Dong Yi Episode 51

Meanwhile in Bo Gyeong Dang
Choi Dong Yi: Really….you will do as you have said, Mama…
Jang Hee Bin: Yes, this is precisely…for the sake of you & I….also for the sake of Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning, I will grab to seize that final chance that you have render to me
Choi Dong Yi looks sold with Jang Hee Bin’s favourable answer.
Choi Dong Yi Mama!
Jang Hee Bin: I will like to inform you indefinitely in regards to the said final chance…that shadow is your & not I
Choi Dong Yi taken surprise on the reference of “shadow”

Jang Hee Bin: Moreover it is not for Crown Prince Yun but your born son Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Jang Hee Bin: Are you clear on that? I will definitely force you to submit & kneel in front of me in submission
Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung feeling rather uneasy with jitters
Ae Jung: What is the purpose that Chwi Seon Dang has come?
Bong Sang Gung: So it seems…this is really giving me the jitters
Meanwhile inside Bo Gyeong Dang
Choi Dong Yi: Mama! What are you saying here?
Jang Hee Bin: I just at a moment in time was hesitant, when to take your offer hand of kind it is because I was weary moreover hearing your suggestion I was somewhat influence
Choi Dong Yi is taken aback
Jang Hee Bin: But however, I finally made to realise that this will be impossible, no matter what the price of consequences that I have to remunerate, I will never live my whole life as someone else’s shadow
Jang Hee Bin returns Choi Dong Yi the straw effigy & the wooden block with the inscription of “Yeoheung Min Clan”
Jang Hee Bin: I will like to thanked you for your courtesy, but I will decline your good intentions & return this items to you…whether you use this items or whatever you have in your possession, give it a try to see whether you can do me in
Jang Hee Bin telling Choi Dong Yi thanks but no thanks. Choi Dong Yi can’t believe her sincere peace offering gets passed up & turn down at her face
Jang Hee Bin: Then it is because I will in turn stake to gamble on my everything
Jang Hee Bin stands up to leave
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?…Mama! Please I beg you don’t do this….please consider for the sake of Crown Prince Yun’s interest
Jang Hee Bin: As for me to say, as for me this is the only choice available that I have for Crown Prince’s sake. That child life is was born as a Prince then was made to become Prince Successor, then he will proceed to succeed to the throne, this is his everything & all in his purpose of life…I will not allow you or Prince Yeoning to come & snatch away his everything before him without intervention, therefore Suk Ui, you & I will ride this through to the very end, waiting what my destiny will play for me in the end…you & I….No, that is not it…now this has brought down to Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning…what will be the end result of this engagement of conflict…what will it be…doesn’t this arouse your curiousity to know
Jang Hee Bin leaves as Choi Dong Yi sigh in disappointment that Jang Hee Bin has refuse her extended hand of peace offering. Jang Hee Bin leaves boldly then turns to Bo Gyeong Dang then asked her staff to leave as Jo Sang Gung acknowledged. Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung can feel the tense tension in the air. Jang Hee Bin & her entourage marches away. Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung watching Jang Hee Bin leaves & breathe a sigh of relief from their fright. Choi Dong Yi sat down slump on the floor & distraught that Jang Hee Bin didn’t take her peace offering & wishes to engage in battle to the point of no return as Choi Dong Yi looks at the return straw effigy & wooden block
Bong Sang Gung comes in to ask Choi Dong Yi what is happening here. Choi Dong Yi turns serious then told that she hopes to turn back the clock but in the end it has come to this….in the end it resulted to a conflict that can’t be avoidable. Choi Dong Yi nods in affirmative that she will have to engage Jang Hee Bin
Meanwhile Prince Yeoning passes 昭监录 Kim Gu Seon to his surprise as he browse the pages then queries Prince Yeoning, how he brought about in having this book among his books. Prince Yeoning is surprise himself to have no knowledge the whereabouts of the 昭监录 comes from. Then Kim Gu Seon looks at the oncoming crowd with the Royal tutors from Si Gang Won as Kim Gu Seon hides the book under his clothing, then Prince Yeoning asked what is the matter, seeing Kim Gu Seon look rather panic then asked whether there is something amiss to the book, as Kim Gu Seon hushes Prince Yeoning to keep quiet. The Royal tutors send greetings to Prince Yeoning & asked Kim Gu Seon to stop what he is doing
Sukjong is informed by Chief Eunuch Han that there is a commotion on Donggungjeon. Chief Eunuch Han confirms that it is indeed. Sukjong asked what is it really in regards to….Then the soldiers comes to Donggungjeon to see if there is any traces of infiltration, as the soldier goes to investigate. Crown Prince Yun comes to see the buzz of commotion in his residence then asked his residence staff what is going on here. The Captain of the soldier reports Crown Prince that they believe there is infiltrator into Donggungjeon therefore they are conducting an investigation search to the matter. Crown Prince Yun is surprise there is infiltrator into his residence then turns to his staff residence Sang Gung Yoon & asked what is the meaning of this. The residence Sang Gung Yoon informs Crown Prince Yun that when Crown Prince Yun went to Naeuiwon, that the residence staff in Donggungjeon believe they witness an infiltrator infiltrated into Donggungjeon then during their search, their finding was they found that some of crown Prince Yun’s reading material & classics from Si Gang Won is seen to be missing. Crown Prince Yun surprise that his classic books are missing
So Gam Lok 昭监录 is an archive book of Historical annals of the Han Dynasty Monarchs’ rule & governance that these annals contain blame of praises
The Royal tutor takes the book & asked Kim Gu Seon that this book is So Gam Lok then question Kim Gu Seon on how they would find the book here & demands a verification from Kim Gu Seon. The Royal tutor tells that this book is exclusive for Crown Prince Yun’s education to groom him for his Kingship, then queries Kim Gu Seon that this book is only allow to be access by the Prince Successor to read & view as he question Kim Gu Seon why is this book found here. Kim Gu Seon laughs off that he doesn’t know either, it seems that the book has legs on its own & came running over here. Royal tutor demands an answer from Kim Gu Seon. Kim Gu Seon brushes off what is there to be so upset about that it is nothing so major for them to make such a fuss about in flutter. Kim Gu Seon tells that Prince Yeoning who frequent Donggungjeon so often that he might pick it up accidentally by mistake. The Royal tutor frowns on “mistake”. Kim Gu Seon affirms that it is indeed then Kim Gu Seon tells that he was just about to return the book to Si Gang Won. The Royal tutor tells that stealing the classic book is perceives with an excuse as just accidental mistake. Kim Gu Seon upset that they accuse them of “stealing”. The Royal tutor asked Prince Yeoning that whether yesterday at the time of Mi Si did Prince Yeoning went to Donggungjeon. Prince Yeoning is surprise at the question
Mi Si is the hours of Sheep, between 1-3pm
Kim Gu Seon rebuke the Royal Tutor line of question on Prince Yeoning. The Royal tutor tells that it has been report by the residence staff that during the time of Mi Si yesterday it was seen to have some suspicious infiltrator into Donggungjeon then has taken away with them So Gam Lok & other classic that Crown Prince Yun uses for his syllabus to his education of his Kingship. Kim Gu Seon queries that they are now coming here to suggest & accusing Prince Yeoning that this is his doing then Kim Gu Seon rebukes Royal tutors that they are out of line on the matter. The Royal tutor insist that he is not out of line since that the So Kam Lok book is found to be here with them. Kim Gu Seon tells that the Royal Tutor is getting over board in their accusation. The Royal Tutor begging his pardon will like to enquire whether Prince Yeoning would like to answer his question…what was Prince Yeoning doing yesterday at the time of Mi Si
Prince Yeoning ask them whether they are referring to yesterday at the time of Mi Si then Prince Yeoning giving some thought that he recalls that he was trying sneak into the Naeuiwon to help Crown Prince Yun identity his medicine tonic prescription’s herb by taking sample of the herbs then Crown Prince Yun & him went to the library to find out for what ailment is the prescription for. Prince Yeoning hesitates in his answer. The Royal tutor asked why Prince Yeoning can’t give him an answer to his question, as Prince Yeoning recalls that Crown Prince Yun have asked him to keep this a secret therefore Prince Yeoning by word of honour has to honoured Crown Prince Yun’s promise to keep this a secret, keep his silence
Choi Dong Yi is learning about the incident of So Gam Lok being in Prince Yeoning’s possession marches with her entourage as she meets with Prince Yeoning & Prince Yeoning & Kim Gu Seon greets her. Choi Dong Yi asked Kim Gu Seon what is happening here. Prince Yeoning can only sigh at his mother
Sukjong is baffle with the Royal tutor that what the Royal tutor is trying to implied that they are accusing that Prince Yeoning went to Donggungjeon to steal the books, & enquire whether they are saying that a child did this. The Royal tutor affirms that he has found the said So Gam Lok book among Prince Yeoning’s books. Sukjong tells that there is must be some accidental mistake, how can they played up this incident in such upheaval. The Royal tutor refuse to insist that the matter is just petty, as beside So Gam Lok, there are other book in regards to the syllabus in the education of Kingship is reported missing then they suspect that yesterday that the residence staff has a reported intrusion into Donggungjeon at Mi Si & Prince Yeoning can’t give a explanation to confirm his whereabout at the time
Choi Dong Yi sits down her son to enquire in regards to where was his whereabout at yesterday at the hour of Mi Si & asked whether Prince Yeoning can disclose the matter to her.
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah….Yesterday Mi Si, where were your whereabouts & what you are doing, the least could you tells this to Mo
Prince Yeoning chose to keep mum
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Choi Dong Yi tries to coax her son to talk
Prince Yeoning: That matter I am not able to disclose that I have given his word of honour to keep my promise to keep this a secret therefore I must to uphold his promise.
Choi Dong Yi: A promise?….Geum Ah!
Prince Yeoning: I really didn’t steal the book & that is the truth.
Choi Dong Yi nods as she acknowledged
Choi Dong Yi: Yes, I understands that Mother believe & trust that you will not do such things, Mother is well aware of this.
Prince Yeoning: Then why is everyone is accusing me of saying that I stole the book. I really had no knowledge how the book got into being among my books in my book wrap & that is the truth.
Prince Yeoning finds himself unjustly wronged. Choi Dong Yi feels for her son. Choi Dong Yi comes out of her residence then goes to see Kim Gu Seon who is waiting outside
Choi Dong Yi: This is a set up entrapment of a ploy, that someone has use such subvert tactics to frame Prince Yeoning.
Kim Gu Seon: Mama!!!
Choi Dong Yi: How could someone use such scrupulous tactics on a child & how dare they.
Choi Dong Yi looks upset that they have move in on Prince Yeoning
Jang Hee Bin tells that the incident in Donggungjeon was Jang Hee Jae’s doing as Jang Hee Jae admits that this is just an opening gambit of pranks as how dare a mere Royal Prince will able to read the books for Kingship, then the palace will definitely create a stir of tumult. Jang Hee Bin tells that just this mere incident will not do Prince Yeoning in. Jang Hee Jae tells that it may not do Prince Yeoning but it does result some effects, Jang Hee Jae is telling that he is playing for extended time. Jang Hee Bin queries about “extended time”. Jang Hee Jae tells that the female physician in currently under Choi Dong Yi’s custody, also Jang Hee Bin has sent back the straw effigy & the wooden block that was used in the witchcraft, he will dare them to use that evidence against them, even if this matter is resolves, Choi Dong Yi will not use the evidence as a trump card with immediate effect to waver Crown Prince Yun’s position, if they do so, then they will be seen as to harbour the avarice desire to usurp Crown Prince Yun for Donggungjeon. Jang Hee Jae asked his sister to wait & see, they will do this to play for time for them to in preparation to eliminate Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning, once & for all in this time of lapse
Shim Yun Taek in discussion with Seo Yong Gi & Cha Cheon Soo as Shim Yun Taek tells this is their ploy, so that they can’t able to hand out the female physician as witness, a upper hand tactics to curb them. Seo Yong Gi agree that this is indeed what Jang Hee Jae has intended as Seo Yong Gi tells that by doing this, Jang Hee Jae think it will create a stumbling block for them, not to have a jump start against them. Cha Cheon Soo is upset that they have use such subvert tactics, even so, they should have draw Prince Yeoning into the intrigue into such wrongful accusation. Seo Yong Gi tells that subvert tactics are the most useful tactics to deploy in the palace, moreover in the palace, Prince Yeoning is before being a child is seen as Royal Prince then asked whether Cha Cheon Soo & Shim Yun Taek comprehend, that this is just the beginning on what is about to come for Prince Yeoning to face & experience
Prince Yeoning sobbing after being wrongfully accuse for a offense he did not do. Crown Prince Yun comes to see Prince Yeoning sobbing away
Crown Prince Yun: Prince Yeoning?
Prince Yeoning: Hyungnim!
Crown Prince Yun: You were here…crying?
Prince Yeoning: I am not
Prince Yeoning wiping his tears…
Prince Yeoning: Hyungnim…I didn’t take those book…this is the truth….
Crown Prince Yun: I know…how wouldn’t I don’t know…..
Crown Prince Yun is Prince Yeoning’s time alibi
Prince Yeoning: Hyungnim?
Crown Prince Yun: I has heard that you couldn’t disclose your whereabouts during the time of Mi Si, this is why it has led to a great misunderstanding on your part….is this because of me….it is because you want to uphold the promise you made to me
Prince Yeoning: Hyungnim has said that you don’t wish to let anyone to have any knowledge on what ailment you have & said that I need to keep a secret
Crown Prince Yun squats before Prince Yeoning & holds his hand
Crown Prince Yun: Prince Yeoning?
Prince Yeoning: Therefore…please be rest assured & not to worry, Hyung…I will uphold & honour your promise that I made to you
Crown Prince Yun: Really indeed that you worried for me?…..the ordeal that you are going to, & yet you still keep me in regards for me out of concern
Prince Yeoning: Hyungnim?
Crown Prince asked his residence staff Sang Gung Yoon that he will go to Daejeon to seek audience with Sukjong. The residence Sang Gung Yoon acknowledge
Soron & Namin faction officials assemble in the Injeongjeon. Im Sang Hyeong frown Jung In Guk. As they pass each other. The Noron official asked Jung In Guk what is the purpose of this assembly, since Soron seems to be in league with Namin faction. Jung In Guk tells that he is also curious to know, it seem that Im Sang Hyeon must be out right in scheming some plots under shroud of secrecy to create some tumult
Jung In Guk is now the leader of Noron while Im Sang Hyeong is the leader of Soron. Seoin faction splits into these 2 factions
Chief Eunuch Han hands over the decree & tells that this is the said decree he wanted, also the Officials of the Royal Court are fully assemble in attendance at Injeongjeon. Sukjong looks at the decree & picks it up
Im Sang Hyeong voice their grievance over Prince Yeoning having possession of the So Gam Lok book & this matter can’t be tolerate
Im Sang Hyeong: Cheon Na…this is not a petty matter & be tolerate…the education of Kingship is only exclusive to the education of the Prince Successor, how can this book be read by Prince Yeoning, this matter is really preposterous
Chua Sang Dae Gam: This is correct, Cheon Na….We have all acknowledge that this incident have threaten the foundation of Crown Prince Yun as Prince Successor…please reconsider….
Royal Court chorus for Sukjong to reconsider
Sukjong: Yes, what the Royal Court have said is correct & justify….this is not seen as being petty…the young Prince Yeoning has taken So Gam Lok book from Crown Prince Yun, that it seem to be seen that he has desire to usurp for the position of Prince Successor, that has create such a crisis but it seems that the people who are now jeopardising the country’s security & playing with political is none other than the Royal Court official who are presence in this throne hall
Im Sang Hyeong: Cheon Na….don’t you understand the seriousness implication to the matter is?…This incident can’t be brush off as just a merely an “accidental mistake”
Sukjong: It is not an accidental Mistake?….That is precisely correct….this is not an accidental mistake. This matter can’t be said that it is not an accidental mistake but that the said book was actually in fact given to Prince Yeoning by Crown Prince Yun himself
The Royal Court is shocked. Sukjong show the Royal Court the So Gam Book
Sukjong: Are you all clear?….. Crown Prince Yun has come to see me & convey to me that he allow Prince Yeoning to read the book hence lend the book to him but however the Royal Court wants to exploit this incident to scheme a stratagem to accuse Prince Yeoning’s desire to usurp Crown Prince Yun’s position as Prince Successor
Royal Court mumbles as they lost the argument
Sukjong: Fine!….let us to put this subject into perspectives, Prince Yeoning is seen as a threat to the nation’s Prince Successor then how about we do it this way then….Pass the decree over….
Chief Eunuch Han: yes..Cheon Na
Chief Eunuch Han passed the decree to Sukjong. Sukjong takes it up & show the decree to the Royal Court
Sukjong: This decree is an issuance of receipt from Nae Myeong Bu for Suk Ui Choi Clan to be given the Inner Court ranking of Jung Il Bun (正一品) to the rank of “Bin”
Royal Court jaw agape in astonishment
Sukjong: Now then…whether the Royal Court will come to tells me that Suk Ui have the desire covetousness for the position of Queen Consort
Royal Court is dumbfounded to do anything
Im Sang Hyeon; Cheon Na….this is…
Sukjong: Why are you in such astonishment, Oh Sang…..Suk Ui is also a member of the Royal Household’s Inner Court, moreover this decree has already been enforced, then as the rank of “Bin”, there is no reason whatsoever that prevents Suk Ui’s eligibility to ascend as Queen Consort
Royal Court mumbles
Yeong Sun runs back to Jo Sang Gung as Jo Sang Gung goes to Jang Hee Bin who coldly told her that she has already anticipated, there is no need for such a frenzy exclamation
Choi Dong Yi & her entourage marches to Daejeon as Chief Eunuch Han greets her
Chief Eunuch Han: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: I came to seek audience with Cheon Na
Choi Dong Yi enter Daejeon
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong surprise & happy to see Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi on the other hand looks flustered
Sukjong: Oh?
Sukjong & Choi Dong Yi sits down
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na, how can you say such things like that to the Royal Court at Injeongjeon…even thought that you are greatly upset over Prince Yeoning’s incident…what you have said is way out of line
Sukjong: Out of line?…..What is that you are referring to?…Are you referring to what I have said in reference that you the possibility for you to ascend to the position as Queen Consort. Do you think that I was saying this out of being upset?
Choi dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: What I have said in Injeongjeon is the gospel truth out of sincerity….Dong Yi…my sincerity..but this matter is what is giving me vexed & troubled
Choi Dong Yi is surprised to what Sukjong is implying
Jang Hee Jae get the Soron faction all work up the rally with Im Sang Hyeong & the Royal Court to tells them that this is what he has predicted & it has been realise that it was Sukjong’s stratagem, if Choi Dong Yi ascend as Queen Consort then it will waver the foundation of Crown Prince Yun’s position, if this happens that Prince Yeoning is set to take over as Prince Successor. Im Sang Hyeong tells that this will never happen. Im Sang Hyeong tells that Choi Dong Yi is from Cheonmin class that she will never be eligible to become this nation Queen Consort…or a Monarch that carries the Cheonmin bloodline…this nation will not permits this matter to happen. Chua Sang Dae Gam also concurs that this must not happened. The Soron & Namin faction chorus in agreement. Jang Hee Jae is pleased with his rally drive
Meanwhile in Daejeon
Sukjong: Before Jung Jong’s passing, this is what she earnestly requested from me….that she wants you to ascend as Queen Consort
Choi Dong Yi is taken aback that it was Queen Inhyeon’s last words
Sukjong: In this is done, it will definitely allow Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning to be safe & well…
Choi Dong Yi: But however….Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Yes, of course I can understand that this is not what you will hope for…..also know that I will laden you with such a heavy responsibility on your shoulders
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: In the beginning for the sake of Crown Prince Yun that I have made Chwi Seon Dang as Queen Consort, it was seen as the best method to safeguard the Royal Household, but however having already experience a predicament if fiasco like what has happened today, I also come to understand what Jung Jong (Queen Inhyeon) has been worried all this while….Dong Yi…..This is just the beginning…now the Royal Court will start to continue to hassle & waver between Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning then moreover if Hee Bin was to ascend as Queen Consort, then there is no guarantee to Prince Yeoning’s future might bring…but however…it will be different if it was you,…if it was you to say that you will safe guard Crown Prince Yun’s interest
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Therefore….just give it a while in some thought to reconsider this matter..for the sake of Crown Prince Yun, Prince Yeoning…also for me in my prespective
Sukjong gives Choi Dong Yi a nod of affirmative to convince Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi contemplating in Bo Gyeong Dang. Cha Cheon Soo, Shim Yun Taek & Seo Yong Gi comes to see her. Choi Dong Yi tells them that they must have heard the commotion on what has happened in Injeongjeon. Choi Dong Yi tells that this is not for her to take up this designation…how can she ascend as Queen Consort. Cha Cheon Soo told Choi Dong Yi that Prince Yeoning was mum over the matter to come to his defence & he was unjustly wronged for the stealing of the said book for the sake that he needs to uphold a promise & finally never divulge the truth. Cha Cheon Soo can guess that the promise was made to Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning uphold his promise to Crown Prince Yun, then also I have heard in turn that Crown Prince Yun has come forward to advocate to defend Prince Yeoning in this matter. Cha Cheon Soo question isn’t this what Choi Dong Yi wishes to protect & safeguard, in order to safe guard this, then Choi Dong Yi must comply to Sukjong in accordance.
Seo Yong Gi tells Choi Dong Yi that tomorrow is the ceremony of the issuance of receipt for Choi Dong Yi as “Bin” then first & foremost Seo Yong Gi asked Choi Dong Yi to be joyous that she is takes her rightful promotion in steadfast to her status as “Bin” & this is what Choi Dong Yi has to do as for now. Choi Dong Yi express her concern as Shim Yun Taek tells that they will await Choi Dong Yi’s decision on the matter & also no matter what Choi Dong Yi decides…she have their wholehearted trust in her that they will entrust their lives in protecting her & Prince Yeoning. Choi Dong Yi looks at Cha Cheon Soo, Shim Yun Taek & Seo Yong Gi who gives her the assurances to stand by her
Sukjong contemplates in Daejeon & looks determined. Meanwhile in Bo Gyeong Dang, Choi Dong Yi looks at her prepare “Bin” Dang Ui then recalls Seo Yong telling her that first & foremost Seo Yong Gi asked Choi Dong Yi to joyous that she taken her rightful promotion in steadfast to her status as “Bin” & this is what Choi Dong Yi has to do as for now then recalls Shim Yun Taek assuring her that that they will await Choi Dong Yi’s decision on the matter & also no matter what Choi Dong Yi decides…she have their wholehearted trust in her that they will entrust their lives in protecting her & Prince Yeoning. Choi Dong Yi takes a deep breath & nods in affirmative
Choi Dong Yi receives her issuance in Daejojeon in such solemn aura as Do Seong Ji acts on behalf the late Queen Inhyeon. Jang Hee Bin looks at the issuance of receipt from the distance. Jang Hee Bin tells that their battle will begin & they will know soon enough where will their destiny takes them, who is the true light, who is the shadow, they will know soon. Jang Hee Bin still addresses Choi Dong Yi as Suk Bin. Choi Dong Yi is determined in her bestowed status. Jang Hee Bin & Choi Dong Yi is in the same ranking. The Rank of “Bin” doesn’t have upper or lower, they are given a title of “virtue”
I assume with the absence of a Queen Consort, Sukjong takes over the Nae Myeong Bu, & in accordance to Queen Inhyeon’s last word to him, justify to acted on behalf or by proxy & grant the issuance of receipt “Bin” to Choi Dong Yi. Historically, Royal Noble Suk Bin of Choi became “Suk Bin” on 1699, she was 29 years old
Prince Yeoning running to Donggungjeon as Prince Yeoning asked that he is here to see Crown Prince Yun & asked whether he is in residence. Obviously the staff residence has a dislike to Prince Yeoning & informs Prince Yeoning that Crown Prince Yun is not in residence. Prince Yeoning acknowledge but finds it odd since it was Crown Prince Yun who has asked him to come at Mi Si then Prince Yeoning leaves as the residence Gungnyeo whisper that Prince Yeoning is really pompous, why he always come as the other Gungnyeo tells maybe Prince Yeoning inspire to be Prince Successor that why he comes to understudy. Prince Yeoning turn around & rebuke what are the Gungnyeo gossiping that they are telling that he wishes to inspire to be Prince Successor, what prattle is that. The Gungnyeo tells that it is a palace gossips as Crown Prince Yun comes from outside his residence to reprimands his residence staff to shut their traps & to watch what they are saying
Prince Yeoning greets Crown Prince Yun. Crown Prince Yun asked his residence staff what they are doing… Crown Prince Yun asked prince Yeoning not to take offence on what happened outside with his residence staff, what they are saying are just prattle gossips. Prince Yeoning still doesn’t understand what they were trying to imply then asked what wrong has Prince Yeoning done to Crown Prince Yun. Crown Prince Yun brushes off & assures Prince Yeoning that it is nothing of any concern. Crown Prince Yun assures Prince Yeoning that he promise that this will not happened again as he has already reprimand his staff & asked Prince Yeoning not to be too upset & asked whether he understands. Prince Yeoning acknowledge as Crown Prince Yun gave out a loud sigh that he tells that the palace atmosphere is indeed stuffy
Then they hear the playing music as Crown Prince Yun asked what music is it outside. Prince Yeoning tells that it is a Sandang Bae troupe playing their music. Crown Prince Yun is curious about Sandang Bae. Prince Yeoning tells once they hear their music, that means Hanseong will see great festivity, as it is the festivity of the Mid Autumn festival. Crown Prince Yun arouse interest as Prince Yeoning tell that if they are residing outside the palace, they will get to see interesting things with various activities including running. Prince Yeoning tells that he is expert in running as Crown Prince Yun tells his brother that he seems to be a all rounder as Prince Yeoning affirms that he is. Crown Prince Yun tells Prince Yeoning, whether he can render his a favour to help him out. Prince Yeoning surprise on the favour
Crown Prince Yun goes to informs his residence staff that he needs to take rest & asked them to be dismissed. The staff residence hesitates as Crown Prince Yun tells that his mood is really foul & restless then asked his residence staff not to come & disturb until the time of Seok Gang 7 asked them not to come near his residence. The residence staff acknowledged & leaves
Seok Gang are night lecture
Crown Prince Yun sneaks with some clothing as Prince Yeoning asked his brother that do they really need to go outside the palace. Crown Prince Yun tells they sure are & he even prepared clothes for them. Prince Yeoning tells that they can’t do this, what if someone finds out then it will be trouble. Crown Prince Yun assures Prince Yeoning that there will not be any trouble, as long as they return before the Seok Gang, they will be fine, there is no one will know that they have left the palace. Crown Prince Yun seeing Prince Yeoning hesitate & asked whether he doesn’t wish to go out, as Prince Yeoning tells that he wants to..but then Crown Prince Yun is the Prince Successor, can’t just leave the palace in this manner. Crown Prince Yun tells this is why they need to sneak out of the palace. Prince Yeoning agrees as Prince Yeoning led Crown Prince Yun out of the palace to a gate, as Prince Yeoning tells that once they pass that gate, they will be out from the palace. Crown Prince Yun tells that the gate is filled with Gungnyeo. Prince Yeoning tells that he has often use this fast action idea that will do the trick
Prince Yeoning takes out from his goody bag 3 rats as Crown Prince Yun tells that they are rats. Prince Yeoning tells that they are fake & just decoys. Prince Yeoning tells that the Gungnyeo has a fear for rats but then except for Ae Jung, she will killed the rat alive with her hands. Prince Yeoning pass Crown Prince Yun a rat decoy as Crown Prince Yun looks amuse at the rat decoy then asked Crown Prince Yun that now the time is right…then as they get closer to the gate, they hurl the decoy rats at the Gungnyeo then screaming, scare them away. Crown Prince Yun praise Prince Yeoning for his brilliance as they race towards the gate & leaves the palace
Jang Hee Jae meets with the Soron faction & invites them in. Im Sang Hyeong asked whether all has gathered. Jang Hee Jae affirms & invites them in then Jang Hee Jae greets another batch of people. Han Jang Bu & Hwang Jung Gu is keeping surveillance of Jang Hee Jae’s residence. Han Jang Bu & Hwang Jung Gu goes to report their finding to Seo Yong Gi that Namin faction & Soron faction has gathered in Jang Hee Jae’s residence. Seo Yong Gi tells Choi Dong Yi is now made “Bin” has sent signal of anxiety to them. Seo Yong Gi asked Cha Cheon Soo whether Choi Dong Yi still considering her decision on this matter. Cha Cheon Soo tells that Choi Dong Yi hasn’t come with a definite decision. Seo Yong Gi concurs that it is not an easy decision for Choi Dong Yi to make or call. Seo Yong Gi tells that Sukjong already has made his decision, once Choi Dong Yi makes hers then Sukjong will immediately decree for Choi Dong Yi to ascend as Queen Consort
Choi Dong Yi vexed as she contemplates her decision in Bo Gyeong Dang. Jang Hee Jae sees Im Sang Hyeong & his Soron faction off from his residence. Im Sang Hyeong tells that once Jang Hee Bin makes her decision, kindly inform them. Jang Hee Jae acknowledged. Then Jang Mu Yeol comes in from the side entrance telling that it look like an emergency meeting that seen of great urgency of anxiety that the bridges are burning. Jang Hee Jae tells how dare Jang Mu Yeol trespass into his residence & tells Jang Mu Yeol is indeed arrogant. Jang Mu Yeol tells that reference in comparison someone is more arrogant than he is, Jang Mu Yeol can’t beat Jang Hee Jae in that. Jang Hee Jae is offended as Jang Mu Yeol tells that he can gather up a meeting of the Royal Court must be the agenda of Queen Consort, beside that, it seems that they have another important agenda that needs discussion. Jang Mu Yeol makes a reference to Jang Hee Jae in regards to the female physician, does Jang Hee Jae think that Bo Gyeong Dang will keep quiet & not doing a thing about matters, Jang Hee Jae still can’t cipher their motives. Jang Hee Jae asked what is Jang Mu Yeol is saying there. Jang Mu Yeol warns Jang Hee Jae that Bo Gyeong is just waiting for the opportunity to mature to strike, they are now in the midst of calculating the odd on when they should engage an assault attack that will reap the greatest lethal of damage. Jang Mu Yeol walks out of Jang Hee Jae’s residence after coming to say what he wants. Jang Hee Jae accuse Jang Mu Yeol for insolence then left his to ponder whether there is any truth in what Jang Mu Yeol has said
Jang Hee Bin learns from Jang Hee Jae that Bo Gyeong Dang is waiting for a seize opportunity to strike a lethal blow. Jang Hee Jae tells Jang Hee Bin that they are indeed since Bo Gyeong Dang is still quiet about the female physician who knows about Crown Prince Yun’s ailment & has not render any action on the matter, since they have the female physician in their custody & also the evidence to the witchcraft which render sufficient evidence to make a case but yet Bo Gyeong Dang chose to keep mum about the matter, what is the reason…just as Jang Mu Yeol has said this is because they are sitting on the sideline awaiting for a best optimal chance to strike. Jang Hee Jae tells Jang Hee Bin that Soron & Namin faction is willing to render their political support to her for her to ascend as Queen Consort. Jang Hee Bin tells what is left is now to resolve the problem of Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning to disappear. Jang Hee Jae agrees that they must do so
Jang Mu Yeol goes to see Choi Dong Yi at Bo Gyeong Dang
Choi Dong Yi: Yes, speak then…what is the purpose of your urgent visit to my residence to see my audience
Jang Mu Yeol: Yes, Mama, please excuse that it is rather abrupt in my visit…I wish to know whether I can render you any assistance in any way is the purpose of seeing you
Choi Dong Yi bemused
Jang Mu Yeol: First & foremost the concealment disclosure of deceit of Chwi Seon Dang against Sukjong & the Royal Household….it is the right time to report this matter to the Royal Court & to sweep a clean assault on Chwi Seon Dang & its conspirators at one blow
Choi Dong Yi: It seems that Byeong Cheon Cham Ban has some misunderstanding
Jang Mu Yeol: Misunderstanding?
Choi Dong Yi: I don’t wish to use the reason of Crown Prince Yun’s ailment to cause tumult in the palace
Jang Mu Yeol: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: Of course to keep this matter under wraps of concealment will be difficult & create problems, but however, Crown Prince Yun is the only sibling that Prince Yeoning has….both of them who has no regards to politics in their relationship….I don’t wish to ruin their relationship as siblings
Jang Mu Yeol: Mama! The palace there is no one who can’t be exempted from the freedom from politics, even down the bottom of the ranks system of Gungnyeo, will be playing their politics & power
Choi Dong Yi: It seems that my political perspective & outlooks defers from yours, Byeong Cheon Cham Ban (3rd rank Official Minister of Military)
Jang Mu Yeol: Mama…you must not think that way….if you don’t make the 1st strike or else you will end up in the losing end….
Choi Dong Yi: It seems that regard to this point…your thoughts & mine….also vary in great differences
Choi Dong Yi declines to take up Jang Mu Yeol’s offer
Mdm Park encourages Oh Ho Yang to venture out of his room telling that a newly open Gibang in the capital & tells the Gisaeng there are really pretty. Oh Ho Yang doesn’t want to go as Mdm park asked why his son doesn’t want to go. Mdm Park tells that this is her son’s favourite. Mdm park give her son some money for him to go to the Gibang to have a nice time, but then he went back to hide under his covers. Oh Tae Pung complaints to the police bureau why haven’t they found the perpetrator that nearly killed his son. The Police bureau officer explains to Oh Tae Pung that they still in the midst of investigating & they tells that Doseong doesn’t have just a few gangsters to go about. Oh Tae Pung complains that the investigation already been 1 month. Oh Tae Pung tells that he will not go back as he wants to speak to a Superior officer. The Police bureau officer tells Oh Tae Pung not to make a commotion at the entrance. Oh Tae Pung do they want to see what his son has become after the trauma that they can say such prattle to him then vent his anger on anything he sees as the Police bureau officer warns him that damaging governmental property can led to his arrest & get throw into jail. Oh Tae Pung stop short at a halt after hearing this & he will pester them every hour. Oh Tae Pung warns that he will be a pain for them until they resolve to find the perpetrator. The Police bureau officer tells how can Oh Tae Pung became a high ranking official Dang Sang Guan with that mentality
Dang Sang Guan is an officialdom of 3rd rank
Mdm Yoon learns from her valet that Oh Tae Pung is stirring commotion at the police bureau to find the perpetrators that nearly killed his son. Mdm Yoon asked whether that coward Oh Ho Yang has got a definitely look at the perpetrator to identify them. The valet doesn’t know what is happening but it seems that the police already caught a lead on one of the arsonist as they already have a composite drawing of one of them. Mdm Yoon asked her valet to looks for the arsonist & make sure they are given passage to leave Doseong at once, it already a mess of headache in the palace & she doesn’t need extra from Oh Tae Pung’s commotion. Mdm Yoon valet acknowledged
Crown Prince Yun asked whether Ae Jung has to find Prince Yeoning every day during his stay in the private abode. Prince Yeoning boast it was hard to find him, this is why he is an expert in hide & seek. Crown Prince Yun concurs that he also has seen Prince Yeoning expertise in action & tells that he is really an expert. Prince Yeoning tells that the street food is delicious. Crown Prince Yun buy some for him & Prince Yeoning to savour every type of food offer. Crown Prince Yun gets to see a Sang Dan Bae troupe in action & marvel by it
Prince Yeoning tells whether it is Crown Prince Yun 1st time outside the palace. Crown Prince Yun tells that he only have in passing, this is the 1st time he is standing physically at the street & witness the festivity. Prince Yeoning tells how did Crown Prince Yun spents his time in such boredom. It is said that one will loses its soul in the street, maybe they are so engross in enjoying themselves. Prince Yeoning concurs & this is going to be fun. Crown Prince Yun tells that he is always with his residence staff playing tuho & it was his all therefore he is confidence in his tuho skill. Prince Yeoning tells Crown Prince Yun then he has a great suggestion. Crown Prince Yun is surprise as Prince Yeoning tells that they will go where Crown Prince Yun is confidant in doing
Common folk enjoying a game of tuho & prizes are offered. Prince Yeoning drag Crown Prince Yun to give it a try then Crown Prince Yun gets a perfect score as the brother comes out dancing in jubilation then even more happy when they to receive their prizes of cookies & money as they show it to the crowd
Ae Jung is frantically looking for Prince Yeoning & driving her up the wall. Ae Jung goes to Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik & asked them to hang over Prince Yeoning to her & to their surprise & informs Ae Jung that Prince Yeoning didn’t comes over today & how can they hand back Prince Yeoning to her. Ae Jung tells that she has no time to be playing pranks, the residence is already topsy turvy to find him. Hwang Joo Shik reiterate that they indeed didn’t see Prince Yeoning today then asked whether Prince Yeoning has gone missing again. Ae Jung then realise that Prince Yeoning is not with them all this while. Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik tells that Prince Yeoning is not with them. Ae Jung asked where did Prince Yeoning has gone to
Meanwhile at Donggungjeon, the residence Sang Gung Yoon comes calling for Crown Prince Yun. The residence Gungnyeo tells that Crown Prince Yun has instructed them not to disturb him as he is taking a rest. The residence Sang Gung Yoon wonders. Nightfall, Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning still enjoying the festivity. Crown Prince Yun tells that knowing this are prizes he won, he finds them delicious. Prince Yeoning tells that this prizes are reap from Crown Prince Yun’s expert in tuho. Crown Prince Yun surprise that he now has a title as tuho expert. Prince Yeoning nods in affirmative as Crown Prince Yun tells his brother it is because of his effort that he is now known as tuho expert. Prince Yeoning tells Crown Prince Yun to look over there, there are people playing with fireworks sparkles & trampling with dance on the bridge
Tak Kyun is trampling of feet on the bridge
Crown Prince Yun tells that he read about this festivity in books, that trampling the feet in the bridge to grant wishes. Prince Yeoning invites Crown Prince Yun to give a try at trampling the bridge for good fortune & health. Crown Prince Yun wants to give it a try, but he is afraid that their time is up & he needs to attend So Gang. Prince Yeoning tells that Crown Prince Yun’s So Gang is at Yu Si & they still have half hour left & they try the Tak Kyun & leaves, they still have ample time to make it. Crown Prince Yun asked Prince Yeoning that he is eager to give this a try. Prince Yeoning tells that he must since he has a wish to make. Crown Prince Yun tells they will have a go for half an hour before leaving. Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning joins the crowd to trample on the bridge for good luck wishes. Both brother having a great time in each other company, then people let go sky lantern as Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning set their sky lantern off as well. The sky lantern lift off to the night sky as everyone looks at their sky lantern floating up in the air
Yu Si is the hour of Chicken, between 5-7pm
Sky lantern or better known as Kong Ming lantern symbolizes “hopes” and “prayers” towards the future. Sky lanterns are airborne paper lantern traditionally found in some Asian cultures. They are constructed from oiled rice paper on a bamboo frame, and contain a small candle or fuel cell composed of a waxy flammable material. When lighted, the flame heats the air inside the lantern, thus lowering its density causing the lantern to rise into the air. The sky lantern is only airborne for as long as the flame stays alight, after which the lantern floats back to the ground. Korean mostly will let go such lantern during Chuseok
Crown Prince Yun asked what Prince Yeoning’s wish he made in letting off the sky lantern as Prince Yeoning tells that Crown Prince Yun will not fall ill again then Prince Yeoning asked Crown Prince Yun what he wish did he make for as the Crown Prince Yun tells Prince Yeoning that he wants just as it is now & always, to have a fine time with Prince Yeoning. Prince Yeoning brushes that it is not a wish then Crown Prince Yun wasted his chance of a wish. Crown Prince Yun asked Prince Yeoning whether he did. Then someone shouts pickpocket as the pickpocket knock Crown Prince Yun & he knocks Prince Yeoning down as Crown Prince Yun concern for Prince Yeoning whether he is fine as Prince Yeoning assures his brother that he is alright. The pickpocket drops his stolen goods next to Crown Prince Yun, then the Yanban who lost his purse grabs Crown Prince Yun & accuse Crown Prince Yun to be the pickpocket. Crown Prince Yun asked the Yanban to take his hand off him. The Yanban said that the evidence is here that Crown Prince Yun can’t deny that it is not his wrongdoing. Crown Prince Yun tells that he has no knowledge of the purse. The Yanban tells Crown Prince Yun once he sees the flogging bench or the English will called it the straps & cats, he will see whether Crown Prince Yun will confess his crime then drag Crown Prince Yun to the police bureau. Crown Prince Yun struggles as prince Yeoning tries to help his brother. Crown Prince Yun tells Prince Yeoning that the palace must not have knowledge of this then asked Prince Yeoning to find someone to save him as Crown Prince Yun is dragged away & Prince Yeoning calling his brother. Crown Prince Yun protesting that he has done no wrong as the Yanban servant drags him to the police bureau. Prince Yeoning run to find some help then tells that he can’t let the palace know & wonder what is he supposed to do, then he remembers someone that might help him & runs back
There are 5 form of punishment in Joseon. Spanking or flogging, beating, imprisonment, exile & death
Jang Hee Bin comes to Donggungjeon & asked Residence Sang Gung Yoon whether Crown Prince Yun is in residence as the Residence Sang Gung Yoon acknowledge that Crown Prince Yun is in but then Crown Prince Yun instructed that he wants to be left alone & asked no one to enter the residence. Jang Hee bin asked the residence Sang Gung to announce her presence that she has arrived to Crown Prince Yun. After several calls from the residence Sang Gung Yoon to Crown Prince Yun in regards to Jang Hee Bin’s arrival there was no answer from the residence. Jang Hee Bin suspecting something amiss, goes in then calling her son, only to find his bed has been prop up in dummy then queries residence Sang Gung Yoon what is happening here & demands & answer from her on Crown Prince Yun’s whereabouts. Residence Sang Gung Yoon is speechless
Sukjong learns that Crown Prince Yun is missing from his residence. Seo Yong Gi report that Crown Prince Yun wanted to be left alone & instructed his residence staff not to disturb him, however it is found that he is not in his residence. Seo Yong Gi has instructed his staff & the Internal Bureau of Investigation to search the premises for Crown Prince Yun’s whereabouts
The Internal Bureau of Investigation assembles as Eun Geum worried that Crown Prince Yun is missing then asked what is happening here then if perhaps by chance. Yoo Sang Gung warns Eun Geum not to speculate on baseless gossips that they have not confirms whether Crown Prince Yun is indeed missing then order Eun Geum to take the staff to search the palace premises for Crown Prince Yun. Shi Bui acknowledged as they leave
Choi Dong Yi learns from Cha Cheon about Crown Prince Yun missing whereabouts
Choi Dong Yi: What…. Crown Prince Yun….?
Cha Cheon Soo: Yes,…Mama. Now at present Nae Geum Bu & Uigyeombu has deploy staff to search for Crown Prince Yun’s whereabouts
Choi Dong Yi: How could this have happened?
Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung comes in stricken panic
Bong Sang Gung: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: What is the matter?
Bong Sang Gung: Hwang Ja Mama…..Hwang Ja Mama is also not in the residence
Choi Dong Yi shocked
Choi Dong Yi: What are you saying there…Geum Yi is not in the residence?!!!!!
Choi Dong Yi gives it a thought
Choi Dong Yi: Will it perhaps…..
Jeong Sang Gung is surprise that Prince Yeoning has also gone missing. Ae Jung confirms that fact to Jeong Sang Gung. Jung Im tells Jeong Sang Gung that Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning is most likely has gone out from the palace together. Ae Jung tells that she conclude that they definitely will not be in the palace premises, they must have gone out of the palace. Jeong Sang Gung asked Jung Im to inform Seo Yong about this matter at once. Jung Im acknowledge & leaves
Sukjong rushes out of Daejeon & orders Do Seong Gi to deploy all palace staff & soldier to go search for Crown Prince Yun’s whereabouts. Do Seong Ji acknowledge the order then Sukjong asked what is going on here…what is happening & looks baffle. Drums is sound as the palace soldier are deploy to the street of Doseong to find Crown Prince Yun’s whereabouts
Im Sang Hyeong goes to Jang Hee Jae that how can this be happening that Crown Prince Yun has gone missing as they comment that this is preposterous. Jang Hee Jae agrees. Jang Hee Bin frantically pacing in Chwi Seon Dang in anxiety, while Choi Dong Yi is also doing the same in Bo Gyeong Dang
Choi Dong Yi Geum Ah?…. Crown Prince Yun?….
But then instead of being anxious, Choi Dong Yi decide to take matter to her own hands
Prince Yeoning goes to Kim Gu Seon’s cottage to find him to help Crown Prince Yun but find that he is not in his cottage, as Prince Yeoning find an empty house then starts to sobs calling for Crown Prince Yun. Meanwhile Crown Prince Yun is taken to the lock up. The police tells that if Crown Prince Yun doesn’t disclose the name of his parents, he will not be able to be release & confine to this cells & asked if he understands. Crown Prince Yun looks at his cell mates that looks like thugs
Choi dong Yi in her residence changes to common clothes, as Bong Sang Gung comes in seeing her change of clothes
Bong Sang Gung: Mama!….Where do you want to go?
Choi Dong Yi: I will go out to looks for Geum Yi & Crown Prince Yun
Bong Sang Gung: What?
Choi Dong Yi: I will know, where Geum Yi likes to go to places, before this matter escalate to more serious tumult, I must find Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun prior
Bong Sang Gung: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: There is no time for delays…Quickly go to Uigyeombu & call Orrabuni to come along…please Bong Sang Gung
Bong Sang Gung: Yes, Mama
Bong Sang Gung leaves as Choi Dong Yi gets ready. Meanwhile Seo Yong Gi surprised learns from Cha Cheon Soo that Choi Dong Yi is personally going out of the palace to search for Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun. Cha Cheon Soo affirms that Choi Dong Yi is more verse to where Prince Yeoning might venture to places, there is a possibility that Choi Dong Yi might able to locate them. Cha Cheon Soo leave to give Choi Dong Yi support as Seo Yong reminds Cha Cheon Soo to exercise caution that perhaps if by chance that Crown Prince Yun is harmed then Prince Yeoning will have grave implication in risk, before Chwi Seon Dang find them, he & Choi Dong Yi must find Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun first & foremost. Cha Cheon Soo understands
The streets of Doseong is ridden with palace soldiers then a composite of Crown Prince Yun is shown to passerby & comparison to the composite is made. Choi Dong Yi gather the Internal Bureau of investigations staff & the Nae Geum Bu & instruct them to disperse to search the vicinity for Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun. Choi Dong Yi clearly noted that Crown Prince Yun really wanted to return to the palace undetected, how they have not made their return it is clearly that something must have happened. Choi Dong Yi tells perhaps that they have been apprehended & asked Hwang Jung Gu & Han Jang Bu to take notice & priority of this matter. Hwang Jung Gu acknowledged & deploy his soldiers to search. Jeong Sang Gung also asked her bureau staff to be deploy as well
Jeong Sang Gung & her bureau staff search the street market for the Princes. Choi Dong Yi & Cha Cheon Soo searching the alley & street then make a mistake identity on children who resembles them. More soldiers from the police bureau are deployed into the search then a police comes to asked what are they supposed to do with Crown Prince Yun who didn’t disclose who is his parents are. The Captain asked Crown Prince Yun to be taken to see him. Crown Prince Yun hears the commotion outside then asked what is the commotion all about. The jail keeper asked Crown Prince Yun what does he need to know about that, then the jail keeper tells that it seem that in the palace, Crown Prince Yun has gone missing, now in Doseong all soldiers are being deploy to look for him. Crown Prince Yun tells himself that if they discover that he has been arrested, it will be tumult. The police asked Crown Prince Yun to come out. Crown Prince Yun is drag out from his cell to meet with the Captain
Cha Cheon Soo & Choi Dong Yi goes out to look for Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun. Cho Dong Yi frantically search calling out for her son
It is obvious that they are shooting scene in the rain as Choi Dong Yi’s vest is seen drench & soak
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah…Geum Ah!!!
Then she asked a nearby store keeper
Choi Dong Yi: Excuse me….did you by chance see a child that is aged 14-15 & a child aged 6-7
Storekeeper: No, haven’t seen them
Choi Dong Yi decided to look the surrounding area then find an embroidery perfume pouch
Crown Prince Yun is brought from the lock up & brought to see before the Officer
Crown Prince Yun: Let go of me….you wretches…..
Police: Shut up!!!….& come with me….
Crown Prince Yun: Let go of me…Let go of me!!!!
Captain: Is this the brat!!!!
Police: Yes
Captain takes a closer look at Crown Prince Yun
Choi Dong Yi knows that the found embroidery perfume pouch that belongs to Prince Yeoning, most probable sewn by her for her son, as she holds the embroidery perfume pouch & search the area with her eyes
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!!!…Geum Ah!!!
Cha Cheon Soo comes to Choi Dong Yi
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama…this is
Choi Dong Yi: This belongs to Prince Yeoning…This proves that Geum Yi has definitely been here…where could Geum Yi & Crown Prince Yun has gone to
Cho Dong Yi on the brink of panic stricken with anxiety over the missing whereabouts of her son & Crown Prince Yun. Cha Cheon Soo looks around
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!!!…Geum Ah!!!
As she turns….