Dong Yi Episode 56

 Choi Dong Yi in Daejojeon with Queen Inwon & is taken aback to queen Inwon suggestion to have Prince Yeoning married off
Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama?….Are you now saying about the matrimonial of Prince Yeoning?….
Queen Inwon: Yes, that is what I have just said
Choi Dong Yi: However Mama….Prince Yeoning is still youngster for his age for matrimonial
Queen Inwon: No…it is not….Prince Yeoning is eligible enough in his age to discuss his marital ties matters, Suk Bin. Moreover as you aware of the knowledge, the palace except for the Prince Successor, all Royal Princes must reside outside the palace premises, after their matrimonial, will have to leave the palace & they will take up his residence outside the palace in private residences

Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama?….I beg to pardoned but what you are implying in saying that is….
Queen Inwon: That is correct, I am now saying that once Prince Yeoning is married, that will be the time for Prince Yeoning will leave the palace & to had him take up private residency, this is what I intent
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi is shocked
Sukjong is just as surprise to have learned from Chief Eunuch Han that Queen Inwon is discussing Prince Yeoning’s matrimonial. Chief Eunuch Han tells that Queen Inwon have convey her intentions & in a while, Queen Inwon wants the subject to be brought to the attention Royal Court that has assemble at Injeongjeon to debate on the matter. Sukjong ponder why Prince Yeoning’s matrimonial is sudden subject of discussion
Meanwhile at Daejojeon, Choi Dong Yi is baffled to Queen Inwon’s sudden suggestion on Prince Yeoning’s marriage.
Choi Dong Yi: Mama! Is it because of the reason of some certain palace rumours that has brought you to have this conclusion. The rumours has it that Prince Yeoning has desire to aspire for the position of Prince Successor.
Queen Inwon: Never imagine that you will be the 1st person to bring up this subject. This is indeed amazing that you can be so straightforward without hesitation to bring out such a frightful subject,…what is it then…is that because you thinks that you has the rendered favour of Cheon Na…
Choi Dong Yi is offended & taken aback on Queen Inwon’s unwarranted remarks.
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Queen Inwon; yes indeed, it is because based on that very reason that as you are a mere member of the Inner Court that has rested favour with Cheon Na & think you are usurp the Queen Consort to waver the stability & the foundation of Prince Successor. As long as I am the Queen Consort, I will definitely not stand by idle & not do anything about the matter.
Choi Dong Yi patience just ran out
Choi Dong Yi: I beg to pardoned & dare to speak, Mama…I will like to convey tells to you my boldness advice. The palace is a place where numerous amount of gossip & rumours that will exist, therefore as the proprietor of Nae Myeong Bu in which it is you Mama doesn’t have the ability to ascertainment into gauge to determined what is the truth or falsehood, don’t even mentioned it is just Nae Myeong Bu, to the extent on the foundation of the Royal Household & even the Dynasty will be wavered in risk….Please I adhere you to diligently bear this advice in mind & not to forget that.
Queen Inwon is taken aback & offended that Choi Dong Yi has come to teach her how to managed affairs.
Queen Inwon; What are you saying?….How dare & bold of you to come & teach me how to manage my affairs
Choi Dong Yi: yes, indeed…in boldness I must be to advice you, as I a member of the Inner Court, then the elder in the Royal Household that I feel that there is requirement to convey this advice to Mama on what you must do.
Queen Inwon: Suk Bin!!!
Choi Dong Yi looks undeterred & Choi Dong Yi “touché” on Queen Inwon.
Choi Dong Yi, as the elder of Nae Myeong Bu & the Royal Household exercise her elder status that elders dominates the younger in a Confucian family function & sternly warns the childish & younger Queen Inwon her 2 cents worth of advice but I will think that Choi Dong Yi’s obligated fundamental role to render her petty sum of advice has great implication that if Queen Inwon’s falter her responsibility & action that it will destroy the Royal Household
Choi Dong Yi leaves Daejojeon as Bong Sang Gung express her concern. Jang Mu Yeol comes to greets Choi Dong Yi then asked Choi Dong Yi that how is it now then whether she is regretting making her decision. Choi Dong Yi tells that it seems Jang Mu Yeol has found a political root in the form of Queen Inwon. Jang Mu Yeol smiles confidently as Choi Dong Yi advice Jang Mu Yeol to take caution, a tree with weak roots will not able to sustain the slightest of breeze wind & may be easily get uprooted. Jang Mu Yeol concurs that the possibility may happened, but then Jang Mu Yeol beg to defer that the said wind is not blowing against his direction & asked whether Choi Dong Yi agrees with him. Jang Mu Yeol enters Daejojeon. Choi Dong Yi realise that Jang Mu Yeol has a hand for Queen Inwon to suggest Prince Yeoning’s marriage
In Daejeon, Sukjong speaks to Queen Inwon that he understands Queen Inwon’s intention but then Sukjong thinks that Prince Yeoning is still too young for marriage. Queen Inwon tells Sukjong not at all that Prince Yeoning is eligible age for matrimonial. Queen Inwon asked Sukjong not to give the excuse in regards to Prince Yeoning’s age to deter the issue at hand. since Sukjong has investiture a Princedom title to Prince Yeoning. Sukjong still think otherwise. Queen Inwon reminds Sukjong that Royal matrimonial matter is under jurisdiction & the affairs of Nae Myeong Bu therefore Queen Consort is the proprietor. Sukjong can’t oppose the matter when the matter has an eligible right, or else Queen Inwon will lose her integrity & respect in Nae Myeong Bu then she will not able to manage Nae Myeong Bu efficiently & properly. Sukjong is taken aback by Queen Inwon firmness in throwing the rule book at him. Queen Inwon tells Sukjong that this is done in order to appease the palace rumour mongers & to strengthen Crown Prince Yun’s position then asked Sukjong for his earnest understanding on her efforts
Yoo Sang Gung is surprise to learn from Jeong Sang Gung that Prince Yeoning is to through matrimonial. Jeong Sang Gung tells that eligibility right is present, Sukjong can’t oppose either. Jung Im tells that this is trouble, then Prince Yeoning will definitely need to reside outside the palace, she expresses fears to think that Prince Yeoning’s life will be threatened yet again. Jeong Sang Gung tells she will go & see Choi Dong Yi in regards to the matter as Jung Im tells that she will follow Jeong Sang Gung together as they leave. Eun Geum tells she knew this will happened. Queen Inwon is clearly outright bullying Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning. Yoo Sang Gung caution Eun Geum to be careful with her words as someone might hear her. Eun Geum tells that she is upset that why she vent her complain. Eun Geum tells honestly speaking that on whose rested laurel of fortune did Queen Inwon render on to become Queen Consort, it is because Choi Dong Yi declines the designation as Queen Consort then only it was revert to Queen Inwon & Queen Inwon doesn’t show her gratitude. Shi Bi agrees with Eun Geum wholeheartedly that she is really upset to the brim of death
Bong Sang Gung is also fluster with upset, telling Ae Jung that she imagine that they have got rid of Chwi Seon Dang, they will seen better days, but in the end, don’t where did this vixen comes from that comes appearing before their very eyes being such an eye sore as Bong sang Gung is choked with upset. Ae Jung asked Bong Sang Gung what are they supposed to do now that they really have to see that Prince Yeoning force to reside outside the palace. Bong Sang Gung doesn’t know what to think.
Shim Yun Taek comes calling at Bo Gyeong Dang as Bong Sang Gung greets him then Shim Yun Taek asked whether Choi Dong Yi is in residence. Bong Sang Gung tells that Choi Dong Yi is in residence that all has assembled in the residence & asked Shim Yun Taek to enter quickly. Choi Dong Yi meets with her “Famous Five”, Seo Yong Gi, Shim Yun Taek, Cha Cheon Soo, Jung Im & Jeong Sang Gung for a discussion on Prince Yeoning’s initial marriage. Shim Yun Taek tells that this is clearly indicates an outright ploy by the Soron faction to drive Prince Yeoning out of the palace then how can they do this to Prince Yeoning. Seo Yong Gi tells that presently they have justified that they have the eligible right to propose the matter. Jeong Sang Gung suggest whether Choi Dong Yi should bring up this matter to Sukjong, that if it is Sukjong but then as Choi Dong Yi advice against the matter. Choi Dong Yi tells that if Sukjong comes forward to intervene then it is clearly seen to protectionism towards Prince Yeoning, it will be generate ripple of tumult in the palace. Jung Im tells that they can’t allow Prince Yeoning to go & resides outside the palace. Shim Yun Taek agrees with Jung Im that without Chwi Seon Dang’s existence, it doesn’t spell that all is well for them. Those who are in Soron faction in the Royal Court who oppose Prince Yeoning then finally they will attempt to threaten Prince Yeoning’s life. Choi Dong Yi show her concerns. Cha Cheon Soo looks that he will not stand by this
Officer Min waiting outside Im Sang Hyeon residence as Jang Mu Yeol goes to see Im Sang Hyeon that it is fortunate that Queen Inwon came forward to resolve the matter on Prince Yeoning as she has concurs with their perspective. Im Sang Hyeon tells that Jang Mu Yeol is able to mediate with Queen Inwon & praise Jang Mu Yeol for his efforts. Jang Mu Yeol tells that this is the least he can do in his obligation for the faction. Im Sang Hyeon tells that this matter, Soron faction & Namin faction must joint in consensus in unison to support Crown Prince Yun, even though the known fact that he is unable to produce posterity, then they will get alternative measure to ascend the throne, this is to say that in the end the faction are the King maker of this country. Jang Mu Yeol agrees that they must not allow to have a King that ascend the throne which carries the Cheonmin bloodline, if need be, they must draw the sword to draw blood to resolves that matter. Im Sang Hyeon laughs that it is great that Jang Mu Yeol & him has concurring & understand thought even without having to speak of the matter
Jang Mu Yeol leaves Im Sang Hyeon’s residence escorted by his men when someone draws an arrow & alerted Jang Mu Yeol’s attention as his men draw their sword & arrows comes flying in flight misses them by inches then they see someone escaping from the roof as Officer Min asked his men to give chase. Jang Mu Yeol seem startle by the attack as Officer Min asked whether Jang Mu Yeol is alright then his men return & tells that they lost trace of the assailant. Jang Mu Yeol wonder who might the assailant be.
Seo Yong Gi asked Shim Yun Taek to go to see the Noron faction to persuade & convince to change their mindset as Seo Yong Gi hands Shim Yun Taek a letter then tells that they have little time to waste on the matter & to work quickly on the issue. Shim Yun Taek acknowledged & leaves. Seo Yong Gi finds Cha Cheon Soo seem to be preoccupied in his thoughts. Cha Cheon Soo tells that Choi Dong Yi for the sake of the general masses, forsake her designation to ascend as Queen Consort, but however why they are so persisting in bull dozing their way through her so endlessly. Seo Yong Gi explains that Prince Yeoning’s existence is seen as a threat to them, the law of political survival is kill or be kill is what the palace politics preaches.
Cha Cheon Soo tells that it is not merely just in regards to this matter. Cha Cheon Soo tells that it is because Choi Dong Yi is from Cheonmin class & that Prince Yeoning carries her Cheonmin bloodline. Those people in actual fact despise & most fear in regards to that issue. They will never want to imagine or dread to think that they will have a King who carries the Cheonmin bloodline therefore they will do their utmost to vanquish Prince Yeoning. If Prince Yeoning leaves to resides outside the palace, there is no chance to guarantee his survival. Cha Cheon Soo tells he definitely will not stand by & watch to happened without doing a thing about the matter
Choi Dong Yi contemplates in Bo Gyeong Dang then asked Bong Sang Gung
Bong Sang Gung: Mama?
Choi dong Yi: How is Prince Yeoning doing?
Prince Yeoning learns from Ae Jung that he needs to be married then asked when will that be. Ae Jung tells that tomorrow they will issue the notice to start to select his Consort. Prince Yeoning surprise that what will become of this, that he really need to resides outside the palace again. Prince Yeoning knows that married Princes need to resides in private residence that is outside the palace then this would mean that he will have to live separately alone from his mother. Ae Jung doesn’t know how to console Prince Yeoning. Choi Dong Yi comes to Prince Yeoning’s quarters
Gan Rael Ryeong is an issuance notice to have eligible girls selected to become Prince’s consorts
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi approaches her son
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni! I don’t wish to get married…I don’t want to leave the palace…I wish to be beside Eomeoni to be filial to you, I will like to live together with Ah Ba Mama & Crown Prince Yun
Choi Dong Yi: Yes…yes…don’t you worry about that
Choi Dong Yi hugs her son
Choi Dong Yi: You will definitely not leave the palace to resides outside the palace. Your Mother will not allow you to do so & let this to happened
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi hugs her son again to pacify & assure him
In Daejeon, Sukjong is so sick of the Royal Court shouting “eligible rights” at him as he asked what is that really means. Sukjong is upset & tells Chief Eunuch Han that he can’t even protect his young son from harassment. Chief Eunuch Han tries to pacify the upset Sukjong. Then Choi Dong Yi announce her presence that she wish to seek audience. Choi Dong Yi comes to Daejeon & greets Sukjong, who is surprise by her visit

Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Sukjong & Choi Dong Yi sits down as Sukjong assures Choi Dong Yi
Sukjong: This matter….no matter whatsoever, I will find a solution to counter measure & resolves this…therefore you needn’t….
Choi Dong Yi: No, Cheon Na…. please you must not, there is no need to
Sukjong is surprise
Choi Dong Yi: I was worried that you might resort to being rash, therefore I came here prior to stop you from doing so
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi: If Cheon Na were to do so then it will add fuel to the fire for the raging rumours that is already spreading the palace, moreover the important factor is it will render negativity effects on Prince Yeoning whom has your favouritism & in turn that will affect Crown Prince Yun emotionally that may bring him harm of suffering pain again. I have also has mentioned to you before that the person that require your most concern is Crown Prince Yun, we must not let time which stride slowly to recover his emotion from being hurt again by receiving yet another blow of pain, therefore please hand over this matter to me to resolves, I will take responsibility, in regards to this matter, no matter whatsoever method of way, I will do my utmost effort to resolves this issue
Sukjong; However, how are you going about resolving this?
Choi Dong Yi: I am already well versed & mastered in the art of palace intrigues, Cheon Na….Haven’t you forget that I am “Pungsan”
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi: I will never allow Prince Yeoning to reside outside the palace….let me be the person who will protect that child, Cheon Na
Choi Dong Yi returns to Bo Gyeong Dang then asked Bong Sang Gung to summon Jeong Sang Gung to see her at once then Choi Dong Yi tells she require all books regarding “Uigwe” from the Internal Bureau of Investigation’s library. Bong Sang Gung acknowledged & leaves for Internal Bureau of Investigation
Uigwe are Joseon Royal Protocols. The Uigwe, which literally means “a model for rituals”, records through text and illustrations all the major state ceremonies and events of the Joseon Dynasty (1392~1910). This guide not only covers royal weddings, funerals, and banquets, but it also contains instructions for how to construct for royal buildings and burial sites, and guides for the cultural activities of the royal family, as well as the various other state events, which were systematically organized according to the traditions. In addition to detailed descriptions of the protocols for events, the Uigwe also includes a list of the people in charge, the number of staff, including their position and responsibilities, items used, and expenditures for each event. Accompanying the texts are coloured illustrations of major items used and sketches of events, creating a fascinating visual record.
Seo Yong Gi & Shim Yun Taek comes to Bo Gyeong Dang & learns of Choi Dong Yi’s intention to proceed with the matrimonial of Prince Yeoning. Choi Dong Yi affirms that she will also create a tumult trend on something never before happened in the Royal Household. Seo Yong Gi & Shim Yun Taek express concern about Choi Dong Yi risky undertaking as Choi Dong Yi tells them that actually she has initially plan this prior before therefore they just need to adhere follow in accordance to her wishes. Choi Dong Yi tells that of course there is no substantial guarantee that this will able to safe guard Prince Yeoning but at present this is the one & only one alternative option of choice left for her to take
Queen Inwon gives her decree the issuance of selection to expedite Prince Yeoning’s marriage & asked to speed the matter quickly. The official from the bureau of rites acknowledge. Choi Dong Yi comes to Daejojeon as the official from the bureau of rites greets Choi Dong Yi on his way out, as Choi Dong Yi asked him to wait a moment then she looks at the decree
Queen Inwon: What, you want me that this matrimonial to be render to you exclusively to be full be responsible?
Choi Dong Yi: Yes Mama…as you have accorded, that I will expedite this matrimonial for Prince Yeoning but however the selection choice of his Consort will be my decision to made
Queen Inwon: It looks like you are really getting bold that seems lawless. The authority of Royal matrimony for the Royal Household lies with the Queen Consort, do you wish to ignore that authority?
Choi Dong Yi: No, it is not all, Mama
Queen Inwon: What?
Choi Dong Yi bring out a book for Queen Inwon
Choi dong Yi: This is an archive book that is log in Internal Bureau of Investigation in regards to Royal Household’s Uigwe on matrimonial ceremonies. If you take a look you will understand, except for Prince Successor, other Princes who their birth mother are from the Inner Court has the god giving right & the authority to participates the selection of their son’s consort & partake in the decision making to their son’s marriage has always been the tradition
Queen Inwon turns the pages to the book. This is obvious that no one has taught the actress how Joseon’s book pages are supposed to turn its pages.
Choi Dong Yi: Mama, I will adhere your wishes to follow accordance to Royal protocol that exercise the eligible right to conduct Prince Yeoning’s matrimonial…then yes, we shall proceed to respect that in that accordance therefore Mama you also need to abide & adhere what it dictates in the Royal Household protocols that has been traditionally be handed down
Im Sang Hyeon learns Jang Mu Yeol that Queen Inwon has to agree for Choi Dong Yi to managed Prince Yeoning’s marriage, as Jang Mu Yeol tells that since there is an eligible right stated, Queen Inwon has no choice of reason to refuse Choi Dong Yi’s request. Jang Mu Yeol tells that Choi Dong Yi may go & seek an exemplary political family as a support backing. Jang Mu Yeol assures Im Sang Hyeon not to be too concern, they just need to drive Prince Yeoning out of the palace as their initial target. Im Sang Hyeon nods in affirmative
Choi Dong Yi contemplates in Bo Gyeong Dang. A notice for the selection of Consort for Prince Yeoning is place on the public notice board as the passerby reads that it is a notice on Prince Yeoning’s marriage. Ph Taek Pung & Oh Ho Yang passes the notice board as Oh Tae Pung asked what is the notice about. Oh Ho Yang reads the notice & to his shock it is about announcement Prince Yeoning’s marriage. Oh Tae Pung acknowledge that pushes his way to the front to see the notice board
Oh Ho Yang chasing his father to come out quickly from the house, it seem they are in a hurry to go somewhere, as Oh Tae Pung takes his own sweet time to come out. Mdm Park asked that they should get daughter from their clan selected as Consort as Oh Tae Pung tells that it will be a chance for their clan to be revive. Mdm park tells that their family has no daughters. Oh Tae Pung tells that he will salvage from distance relatives for nieces or granddaughter then quickly have one adopted into their family, will solve all matters. Mdm park then queries what is her men folk doing then, all dress up to go somewhere. Oh Tae Pung tells that he will go out to gather marital fate by pulling strings. Mdm Park is surprise. Oh Ho Yang tells his father to hurry as they are late. Mdm Park sees his men folk off & asked them to be caution & don’t break the marital fate
In Yeon or marital fate or conjugal felicity
Oh Tae Pung & Oh Ho Yang comes to the Music Bureau as though they still own the place. Oh Tae Pung tells that the Music Bureau has shrunk in size as Oh Ho Yang concurs & tells that quality of the Court Gisaeng has somewhat drops its standard then before. Oh Tae Pung tells his son when they were here, Music bureau was at its peak. Oh Tae Pung & Oh Ho Yang meets Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal who is suspicious of their visit to Music Bureau as Oh Tae Pung rendered them cordial greetings. Hwang Joo Shik then queries . Oh Tae Pung & Oh Ho Yang’s purpose of visit to Music Bureau. Oh Tae Pung tells what else will they come to music bureau as he has something to instruct from Hwang Joo Shik. Hwang Joo Shik question on the instruction. Oh Ho Yang tells that Hwang Joo Shik still has close acquaintance ties with Choi Dong Yi. Yeong Dal tells that they are still of course in good relationship with Choi Dong Yi then asked Oh Tae Pung & Oh Ho Yang, why the reason do they want to know that for. Oh Tae Pung tells that they need Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal to help them to convey a message to Bo Gyeong Dang that they want to enter their daughter into the selection list & asked Choi Dong Yi to shortlist their daughter. Yeong Dal laughs at Oh Tae Pung that they have intention to be in law with Prince Yeoning. Oh Tae Pung tells that he want to & advertise that they are reputable clan. Hwang Joo Shik tells off Oh Tae Pung not to utter nonsense here & just take their leave.
Oh Taek Pung surprise at Hwang Joo Shik’s attitude. Hwang Joo Shik tells that he doesn’t need to listen to Oh Tae Pung’s prattles then order his staff to chase Oh Tae Pung & Oh Ho Yang, who is seen as unwanted trespassers from Music bureau. Oh Ho Yang upset that Hwang Joo Shik are calling them unwanted trespassers & asked if Hwang Joo Shik has lost his marbles & he asked Hwang Joo Shik that does he know who he is. Hwang Joo Shik boldly shout back & asked who does Oh Ho Yang think he is. Hwang Joo Shik tells that Oh Ho Yang doesn’t hold any officialdom rank & just a philander. Oh Ho Yang tells Hwang Joo Shik that he use to be formerly in charge of Music bureau. Hwang Joo Shik acknowledge that Oh Ho Yang is formerly was in charge of Music bureau but then Hwang Joo Shik tells that he is now currently in charge of music bureau then threaten to beat them up, as Oh Ho Yang goes & hide behind his father. Yeong Dal concurs that Oh Tae Pung & Oh Ho Yang were formerly in the past; the people in charge of Music bureau but then it is said now they are just trespassers. Oh Tae Pung excuse that it is their arrogant old habits as Hwang Joo Shik tells Oh Tae Pung & Oh Ho Yang to go & feed their bad habits to the dogs for all he cares. Hwang Joo Shik tells that he is very busy & not time to listen to Oh Tae Pung’s prattles then Hwang Joo Shik order his staff to drag the trespasser Oh Tae Pung & Oh Ho Yang out of music bureau, if they resist then Hwang Joo Shik gives his staff permission to beat up Oh Tae Pung & Oh Ho Yang. Oh Tae Pung resist being throw out still pleading for Hwang Joo Shik to put a word for them to Choi Dong Yi. Hwang Joo Shik tells that they are really wretched brats
Choi Dong Yi in Bo Gyeong Dang looking through the selection list given to her by Jung In Guk as Jung In Guk tells that these family listed were former official in the government that they are reputable family & daughters are in refine in nature.

Choi Dong Yi: Is this the best effort that the Noron faction can do in order to drawn up in the selection list?
Jung In Guk is surprise by Choi Dong Yi’s remark.
Choi Dong Yi: I have heard that Noron faction has swore to stake their lives in supporting Prince Yeoning, but however it seems that I have greatly misunderstand.
Jung In Guk: Mama, do you find these family in the selection list unsatisfactory to your liking.
Choi Dong Yi straight forwards & boldly tells Jung In Guk that she frowns with dissatisfaction with the selection list.
Choi Dong Yi: Yes, precisely correct, Dae Gam…I am certainly dissatisfied with the selection list. I had thought that the Noron faction will be for Prince Yeoning’s best interest will be select someone favourable & perfect matches for him but I have to express grave disappointment with the selection list
The Noron faction is shocked that Choi Dong Yi has rejected their selection list. Jung In Guk tells that he was just been embarrassingly belittle from Bo Gyeong Dang by Choi Dong Yi. Jung In Guk tells that it is possible that Prince Yeoning’s future require to have a stronger backing support & foundation. The Noron faction official tells Jung In Guk as for the selection list for Prince Yeoning’s marriage honestly what they have render is already their crème de la crème, if they want to find some reputable that surpass that this it will create a multiple problems. Jung In Guk agrees then sighs
Bong Sang Gung looks at the Noron selection list then informs Choi Dong Yi that they are from reputable clans & Choi Dong Yi has refuse all of them. Choi Dong Yi frankly confirms that she did. Choi Dong Yi tells that these reputable clans can provide the requirement of the support foundation that Prince Yeoning needs to have. Choi Dong Yi affirms Bong Sang Gung that she is referring to her style of politics & tells Bong Sang Gung that her aims in order to consider for Prince Yeoning’s future & the importance role that his spouse might play for his future is seen in an utmost priority. Choi Dong Yi wishes to have someone that will stand beside Prince Yeoning & who can render the most effective in help & support to him in his future undertaking. Bong Sang Gung wonder who might that be
Kim Gu Seon brings Prince Yeoning to a temple as Prince Yeoning asked what place is this that his teacher is bringing him to. Kim Gu Seon tells that this is the place where his teacher’s shrine resides. Prince Yeoning tells that it is Kim Gu Seon’s teacher. Kim Gu Seon tells that Prince Yeoning’s mood has been somewhat downcast lately therefore he brought Prince Yeoning here to wait his thoughts & relax.
Prince Yeoning goes to collect acorns then giving some thought takes one to eat & finds them still bitter. Seo Jung Je comes & tells Prince Yeoning that it must be really bitter to eat. Seo Jung Je approaches Prince Yeoning to tells that looking at his dressing Prince Yeoning looks like he is from a gentry family, how can seen eating these acorns. Prince Yeoning asked whether Seo Jung Je is referring to the acorns, Prince Yeoning replies that he doesn’t wish to forget the bitterness of the acorns, someone has said that bitterness is the tears of the common people. Seo Jung Je is surprise & taken aback at Prince Yeoning’s reply. Kim Gu Seon then comes to comment that he will see Seo Jung Je in this premises. Seo Jung Je greets Kim Gu Seon as his teacher as Prince Yeoning is surprise that Seo Jung Je is also Kim Gu Seon student. Kim Gu Seon laughs
Kim Gu Seon & Seo Jung Je looks on at Prince Yeoning with his collection of acorns then Kim Gu Seon asked whether Seo Jung Je express disappointment that he was strict with Seo Jung Je & his student not to be interested in governmental posting but yet he is seen lenient to go against his own policy & preaching on accepting Prince Yeoning under his tutelage. Seo Jung Je is introduces in the caption as he understands why Kim Gu Seon took Prince Yeoning under his tutelage. Kim Gu Seon laugh that he is not the only person who fore sight & tells that Seo Jung Je can also see through the matter. Seo Jung Je tells that he heard that Prince Yeoning matrimonial issue has created tumult & asked Kim Gu Seon whether he is worried for Prince Yeoning. Kim Gu Seon concurs that he express his concern that if Prince Yeoning leaves the palace there is a possibility of dire risk to his life. Kim Gu Seon express his worst fears that if this continues, he might lose Prince Yeoning
Crown Prince Yun learns Queen Inwon that Prince Yeoning’s marriage has been decided & selected then Prince Yeoning will have to seek residence outside the palace. Queen Inwon gladly confirms then assures Crown Prince Yun not to worry about anything. Queen Inwon tells that she stand by Crown Prince Yun then she will do her utmost to protect Crown Prince Yun as Prince Successor then asked Crown Prince Yun for his trust in her. Crown Prince Yun sighs. Queen Inwon is trying to be a concern “Mother” heard that Crown Prince Yun hasn’t been taking his meals regularly lately then asked Crown Prince Yun that must not miss his meals & asked whether he is clear. Crown Prince Yun acknowledge Queen Inwon
Choi Dong Yi comes to Suragan then asked whether this is the meal tray from Crown Prince Yun. Choi Dong Yi looks at the reject food tray then tells that this may not be appropriate for his appetite. Bong Sang Gung asked Choi Dong Yi that Choi Dong Yi is already troubled & anxious in Prince Yeoning’s affairs why is she making fuss every day to render concern to Crown Prince Yun’s well being & asked what good will this come out. Choi Dong Yi reprimand the complaining Bong Sang Gung
Donggungjeon Sang Gung comes in to Donggungjeon as Crown Prince Yun has instructed that he is feeling weary & doesn’t wish to be disturb,
Donggungjeon Sang Gung: Crown Prince Yun?
Crown Prince Yun: What is the matter?
Choi Dong Yi comes in to Donggungjeon greets him as the Suragan Gungnyeo brings his food tray. Choi Dong Yi sits with Crown Prince Yun as she hands him a spoon

Choi Dong Yi: This is seaweed porridge & plum extracts, the plum extract will be beneficial to your health therefore please give this a try, Crown Prince Yun. The plum extract will open your appetite & you will able to regain some strength therefore just try to have some
Miyeok Juk is seaweed porridge. It is usually roasted seaweed & porridge cook under a broth i.e abalone
Mae Sil is green plum (Prunus mume) extract. The extracts caused a slight increase in titratable acidity and the growth of lactic acid bacteria thus an appetite opener
Choi Dong Yi insists of handing over the spoon to Crown Prince Yun to take his food. Crown Prince Yun takes the spoon from Choi Dong Yi
Crown Prince Yun: Why are you always being kind to me? Am I to say for you, I should be the person you wish to see disappear but however, Prince Yeoning & also even you Mama why are you treating me kindly & cordially in this manner
Choi Dong Yi: Crown Prince Yun?
Crown Prince Yun: please leave….please convey to Prince Yeoning to asked him not to come here to look for me….I know that the child has been coming every day trying to catch glimpses & glances of me foe him to send greeting to me…I feels that it is really uncomfortable & a burden…I don’t wish to see Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Crown Prince Yun! I am aware that this is not your heartfelt is….it is because you are now feeling very weary, this is why you are pushing Prince Yeoning away, but honestly that you are actually doing this out of concern for Prince Yeoning & your heartfelt worries for him. Prince Yeoning has the same heartfelt thought as you, Crown Prince Yun
Prince Yeoning is still catching glimpses & glances at Donggungjeon. Prince Yeoning tells Crown Prince Yun that he will soon have to leave the palace, then they will not again have any acquaintance or be living together anymore then Prince Yeoning recalls Crown Prince Yun telling that he is not his “Hyung” but they are adversaries that Prince Yeoning need to tramples him to aspire his ambition & he in turn need to vanquished. Prince Yeoning tells that he likes Crown Prince Yun as his brother, just like how he is fond & love his mother & Sukjong is for him that he really likes Crown Prince Yun very much as he sobs
The Dogam official bring is more selection list as Choi Dong Yi looks through the list in Internal Bureau of Investigation as the official tells that this is the last of the selection list. Choi Dong Yi browses & looks through them
Dogam is a Uigwe the bureau or office that runs the Royal Protocol for nation ceremony & banquet.
Jang Mu Yeol in Daejojeon tells Queen Inwon that Choi Dong Yi is well verse in the Inner Court protocol that they are many a thing that she can’t refuse that she has to accept in face value & the matrimonial will be expedite quickly. Queen Inwon concurs with what Jang Mu Yeol has just said, the most important is to have Prince Yeoning take residence outside the palace. Jang Mu Yeol nods in affirmative
Meanwhile Choi Dong Yi finds none of the selection suitable to be Prince Yeoning’s consort
Choi Dong Yi: None of these candidates are deem suitable
Dogam Official: What?
Choi Dong Yi: I feel that what has been tendered before me, there is none that is deem suitable match for Prince Yeoning as his spouse
Dogam Official: Will you like to give another look through then, Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: There is no need for that…I will personally go & select
Official: What?
Choi Dong Yi: In the matter of fact, actually I have a candidate that is most suitable in mind, it looks like that I didn’t see that they submit the selection list from them, therefore it is best that I will personally go to them to asked from the in hand of marriage
Dogam official dismay, Ae Jung & Bong Sang Gung wonder who is the family
Chief Eunuch marches at the corridors. Sukjong at Daejeon surprise to learn from Chief Eunuch that Choi Dong Yi taking this martimonal “personally”
Sukjong: What?….Therefore Suk Bin will going out of the palace to personally asked for the hand of marriage
Chief Eunuch Han: yes indeed, Cheon Na
Sukjong: Who is that person who has caught the eye of Suk Bin?
Chief Eunuch Han: That…seems….as to my knowledge she seems that she is about to embark to go to Park Dong Joo’s residence
Sukjong: What?….Park Dong Joo!!!!
Im Sang Hyeon also has the same reaction like Sukjong when he learns from Chua Sang Dae Gam that Choi Dong Yi is heading to Park Dong Joo residence & asked whether Suk Bin is in the right frame of mind. Chua Sang Dae Gam agrees that Park Dong Joo is a well known & reputable scholar clan in the capital. The Namin official tells that Park Dong Joo’s reputation is in high regards that Park Dong Joo’s father was an elder on in the Soron faction glory. Im Sang Hyeon question & baffled why would Choi Dong Yi want to engage to have marital ties with the family like Park Dong Joo & asked whether she thinks that this will get them off the case of driving Prince Yeoning from the palace
Seon Jin is “late” father
Choi Dong Yi prepares to leave Bo Gyeong Dang for Park Dong Joo’s house as she asked Ae Jung & Bing Sang Gung to leave with her
Choi Dong Yi: Let us leave
Ae Jung & Bong Sang Gung: Yes, Mama
As they walk away, Queen Inwon comes to Bo Gyeong Dang with her entourage
Queen Inwon: Suk Bin, will you halt where you are!!!!
Choi Dong Yi stops then pleasantly turns to Queen Inwon & greets her
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Queen Inwon: Is this for this purpose & the reason that you have requested that you will personally wants to go & select the candidate of spouse, in order to find a strong support base from a reputable family. Do you think I will approve of this marital ties?
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!…. Mama has already render me the authority to managed Prince Yeoning matrimonial affairs, therefore until the time is suited when the matter has been finalise & confirms, I will come to you for discussion, how is that then for you?
Queen Inwon: I say….Suk Bin!!!
Choi Dong Yi bows
Choi Dong Yi: My apology….Mama….but I must take my leave as I have matter to attend urgent appointment that will not allow to keep people waiting
Queen Inwon is taken aback by Choi Dong Yi’s stealth & tactful snub. Chow Dong Yi bow then step back & leaves Bo Gyeong Dang as Queen Inwon is left standing choke in grasp
Queen Inwon: How dare that person…..
Park Dong Joo’s valet tells Park Dong Joo that Choi Dong Yi has arrives at his residence. Park Dong Joo acknowledge as Choi Dong Yi enter the residence. Park Dong Joo greets Choi Dong Yi.
Meanwhile Jang Mu Yeol tells Officer Min looking to do damage control that he needs to meet with Park Dong Joo’s acquaintance Do Ji Sa Ban Dong who is close to Park Dong Joo to try to prevent this marriage from happening & asked Officer Min to do this at once. Officer Min acknowledged & leaves
Do Ji Sa has an officialdom of 2nd rank
Cha Cheon Soo passes Jang Mu Yeol then passes comments to Cha Cheon Soo it looks like Choi Dong Yi has been force to a cornered environment & there is no outlet to escape that she was so readily to turn down & now suffering in dire consequences for her action. Jang Mu Yeol tells that Choi Dong Yi finally can’t do anything to her predicament situation, hoping for a well match marriage for Prince Yeoning & also to retain Prince Yeoning’s residence at the palace. Cha Cheon Soo tells Jang Mu Yeol on the contrary that Choi Dong Yi will have success in achieve both the matter & also the matter will be achieve from Jang Mu Yeol rendering the most utmost effort. Jang Mu Yeol is surprised as Cha Cheon Soo stops his conversation there & walks away smiling
Officer Min comes suddenly & tells that there is trouble. Jang Mu Yeol asked what is matter. Jang Mu Yeol return to his office to find some of his staff on the ground then asked what is happening here, then one of the guard has a letter with him. It is a letter of caution & Jang Mu Yeol tells it is the same assailant from that night incident has rendered him a warning. Jang Mu Yeol question who might that person be
Choi Dong Yi sits with Park Dong Joo then apologise for her sudden & abrupt visit to his residence. Park Dong Joo tells that it is not at all that he is honoured with Choi Dong Yi’s visit. Park Dong Joo tells Choi Dong Yi that he wanted to submit his selection but his daughter is not of good calibre & health, therefore hesitated that intention but however Choi Dong Yi has personally come to his residence, he is indeed honoured. Choi Dong Yi is slightly surprised
Choi Dong Yi: My apology, Dae Gam, but it seem that you have a slight misunderstanding
Park Dong Joo: You mentioned a misunderstanding, Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: I am not here to come & see you Dae Gam, moreover I am here to see someone else that is in your residence
Park Dong Joo: What?
Seo Jung Je is the tutor in Park Dong Joo’s residence as the valet gives Seo Jung Je his month salary for his tutoring as Seo Jung Je looks at his pay check to find that there is an access of 5 nyangs then he returns back to the valet. The valet tells that Park Dong Joo has asked Seo Jung Je to look after his education of his children & the money is an incentive. Seo Jung Je tells that it is fine, he will stand to what he has asked for, if the children wants to strive in their education, it is his role as a teacher to asked his student to excel. Kim Gu Seon comes & tells that Seo Jung Je is such a hassle & asked him to accept the incentive. Seo Jung Je greets Kim Gu Seon then asked why is he here in the premises.
Meanwhile in Park Dong joo residence
Park Dong Joo: Are you making the reference to the person name Scholar Seo Jung Je?
Choi Dong Yi: Yes, I am…I have heard that he is tutoring your children at your residence
Park Dong Joo: Then however…perhaps Mama….are you planning to engage…
Choi Dong Yi: Yes that is precisely correct. It is my intention & wish that I will like to engage Seo Jung Je’s daughter as a marital match for Prince Yeoning as his Consort
Park Dong Joo mouth agape
Park Dong Joo: What?
In Daejeon Sukjong is also baffled to learns from Seo Yong Gi that Choi Dong Yi what Seo Jung Je’s daughter as Prince Yeoning’s spouse
Sukjong: You say…Seo Jung Je….who is that person…it seems that it my 1st time hearing that name
Seo Yong Gi: It will be, since he is just a Jin Sa with no achievement records to his credential
Jin Sa or “literary licentiate” is the person who passes the lower literary examination that refers to those who passed the proficiency of the 4 book & 6 Classics. The literary examination was divided into a lower and higher examination. In turn, in the lower literary examination some candidates applied for a “classics licentiate” or saengwon and others for a “literary licentiate” or jinsa. After passing these lower examinations saengjin-gwa, they could proceed to the higher examination or else they will be give supplementary ranks. From each regular administration of the test, a total of 100 successful candidates were selected for each licentiate. These were drawn from a pool of 600 for each licentiate, of which 200 were chosen from the capital and 400 were apportioned from the various provinces. These Jin Sa or “literary licentiate” are not keep in high regards. In modern term, they are just people will a college degree & will do clerical administration
Sukjong frowns at Seo Jung Je’s humble credentials
Sukjong: What…a Jin Sa?
Seo yong Gi: Seo Jung Je has enter the San Ma examination in year of Jeong Mi 丁未 then passed out as Jin Sa but then has no interest in government administration that he has taken up tutoring as a livelihood
San Ma examination is one of the proficiency examination on the classics

Sukjong: I wonder why she has chose to choose that person, are you really certain that this is Suk Bin’s decision?
Seo Yong Gi: Yes it is….this has always was always the marital match in Mama’s mindset & decision from prior before the selection was announced
Sukjong looks rather baffled
Sukjong: This is really!!
Choi Dong Yi goes to Seo Jung Je’s cottage. It looks like autumn haven’t reach Korea, the vegetation is still green
Seo Jong Je: My humble apology that you had to come to my worn out & meagre domain
Choi Dong Yi: Not at all…it is my render apology & shortcoming that I have abruptly come to see you suddenly unannounced. You must know the intention of my visit to see you…
Seo Jung Je: Yes, Teacher (Kim Gu Seon) has mentioned to me prior that I have knowledge of the matter, Mama, although in my humble background that there is no reason for me to declines & seen as an honour but then we don’t have any eligibility to engage martial ties with the Royal Household. If you wish to render support for Prince Yeoning, you need the political stronghold family to assist you, there is many aplenty of those exemplary families that might help you. I have no interest in politics & don’t have the prior experience
Choi Dong Yi: This is that very reason that I have selected you has a choice candidate
Seo Jung Je: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: Did you mentioned stronghold family?….Yes, I acknowledge & recognise that Prince Yeoning require the needs of a stronghold family but however it is not what the masses perceive in stronghold family. It should not be the strength to wrestle or grab but the strength to be shared it, it should be put one person to shame & disgrace but the strength to able to balance integrity & human dignity & moreover the most important strength to acknowledge that what its own is not fundamental to all, this is what I will like to render those true “strengths” to for Prince Yeoning. I wish to prove & let Prince Yeoning to see that these strengths will able to win & reign over the world. I hope that you can strive to render that strength to Prince Yeoning, also it is my sincere hope to have the person the likes like you at Prince Yeoning’s side that always will developed & help in those aspiration
Seo Jung Je relents

Choi Dong Yi meets with Seo Hye In, daughter of Seo Jung Je, the future Queen Jeongseong, who serve Choi Dong Yi tea, as Choi Dong Yi “inspects” her future daughter in law. Seo Hae In invites Choi Dong Yi to savour the tea served
Seo Hae In: Suk Bin Mama….
Choi Dong Yi: Is your name is Hye In?
Seo Hae In: Yes
Choi Dong Yi: Fine!
Choi Dong Yi is in smiles that she looks really satisfied in Seo Hye In
Choi Dong Yi: Just like what I have hear that you have such gentle disposition & intelligence in your eyes
Kim Gu Seon & Seo Jung Je at the distance, as Kim Gu Seon telling Seo Jung Je not to be hesitantly stubborn that Kim Gu Seon has given his approval of the marital ties & why Seo Jung Je is still hesitant in doubts in resistance. Seo Jung Je sigh & in the end nods his approval. Kim Gu Seon is delighted
Queen Jeongseong when she was young, her father in law Sukjong dotes on her, each day when he sees her, Sukjong will definitely radiant in smiles, moreover Queen Jeongseong’s disposition & temperament was elegant, generous & filial piety that she will comes at all weather without fail to send her greetings to her father in law then will nurse them when they are ill & serve them their medicine tonic. Queen Jeongseong also renders the same greeting to her mother in law Choi Suk Bin at Bo Gyeong Dang & often visits her at her residence. Although that Queen Jeongseong’s family is politically link with Noron faction & was implicate, during Gyeongjong’s reign the Shinim purge in 1721-1722 called the Shinim Sahwa, Queen Jeongseong was also implicate but then Queen Jeongseong still carries on to do her duty to the memorial of Sukjong & Choi Suk Bin
Yeongjo & Queen Jeongseong didn’t have a harmonious martial marriage due to the constant harassment of the intensified faction conflicts & the handful Queen Dowager Seonui of Eo Clan (Gyeongjong 2nd Queen 1705-1730), then due to some unknown reason, Queen Jeongseong was childless but she has a bonding relationship with her “default” son Crown Prince Sado that she treat him as her own son. It was said that Queen Jeongseong was the mediate & buffer between Yeongjo & Crown Prince Sado & when she died, the father & son relationship collapse. Hyegyeonggong in her memoirs wrote recalls Queen Jeongseong was warm & gentle & benevolent in nature that her “default” mother in law has a very cordial relationship with her
Yeongjo 33rd years of his reign in 1757, in was recorded in the annals that Queen Jeongseong’s illness suddenly took a bad turn & deteriorated that the symptoms portray that her finger nail turn blue, constant vomits black blood, 2 days later, she passed away at Changdeokgong, she was 66 years old
It is said that Yeongjo made constant visit when Queen Jeongseong was ill, when she became seriously ill, Yeongjo wrote a memoir about Queen Jeongseong titled of the remembrance of their memories, cherish hope & dreams that he has greatest hope that they were to grow old & grey together in which Yeongjo continues to live his life until he was in the 80s
Crown Prince Sado mourns in grief for the lost of Queen Jeongseong. He wrote many articles of poetry for her condolences in her funeral oration which was collect.
Queen Jeongseong was buried in Hongneung. She was given the title Queen Jeongseong in 1759. Although Yeongjo willed that he wish to buried with Queen Jeongseong, but Jeongjo buried his grandfather in Wolleung under factional pressure & Yeongjo is buried with Queen Jeongseon his 2nd Queen
Dalseong Seo clan is from Daegu, Gyeongsang. Dalseong Seo Clan was highly prestigious noble class clan that has produced numerous renowned scholars from the 17th to 18th centuries. They built Gu Am Seowon to memorialise their distinguished figure among the ancestors in their clan. Later Dalseong Seo clan has Seo Yu Geo penname is Pung Seok and his clan seat is Dalseong. His posthumous title is Mungan. He had a high position in the government in the reign of Sunjo and Heonjo, and had a profound knowledge of Silhak (Practical Learning) and the books of various philosophers and scholars. The Dalseong Seo clan still in existence today
The Royal Court adjourned from Court. Jung In Guk surprise & appalled to learn Shim Yun Taek that Choi Dong Yi has reject all selection that was tendered then goes to select Seo jung Je’s daughter & yet Shim Yun Taek who is aware of the matter, did nothing to prevent this from happening. Shim Yun Taek apologise to Jung In Guk that he didn’t notify him on the matter prior. Jung In Guk is dumbfounded & find this matter crazy that has lost it senses & a political suicide. Jung In Guk is appalled that Choi Dong Yi has chosen a Jin Sa family as in laws, even choosing a reputable family is frown upon, how can she choose a Jin San family then Jung In Guk question how are they going to support Prince Yeoning in the future, that Prince Yeoning will soon have to take residence outside the palace, what are they supposed to do. Shim Yun Taek assures Jung In Guk that the matter will never happened & come to that. Jung In Guk is surprised at the remark. Shim Yun Taek tells Seo Jung Je will be the person who can guarantee & ensured that it will not happened to Prince Yeoning. Jung In Guk asked what does that mean that Seo Jung Je can safeguard Prince Yeoning from leaving the palace
Kim Gu Seon & Choi Dong Yi ponders at the juniper tree that is growing in Seo Jung Je’s cottage
Choi Dong Yi: When the 1st time I came to listen to what you have said, then to have come here for myself, never would have imagine that matter will have come to such
Kim Gu Seon: yes…at the time, when I told that story Mama just listen & just pass it with a smile as a joking comment
Choi Dong Yi: I pray that this will eventually protect Prince Yeoning
Im Sang Hyeon surprise that Choi Dong Yi has chosen a Jin Sa family as in laws then laughs Choi Dong Yi who is from Cheonmin class will go & choose an impoverished gentry family as marital ties, this is seen most suited. Cha Sang Dae Gam tells that they got worried for nothing, they will just have to wait for Prince Yeoning’s marriage to be over & done with. Im Sang Hyeon tells that Choi Dong Yi is nothing to be reckon than he initially thought, that now it has come to that, they can relax
Im sang Hyeon valet comes that Park Dong Joo is outside & has come to see him. Im Sang Hyeon is caught surprised at Park Dong Joo visit at his residence. Im Sang Hyeon comes to see Park Dong Joo then asked what is the purpose of his sudden visit. Park Dong Joo looks anxious
Park Dong Joo: Don’t you all realise or have any knowledge…what kind of person is Seo Jung Je?
Im Sang Hyeon: What? What are you here prattling about?
Park Dong Joo: It seems that you don’t know, now it is not the time to relax or let down their guard or alert
Jang Mu Yeol leaves his office, someone is observing his movements. Soron & Namin faction discussing what are they going to do about the matter as they look rather worried. Jang Mu Yeol comes into the meeting then asked Im Sang Hyeon what are they implying to mean that there is now a problem that has arise. Im Sang Hyeon tells that it seems that they have been outplayed & con by Choi Dong Yi. Jang Mu Yeol is surprised. Park Dong Joo explains that the problems lies in Seo Jung Je. It seems that Seo Jung Je’s residence carries the Hwang Gi (Emperor’s Dwellings). Jang Mu Yeol is surprise that Seo Jung Je possess Hwang Gi. The crowd confirms that this residence carries the Hwang Gi.
Hwang Gi or in Chinese Huang Qi is in so called geomancy practice terms that a person or place has render heaven’s worthy of an Emperor’s Dwellings that is an active principle forming part of any living thing.
People are crowding Seo Jung Je’s house like a tourist attraction & looking in & telling that this is the residence of Prince Yeoning’s future in laws. Oh Tae Pung & Oh Ho Yang goes to take the front row as Oh Tae Pung tells that Choi Dong Yi prefer to be in law to the resident of this place that Oh Tae Pung was rejects from the selection list. Oh Ho Yang tells Choi Dong Yi has lost all her senses. Then the crowd tells that this can’t be said as this place carries Hwang Gi. Oh Tae Pung scolds the crowd for adding lip to comment. Oh Tae Pung then realise & asked what the crowd mentioned about Hwang Gi. The Crowd explains that it seems that that the former King Seongjong (1457-1494)’s father Crown Prince Uigyeong has resides here on this premises then the crowd tells that not only that this was the place during King Seonjo was a Seowon (Academy) & also did his education here. Oh Ho Yang tells that this place has King Seonjo & Seongjong. The Crowd tells that look at the huge juniper tree at the compound that this juniper tree was personally planted by Crown Prince Uigyeong that has a 250 years old history. Oh Ho Yang asked the crowd whether this is true as they nod in affirmative. Oh Ho Yang derives that technically that both Crown Prince Yun & Price Yeoning can’t both ascend the throne. Oh Tae Pung then realise that if Prince Yeoning comes over to this place then he may return to the palace as King. Oh Ho Yang tells that it will be indeed
King Seonjo is 14th Joseon King (1552-1575). Seongjong’s father Crown Prince Uigyeong was given a posthumous title King Deokjong. Seongjong was the King in the drama “The King & I”
In Bogwangsa temple on the right side of the main hall Daeungjeon, stands Eosilgak Shrine. Inside this shrine, which is composed of one block on each side, is placed the mortuary wooden tablet and painted portrait of Choi Suk Bin, the mother of King Yeongjo. As its doors are closed, visitors cannot open the doors of the shrine and enter into it. In front of Eosilgak Shrine stands a picturesque juniper tree that was planted by King Yeongjo during the Yi Dynasty. King Yeongjo had deep filial piety for his mother, and to show his deep respect for her, he planted the juniper tree in front of the memorial shrine.
Meanwhile Jang Mu Yeol thinks this is preposterous that the Soron faction set themselves to believe in such folk tales that they will wavers their stand & mind set. Im Sang Hyeon tells that it is not them who are superstitious but then it is the general populace believe in such folk tales that worries them. Im Sang Hyeon tells that they can provoke public sentiments even how absurd it may be, this is why public sentiments are the most feared. Then they can conclude to think that what implication that the public sentiments of the populace might have when Prince Yeoning takes up residence outside the palace. The populace will lead to believe that Prince Yeoning will be the rightful King. Jang Mu Yeol tells that they will not allow Prince Yeoning to leave the palace due to their fear for public sentiments. Namin faction concurs that they can’t because of fear allow Prince Yeoning to reside in the palace. Chua Sang Dae Gam argues that if Prince Yeoning goes to private residence that the pull to attract public sentiment, what are they going to do about that, they can’t take lightly or undermine to what public sentiment might react. Jang Mu Yeol insist to tells that nothing of this sort will happened as the official mutter
Seo Yong Gi & Shim Yun Taek meets with Choi Dong Yi at Bo Gyeong Dang
Seo Yong Gi: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: How is the progress, Yeong Gam?
Seo Yong Gi: Just has we anticipate, on learning about the truth, the Soron faction is now in frenzy tumult
Shim Yun Taek: We still don’t to what extent that whether they will take this lure will effective as they will force them into the limbo to whether to send Prince Yeoning out of the palace for residency as ponder to they stay on their intent or waver by the fear of public sentiment when he leaves the palace, if this doesn’t work out as we foreseen, they is no way that we can prevent this from happening
Chul Heob is the residence that when a Prince is an adult, that he set up his own household residence
Choi Dong Yi is playing the game “call my bluff”
Jang Mu Yeol comes out from the meeting to tell that the debate has turn stalemate. Jang Mu Yeol said this was a seize opportunity that he not let go. Jang Mu Yeol leaves with Officer Min & tells that they will eliminate the root cause to end this debate.
Jang Mu Yeol leave his residence as someone hurls flying darts & hit on of Jang Mu Yeol’s body guard, as the masked assailant who is Cha Cheon Soo comes to engage with Jang Mu Yeol’s security then with a few spinning kick, Cha Cheon Soo floors them down to the ground. Officer Min asked Jang Mu Yeol to escape. Officer Min takes on cha Cheon Soo who see Jang Mu Yeol leaving. Cha Cheon Soo defeats Officer Min & goes after Jang Mu Yeol as cha Cheon Soo takes off his mask
Cha Cheon Soo cuts Jang Mu Yeol escape route & realise that the assailant is Cha Cheon Soo. Cha Cheon Soo tells that none of this will happened if jang Mu Yeol has taken to Cha Cheon Soo’s warnings. Jang Mu Yeol tells that Cha Cheon Soo will be free from this implication to what he is doing. Cha Cheon Soo tells that it looks like Jang Mu Yeol’s life is now in his hands. Cha Cheon Soo stand down his sword then show a book as Jang Mu Yeol asked what is that. Cha Cheon Soo tells that it is a book that records Jang Mu Yeol’s past that is unable to be kept in concealment. Cha Cheon Soo tells that Jang Mu Yeol was great in keeping it under wraps but he was fortunate to dig this out but with some added effort. Cha Cheon Soo tells that it show that the known righteous & upright Jang Mu Yeol that is seen in public vary in great discrepancies. Jang Mu Yeol has mercantile dealing with the merchant from in & out of Doseong that is keep at such disclosure that no one knows.
Kyeong Sang is Capital merchants
Sung Sang is outskirt merchant
Cha Cheon Soo asked Jang Mu Yeol to adhere to what is about to say, Cha Cheon Soo has already made 3 attempts on Jang Mu Yeol, then he will at no time, will disclose Jang Mu Yeol dealing & crimes to public knowledge, then also in regards to your life, I take it at a moment notice in such ease, this is what he came to convey to Jang Mu Yeol. Cha Cheon Soo assures Jang Mu Yeol it will not be today, as he require Jang Mu Yeol to do something important for him at this instance, what is that, Cha Cheon Soo will now tell him & he must adheres to his instructions
Choi Dong Yi is pacing at Bo Gyeong Dang. Bong sang Gung comes in as Choi Dong Yi asked how is the progress as Bong Sang Gung tells that the Royal Court has assemble in Injeongjeon to debate in Prince Yeoning. Choi Dong Yi looks anxious
Han Jang Bu hopes that matter will work out well for Prince Yeoning’s favour. Hwang Jung Gu concurs as Cha Cheon Soo comes in as Hwang Jung Gu ask where did Cha Cheon Soo gone to that the palace is about to be in tumult. Cha Cheon Soo tells Seo Yong Gi that he has heard that Royal Court has assembles in Injeongjeon. Seo Yong Gi tells that what Soron faction has to say on this debate is the most important
Chua Sang Dae Gam asked Im Sang Hyeon what are going to decided. Im Sang Hyeon tells that this issue can’t be conceal from public that they can’t take lightly to public sentiments, then Chua Sang Dae Gam tells that the debate will fall on the Namin faction as Chua Sang Dae Gam asked Im sang Hyeon to support their debate. Im Sang Hyeon is in dilemma
Jang Mu Yeol is upset that he has blackmailed by Cha Cheon Soo
In Daejeon, Jung In Guk debate that Prince Yeoning is too young to reside outside the palace that matrimonial can be taken after a few more years. Chua Sang Dae Gam tells that this is Royal protocols dictates that Prince who are married must reside in private residence. Sukjong also understands what the protocol dictates but however, he reminds the Royal Court that Prince Yeoning’s safety was threaten in private residency, this knowledge they already made know to them & yet they want to sent the young Prince Yeoning to private residence. Chua Sang Dae Gam tells Sukjong must take consideration to the law of the land that Crown Prince Yun’s position as Prince Successor. The Royal Court chorus that Sukjong must consider for Prince Successor’s position & Sukjong must take their petition & consideration
Jang Mu Yeol is blackmailed to advocate in favour in the justification of Prince Yeoning
Jang Mu Yeol: Cheon Na, this is not seen to be necessary for Prince Yeoning to do so
Sukjong is surprise & so is the rest of the Court
Jang Mu Yeol: In the past, King Jungjong’s son Prince Bokseong after his marriage, it was after 2 years, only consummate his martial ties in private residency & this doesn’t go against Royal protocol
Prince Bokseong (복성군), the only son of Royal Noble Consort Gyeong from the Park clan.
King Jungjong (1488-1544) the 11th Joseon King & Dae Jang Geum’s King
Chua Sang Dae Gam is appalled that Jang Mu Yeol has spoken in favour of Prince Yeoning
Sukjong: Cheon Na, just as you have said…now if prince Yeoning were to seek private residency outside the palace then Prince Yeoning will face with perils danger to his safety therefore to give priority & consideration for prince Yeoning’s safety, it will be best that Prince Yeoning continues to reside in the palace
Royal Court mutters as some nods & some is in dismay. Sukjong is pleased with the argument
Meanwhile in Bo Gyeong, Choi Dong Yi learns on what has happened in Daejeon that Jang Mu Yeol came to advocate for Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: is this true?….This argument was really brought & came forward by Jang Mu Yeol
Shim Yun Taek looks just as surprised
Shim Yun Taek: Yes, Mama
Choi Dong Yi ponder in clueless
Jang Mu Yeol passes Cha Cheon Soo then as they path crosses
Cha Cheon Soo. It looks like fame & ambition doesn’t surpasses to the value of life, isn’t it so, Yeong Gam?
Jang Mu Yeol: Yes, indeed, the 2 attempts that you have in your possession reflects my stand, but however it is best that you vanquish me sooner than later, just as to your knowledge, my stratagems in tactics is somewhat to be reckon
Jang Mu Yeol walks away as Cha Cheon Soo looks on
Prince Yeoning learns from Ae Jung that he doesn’t need to leave the palace
Prince Yeoning: Is this true that I don’t need to leave the palace? After my matrimonial ceremony that I can continue to reside in the palace
Ae Jung: Yes Mama, this is indeed
Prince Yeoning: This is really true…you are not pulling my leg & playing a prank on me
Ae Jung: Oh Mama, how can I dare to play a prank on you?
Prince Yeoning looks thrilled
In Donggungjeon, Crown Prince Yun learns from his residence Sang Gung that the Royal Court has decided that Prince Yeoning will reside in the palace as Crown Prince Yun express gladness
Chief Eunuch Han informs Sukjong that Choi Dong Yi seek his audience
Sukjong: Quickly….Please asked her to enter
Chief Eunuch Han: Yes Cheon Na
Chief Eunuch Han leaves as Choi Dong Yi enters Daejeon & both of them smiles at each other
Sukjong: Dong Yi!
Choi Dong Yi & Sukjong sits down
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!…I have just heard the news from Injeongjeon
Sukjong: What actually has happened here?…How can you come about to have these people change their mindset?….
Choi Dong Yi: I will slowly disclose the matter to you in time….everything to the matter
Sukjong: It looks like you are still really amaze me in your ability to pull out sudden surprise & astonishment on me…This is really fortunate & a relief. It was driving me crazy that I wasn’t able to do anything to the matter, now we can finally able to joyfully anticipate Prince Yeoning’s matrimony
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong: I will definitely make certain that this matrimony is conduct in lavish & grandeur ceremony therefore you must not tell me that I can’t do so & must not, do you understand…..
Choi Dong Yi: Yes, Cheon Na…This time, I will not choose to refuse or decline
Sukjong & Choi Dong Yi can laugh & it has been a while
In Prince Yeoning’s quarters, Choi Dong Yi & Cha Cheon Soo prepare Prince Yeoning for his matrimony ceremony as Choi dong Yi in her happiness, doing some final touches on Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: It is done….sit down….
Prince Yeoning sits down as Cha Cheon Soo express happiness as well
Choi Dong Yi: Orabeoni! All of this can was done & happened was all due to your utmost effort
Cha Cheon Soo: Not at all, Mama
Cha Cheon Soo turns to Prince Yeoning
Cha Cheon Soo: How is it then, Mama? Today is your Gwallye then your matrimony, what is your feelings towards the matter
Gwallye is ceremony of the coming of age before marriage
Prince Yeoning: Honestly, I don’t know what my feelings is now, Uncle, do I really need to get married?
Cha Cheon Soo: Yes, Mama! Compare to me, you are sooner in getting married before me, therefore in comparison, you are more an adult than me.
Prince Yeoning: What, I am in comparison more an adult than Uncle
Cha Cheon Soo & Choi Dong Yi laughs
Choi Dong Yi with Prince Yeoning alone
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Prince Yeoning: Yes, Eomeoni!
Choi Dong Yi: Do you know what is the significant of the Gwallye ceremony?
Prince Yeoning: You have said that it is to marks the rite of passage to adulthood; one must exhort to shed my child-like ways & acquire a mature mindset
Choi Dong Yi: yes, it is indeed & that you must now start to have a mature & sturdy mindset, now you begin to have someone that you need to safe guard, moreover you need to be concern of the welfare of many people
Prince Yeoning: Yes, Eomeoni!
Prince Yeoning does his gwallye ceremony in Daejojeon witness by Sukjong, Queen Inwon & Choi Dong Yi is ceremonial regalia, watch by happiness to those around Choi Dong Yi
Then the matrimonial ceremony of Prince Yeoning with the future Queen Jeongseong of Dalseong Seo Clan

In the Joseon Dynasty once the ceremony & banquet is schedule to be held then a temporary bureau called a Dogam will be established then with the cooperation with the Sillokcheong (Annals recording) & Jangseocheong (Archive library), they will plan, conduct & record the ceremony & banquet. Details of the ceremony & banquet will hence compiled into Uigwe which literary means the records of the Royal protocols. This illustration of the Uigwe provided a pictorial information such as decoration & the arrangement of the banquet or ceremony like the venue, table setting, music & dances. In the drama Yi San, the role of the Dohwaseo was important for this documentation
Once the Dogam is established, work will be divided to 3 categories Jangakwon (Music Bureau) which took responsibility of musical instruments, music, music masters, dances, custodians & costume. The 2nd Hojo (Bureau of Tax/Finance), making decision on the dishes serves & the number of utensil & tables then in turn will assign the task to Naejasi & Naeseomsi (both are under the Bureau/Office of Procurement/Personnel). Naejasi prepares the dining table & flower arrangement for the Royal Household, while Naeseomsi was in charge of the food & beverage. The Yebinsi (the former bureau that Jang Hee Jae was in charge) was responsible for the table setting for the Government Officials. Yebinsi also conducts a rehearsal of the ceremony according to Royal Protocols
In Bo Gyeong Dang, Bong Sang Gung comes in
Bong Sang Gung: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: Has Prince Yeoning retire to his bed
Bong Sang Gung: Yes, he did, Ae Jung is suffering over there trying to coax him to sleep, that he keep saying that his spouse is as pretty as his own Mother, just saying that continously, Prince Yeoning couldn’t dozed off to bed to sleep
Choi Dong Yi has wearing the same Dang Ui that she got slash with, the sewing mistress must have made repairs
Choi Dong Yi: Is it really?
Bong Sang Gung: I do wish that the time will fly pass quickly, when Prince Yeoning is 15 years old, then he can consummate his marital ties then after be pregnant & have a posterity that looks exactly like you
Choi Dong Yi: What…it is still a long way more to that & you are already thinking so far ahead to that
Bong Sang Gung: It looks like I thinking too far ahead so quickly
Choi Dong Yi: Yes, that is correct, I don’t wish for me to be so quickly be made a grandmother just yet
Bong Sang Gung: Oh! By then the most happiest person will be none but you
Choi Dong Yi laughs at that thought
Sukjong takes a stroll with Choi Dong Yi as she explains why she chose Seo Jung Je

Sukjong: Yes, this is indeed, so that how it happened
Choi Dong Yi: When I asked Seo Jung Je for marriage proposal for his daughter, that I was just conjuring an interesting conjure for all to see. The Soron faction seems to be fear by this implication
Sukjong: Yes it is indeed. There is nothing that can surpass in comparison than this matter (public sentiment) in rendering fears to them
Sukjong turns to Choi Dong Yi
Choi Dong Yi: Thank you for upholding your promise to me, Cheon Na…moreover also allowing me to able to personally managed & decides on the marital matters to Prince Yeoning’s marriage that I was able to see this through to the very end
Sukjong: This is a gentleman’s promise but if the King was to say, that there could be some falsehood in the matter but however, I still felt that Prince Yeoning needs a political family to support him
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong: I am aware what your true intention in your decision making but however in order for Prince Yeoning’s future, consideration must be made for that path he must take, one must think that in comparison that it is seem important in able to hold a grip on a political faction
Choi Dong Yi: What are you implying in saying that Prince Yeoning’s path that he must take in the future, ..Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Dong Yi! Although in this matter can be appeased & they have not succeeded in swaggered their schemes, the Soron faction definitely will not let go off Prince Yeoning & let him be
Sukjong pass Choi Dong Yi
Sukjong: As for me to say, that although they are my most favoured & cherish posterity but however in the eyes of political faction, Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning are seen as their political tools & trump cards. Soron faction for Crown Prince Yun & Noron faction for Prince Yeoning, they will not stop embroiling in conflicts & battles…moreover, I also know that to your knowledge & awareness in great clarity what the future path that Prince Yeoning must take & what fate destiny will lied for that child
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong walk closer to Choi Dong Yi in a serious tone
Sukjong: I am now asking in regards to a matter that is of utmost importance, Dong Yi….
Choi dong Yi looks at Sukjong attentive
Sukjong: Not standing here in the status on this nation’s Monarch moreover just as a father of a child, I wish to asked the mother a child which is you….
Choi Dong Yi slightly baffled
Sukjong: Have you ever thought there is a probability that Prince Yeoning can ascend the throne?
Choi Dong Yi is taken aback
Sukjong: It is only that option & alternative route, that it will guarantee that child’s survival & safety in the palace
Choi Dong Yi hesitates then replies
Choi Dong Yi: For this nation, after Cheon Na’s passing, the person who will succeeded the throne after you, will only & will be Crown Prince Yun. This fundamental can’t be change or displaced & must be done
Sukjong stare into Choi Dong Yi eyes asking Choi Dong Yi to proceed further
Choi Dong Yi: But however, …however, the path that will able to guarantee Prince Yeoning survival chance, that will be…as I must acknowledge is for Prince Yeoning to be King that this is the path he will take…yes this is indeed, Cheon Na & must be so….as this is…for I am the child’s mother….this will becomes the heartfelt & daring determination