Dong Yi Episode 59

Jang Mu Yeol & Officer Min comes to Bo Gyeong Dang to make their arrest
Jang Mu Yeol: What are you waiting for…Arrest Suk Bin Mama at once!
Officer Min: Yes….Arrest Suk Bin Mama at once!!!
The soldiers don’t move at Officer Min’s orders
Officer Min: What are you all doing, didn’t you hear what Yeong Gam has order
Soldier doesn’t budged an inch
Jang Mu Yeol: You wretches!!!
Choi Dong Yi: The soldiers are at stand down…Yeong Gam, they will not budged an inch….The soldiers came here under my orders to actually come to arrest you Yeong Gam

Jang Mu Yeol turns pale in astonishment
Jang Mu Yeol: What are you saying!!!
Bong Sang Gung shout in command
Bong Sang Gung: What are you all waiting for!!!….Apprehend the criminal at once
Soldiers acknowledged
Soldiers: Yes
Soldier apprehend Jang Mu Yeol & Officer Min, resisting & struggles
Jang Mu Yeol: Let me go…let go of me….you wretches…how dare you arrest me…what are you all doing…
Officer Min: Let go of me…wretches….you are wrong to arrest us…Quickly release us at once
Jang Mu Yeol: The person you must arrest is not I but Suk Bin….Queen Inwon has issue Nae Ji Pyo Shin to arrest Suk Bin, how can you have no knowledge of the matter
Choi Dong Yi looks at Jang Mu Yeol & Officer Min struggles in resisting their arrest
Choi Dong Yi: Are you saying Nae Ji Pyo Shin, perhaps are you referring to this then?
Do Seong Ji brings Queen Inwon’s decree to Bo Gyeong Dang. Do Seong Ji greets Choi Dong Yi
Do Seong Ji: Suk Bin Mama!
Jang Mu Yeol: Do Seong Ji?….What is going on here!!!
Choi Dong Yi takes the Nae Ji Pyo badge & shows it to Jang Mu Yeol
In the long shot, Choi Dong Yi is holding the Nae Ji Pyo Shin back to front
Choi Dong Yi: Here is it….Nae Ji Pyo Shin…Jung Jong Mama in following your advice as execute her executive authority in Nae Ji Pyo Shin to order me to the arrest the perpetrator that attempt to bring harm to Crown Prince Yun…therefore the said perpetrator is Byeon Cho Cham Ban Jang Mu Yeol which is you
Jang Mu Yeol is shocked
Jang Mu Yeol: What are you saying that Queen Inwon has order my arrest…this impossible…it is not possible
Jang Mu Yeol in self denials
Jang Mu Yeol: That is not the order that Queen Inwon has exercise her executive decree with Nae Ji Pyo Shin…that is impossible…no…is not….Queen Inwon will not make such a decree…it is a fake…a forge
Queen Inwon & her entourage marches in to Bo Gyeong Dang & inform that her decree is genuine & authentic
Queen Inwon: No it is not….
Choi Dong Yi greets Queen Inwon’s arrival
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Queen Inwon: This is my decree & I definitely did indeed have issue such executive orders
Jang Mu Yeol is astound
Jang Mu Yeol: Jung Jong Mama?….Jung Jong Mama!!!!…really…what is happening here…what is going on?…how can you render this to me
Queen Inwon: Byeon Cho Cham Ban….just accept the decreed orders & your arrest
Jang Mu Yeol: Jung Jong Mama!!!
Queen Inwon: Didn’t you hear to what I have just said!!!!
Jang Mu Yeol just resigns himself to his ill fate
Im Sang Hyeon learns that Queen Inwon has issue her executive order to arrest of Jang Mu Yeol & tells that this is preposterous. The Namin faction tells they are scouting all over for confirmation of that news as this is definitely Choi Dong Yi’s misfeasance of stratagem
Jang Mu Yeol is brought down to his knees then can’t believe what has happened as Officer Min still protesting what they are trying to do, don’t they know what is going on. Jang Mu Yeol is distraught & lost his sense of bearing asking what has just happened. Choi Dong Yi approaches Jang Mu Yeol
Jang Mu Yeol: What charades are you trying to play here?….What is really your misfeasance?
Choi Dong Yi: It should be Yeong Gam’s misfeasance that need to be reckon as you may remember what I have said to you prior. Not all things it this world concurs in the same perception as what you think the world is….doing whatever it take without any concern or thought to gain whatever eye sight benefits ahead is to you in which is your principal of power & politics…but then it is not to be, Yeong Gam…to severely penalise that kind of attitude & manner that is the real face of politics. You have said that politics are not meant for the weak, then you are greatly mistaken. You should be sincere when dealing with politics therefore now what you see before you is what to be acknowledged as the real power of politics
Jang Mu Yeol: Do you think that you have now curb me to make my arrest?..Do you have the evidence?…Can you have the evidence that prove that this is my wrongdoing, in the end the person who finally will died from this ordeal will be Mama….are you clear…it is Mama who will be implicated to bring harm to Crown Prince Yun
Choi Dong Yi turns to Jang Mu Yeol
Choi Dong Yi: Didn’t you think that I didn’t concluded what the target of your deceit was aimed to…do you think that I don’t….
Jang Mu Yeol is surprised
Queen Inwon return to Daejojeon follow by Choi Dong Yi coming to see her as Choi Dong Yi greets her. Queen Inwon asked what with the progress of Jang Mu Yeol’s arrest. Choi Dong Yi tells that Jang Mu Yeol was clearly shocked that the matter didn’t come out to what his expectation was & now in the state of panic. Queen Inwon concurs that he will be caught surprise on something that he has least expected. Queen Inwon tells when Choi Dong Yi came to her prior to disclose of Sukjong’s abdication that she will never imagine that she will make such directive decision, prior to that she has trusted Jang Mu Yeol immensely as Queen Inwon sight that they could have evaded a near disaster from happening from her folly. Choi Dong Yi tells that honestly before she received Queen Inwon’s executive orders, she was indeed panic stricken
Choi Dong Yi recalls what did happened as Choi Dong Yi came to Daejojeon
Yi Sang Gung: Jung Jong Mama….
Yi Sang Gung comes to Daejojeon
Yi Sang Gung: Mama…Suk Bin Mama is here to see you
Choi Dong Yi comes in to Daejojeon & greets Queen Inwon
Choi Dong Yi: I will like to asked you a question…Mama…is the reason for your decision that my departure was brought forwards is because of Jang Mu Yeol that he has mentioned to you that I have intention to conspire to bring harm to Crown Prince Yun as a legitimate reason that you have concluded your decision.
Queen Inwon nods in affirmative
Choi Dong Yi: Mama….Last night did you remember that I haven’t finished what I was about to say to you of something of importance
Queen Inwon nods as she is willing to listen
Choi Dong Yi: Mama….Cheon Na wants to abdicate his throne…this is in order to safeguard both Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning, that Cheon Na has made this concluded in this decisive decision.
Queen Inwon is shocked to learn of Sukjong’s wishes & intent to abdicate.
Queen Inwon: What…..abdication….
Choi Dong Yi: This decision, Byeon Cho has knowledge of this intention therefore Byeon Cho is taking measures to curb to what he most feared is not the incident that accuse me of bring harm to Crown Prince Yun but it is instead that he feared that Prince Yeoning will become his political adversary in the future
Queen Inwon shocked that Jang Mu Yeol has taken drastic steps
Queen Inwon: Suk Bin!!!…I do say…Suk Bin?
Choi Dong Yi: If Byeon Cho has wishes for me to depart from the palace then it is must be definitely due to some unknown reason… after my departure from the palace…who is actually Byeon Cho actual target is….that we must know that reason….prior to having that knowledge, whether or not could you render in believe & trust that whatever I am saying to you now at present is the truth
Queen Inwon sighs to give some thought
Choi Dong Yi: Please render my earnest request to give me your approval, Mama….Would it be possible to render my some time to resolves this matter, Mama…in this duration of time I will find out who is the person that Byeon Cho Cham Ban has as a target
Queen Inwon giving some thought to the matter

Later Jung Im goes to see Jeong Sang Gung passes Jung Im & tells her to quickly deliver the letter to Choi Dong Yi as Jung Im acknowledge. Before Choi Dong Yi was about to leave the palace, Choi Dong Yi went to Daejojeon to shows that said letter to Queen Inwon that is from the findings from Internal Bureau of Investigation that was done under her instruction then ask Queen Inwon to read through, Queen Inwon will realise that the schedule path that Crown Prince Yun takes to the banquet from the palace to the venue
Queen Inwon: What?….
Choi Dong Yi; But however last night the route was suddenly change, moreover that the change path route that Crown Prince Yun is taking to the banquet is the same route that I am about to take to Ihyeongung palace from my departure from the palace, but my departure was stall due to ill palanquin bearers.
Queen Inwon thoroughly read the findings
Choi Dong Yi: This is definite indication of a plot of stratagem that there will be something amiss in that path route, what Byeon Cho wants to conceal in deceit of a smoke screen is this matter…Please I asked of you to render me your trust on the matter
After the fake divert attempt on Crown Prince Yun on his way to the banquet, Jang Mu Yeol goes to Daejojeon to asked Queen Inwon to asked her to issue her executive power of Nae Ji Pyo Shin to arrest Choi Dong Yi, Prince Yeoning & all their affiliation associates for bringing harm to Crown Prince Yun before they make any attempts to escape. Queen Inwon tells that she needs to issue that order as Jang Mu Yeol is most insistence for Queen Inwon to do so as Jang Mu Yeol tells that Crown Prince Yun has not return to the palace, therefore Queen Inwon can exercise her executive power of Nae Ji Pyo Shin will be the same as a Royal decree. Jang Mu Yeol tells Queen Inwon she must act upon it at once before Choi Dong Yi & her affiliation escapes from their crimes that they must make their arrest
Choi Dong Yi pacing at Bo Gyeong Dang in anxiety & asking Queen Inwon to make her wise decision. Queen Inwon goes through the evidence & read it thoroughly then as Yi Sang Gung asked Queen Inwon what is her decision as Do Seong Ji is waiting her executive orders to expedite her decree as Queen Inwon recalls Jang Mu Yeol great insistence to see her issue an order to arrest Choi Dong Yi. Do Seong Ji is waiting outside with some anxiety to expedite her orders. Queen Inwon ponders on Jang Mu Yeol insist that she must act upon before Choi Dong Yi & her affiliation escapes from their crimes that they must make their arrest & weights Choi Dong Yi telling that it is a Jang Mu Yeol’s deceit of ploy & asked Queen Inwon for her trust then Queen Inwon asked herself whom should she render her trust to & who is now saying the truth as she ponder in dilemma. Do Seong Ji is waiting outside Daejojeon. Choi Dong Yi sits down at Bo Gyeong Dang as Queen Inwon contemplates at Daejojeon while she tap her finger then comes to her decision & writes her executive decree.
Then returning to the present Queen Inwon tells she still didn’t why her reason that she has chosen to side to render her trust on Choi Dong Yi, why instead of arresting Choi Dong Yi, she decided to arrest Jang Mu Yeol. Queen Inwon tells that it is not that she was influence by anyone but Choi Dong Yi’s sincere assurity to safe guard Crown Prince Yun was foremost reason, although it seen unbelievable assurance to trust in but then she felt that Choi Dong Yi’s portrayal of heartfelt sincerity was truthful & honest, it doesn’t look like they were lies. Choi Dong Yi is grateful that Queen Inwon sided with her therefore Choi Dong Yi has to definitely prove to Queen Inwon what is the truth & the lies. Choi Dong Yi affirms that she will indeed do so & tells Queen Inwon that she will not disgrace the trust that Queen Inwon has render her
Cha Cheon Soo is release from Uigyeombu as Hwang Jung Gu comes to greet him as how is his health that he was worried for Cha Cheon Soo as Cha Cheon Soo tells that he is fine. Hwang Jung Gu passed Cha Cheon Soo his sword then asked Cha Cheon Soo to hurry quickly to Bo Gyeong Dang as Choi Dong Yi is waiting for him. Shim Yun Taek & Cha Cheon Soo comes to Bo Gyeong Dang learns that Jang Mu Yeol didn’t actually control all the security forces in the palace as predicted from the start they already know about Jang Mu Yeol’s intent plot & has anticipate his movement. Cha Cheon Soo confirms that Jang Mu Yeol had wanted to instigate some rash & reckless actions with the intent to lure them into taking reckless & risk counter measure in anticipation. Shim Yun Taek tells Cha Cheon Soo & Choi Dong Yi purposely comply so that it will catch Jang Mu Yeol off guard to give the illusion that his plot is working in his favour. Choi Dong Yi tells that she never could have imagine that Jang Mu Yeol’s action was an attempt on Crown Prince Yun’s safety. Shim Yun Taek as he sees it, the fall to folly was already indicate from the start, but then how can they find substantial evidence to prove his misfeasance, that is what they need. 

Choi Dong Yi tells that if they need that said evidence, they already that evidence from the start. Shim Yun Taek is surprise that they already have the evidence from the start
Sukjong with Seo Yong Gi gallops on their steed from the excursion palace to return to the palace. Then Shim Yun Taek surprise to learn from Choi Dong Yi it was Sukjong who found the most important of that said evidence as Choi Dong Yi affirms that it is found by Sukjong. Shim Yun Taek queries what might that be that Sukjong has gone personally to find that evidence. Choi Dong Yi tells Shim Yun Taek when Jang Mu Yeol initially took over the military authority in the palace, Choi Dong Yi with Cha Cheon already sense something amiss about Jang Mu Yeol’s intention & movement
Then recalls Jang Mu Yeol busily deployment of his troops at the palace as Choi Dong Yi & Cha Cheon Soo looks at the distance then Choi Dong Yi tells that this is most certain that something amiss in regards to Jang Mu Yeol’s intention. Jang Mu Yeol is not a person who makes rash & reckless action with prior making contingency plans to safe guard himself. Choi Dong Yi tells that Jang Mu Yeol’s action has clearly suggest that Jang Mu Yeol is making an attempted upon Prince Yeoning & her lives. Cha Cheon Soo tells that if Jang Mu Yeol decides to make his attempt in the palace will bring tumult in the palace. Choi Dong Yi concurs that if this is said then Nae Geum Bu must not make any attempt to return. Cha Cheon Soo tells that if Nae Geum Bu returns then it will indicate they have other intentions. Choi Dong Yi asked Cha Cheon Soo to sent a despatch at once to the excursion palace to inform them the latest events that is happening in the palace. Cha Cheon Soo acknowledged
Sukjong inspection on the fortress wall then sees in a distance the dispatch rider galloping towards the inspection site. Then the despatch rider dismounts from his horse & run up to see Sukjong to deliver the letter for Sukjong’s attention. Sukjong asked what is the matter. The soldier tells that it is a letter despatch from the palace. Sukjong surprise that someone in the palace would deliver a letter to him. Sukjong takes the letter then he sees that the official seal is Choi Dong Yi’s as Sukjong wonder that it is Choi Dong Yi’s letter then shocked & taken aback as he reads its content.
Sukjong then hands over Choi Dong Yi’s letter to Seo Yong Gi to read then tells that the letter was handed to him personally from Choi Dong Yi. 

Sukjong asked Seo Yong Gi what is his opinion after reading Choi Dong Yi’s letter. Seo Yong Gi concurs with Choi Dong Yi’s perspective in access the situation as accurate. Seo yong Gi tells that if he is Jang Mu Yeol, he will not be so outright in displaying his intention to attempt on Choi Dong Yi’s life, if that is so that there is a friction cause between Sukjong & the Royal Court, if they were to make any attempts to counter measure that it will be seen as a problem then it will fall back on Choi Dong Yi.
Sukjong tells that Prince Yeoning & Choi Dong Yi’s life will not come into any risk of danger but however Sukjong will take this opportunity that since he outside the palace to monitor Jang Mu Yeol & the people that he is league with then Sukjong is certain that they will gets something substantial in their findings. Sukjong tells that if the soldiers from the palace are seen in number coming to them to conduct an investigation, this will arouse their attention & they will make drastic measure to counter but however currently the Nae Geum Bu soldiers are already out of the palace then Sukjong asked that Seo Yong Gi already understand what Sukjong is implying with his intentions. Seo Yong Gi acknowledged that the Nae Geum Bu the protector of the Royal Household will conduct this matter covertly as Sukjong nods in affirmative. Sukjong & his entourage fiercely gallops back on their steed
Choi Dong Yi comes to Internal Bureau of Investigation & asked what is the progress of their finding in regards to the matter. Jeong Sang Gung affirms that they have found substantial evidence to the matter. Jeong Sang Gung tells that they start to investigate the source of the food for the palanquin bearers for Choi Dong Yi’s departure to Ihyeongung palace has been clearly tampered with trances of poisonous fungi mushroom in order to make them fall sick, as Jung Im confirms that there is a misfeasance was target on the palanquin bearer with intent. Choi Dong Yi nods
Musuri are all line up in the row for identification as Yoo Sang Gung tells the palanquin bearers to identify the said Musuri that given them the tampered food. The palanquin nearer acknowledged as they go through the rows of Musuri to identify the said perpetrator. Choi Dong Yi comes to oversees the identification process. Yoo Sang Gung acknowledged Choi Dong Yi’s presence. Seo Yong Gi sent his team of Nae Geum Bu to enter the residence under covert operation to Jang Mu Yeol’s co-conspirators. Meanwhile Han Jang Bu observing Chua Sang Dae Gam leave for Im Sang Hyeon’s residence & tells his men to follow closely & not lose them from their sight. Im Sang Hyeon contemplating at his residence as Chua Sang Dae Gam comes to his residence. Im Sang Hyeon asked what has happened to Jang Mu Yeol. Chua Sang Dae Gam tells that Jang Mu Yeol is arrest & place under the custody of Uigyeombu to await sentence immediately. Im Sang Hyeon express shock as Namin faction official tells that Queen Inwon is the person who issue her executive powers of Bae Ji Pyo Shin to warrant Jang Mu Yeol’s arrest to be expedite quickly & tells that they can’t do anything about the matter. Im Sang Hyeon tells that they can’t sit idle & wait to allow this matter from escalating. If Jang Mu Yeol confess out & implicate in the instigation that they are involve with Jang Mu Yeol in this incident; it spells death to them all. Chua Sang Dae Gam tells they must firstly destroy all incriminating evidence against them as Im Sang Hyeon agrees & tells that they need to be done quickly before they attract attention from the authorities
Some men packing some item as the head orders his men to hurry that they need to complete this before Sa Si as the men acknowledge then one of his men comes running as the head asked what is the matter. His men tells that the Gentry who has asked them to run an errand is here again. The head is surprise & asked why the Gentry comes all their way to their mountain hideout. The gentry asked that the head & his men needs to leave their mountain hideout immediately. The Head is surprise as the gentry give them some money that is enough for he & his men to find somewhere to hide for some time. The Head takes the money then asked the gentry that he needs a reason why they need to go into hiding that the gentry can come here asking them to leave & they must do as he say. The gentry tells that if they continue to stay here then all of them will perished. The head is surprise that they will died as that moment an arrow shot right at the head’s chest
Sa Si is the hours of snake between 9-11 am
Seo Yong Gi’s men comes roaring down the slope in full charge to storm the hideout as they tells it is the authorities & they must escape. The gentry’s men asked the gentry that he must leave this place at once as the soldiers & bandits engage in clashes & the bandits are succumb one by one. Seo yong Gi comes to the hideout then notice the gentry running away then points to his men that they must apprehend that gentry & tells that they must capture that men wearing that gat hat at all cost. Seo yong Gi is hot pursuit of the gentry then asked his men to flank them off as the gentry who try to mount their horse to escape as Seo Yong Gi disperse his men. Seo Yong Gi shot the arrow at the horses leg the horse dislodge its rider as Seo Yong Gi & his men engage with the merchant’s man, Seo Yong Gi apprehend the gentry with his sword, then a fallen gentry men grabs the sword from the ground & attack Seo Yong Gi who avoid his blade but sustain slash wound in the arm as the men was about to cut down Seo Yong Gi, Han Jang Bu & his men came to shoot an arrow to disarm & killed the gentry men. Han Jang Bu asked Seo Yong Gi whether he is alright as Seo Yong Gi assures him & tells Han Jang Bu to arrest them at once. Han Jang Bu tells that the gentry is Im Sang Hyeon’s valet & asked his men to carefully watch over him & take him to Uigyeombu. Han Jang Bu’s men acknowledged. Seo Yong Gi looks up to the night sky that the shooting star he saw the day before was indicating this incident. Han Jan Bu is surprised as Seo Yong Gi tells that the shooting star was to indicate to precedence this meaning. Han Jang Bu relieve that it is great that they are not superstitious, it is just the folklore & superstitious
Sa Si is the hours of snake between 9-11 am
Im Sang Hyeon pacing in his residence & tells his servant why there is no news yet from his valet as the servant tells he will go & find out & leaves. Chua Sang Dae Gam tells whether something amiss has happened to the valet. Im Sang Hyeon tells there is no time to speculate in such worries. Im Sang Hyeon asked Chua Sang Dae Gam to go home & get ready to quickly enter the palace to do damage control before Sukjong return to the palace, they must pay a visit to Queen Inwon then tries to convince her. Sukjong asked them there is no need for them to be too rush since he hasn’t return to the palace. Im Sang Hyeon & Chua Sang Dae Gam surprise that Sukjong has make his appearance at Im Sang Hyeon residence as Sukjong marches in & approaches them. Sukjong tells them there is no need for them to wear their officialdom uniform. Sukjong tells Im Sang Hyeon, Minister of Military & his assistant, this is because they will be escort by the Uigyeombu soldiers back to Uigyeombu. Im Sang Hyeon & the rest fall to his knees to asked what is Sukjong is implying by saying this, Im Sang Hyeon pretend that he doesn’t comprehend Sukjong’s words. Sukjong doesn’t have patience for theatrics & asked Im Sang Hyeon to shut his traps. Sukjong warns them that it is better that they don’t resort to theatrics in front of him, if he doesn’t utter another word from his mouth, Sukjong warn him that he might lived for another day
Choi Dong Yi & her entourage goes to greet Sukjong arrival back to the palace. Sukjong see Choi Dong Yi coming
Sukjong: Dong Yi!!!
Choi Dong Yi sees Sukjong as Sukjong approaches her as Choi Dong Yi bow in greetings
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong just garbs her in an embrace. Choi Dong Yi is slightly taken aback by Sukjong outright reaction
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong; Are you alright?….Are you harm in anywhere?
Choi Dong Yi assures the worried Sukjong
Choi Dong Yi: I am fine…Cheon Na…I wasn’t harmed & nothing has happened to me
Sukjong: I am so sorry….I had allowed you to be left alone at the palace. I should have initially had anticipate that something of this sort of matter might have happened
Choi Dong Yi: No it is not at all…Cheon Na…Didn’t you have already resolves all matter at hand..Cheon Na
Sukjong: Dong Yi?….I will not…definitely will not render any absolution to the perpetrators that had show their contempt & threaten Prince Yeoning & your life, also towards Crown prince Yun who are members of this nation’s Royal Household. I will not be spare anyone of their lives
Sukjong is fuming in upset
Interrogation commence as the interrogator comes in full force waiting for their “prisoner”. Jang Mu Yeol is confine in a questioning room as Cha Cheon Soo informs that they will proceed to interrogation as he tells Jang Mu Yeol that it looks like his path has just come to a dead end. Cha Cheon Soo orders that Jang Mu Yeol be brought out for interrogation. Jang Mu Yeol is brought out to the interrogation site. Cha Cheon Soo supervises the interrogation of the perpetrators as they all have their ankles compressed as they cries in labourious pain.
Sukjong’s arrival is announced at the interrogation site as Sukjong angrily looks at the perpetrators then take his judgment seat.
Jang Mu Yeol: Cheon Na….I know nothing & has done nothing wrong that everything that has happened is a misfeasance…Cheon Na. I never make any attempt on Crown Prince Yun’s life….that everything was Suk Bin Mama’s scheme of ploy in stratagem….Cheon Na
Sukjong: It seems that you still aren’t clear or acknowledge what is the reason why you are here…Byeon Cho Cham Ban…Now diligently listen what I am about to say to you, Byeon Cho Cham Ban….I didn’t come here to listen to your theatrics prattles & didn’t come here to listen to your confession
Jang Mu Yeol: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: In order for your personal gains…how dare you show your contempt against the Royal Household & hence has renders this deplore rudeness & mockery against the King…do you know what is the price to pay for that insolences….You will not be given an easy death….What are you all waiting for…commence the interrogation at once
Cha Cheon Soo acknowledged & order the interrogators to proceed with the interrogation as the perpetrator screams in pain
Meanwhile at Daejojeon, Yi Sang Gung tells that Choi Dong Yi will like to see audience with Queen Inwon. Queen Inwon somewhat nicer in her outlooks appearance asked Yi Sang Gung to invite Choi Dong Yi in. Yi Sang Gung acknowledged. Choi Dong Yi comes in & greets as Queen Inwon welcome her & asked her to sit down.
Queen Inwon: Welcome…Please comes in…Suk Bin
Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama!
Queen Inwon: In the end, all was proven to be true by you…how could you have anticipate & predict the outcome & makes counter measure to curb the contrivance event…how could you have done so with such efficiency
Choi Dong Yi: I was able to do so, it is due to Mama’s permission & grace. If Mama didn’t believe in my sincerity to the matter, perhaps the matter will not have been possible
Queen Inwon: Don’t be modest….Suk Bin. It should be I that now be in your gratitude. It was my near folly of misjudgement that nearly cause the Royal Household to suffer in grievances & disgrace….for you to have render your trust towards someone like me moreover it was you who render utmost effort in preventing this incident from disaster.
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Sukjong at this Royal Court decrees…

Sukjong: I will not listen to whatsoever proposal or petition or any earnest requests in whoever it may be that whoever comes to bring harm or show their contempt to any members of the Royal Household, will not be render absolution & that I will not spare any of their lives spared. No one is permitted to advocate in their defence for those perpetrators….are you all clear!!!
The Royal Court is silence. Sukjong asked Do Seong Ji to read his sentence to the Royal Court.
Sukjong: Do Seong Ji….announce my judgment of sentence to the Royal Court
Do Seong Ji: Yes Cheon Na….
Do Seong Ji picks up the decree & reads
Do Seong Ji: The criminal Byeon Cho Cham Ban Jang Mu Yeol…the criminal Wu Jong, Im Sang Hyeon..the criminal Byeon Jo Cham Sa Kang Mu Ju….Ban Ui Gyeom Bu Sa, Lee Seong Gun has committed the malicious offences of showing contempt & misconduct to scorn against the Royal Household & the Royal Court therefore I will sentence the crimes in accordance to the law of this nation in the strictest punishment render to their crimes, I will immediate expedite to execute Byeon Cho Cham Ban Jang Mu Yeol & those who has been instigate with him with immediate effect then will publically made know of their malicious crimes to the populace….also the criminal Wu Jong Im Sang Hyeon & Byeon Jo Cham Sa Kang Mu Ju & the other criminals will be sack from their Officialdom & render a death by poisoning, this is to be done to stabilise the foundation of this nation & the integrity of the Monarchy
Jang Mu Yeol is drag half death to his execution as Seo Yong Gi comes to have a brief word with Jang Mu Yeol after sentence is passed
Seo yong Gi: In the end, to have come to see you that you have come to this, it is really a pity. It would have been better if you could have utilise your intelligence & ability on something righteousness
Jang Mu Yeol still ridicule Seo Yong Gi
Jang Mu Yeol: Hypocrite!….Don’t think yourself & pretend in such high regards in virtuous, Yeong Gam….It will be soon come to you….Will Prince Yeoning become Prince Successor that a person who carries the Cheonmin bloodline born out of a Mother who is a Consort of the Royal inner Court will eventually ascend the throne
Jang Mu Yeol laughs at that notion
Jang Mu Yeol: Wake up to your sense…Yeong Gam. Do you think that this nation will allow this possibility to happened….Suk Bin…Prince Yeoning & you & all of you all, once Crown Prince Yun ascend the throne, you will not able to survive….Do you think that Crown Prince Yun will let them off so easily…do you think that the Soron faction will let this passed without any action..also all of you will meet your imminent ill fate. Just wait & see, you will meet your end in more wretched & woeful than mine
Seo Yong Gi: What will my ending be?….What will the world & its era changes or to commence…then I shall wait for the world & era to come then will able to convey to you what it will be…Take him away
Jang Mu Yeol is drag away to his execution
Choi Dong Yi takes a stroll at Bo Gyeong Dang sigh then saddened to see bloodshed & death from political intrigues. Cha Cheon Soo comes to Bo Gyeong Dang to console Choi Dong Yi.
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi turns to greet cha Cheon Soo
In Bo Gyeong Dang,
Choi Dong Yi: In the future how many bloodshed will we come to see in political intrigue. In the end we see such deaths like Hee Bin Mama & also Byeon Cho Cham Ban that they all has tragic ending in deaths. Don’t use any scrupulous & be malicious in misfeasance in gaining power & authority, that she has aspire not to resort to this undermining tactics then thinking this over, what difference does this make me defer from them..Orabeoni
Cha Cheon Soo: No…it is not like that….Mama is not like them…the late Seo Jang Oran (Choi Hyo Won) has said this before…in order to achieve world’s aspiration that he took & wield his sword for it & asked whether it was justifiable…however if there is no suffering & oppression, will we have aspiration coming to us, this is because that we has to endure suffering pains of being marginalise that it is why the reason that Geumgae took up the sword to achieve such fundamental aspiration
Choi Dong Yi: Orabeoni!
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama, you have chose to forsake an opportunity that can render authority with such ease….it is not the same as those who greed for authority & also not like them on how they contrive to reap political power that Mama had chose on to use your authority not for your own benefits. What Mama is doing is engaging in a hard fought battle that can’t be compared to others. You need to bear this in mind, feel that it is really suffocating to endure but then to cherish that this aspiration can be render to everyone, Mama…please I asked you not to waver in your quest & stay steadfast in your battles
In Daejeon, Sukjong reads his decree then asked Chief Eunuch Han to summon Do Seong Ji to Daejeon. Chief Eunuch Han acknowledged & leaves. Meanwhile in Donggungjeon, Crown Prince Yun learns his residence Sang Gung Jang that Sukjong plans to abdicate his throne & asked what is she talking about & question what is Sukjong plans to do. Jang Sang Gung confirms to a shocked Crown Prince Yun as Sukjong plans to abdicate his throne, it is clearly that he has indicate his intention of abdication & now about to announce & tabled his abdication to the Royal Court 7bthat his decree to abdicate has been written
In the Royal Court, Jung In Guk plead to Sukjong to withdraw his abdication decree that it is impossible for them to accept his abdication & as the Royal Court chorus to beg Sukjong to reconsider. Sukjong tells the Royal Court that he is convey to them his intention, this is not done to test their competence & he is not out to cause tumult to the Royal Court to have come to his decision for his abdication as he has done this in the best interest of the Royal Household & the Royal Court that he has the Ming has decided. Sukjong will not have any interference by the Royal Court on his decision & asked them to bear this in mind. Jung In Guk still petition for Sukjong to reconsider. Sukjong is firm not to stand down on his abdication
Sukjong leaves Injeongjeon as Seo Yong Gi tries to convince Sukjong to reconsider his abdication. Sukjong is determine that he will not alter or change his mind set on his abdication. Sukjong orders Seo Yong Gi to follow his decree then make preparation the necessary security arrangement for him to take up residence at Ihyeongung palace. Sukjong marches away
Jung In Guk is surprise that Shim Yun Taek has knowledge of Sukjong’s abdication prior to this. Shim Yun Taek affirms that Sukjong has convey his intention to abdicate to Choi Dong Yi & she also had the knowledge to the matter. Jung In Guk is appalled & saying that even Sukjong concern for Prince Yeoning’s safety for the future, but abdication is uncalled for, even after Sukjong’s abdication, that it might be beneficial to the Royal Court but then this doesn’t avoid the political faction conflicts from occurring, although Sukjong has justifiable reason to do so but this is impossible to be happening
In Daejeon, Choi Dong Yi’s turn to tries to talk to Sukjong to withdraw his abdication
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?…Cheon Na should understands that this is really an uncalled reason & is causing a great tumult in the palace…please retract your decision
Sukjong: I will not stand down…Dong Yi
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: When I was not in the palace…..both of you has suffer perils & dangers that toils that happened upon you…don’t you remember…this is what the raw face of politics is….it will never cease or stop from conflicts & tumults in battling for the throne. If this is the only method to prevent this from happening…so be it then…even if it is consider uncalled for, I will definitely not stand down on my decision
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong is undeterred
Crown Prince Yun pleading at Injeongjeon to asked Sukjong to withdraw his abdication & tells that he has many shortcomings that he is not fit to take the throne just yet & asked Sukjong for the sake of the dynasty to retract his abdication. Choi Dong Yi standing at the distance watching Crown Prince Yun is pleading at Injeongjeon & it pains her to see Crown Prince Yun in such distress. Choi Dong Yi tells Bong Sang Gung that she decides to go to Daejojeon as she wishes to go & see Queen Inwon. Bong Sang Gung acknowledged. Queen Inwon is informs by Yi Sang Gung that Crown Prince Yun is pleading in front of Injeongjeon even the Royal Court & Scholars has join in their petition & causing grievances & commotion in the palace. Sukjong it seems will not stand down on his decision. Yi Sang Gung asked Queen Inwon why is she sitting there idle & not doing anything in regards to the matter then asked Queen Inwon to speak to Sukjong. Queen Inwon tells Yi sang Gung to prepare to get ready, there is somewhere she needs to go. Yi Sang Gung surprise
Autumn has come to Korea….
This comes from the passage (Explanations of Extensive Teachings in Sacred Decrees) it written in the reign of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty version of filial piety derives from the Book of Rites
Kim Gu Seon tutoring Prince Yeoning but Prince Yeoning is preoccupied in his thoughts as Kim Gu Seon calls out to Prince Yeoning that they will finished the lesson for today as Prince Yeoning apologise for his lack of attention that he can’t really concentrate on his studies today. Kim Gu Seon asked whether Prince Yeoning is disturb by the happenings in the palace. Prince Yeoning affirm then express his concern about Sukjong’s decision to abdicate & asked what does this mean & express his worry & asked Kim Gu Seon that this is not true. Kim Gu Seon doesn’t have an answer for Prince Yeoning. Queen Inwon comes in & tells Prince Yeoning that nothing of this sort will happened & assure his worries. Queen Inwon comes to Prince Yeoning’s lecture as Prince Yeoning & Kim Gu Seon greets Queen Inwon. Inwon asked Kim Gu Seon whether he is Prince Yeoning tutor Yun Hak as Kim Gu Seon confirms he is indeed. Queen Inwon now looks at Prince Yeoning with some delight, as Prince Yeoning asked Queen Inwon, her purpose of visit to his lecture place. Queen Inwon tells she came because she wanted to see Prince Yeoning. Prince Yeoning is surprise at her remark. Queen Inwon tells Kim Gu Seon that she has express interest in the progress of Prince Yeoning’s studies, then asked Kim Gu Seon’s permission whether she could interrupt the lesson for Prince Yeoning to take a stroll with her. Kim Gu Seon can only reply that she can do so
Choi Dong Yi surprise to learn that Queen Inwon went to see Prince Yeoning as Choi Dong Yi came to Daejojeon
Choi Dong Yi: Are you saying that Jung Jong Mama went to see Prince Yeoning?
Staff residence: yes Mama
Choi Dong Yi wonders in puzzlement
Bong Sang Gung: Mama….why the sudden…what is the reason….
Queen Inwon returns Daejojeon & calls out to her as Choi Dong Yi
Queen Inwon: Suk Bin!
Choi Dong Yi greets Queen Inwon’s return as Queen Inwon approaches Choi Dong Yi
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Queen Inwon: I was just about to invite you over to come, but it is well that you are here
Choi Dong Yi & Queen Inwon at Daejojeon.
Choi Dong Yi: If I can be daring to ask, Mama…what is your reason that you went to see Prince Yeoning; is it perhaps there is mistake made by Prince Yeoning.
Queen Inwon: It is nothing of that kind….it is because before I derive to my decision, I just need to verify something for myself…in my own curiousity to find out Prince Yeoning’s progress in his studies.
Choi Dong Yi is surprised.
Choi Dong Yi: What?
Queen Inwon: The reason that you came to look for me… is that to asked me to go & persuade Cheon Na in regards to his abdication that is seen inappropriate
Choi Dong Yi nods in affirmative
Queen Inwon: Yes…Suk Bin…that I also feels that the abdication is seen inappropriate & think that it must not happened, but however if we want for Cheon Na to change his mind set, before that, there is a matter I must made prior determination
Choi Dong Yi: What determination….Mama…In what reference are you basing your determination upon…..
Queen Inwon smiles to a surprise Choi Dong Yi
Jeong Sang Gung instructing Yoo Sang Gung on the palace gossips are escalating that they must keep a check on the Gungnyeo. Yoo Sang Gung acknowledged. Jung Im tells that Jeong Sang Gung is Daejojeon has asked to make an urgent decree. Jeong Sang Gung surprise that the decree comes from Daejojeon
Meanwhile Daejojeon Choi Dong Yi is taken back astonish in what Queen Inwon has just said to her.
Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama…You have just said that you wants to make Prince Yeoning as Mama’sr “Yang Ja.
Queen Inwon delightfully confirms that it is indeed.
Queen Inwon: yes this is indeed….then this can be said that when Crown prince Yun ascend the throne then Prince Yeoning will be the Heir apparent then for Prince Yeoning to become Prince Successor will be seen as a legitimate right without any qualms…What do you think of this idea,….Suk Bin. Will you be able to bestows the custody of Prince Yeoning to me.
Choi Dong Yi is dumbfounded
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Yang Ja is adopted son or foster son. Although by default, all Sukjong posterity is Queen Inwon’s children but officially they are consider official children of Queen Consort since the Queen Consort is the principal spouse of the King, but Queen Inwon has just suggest that she will personally aspect on her own account will accept officially that Prince Yeoning is declare her “adopted son”
Sukjong learns Queen Inwon’s determination to accept Prince Yeoning as her adopted son. Queen Inwon tells that she has gone through thoroughly in thoughts & contemplation to derive to this decision. Queen Inwon tells that with her assurances will insure Prince Yeoning’s safety then Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning has a guarantee chance of survival & their own placing therefore Sukjong needn’t contemplate on abdication as a solution. Sukjong asked how can Queen Inwon comes about to make this great decision.
Queen Inwon: Maybe perhaps the reason is because of Suk Bin
Choi Dong Yi tucks & puts Prince Yeoning to sleeps in his quarters as she ponders & recalls that how Queen Inwon has come to such decisive conclusion to adopt Prince Yeoning as her own,
Choi Dong Yi: But however, Mama, what have make you decision in such a determination for Prince Yeoning’s interest. Why would you have thought to do this for Prince Yeoning’s sake
Queen Inwon: So it seems…perhaps that I don’t wish to lose to you…..that your sincerity has open my heart. At the moment that your reason that you have chose to relinquish the designation of Queen Consort in order to safe guard Crown Prince Yun, that heartfelt sincerity this has render me to be really envious towards you…the possibility for me to have come to such determination, that she too had never imagine that she will derive with that decision herself
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Queen Inwon: You have chosen to relinquish the designation of Queen Consort in order to safe guard Crown Prince Yun then from now onwards, I who has replace you in that designation that you have relinquish will in turn help you to safe guard Prince Yeoning for you…Suk Bin…also that you have said that this is not seen as a sacrifice but rather to be said that it is also her greed to aspire this aspiration, this principal I have seem to grasp that fundamental meaning for that as well…after this determination that it is really rewarding & joyful, this lesson that I have learn from your example, I render my gratitude for teaching this lesson of life.
Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama
Choi Dong Yi is so move & touched
Choi Dong Yi back at Prince Yeoning’s quarters
Choi Dong Yi: Mama, how can I repay your gratitude thanks…to you that you have chosen to take out your benevolence..for taking Prince Yeoning as your own. How am I going to repay your kindness
Choi Dong Yi touches her son
Meanwhile in Daejeon, Sukjong contemplates on Queen Inwon’s decision adopting Prince Yeoning as her own & tells that she will safe guard Prince Yeoning then ponder how can Queen Inwon comes up with this determination decision to do so. Chief Eunuch Han tells that this has all come about due to Choi Dong Yi heartfelt sincerity that has reaps its benefits that Choi Dong Yi has gain Sukjong’s heart as well as Queen Inwon’s trust as Chief Eunuch Han tells that since Queen Inwon has render the assurance, Sukjong can withdraw his intention to abdicate since Crown Prince Yun & Queen Inwon has express unanimously that he does so since Crown Prince Yun & Prince Yeoning has got their assurity therefore Sukjong should do what is justifiable for the nation & the dynasty
Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik learns that Queen Inwon will adopted Prince Yeoning as adopted son as it will make Prince Yeoning eligible to Prince Successor then succeed the throne. Hwang Joo Shik praise Queen Inwon wisdom in handling Jang Mu Yeol’s incident. Then oh Ho Yang comes shouting at the Music Bureau calling for Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik. Hwang Joo Shik asked what is this pest doing at Music Bureau then queries when is Choi Dong Yi coming to resides in the private palace, he always hear that she is coming but never see her coming to take up residence as he is waiting for her. Hwang Joo Shik question why Oh Ho Yang is waiting for Choi Dong Yi. Oh Ho Yan insists he wants to know when, as Yeong Dal tells Oh Ho Yang that the date might not happened. Hwang Joo Shik tells that Choi Dong Yi ahs to take up private residence because Sukjong wishes to abdicate but now that Sukjong will not be abdicating therefore Choi Dong Yi will continue to resides in the palace. Oh Ho Yang sat down & throws his tantrums
Oh Ho Yan went home to throws his tantrums at Oh Tae Pung that Choi Dong Yi is not coming to resides at the private palace. Oh tae Pung tells his son to stop his obsession with Chi Dong Yi who is the King’s woman. Mdm Park tells that she will get a woman that look exactly like Choi Dong Yi for him to be his wife. Oh Tae Pung & Mdm Park has to leave the house as their son is driving them up the wall as Oh Tae Pung orders that they will seek the 8 provinces of Joseon to find a woman that looks exactly like Choi Dong Yi
Choi Dong Yi stroll at Bo Gyeong Dang when Sukjong comes to Bo Gyeong Dang as Choi Dong greets Sukjong

Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Dong Yi!
As both of them discuss about Prince Yeoning’s adoption to Queen Inwon
Sukjong: Even if this is consider that the path Prince Yeoning needs to take….but to have the child be made to become Jung Jong’s Yang Ja…don’t you feel any ill regards to the matter
Choi Dong Yi: No, Cheon Na…on the contrary I don’t. I am the Mother who born that child…his birth mother…this fact can never been altered that Prince Yeoning now has 2 Mothers…moreover Mama who has shown her benevolence to become Prince Yeoning’s adopted mother, it has my in depth gratitude that she doesn’t know how to repay that kindness
Sukjong: Now that the night air is getting colder, it will be best that you should be getting indoor to retire to bed
Sukjong about to get up as Choi Dong Yi invites Sukjong to sit a while longer with her
Choi Dong Yi: Will you like to stay a while longer….Cheon Na….just for a while more that you accompany me to sit here for a while. Will you do that
Sukjong: What?
Choi Dong Yi: This place is filled with our memories from your heart, this is way we carve our stories that here we have our chats, our strolls that I wish to take this all in stride to my heart.
Sukjong: What are you saying…Dong Yi…..that you wish to takes this all in stride to your heart. You can always come here whenever you like but you are here saying that you will come here ever again
Sukjong could read Choi Dong Yi expression changes.
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na…just as you have decree in prior, I will follow in accordance & adhere…I will leave the palace
Sukjong is shocked
Sukjong: What?
Choi Dong Yi: Just like what Cheon Na has decree in prior I will soon in due time will take up my private residence at Ihyeongung palace.
Sukjong is astound by her suggest of departure.
Sukjong: Dong Yi!!!
Prince Yeoning learns from Ae Jung that his mother is leaving the palace for private residence & asked Ae jung to confirm that this is not true as Prince Yeoning looks distress by the news.
Sukjong oppose to Choi Dong Yi’s leaving the palace for Ihyeongung palace & he will not permit.
Sukjong: No you can’t…I will permit this
Choi Dong Yi tries to convince Sukjong.
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: I plan to send you out from the palace for the reason to stay with you together, how can you insist of leaving the palace to live alone at the Ihyeongung.
Choi Dong Yi: it is only in this way that Prince Yeoning will show his filial piety as a son towards Queen Inwon in the palace.
Sukjong: Dong Yi…that is….
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na….hence forth, Prince Yeoning must be render his wholehearted filial piety to his mother is Jung Jong Mama…to have Prince Yeoning to do so, that for Jung Jong Mama to take up the role & responsibilities as Prince Yeoning’s mother that this is my rendered sincerity to allow this to happened….this is why I must leave the palace
Sukjong still refuse & oppose to Choi Dong Yi’s departure
Sukjong: No you can’t…I refuse….then what about you…what are you suppose to do then….are you going to forsake your all, your aspiration….your son…your everything & what have I done for you….what will you have in return. Isn’t there nothing that will make you stay in the palace & to keep you by my side
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na for the sake that I has such a tragic past from the very start then you have render & cherish me, how can you say that you haven’t done anything for me
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi: How can I render everything?…..My heartfelt wish & hope….
Choi Dong Yi hold Sukjong hands
Choi Dong Yi: I have your heart that is already render to me that is my everything…with that, it is sufficient that with that in my heartfelt I can leave the palace therefore with this heartfelt heart I can for the sake of Cheon Na & Prince Yeoning be able to do some benefits for the populace on your behalf. Whatever you have render in favours, I will remit that favour to the populace..please I asked you to permits me to do so.
Sukjong looks distraught.
Choi Dong Yi return to Bo Gyeong Dang as Cha Cheon Soo waiting for her as Cha Cheon Soo knows that Sukjong will not let her go so readily. Choi Dong Yi is aware but this is also her determination. Cha Cheon Soo asked whether Choi Dong Yi really want to do this. Choi Dong Yi reminds that the palace, Prince Yeoning’s mother is Queen Inwon. Choi Dong Yi believe in Queen Inwon that she will render her fondness favour on Prince Yeoning. Choi Dong Yi tells that she really want to have Prince Yeoning at her side, embrace him in hugs & yearns for him but then to know what his progress in a day is but then that this is all her limitation she can render to Prince Yeoning as Prince Yeoning need to have to go further in his path to Kingship. Choi Dong Yi tells she vow to do whatever it takes to safe guard Prince Yeoning that she is aware that her Cheonmin bloodline will be a deterrence for Prince Yeoning path to Kingship but then she has taught Prince Yeoning that there is nothing to be embarrass about his Cheonmin bloodline that he carries & he must not forget his bloodline & asked to fulfilled his responsibilities to become a Sagacious King
Sukjong contemplates in Daejeon, Choi Dong Yi is Bo Gyeong Dang