong. Bong Sang Gung acknowledge. Meanwhile Queen Inhyeon & Jung In Guk is left baffled what Choi Dong Yi has just said to them.
Jung In Guk: The palace will be set to be hit by another turbulence storm, what is Sukwon trying to imply by saying that, Mama
Queen Inhyeon: Even Bong Sang Gung doesn’t know about the matter
Ahn Sang Gung: yes….they don’t know what is the matter, it seems that Choi Dong Yi never mentioned or utter any word of the matter to her residence staff.
Jung in Jung: This is really causing anxiety…Sukwon didn’t even elaborate comprehensive about the matter, then she tells that she will convey the matter to Sukjong
Queen Inhyeon: It seems that this matter is related to the incident on why she need to leave for a private residence…You go & find Seo Yong Gi, Dae Gam. If it is Seo Yong Gi that we may able to find the true reason behind this
Jung in Guk: Yes, Mama
Jung In Guk leaves as Queen Inhyeon is concern to finds something amiss
Choi Dong Yi comes to Daejeon then the Daejeon Sang Gung inform Choi Dong Yi that Sukjong is not in residence. Choi Dong Yi is surprise that Sukjong is not in residence as the Daejeon Sang Gung tells that Sukjong has gone for a private excursion then she utter for Sukjong. Sukjong is reading the cases in the police bureau. Sukjong asked the very nervous police commissioner that in this past 3 month cases that the cases in regards to Cheonmin class are just these presented. The police commissioner acknowledge that it is indeed. Sukjong then query that there is not a single case filed about Yanban that has committed under the Gang Sang Chui. Sukjong question why there isn’t any case file by Cheonmin class. The police commissioner hesitates then Sukjong asked what is the reason as he asked that in this 3 months this country all the Yanban abusive exploitation has all disappear that the police bureau doesn’t take up Cheonmin class cases. Then Sukjong demands an answer as the police commissioner has to admit that they don’t
Amhaeng is a private excursion usually done under incognito
Gang Sang Chui (纲常罪) is the offense against code of conduct of 3 Cardinal guides & 5 constant virtues (三纲五常). The three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues is basic principle of value in Chinese traditional politics. Its substance is the unity of morality, ethics, and politics. It is coming into being depended on Chinese traditional patriarchal hierarchy society. It was fit for economy, politics and cultural life of traditional society. It had played a positive role to steady of social politics during that time. Being fit for and maintaining it was also advocated by ruling class of every dynasty, in which the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues was embodied completely in politics, law rules and educational measure. This made Chinese traditional politics have a character of patriarchal ethics. The 3 cardinal guides are the King guides its subject, the father guides his son & the husband guides his wife. Then the 5 constant virtues is benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom & fidelity
Jang Hee Jae goes to see Jang Mu Yeol & asked what is he saying that Oh Tae Seok has been expose in the disclosure. Jang Mu Yeol tells that they (Choi Dong Yi & Geumgae) already know the truth about the Shinyu incident. Jang Mu Yeol from what he can see, that the notice of declaration is to force Oh Tae Seok to comes out to the open, this could mean that they have incriminating substantial evidence in their possession. Jang Hee Jae tells that if this has come to this, then they need to settle the affairs as soon as possible. Jang Mu Yeol tells that Jang Hee Bin has mentioned that the risk & opportunity are running in tandem that they can turn either way. Jang Hee Jae is surprise as Jang Mu Yeol is determined. Jang Hee Bin contemplates in her residence looking constipated.
Jang Hee Jae goes to see Oh Tae Seok to asked Oh Tae Seok to go into hiding for a while from Doseong. Jang Hee Jae confirms & tells that they already holding incriminating evidence against Oh Tae Seok therefore it is best that Oh tae Seok leave the capital to avoid prosecution then he assures Oh tae Seok that they will think of a method & way to resolves Oh tae Seok’s problems. Oh Tae Seok has doubts as Jang Hee Jae tells that Oh Tae Seok can use the excuse to go away for health problems to recuperate, of course during the course of this time, Doseong could be in the state of tumult. Jang Hee Bin then tells that Oh Tae Seok has valid reason as he will be away to recuperate, during that time, Jang Hee Jae assures Oh Tae Seok that they will deal with the matter of Choi Dong Yi once & for all. Jang Hee Jae tells that if Oh Tae Seok falters then Jang Hee Bin will also not come out of this unscathed as Jang Hee Jae pleas that Oh Tae Seok take up their assistance for once
Gae Do Ra learns about Oh Tae Seok’s movement is strange. The assailant tells that they got information that Oh Tae Seok is hurried making an exit out of Doseong to evade prosecution. Gae Do Ra give a thought then asked his men to be deployed. The assailant are surprise as Gae Do Ra tells that Oh Tae Seok is an important person to their case that they must lost sight of Oh Tae Seok & keep him under their surveillance. Oh Tae Seok leaves his residence under escorted by Jang Mu Yeol’s men with his valet & servants. Jang Mu Yeol’s escort for Oh Tae Seok looks rather suspicious. Gae Do Ra sprint away from his hideout taking his Geumgae men & running here & there, don’t know why the bustling in human traffic. Gae Do Ra tells his men, they will not have gone far & needs to catch up to Oh Tae Seok. Geumgae acknowledged
The Hanseong Administration escort Oh Tae Seok who now seen no longer has the former dignified aura as the Namin faction leader, as he leaves Doseong rather frightened & timid. Half way through the journey the Hanseong Administration escort turns on Oh Tae Seok & his entourage. Gae Do Ra can hear the scream from a distance & pursue to follow. Oh Tae Seok & his valet as blades at their necks then the valet gets cut down then Oh Tae Seok asked them what are they doing. The Hanseong Administration asked Oh tae Seok to have a safe journey to the netherworld then draw his sword as he cuts down Oh Tae Seok, Gae Do Ra comes with his Geumgae & witness the killing then engage with the Hanseong Administration escort then a group of masked assailant goes to attack Gae Do Ra & his Geumgae as Gae Do Ran is outnumbered. Gae Do Ra fights bravely
Meanwhile Choi Dong Yi learns from Cha Cheon Soo shocked is what Cha Cheon Soo has just said that Geumgae has killed Oh Tae Seok. Cha Cheon Soo tells that he just heard that they brought back the slain oh Tae Seok body back to the capital then also there also Geumgae dead as well. Choi Dong Yi asked whether the dead are indeed Gae Do Ran’s subordinates then Choi Dong Yi concern for Gae Do Ra, where is he, will he be in the hideout. Cha Cheon Soo raise that it already a lose cause as Choi Dong Yi is insistence
Geumgae hideout is siege by Hanseong Administration troops as they slaughter the Geumgae members & making arrest. Jang Mu Yeol overlooks at the hideout as they see the Geumgae member being arrested & taken away. Seo Yong Gi marches & gathers the Nae Geum Bu troops & asked Hwang Jung Gu to hurry with the deployment. Cha Cheon Soo comes to see Seo Yong Gi & Seo Yong Gi tells that Geumgae hideout is now being stormed at this moment as Hanseong Administration has found out about Geumgae’s hideout. Cha Cheon Soo is surprise. Seo Yong Gi tells that it is a waste effort in investigating Oh Tae Seok all this while, since he is now dead, now they lose their most important piece of evidence. Seo Yong Gi tells how can Geumgae do such an foolish act that Geumgae should have trust them to solve matters. Cha Cheon Soo tells that this is impossible, Gae Do Ra is not a person to be rash. Cha Cheon Soo tells that it has already been mentioned, the Geumgae leader Gae Do Ra is the childhood friend of Choi Dong Yi, he will not do anything so reckless for Choi Dong Yi’s sake, this is possibility that this is all a set up. Seo Yong Gi queries that it is a set up. Cha Cheon Soo tells that this is a set up by Hanseong administration’s Jang Mu Yeol then Cha Cheon Soo question what kind of a man he is, that is he indeed that upright for one to believe it.
Shim Yun Taek comes running to Nae Geum Bu & asked if they have heard, the ground that Oh Tae Seok has been killed, it is said that there are some members of Geumgae who managed to survive & has escape & fled. Seo Yong Gi is shocked. Shim Yun Taek tells that he has hears that it is Gae Do Ra, now Hanseong Administration is search frantically for his whereabouts
Seol Hee valet & Yeong Dal bringing the severely injured Gae Do Ran to the Gibang. Seol Hee valet asked Gae Do Ran to hang it there. Seol Hee approaches them & calls out to Gae Do Ra, only to be horrified to see Gae Do Ra drench in blood. Yeong Dal tells that he just went to open the door to see the commotion then he found Gae Do Ra all drench in blood at the doorstep
Gae Do Ra then tells Seol Hee that she need to convey to Choi Dong Yi quickly that this is a set up that they have laid the blame of Oh Tae Seok’s Murder on Geumgae. Gae Do Ra loses consciousness as Yeong Dal & Seol Hee valet bring Gae Do Ra in
Yeong Dal in the state of panic asked Hwang Joo Shik to deliver a letter to Choi Dong Yi. Yeong Dal tells Hwang Joo Shik that it is matter of great urgency & asked Hwang Joo Shik to hurry along. Hwang Joo Shik curious to know what has happened that he should know about. Yeong Dal tells he doesn’t even know what is going on, he just know something major has just happened, then asked hwang Joo Shik to deliver immediately & asked why he still stalling & standing there
In Bo Gyeong Dang, Choi Dong Yi received the letter & reads it as she is taken aback in shock
Choi Dong Yi: Gae Do Ra!
Bong Sang Gung asked what letter is that Hwang Joo Shik has deliver that make Choi Dong Yi looking so frantically worried. Choi Dong Yi asked Bong Sang Gung to go to Nae Geum Bu to find Seo Yong Gi & Cha Cheon Soo to come to her residence or else either one will be alright, whether it is Cha Cheon Soo or even Shim Yun Taek to ask them to come to her residence at once. Bong Sang Gung acknowledged
Bong Sang Gung whisper to Ae Jung as she run off. Warrant poster of Gae Do Ra pasted on the notice board. Shim Yun Taek tells Cha Cheon Soo & Seo Yong Gi that the Doseong 4 main gates is seal off & Hanseong Administration troop has been all deployed on the matter. Cha Cheon Soo tells if Gae Do Ra is arrested by Hanseong Administration, it will spell doom for Gae Do Ra who will take the blame. Seo Yong Gi tells that Choi Dong Yi will enter into a situation ofadded risk, Seo Yong Gi tells no matter what they must first find Gae Do Ra before Hanseong Administration
Choi Dong Yi is shocked that Shim Yun Taek, Cha Cheon Soo or even Seo Yong Gi is absent from the palace as Bong Sang Gung affirms this to Choi Dong Yi that in Doseong is in the state of tumult that they have left urgently. Ae Jung tells that the Hanseong Administration for the sake of arresting the escape Geumgae leader has turn Doseong upside down. Choi Dong Yi has to out on her thinking cap
Seol Hee’s valet is trying his best to do compression to stop Gae Do Ra from bleeding. Seol Hee asked how is Gae Do Ra condition as the valet tells that Gae Do Ra has lost a lot of blood, if the physician don’t come soon, he may not able to survive. Yeong Dal tells that he can’t fetch the physician as the street of Doseong is packed with soldiers & that every physician clinic are guarded by soldiers that he dare not even go near the entrance of a clinic. Seol Hee tells Yeong Dal that Doseong has so many physician he can’t even find one to come. Yeong Dal tells that he did indeed found one to come but in the midst he was dragged away by the soldiers but then he managed to escape & tells Seol Hee that he is unharmed
Hanseong Administration troops busy securing the perimeters of Doseong. Seo Yong Gi bring his Nae Geum Bu to look for Gae Do Ra & asked his men to be thorough in their search as Cha Cheon Soo deploy the men. Seo Yong Gi carries on & asked to be quick. The soldier informs Officer Min of an oddity but managed to escape. Officer Min makes a run for it. Jang Mu Yeol waits in Hanseong Administration then Officer Min comes to Jang Mu Yeol as Jang Mu Yeol tells that he has heard some report of oddity & they has found out. Jang Mu Yeol acknowledge then Officer Min asked what is the next step & asked why are they stalling to make their arrest. Jang Mu Yeol tells Officer Min that the reason in regards to that matter he will soon find out. Then an official comes to inform Jang Mu Yeol that Sukjong has arrive is in Hanseong Administration. Jang Mu Yeol is surprise at Sukjong’s visit
Jang Mu Yeol comes running to greets Sukjong then asked what is the purpose of his visit to Hanseong Administration. Sukjong has learns about Oh Tae Seok’s death & asked Jang Mu Yeol what is happening here that how did Oh Tae Seok was killed. Sukjong tells that he has learn about Oh Tae Seok death during his private excursion then insist what is happening here. Jang Mu Yeol tells that he dare to report the matter to Sukjong, that he was just about to report this matter to Sukjong & he has something to convey to Sukjong in regards to a matter. Sukjong queries what is the matter he needs to convey & what is that….& insist to know
Choi Dong Yi is anxious at her residence then asked about the news that Nae Geum Bu still none of them has not return to the palace. Bong Sang Gung acknowledged. Choi Dong Yi tells that the time has gone by too long has passed that she can’t wait any longer, if this is not managed well then death may come to Gae Do Ra. Jang Hee Bin is pacing in her residence & asked what will Choi Dong Yi do in regards to this matter, how would Choi Dong Yi counter this, if it is Choi Dong Yi, what will she do.
Choi Dong Yi pacing at her courtyard then shaking her head then she makes a decision on something & leaves. Shi Bi & Eun Geum is in a hurry as Yoo Sang Gung stops Eun Geum & Shi Bi from their tracks & asked where are they off to. Yoo Sang Gung learns that Eun Geum & Shi Bi has been reporting Choi Dong Yi whereabouts & movement in her residence to Jang Mu Yeol. Shi Bi acknowledged because this is an order from Chwi Seon Dang. Yoo Sang Gung asked how can they do such a things in their own accord with her prior knowledge or permission. Eun Geum tells that Chwi Seon Dang doesn’t trust Yoo sang Gung anymore therefore they needn’t report to Yoo Sang Gung. Eun Geum know that this is wrong but the need to adhere to orders but now they are ridden in guilt
Yoo sang Gung then disclose the matter to Jeong Sang Gung about Jang Mu Yeol’s surveillance on Choi Dong Yi whereabouts. Yoo Sang Gung acknowledged as Jung Im raise her concern. Yoo Sang Gung apologise for not reporting about the matter prior to them, but tells that she can’t go against Jang Hee Bin’s orders then also will not go betray the gratitude that Choi Dong Yi has render them. Yoo Sang Gung tells that she go to report to them thinking all will be well. Jung Im asked what reports that Yoo Sang Gung has given them. Yoo Sang Gung tells that during this time Bo Gyeong Dang didn’t have any abnormal activity until just an hour ago, there is some oddity
Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im comes to Bo Gyeong Dang to greets Bong Sang Gung who is surprise that they are here is this lateness of the hour. Jung Im asked Bong Sang Gung where is Choi Dong Yi as Ae Jung tells Jung Im that Choi Dong Yi has gone for a stroll at the courtyard to appease her boredom then as Bong Sang Gung, jeong Sang Gung goes to search for Choi Dong Yi at the courtyard, only to find Choi Dong Yi has gone missing. Jeong Sang Gung asked what is going on here that Choi Dong Yi is not here. Ae Jung insist that Choi Dong Yi was here a while ago. Seo Yong Gi comes to Bo Gyeong Dang to tell that Choi Dong Yi was looking for them urgently & so he came then asked Bong Sang Gung where is Choi Dong Yi now. Jeong Sang Gung informs Seo Yong Gi that they were just looking for Choi Dong Yi & that Choi Dong Yi has gone missing & not in the premises. Seo Yong Gi is surprise
Choi Dong Yi disguise in Internal Bureau of Investigation uniform leaves the palace & finds her way to Seol Hee Gibang. Seol Hee & Yeong Dal surprise to see Choi Dong Yi
Seol Hee: Mama?
Yeong Dal: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: Where is Gae Do Ra? Where is he now?
Choi Dong Yi enters Gae Do Ra room to find him seriously wounded
Choi Dong Yi: Gae Do Ra?….Gae Do Ra!!!!
Seol Hee: He has already lose consciousness when he came here, afraid that he might be difficult for him to survive
Choi Dong Yi: Where is the physician?
Seol Hee: We have no way to find a physician, there is too many soldiers deployed on the streets
Choi Dong Yi: Gae Do Ra!!….no you can’t…you can’t died…do you hear me, I will definitely save you? Please I beg you to regain consciousness…please I beg you…Gae Do Ra!!!
Choi Dong Yi tries to shake Gae Do Ra to wake up. Then Choi Dong Yi gives Seol Hee her personal insignia
Choi Dong Yi: This is my personal insignia, takes this insignia to the jetty, it should able to request the utilisation of my residence’s boat
Shin Pyeon is a personal insignia that prove that the person is a member of the Royal Household
Seol Hee: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: Use that boat to get Gae Do Ra to leave Doseong
Seol Hee: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: There is no time to lose….hurry…at once!!!
Seol Hee valet goes to the jetty to make arrange for Choi Dong Yi’s boat be utilise as Seol Hee valet show Choi Dong Yi’s personal insignia
Choi Dong Yi carry out the injured Gae Do Ra then the movement is causing him pain
Choi Dong Yi: Gae Do Ra!!!! Gae Do Ra, it will be soon that it will be safe therefore you must hang in there for just a while….
Gae Do Ra: Dong… Yi!
Choi Dong Yi: Oh!
Gae Do Ra: I am sorry…it is because of my fault….
Choi Dong Yi: Please don’t say such things…if it was me, I would have done the same thing…just hang in there a while longer…hurry
Choi Dong Yi supports the injured Gae Do Ra who is in intense pain. Seol Hee comes
Seol Hee: Mama! It is now…quickly
Choi Dong Yi: We must leave…hurry…come….just hang in there a while longer…Gae Do Ra
As they reach the entrance, Seol Hee valet comes running
Seol Hee valet: Proprietor!!!! Proprietor!!!….The soldiers…Hanseong Administration soldiers are coming this way
Choi Dong Yi is shocked
Seol Hee: Mama!!!
Gae Do Ra: Dong Yi!!!
Seol Hee: Mama! You must leave at once…this matter let me be responsible to resolve this matter
Gae Do Ra: Dong Yi!!!…Hurry!!!
Seol Hee: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi shakes her head as she is not leaving
Gae Do Ra: Dong Yi!!!
Seol Hee: Mama!!! Quickly!!!!
Choi Dong Yi: No, I can’t do that…I will not do that
Gae Do Ra collapse as Choi Dong Yi picks Gae Do Ra up
Choi Dong Yi: Gae Do Ra?…Gae Do Ra!!!…you need to stay conscious…Gae Do Ra…you just need hang in there a little longer…Gae Do Ra
The entrance open as Sukjong enter to his surprise
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong approaches Choi Dong Yi who is supporting an injured Gae Do Ra
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: What is happening here?….You….how can you be …how can you be here
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong & Choi Dong Yi can only locked in stares & glances. Jang Mu Yeol follow in with his men & surround Choi Dong Yi then asked his soldier to make the arrest as Seol Hee, Seol Hee Valet & Gae Do Ra is taken away from her
Jang Mu Yeol: What are you waiting for, he is Geumgae leader….quickly bound him & take him away
Seol Hee: Mama!!!
Gae Do Ra: Dong Yi!!!…Dong Yi!!!…let me go!!!
Gae Do Ra fights his arrest
Choi Dong Yi: Gae Do Ra!!!….Gae Do Ra!!!
Sukjong shouts at Choi Dong Yi
Sukjong: Dong Yi!!!!