Dong Yi Episode 47

Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum returns to the palace as the reception crowd of Internal Bureau of Investigation & the Seoin faction greets Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum. Yi Geum marvel & admires that this is the palace where that his father resides & they finally has enter the palace. Choi Dong Yi introduces the palace to her son. Choi Dong Yi takes her son by her hands & stroll into the palace.
Namin faction still protesting at Daejeon to asked Sukjong to reconsider. It seems that the Namin faction not standing down on the returnees. This time they address Choi Dong Yi with her actual surname as Choi. Namin faction’s leader shouting that Choi Dong Yi has committed a grave offense then to allow Choi Dong Yi to return to the palace is inappropriate practice as they chorus for Sukjong to reconsider. Sukjong is getting ready to go out on a private excursion as Do Seong Ji telling Sukjong of the Namin faction officials are voicing their protest outside Daejeon. Sukjong acknowledge of the matter but it is better than sitting here & stand to tolerate to listen to hear their nonsense & prattles. Sukjong tells that it is best for him to be more beneficial in handling important state affairs while he is out of the palace. Sukjong tells Do Seong Ji to convey to them & make it precisely clear & define to them that Choi Dong Yi has already resided in private abode for the past 6 years of her life, this has already reimburse whatever reimbursement or penalty that render for her offense. Sukjong warns them at from here onwards, if the official still pester in prattling about Choi Dong Yi’s offences, then they will committed the offence of contempt against the Royal household that they better be prepare to have their lives taken away, moreover, Sukjong convey that he will decree to investiture Choi Dong Yi’s son Yi Geum a princedom rank as Prince Yeoning then promotes Choi Dong Yi who born him his Royal Prince as 2nd rank Consort Suk Ui & render whatever befitting Royal protocol & privileges to her as he tells Do Seong Ji whether he is clear about his decree. Do Seong Ji acknowledged. Sukjong leaves for his private excursion

Jang Hee Bin marches to see the Namin faction protest only to her shock to see Choi Dong Yi & her son Yi Geum stroll into the palace that her worst fear of nightmare has been realise to haunt her. Jang Hee Bin staff is concern for her. Jang Hee Jae must have recognise Yi Geum as the child who trespass the palace & tell that the child is the Royal Prince that born from Choi Dong Yi. Jang Hee Bin tells that 6 years ago, she shouldn’t have allowed Choi Dong Yi to have lived & to allow her to be alive only to return to the palace again. Jang Hee Bin is upset as she grips her chima as Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum enters the palace
Queen Inhyeon is happy to be inform by Jung Geum that Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum are in the midst of entering Daejojeon. Choi dong Yi & Yi Geum enters Daejojeon as Queen Inhyeon meets them outside to greet them as she light up in happiness
Queen Inhyeon: Sukwon!
Queen Inhyeon rushes to meet Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum
Queen Inhyeon: Sukwon!
Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum bow in greetings
Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama!….Have you been well?
Queen Inhyeon holds Choi Dong Yi’s hand warmly
Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama!
Then Queen Inhyeon turns to Yi Geum
Queen Inhyeon: It looks this must be the Royal Prince
Choi Dong Yi: Yes, Mama
Choi Dong Yi stroke her son Yi Geum
Choi Dong Yi: Will you send well wish greetings to Jung Jong Mama
Yi Geum: Yes Eomeoni
Yi Geum bow to Queen Inhyeon
Yi Geum: Jung Jong Mama, I will like to send greetings to you,….it has been a long while that I have not able to send my well wishes to you from dawn to dusk, wish you discard all ailment & wish your best of your well being & continues with your great health
Queen Inhyeon kneels in front of Yi Geum & melts to tells that Yi Geum is really a bright child. Queen Inhyeon welcomes Yi Geum & tells that he has grown to be a bright & intelligence child
Ae Jung brings Yi Geum to return to Choi Dong Yi’s Bo Gyeong Dang as Yi Geum admires his mother’s official residence & tells that this is where they will be staying in such a large premises as Ae Jung confirms & asked how does he like the premises. Yi Geum also sees so many residence staff serving the residence. Ae Jung tells Yi Geum that with just an instruction they will do his bidding at once as Ae Jung encourage Yi Geum to give a try. Yi Geum runs in as Ae Jung gives chase
Queen Inhyeon speaks to Choi Dong Yi in Daejojeon
Queen Inhyeon: Sukwon, no…I should now change of address Suk Ui, I will soon issue your receipt of rank as Suk Ui
Choi Dong Yi: The receipt of the rank of Suk Ui?
Queen Inhyeon: Yes, this is what Sukjong, has intended moreover for the Royal Prince will received his Princedom investiture as Royal Prince, as I have seen him that he seems witty & intelligent, that you have raise & nurture the Royal Prince so well. I don’t know how to begin to show you my thank & gratitude
Bu Gun is an investiture to a Princedom or rank a Sovereignty rank
Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama
Queen Inhyeon: But however, what is considered an importance now is just about to commence, as you may already know, what this matter has come to have grave reflect on Hee Bin
Choi Dong Yi: Yes, Mama, I am well aware, that the person who may wanted to bring harm to Royal Prince by setting fire to the private abode, could also be of their doing. I also aware what Royal Prince might have to go through in the future that he has have to experiences he may suffered in his life in the palace & that I also know that while he is growing up that he may received grave threats in risk & danger but however, I will not allow to see this through in passing without doing anything about the matter from happening, no matter whatsoever, I will do my utmost best to safe guard that child, Mama in regardless to consequences
Queen Inhyeon: Indeed, that you must….I will render you my utmost support in the matter to come, no matter what it may be, I will definitely support both you & Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Sukjong returns from his private excursion as Chief Eunuch Han greets him as Sukjong asked where is Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum. Chief Eunuch Han tells he has heard that Yi Geum is Bo Gyeong Dang & Choi Dong Yi has just left Daejojeon after sending well wishes to Queen Inhyeon & making her way back to Bo Gyeong Dang. Sukjong acknowledge. Chief Eunuch Han asked how does Sukjong want to see Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum, whether he summoned them to see him in Daejeon. Sukjong tells there is no need, he will go personally to Bo Gyeong Dang to see them. Chief Eunuch Han is surprise as Sukjong tells that he can’t wait no longer, now it is the 1st time for him officially as the father to meet with his son Yi Geum. Sukjong tells that he will go & meet his son at once
In Bo Gyeong Dang, Yi Geum asked whether Ae Jung has seen Sukjong in person. Ae Jung tells Yi Geum that of course she has. Yi Geum asked Ae Jung how is Sukjong like as a person & asked whether he is a frightening man. Ae Jung then turn serious that tells that it goes without saying that even the tiger dare not roar & trembles in fright if the tiger is face in front of Sukjong that he is indeed frightening. Yi Geum is dumbfounded & acknowledged that Sukjong is that frightening to be reckon. Ae Jung confirms as Yi Geum is hesitant in meeting with Sukjong
Choi Dong Yi leaves Daejojeon then Bong Sang Gung informs that Daejeon has convey a message that Sukjong will be arriving in Bo Gyeong Dang. Choi Dong Yi surprise as she acknowledge Sukjong arrival. Bong Sang Gung tells that it seems Sukjong is so excited in meeting her & Yi Geum immediately that he went over to her residence personally. Choi Dong Yi smiles
In Bo Gyeong Dang, Yi Geum contemplating on what Sukjong as the Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan telling him that Sukjong has never once in a moment he has forgotten his mother & him. Yi Geum sighs whether that Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan is telling the truth that if Sukjong were to meets him will Sukjong get disappointed at him, what is he suppose to do then
Sukjong comes rushing into Bo Gyeong Dang & so glad to see Yi Geum
Sukjong: My Child…my child….When did you arrive here?
Yi Geum: Aren’t you Official Ban Gwan Yi?
Sukjong them realise that he is in incognito clothes then play along as he kneels before Yi Geum
Sukjong: Yes, Hwang Ja Mama! It is I….
Yi Geum: Why are you here?….Did you come to see me?
Sukjong: Yes, Mama. I heard the news that Hwang Ja Mama have enter the palace, so I ran as fast as I could to come over here to see you
Yi Geum: I thanked you, even you didn’t say…. I was just thinking of you
Sukjong: Is it?
Yi Geum: I am in the midst of waiting for Ah Ba Mama to come & will meet him soon but however I am a little concern about the matter
Sukjong: Concern? What is there to be concern about?
Yi Geum: I have asked the residence staff who has previously reside here, she has said that Ah Ba Mama is as frightful as the tiger therefore I am afraid that if I make a mistake that he will be disappointed then I will be scolded then what am I suppose to do then?
Sukjong: Is that so?…Scolding!….Come to think of it, it could possibility to happen to say the least
Yi Geum: What?
Sukjong: Like you have mentioned that Cheon Na is a frightful person to be reckon but then Hwang Ja Mama has gone in front of him & rebuke loudly that he is this & that & reprimand them in loud shouts
Yi Geum: What?
Sukjong: No only that….he is this nation’s Monarch, that he is being force like a subordinate that he has to been thrown here & about in wrestle in a Ssireum bout then gets drag to go to a waterfall stream. Ah! I do fear for you Hwang Ja Mama
Yi Geum sighs
Yi Geum: I dare say man, what are you saying now….how did Ah Ba Mama has knowledge of the Ssireum match & the waterfall stream
Sukjong: That is because
Choi Dong Yi comes & calls her son
Choi Dong Yi: Geum…Ah!
Yi Geum: Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi surprise to see Sukjong in her residence & greets him
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong: You have come, Dong Yi….
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na, what is going on here? Why Cheon Na had come here dressed in that attire to meet with Hwang Ja….?
Yi Geum: Eomeoni?….What are you saying….Why do you address this person as Cheon Na
Choi Dong Yi is surprised
Choi Dong Yi: What?
Sukjong: Ahem!
Yi Geum: This person is Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah! What are you saying there?….Cheon Na…what is this child actually saying here…
Sukjong: I don’t know either….He always keeps referring me as Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan, just like you did in the past
Choi Dong Yi: What?…..Then the child who mentioned that he has met a Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan is none other than…
Sukjong: Yes, It was I
Choi Dong Yi surprised….Yi Geum is shocked
Yi Geum: Then….you are not really Hanseong Ban Gwan then?…
Choi Dong Yi can’t believe that Sukjong use the same incognito
Yi Geum: Then….you are really
Sukjong: Yes, Hwang Ja Mama….I am this nation’s Monarch therefore Mama’s father
Choi Dong Yi smiles as Yi Geum doesn’t know what to make of this
Yi Geum: I….I….
Yi Geum runs off in embarrassment as Sukjong & Choi Dong Yi tries to call Yi Geum back
Sukjong: That…that
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?….Geum Ah!…
Choi Dong Yi asked her staff
Choi Dong Yi: What are you standing there for? Go & fetch the Royal Prince back quickly
The residence staff acknowledged as they call out for Yi Geum. Choi Dong Yi queries Sukjong what is happening here that Sukjong indeed went incognito as Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan to meet with Yi Geum. Sukjong tells that he did indeed & he thought that it will make him get close acquainted with his son. Choi Dong Yi can’t believe that Sukjong pull such a prank. Sukjong tells that it was not his intention but he suddenly went off for a private excursion therefore he was dressed in this attire but then it seems that he has given Yi Geum a fright then asked what are they supposed to do now. The Bo Gyeong Dang shouting for Yi Geum & can’t find his whereabouts much to Bong Sang Gung & Ae Jung’s headache then asked to spread the radius
Yi Geum hide under the bush & sobs, how was he suppose to know that he was Sukjong that he was rude towards Sukjong that he will definitely be severely punished for his impertinent against Sukjong. Meanwhile in Bo Gyeong Dang, Sukjong with Choi Dong Yi is getting worried that it has been an hour & they have yet to locate Yi Geum’s whereabouts. Chief Eunuch Han apologise to Sukjong. Sukjong tells that he was too playful & childish to play such a prank that never would he dream that it will render such a fright to Yi Geum. Choi Dong Yi tells that Yi Geum is not familiar with the palace yet, therefore he might have lost his way. Choi Dong Yi tells that she will go out to look for him. Sukjong tells that he will come along
Choi Dong Yi & Sukjong looking for their son
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!
Sukjong: Geum Ah!…Where are you?….
Chief Eunuch Han: Mama
Choi Dong Yi; Geum Yi…Ah!!!
Sukjong halts as he notice Yi Geum hiding among the bushes
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong Sssh!….
Choi Dong Yi takes a look & finds her son hiding
Sukjong: It seems nearby here I can hear a puppy yelping away…let me take a look, where is it then…here or over there
Yi Geum notice his parents
Choi Dong Yi: It seems that it is indeed close by, Cheon Na
Sukjong: Indeed? Uh Ho! If our Geum Yi was to listen to the yelp, that he must definitely know that I wasn’t upset at all, but has made someone anxious
Choi Dong Yi plays along
Choi Dong Yi: Oh! You weren’t upset at all
Sukjong: Of course!….I disguise as Hanseong Administration Ban Gwan because I missed Geum Yi so much. Didn’t you know how enjoyable time I had when I was with the child?
Choi Dong Yi: But however, he couldn’t recognise Cheon Na & he was rude towards you….wouldn’t you be reprimanding him….
Sukjong: How can I reprimand him since his mother…you…when I first met you, didn’t you step on the back of the King
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong likes to bring back that “stepping” episode
Sukjong: Do you know how happy was I when I met Geum Yi…just the same that when I first met you, it is exactly the same when I met the child…it is to say how thrilled & happy I am that it is really blissful
Yi Geum determined to come out to face the music
Yi Geum: Are you really not upset with me?
Sukjong: Geum..Ah!!!
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah!
Sukjong goes to Yi Geum
Sukjong: My son!…I was worried where you have ran off to, it seems that you have hide yourself here among the bushes
Yi Geum: I….couldn’t recognise Cheon Na at all & was rude towards you but then you were really aren’t disappointed with me?
Sukjong: Disappointed?….Looking at that cute face of yours, how would I be?….Geum Ah, the last time at the waterfall stream, Father has spoken to you, there never goes a day that I don’t think of you, did you forget that so quickly?….
Sukjong hold his son as Choi Dong Yi looks on in endearment
Sukjong: Therefore now…Geum Ah….now you address & call me once as Ah Ba Mama…do you know how much I have long to hear you call me that….
Yi Geum: Ah Ba Mama?
Sukjong hears Yi Geum calling him Father is like music to his ears
Sukjong: Fine….Call me again…call me one more time
Yi Geum: Ah Ba Mama!
Sukjong: Fine…Geum Ah!
Sukjong carry his son
Sukjong: Yes, this is correct…Geum Ah…just like that….I am your father…Indeed I am your father
Sukjong happy to have Yi Geum in his arms
Nightfall, Bo Gyeong Dang. Choi Dong comes to Yi Geum’s bed chambers then she asked where is Sukjong as Bong Sang Gung tells that Sukjong is still at Yi Geum’s bedroom. Sukjong pats Yi Geum to bed as Choi Dong Yi comes in to Yi Geum’s bedroom
Sukjong: Sssh! He just went to sleep
Choi Dong Yi smiles
Sukjong: After this, I will come everyday put & see him to sleep. During this 6 years, that I could only do that from my heart, now I can physically do it
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Look at the kid, his eyes, his lip & also his ears looks exactly like me, isn’t that so?
Choi Dong Yi: Is it? I thought that he takes after me
Sukjong: No, he is not, he really look like me
Choi Dong Yi: hmm, if you say so, then so be it
Sukjong: How can it so be it….it is definitely…really
Choi Dong Yi: Yes Cheon Na! Actually….that he really looks exactly like you, Cheon Na
Sukjong is glad that Choi Dong Yi concurs
Choi Dong Yi: Therefore I was able in looking at this child that I managed to endure this past 6 years on to survive with my life, as looking at the child, is like looking at you Cheon Na
Sukjong is touch & hold her hand
Sukjong: Dong Yi! I will never again…will ever let go of your hand, also the child hands ever again. I already seek to return & now found my most important & cherish treasures, which is you & the child, definitely I will never lose you both again
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na
Sukjong embrace Choi Dong Yi in warm cuddles while Yi Geum sleeps
In the morning, Cha Cheon Soo wakes up to fetch water as he doesn’t look well in health in his place of seems to be having bag cough & shortness of breath & mutter for Choi Dong Yi
A recipient ceremony of Choi Dong Yi receives her 2nd rank of Suk Ui from Queen Inhyeon. Then Yi Geum is investiture as Prince Yeoning witness by Queen Inhyeon & Choi Dong Yi as Do Seong Ji reads his investiture decree. Yeong Dal return to Music Bureau as it is also witness by Hwang Joo Shik & him
The forensic team from Gyeom Hwa Sa has been commission to dust Choi Dong Yi’s private abode’s arson. Mdm Yoon days are numbered as the arsonist looks at a distance then return to inform Mdm Yoon that the police bureau & Gyeom Hwa Sa’s forensic team has gone to Choi Dong Yi’s private abode. The arsonist affirms that this has been commission by Sukjong to conduct the investigation to find out the cause of the fire. The arsonist tells Mdm Yoon that they need to have some monetary fund to escape from town. Mdm Yoon rebuke that they didn’t finished the task that they has been paid of doing away Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum & now it has come to this mess & how can they come to her to say such nonsense. The arsonist then threaten that does Mdm Yoon want them to be all apprehended to satisfy her upset then. Jang Hee Jae tells his servant that he will enter the palace & asked them to prepare the journey as the servant acknowledged. Mdm Yoon tells that she will prepare the fund & a boat passage the soonest for them to leave Doseong & asked the arsonist to wait for her news. The arsonist acknowledged & leaves.
Gyeom Hwa Sa is the bureau that play the role of Joseon’s fire department that in charge of fire prevention measure, renovation & repairs to Royal palace & residence
Jang Hee Jae notices the arsonist & asked his mother who is that man. Mdm Yoon brushes as nobody to be taking notice. Mdm Yoon changes the subject & asked whether Jang Hee Jae is entering the palace. Jang Hee Jae affirms that he is the she asked how is Jang Hee Bin doing. Jang Hee Jae tells how would she be feeling when Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum who were the splinter of her eyes has return triumph to the palace, will Jang Hee Bin feels comfortable, it definitely upsetting for her
Jang Hee Bin’s splinter in the eye has now grown bigger into a plank that she has know Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum
Jang Hee Bin & her entourage marches to Daejojeon as Queen Inhyeon coldly acknowledge Jang Hee Bin’s arrival
Queen Inhyeon: You have come, Hee Bin
Jang Hee Bin greets Queen Inhyeon
Jang Hee Bin: Jung Jong Mama, why the sudden did you issues a decree of Wei Myeong Bu to summon for a banquet. What is the matter?
We Myeong Bu is an issue of summons to all females members of daughter & wives of Royal families & relatives which includes the Royal Court Official’s wives & spouse
Queen Inhyeon: What can there possibly be a matter, Suk Ui has return to the palace, isn’t that call for a celebration of jubilation for the Royal Household that why we have to hold a banquet for her honour, don’t you think that this is proper?
Queen Inhyeon goes to & takes her placing. Jang Hee Bin can’t believe that she is force to attend the banquet by decree. Choi Dong Yi comes in with her entourage with smiles then as Jang Hee Bin turns to see Choi Dong Yi. Choi Dong Yi expression turns to being serious instantly. Choi Dong Yi approaches Jang Hee Bin & send greetings to her. Jang Hee Bin & Choi Dong Yi finally meet in clash of the clashes when Choi Dong Yi send greeting to Jang Hee Bin as an elder in the Inner Court. Choi Dong Yi’s eye expression has become really steadfast sharp with laser precision
Choi Dong Yi: It has been a while since we last met, Hee Bin Mama
Jang Hee Bin: You can return to the palace in such a manner, you are really an exceptional person to be reckon, that an offender, you are able to raise your head high in dignify manner to come here
Choi Dong Yi sees that Jang Hee Bin is wearing the butterfly ornament
Choi Dong Yi: So you are still wearing that ornament, that butterfly pattern?
Jang Hee Bin looks at her butterfly ornament
Choi Dong Yi: I do know that fateful day, 6 years ago, that Mama was the person who directed Cheon Na to the place where my Geumgae leader who was my childhood friend….then also a long time ago in the past the incident that my father & brother who has died an unjust death, that the incident seems to have Mama’s instigated involvement, that I also have come to understand
Jang Hee Bin: Suk Ui!
Choi Dong Yi interrupts & cut off Jang Hee Bin
Choi Dong Yi: I am here telling you the malfeasant…. is not I, moreover it should Mama instead
Jang Hee Bin: What?
Choi Dong Yi: Therefore please that I will like to remind you to bear this in mind, that I am a person who never forget every single detail on what happened in the past, also that I will never permit Mama to ever again snatch away whatever the things that I most cherish & treasure from me
The conversation is really dead serious with a warning. Choi Dong Yi has mature after her tenure in the private abode, for the sake of her son, she has become steadfast. This bout, Jang Hee Bin loses
Since Yi Geum has been investiture as Prince Yeoning, we will address him as his title
Prince Yeoning is amaze when Chief Eunuch Han brings him to the library as he marvel at the collection of the books in the shelves. Prince Yeoning tells Chief Eunuch Han whether he can gain access to all the books in this library. Chief Eunuch Han tells that Prince Yeoning can do just that. Prince Yeoning ran to the shelves & browse as he takes a copy of Book of Mencius. Crown Prince Yun comes to the library as Chief Eunuch Han greets the Crown Prince
Meng Ja, in Korean, Mengzi in Chinese or the Book of Mencius is the sayings of Mencius and his disciples. Mencius proposed the virtuous humanity theory: he believed that human was born with four moral characters — the humanity, justice, courtesy, and wisdom. Human would lose the moral characters if he didn’t maintain or develop them by practice. Hereby, he demanded people to pay attention to inner cultivation. Mencius advocated benevolent policy and kingcraft. Benevolent policy meant reducing penalty and taxes. He thought that tyranny was the fundamental cause of perdition. Mencius’ democratic idea suggesting demos are nobler than monarch and is of great value. He thought that the emperor must attach importance to the interest of ministers and common people, ministers should dissuade their emperor from blundering. Everyone had the right to scepter other solon if the emperor excluded suggestions, and even to be tyrannicides if the emperor was a tyrant. Mencius opposed arbitrariness, and proposed to conquer other country by policy of benevolence and kingcraft instead of war but to conquer opposite country by morale. Mencius inherited and developed the theory and ideology of Confucius. His status and influence to the later generations was just inferior to that of Confucius. In the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127) Mengzi was ranked as Confucian classics and its status was elevated; in the Northern Song Dynasty (1127-1279) Zhu Xi compiled Mengzi and Lunyu (The Analects), Daxue (The Great Learning) & Zhongyong (The Doctrine of Mean) into The Four Books. From the Song Dynasty (960-1279) to the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), The Four Books became an indispensable reading for intellectuals
Prince Yeoning greets Crown Prince Yun as he acknowledged Prince Yeoning that he is his younger brother. Prince Yeoning confirms as Crown Prince Yun recognise that Prince Yeoning was the Cheonmin child who trespass the palace the other day. Prince Yeoning affirms that he was that child indeed & introduce that he is Crown Prince Yun’s younger brother. Crown Prince Yun & his mother are really poles apart in character, Crown Prince Yun portray warmth & friendly. Crown Prince Yun didn’t realise Prince Yeoning was his brother & admit that it was his mistake & misunderstanding. Prince Yeoning tells that it is no misunderstanding, it was his fault that he was the person who sneak into the palace. Crown Prince Yun asked why is Prince Yeoning doing in the library as he has heard that he will enter Jung Hak for his education, that he came to read some books. Prince Yeoning said that he can come to read these book at any time, if he wishes. Crown Prince Yun confirm it is most certainly that Prince Yeoning can access this library at any time but then he tells Prince Yeoning that he has pick the wrong book title as Prince Yeoning look at the title. Crown Prince Yun went to the shelves to chose “Elementary Learning” for Prince Yeoning that asked Prince Yeoning to accept this. Prince Yeoning is dismay as it seems that everyone he has met is giving copies of “Elementary Learning”. Prince Yeoning tells that it is yet again “Elementary Learning”. Prince Yeoning tells that he wishes to read “The Book of Mencius” then he asked that he can’t take “The book of Mencius” to read. Crown Prince Yun is surprised & tells that Prince Yeoning can take the book, but what does Prince Yeoning wants to do with “The Book of Mencius”. Prince Yeoning brushes that he just took it in passing. The siblings are getting along well
Sukjong learns that Choi Dong Yi wants to engage Yun Han Kim Gu Seon as Prince Yeoning’s private tutor. Choi Dong Yi affirms that if Sukjong render his permission then she wishes for Kim Gu Seon to become Prince Yeoning private tutor in his education in Jung Hak. Choi Dong Yi has heard that the member of the Royal Household can engage private tutor for their education. Sukjong give it a thought & tell that it will be great that Kim Gu Seon can be the tutor but Sukjong know that this is not going to be easy task to undertake as Sukjong has acknowledge his literacy but has made attempted several times to engage Kim Gu Seon’s service to his Courts but he has refuse them flatly without any interest. Choi Dong Yi tells Sukjong that she is well aware of the matter but then if Sukjong render his permission to have Prince Yeoning engage a private tutor then Choi Dong Yi tells the matter in regarding to convince Kim Gu Seon to take up this posting will be left to her own device. Sukjong is surprise that Choi Dong Yi personally will take this quest. Choi Dong Yi affirms & leaves Sukjong to wonder.
In Kim Gu Seon’s cottage, Kim Gu Seon tells that Choi Dong Yi is still stubborn into not giving up her quest to engage him as her son’s private tutor. Kim Gu Seon tells that Choi Dong Yi wants to follow the method of Liu Bei visiting Kong Ming’s thatcher hut 3 times, even if Choi Dong Yi visit him 300 times, will still be useless. Choi Dong Yi tells that because the reason is that Kim Gu Seon has no faith in politics & governance. Choi Dong Yi knows that Kim Gu Seon will not accept student with political backgrounds, then Choi Dong Yi question what about a person creditability of trust & faith. Choi Dong Yi question if Kim Gu Seon has no faith & trust in politics & governance but whether he can trust the creditability of a person trust & faith. Kim Gu Seon laugh that in trust of a person. Kim Gu Seon laughs at Choi Dong Yi still doesn’t comprehend the danger lurking in politics, although he is apologetic but Kim Gu Seon is not going to be that naïve old man. Choi Dong Yi gives it a thought then tells that she understand & today will….Kim Gu Seon tells Choi Dong Yi not to come visit again. Choi Dong Yi agrees that she will not come again. Kim Gu Seon is surprise as Choi Dong Yi leaves Kim Gu Seon’s cottage. Choi Dong Yi’s reaction has left Kim Gu Seon to wonder
Kim Gu Seon comes out to prepare to go to the field where Prince Yeoning is standing in front of him then calls out to Kim Gu Seon, to his surprise to see Prince Yeoning still at his compound. Prince Yeoning asked whether he is going out to the fields. Kim Gu Seon tells that Prince Yeoning has not return to the palace then asked where is Choi Dong Yi. Prince Yeoning tells that Choi Dong Yi & her residence staff had already set off to return to the palace. Kim Gu Seon is surprise that Choi Dong Yi has left but leaving Prince Yeoning behind alone without any concern. Prince Yeoning nods & affirms. Kim Gu Seon asked how can Choi Dong Yi able to discard her 7 years old son at his premises alone. Prince Yeoning asked why mentioned 7 years old, as Prince Yeoning tells Kim Gu Seon that he may be 7 years old but he already possess righteousness of a man. Kim Gu Seon can’t believe what he is seeing
Shim Yun Taek is shocked in horrors that Choi Dong Yi drops off Prince Yeoning alone at Kim Gu Seon’s doorstep & leaves for the palace. Choi Dong Yi nods that she is indeed. Choi Dong Yi tells Shim Yun Taek that she is Prince Yeoning’s mother & not Prince Yeoning himself therefore in order for that child’s tutor, it should be Prince Yeoning’s effort to work on engaging Kim Gu Seon’s service for himself. Shim Yun Taek is concern & baffle as Choi Dong Yi leave smiling, obviously she has the confidence that Prince Yeoning will do well
Prince Yeoning helping Kim Gu Seon in the field asked Prince Yeoning trying to put on his best behaviour by smiling at Kim Gu Seon each time he glance at him. Prince Yeoning tries to be helpful to Kim Gu Seon by anticipating as he pass Kim Gu Seon the seeds then went to fetch the water. Kim Gu Seon tells how did Prince Yeoning know about farming. Prince Yeoning tells that he learns it from Choi Dong Yi as Choi Dong Yi tells that farming is a lesson in itself. Kim Gu Seon tells that Choi Dong Yi doesn’t want to nurture her son to be a bookworm & waste no effort but Kim Gu Seon asked Prince Yeoning when he return to the palace to convey this to Choi Dong Yi to tell that this method will not work. Prince Yeoning then asked that Kim Gu Seon really doesn’t like him as Kim Gu Seon confirm that indeed dislike him that looking at him, making him really stress in bothersome & asked Prince Yeoning to return to the palace at once. Kim Gu Seon return home as Prince Yeoning still help him with his tools as Kim Gu Seon turns around & Prince Yeoning give him a large smile
Choi Dong Yi smiles to asked whether Prince Yeoning is disappointed that Kim Gu Seon has mentioned that he dislike Prince Yeoning. Prince Yeoning tells that he some slight disappointment but then Choi Dong Yi has mentioned to him before, just because someone dislikes him, he can render in turn to hate that person. Choi Dong Yi asked that Prince Yeoning remember her words well. Prince Yeoning tells a journey of thousand miles begin with a single step, although 10 thousand of book has written the way of the world but none can’t compare to what they see physically see the world as it is, it is still best to render love to someone 1st. Choi Dong Yi tells that no matter how weak the person is, will still have a warmth of heart, seeing this in a person, once need to cherish it. Prince Yeoning know that Kim Gu Seon is a kind hearted person, although he has verbally say he dislikes me, but Kim Gu Seon fed him well then gave the best delicious dishes on his rice bowl. Choi Dong Yi asked her son whether Kim Gu Seon did that for him. Choi Dong Yi tells Prince Yeoning that Kim Gu Seon is an outstanding person & to able to follow Kim Gu Seon in learning then one day, Prince Yeoning will excel to become just as outstanding & asked her son to bear this in mind. Prince Yeoning acknowledge his mother’s advice
Choi Dong Yi: Also….in regards to tomorrow before you enter Jung Hak, Mother need to convey this to you
Prince Yeoning: Yes, Mother, What is it then?
Choi Dong Yi: You must keep this promise, will you able to that for me?
Prince Yeoning: What….a promise?
Jung Geum leads a mysterious lady wearing a jangot into Queen Inhyeon’s residence. Queen Inhyeon waits anxiously, obviously Queen Inhyeon health doesn’t look well. Ahn Sang Gung comes in
Ahn Sang Gung: Mama! The said female physician is already be brought to the residence
Queen Inhyeon: Asked her to enter at once
Queen Inhyeon went to finds the attending medical staff of Crown Prince Yun…
Meanwhile at Bo Gyeong Dang, Choi Dong Yi asked her son to promise her that he should pretend at Jung Hak not to reveal that he is profficient in “Elementary Learning”
Choi Dong Yi: Yes, how is it then, will you able to adhere to that promise to Mother
Prince Yeoning: However, why should I do that for? I can close my eyes & recites “Elementary Learning” by heart
Choi Dong YI: Because, this may bring you a danger of risk to your safety
Prince Yeoning: What, my danger of risk….why is that?
Choi Dong Yi just sighs
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni?
In Daejojeon, Queen Inhyeon reads the prescription that the Female Physician hand to her
Queen Inhyeon: This is the prescription that came from private pharmacy that the medicine tonic was presented to Crown Prince Yun to consume, all this while.
Female physician: Yes, Mama, this is precisely
Queen Inhyeon: Speak & tell me, what is this usage of this prescription for? Why would Chwi Seon Dang wishes to bring in this prescription to have Crown Prince Yun take this medicine tonic
Female Physician: Mama…this is because….
Ahn Sang Gung: Why are you stalling, speak up…Jung Jong Mama is asking you a question
Female Physician: Mama, if I were to disclose this matter out, I will able to sustain my life. I am really scare, Jung Jong Mama
Queen Inhyeon: Your life, I will guarantee to safeguard at all cost therefore speak & we shall see…what is really wrong with Crown Prince Yun’s health
In Bo Gyeong Dang, Choi Dong Yi contemplating as she recalls Prince Yeoning queries about his safety is at risk. Choi Dong Yi looks vexed
In Daejojeon, Queen Inhyeon is digesting the truth about Crown Prince Yun’s ailment & she looks taken aback with shock that the fact that Crown Prince is unable to produce posterity. Ahn Sang Gung tells that if this is the truth then this is spell disaster. Queen Inhyeon finally acknowledge that this is what Jang Hee Bin is so fearful for, if this truth was to be expose then it will certainly waver Crown Prince Yun’s foundation as Crown Prince, this is why Jang Hee Bin wasted no effort in trying to conceal the truth. Ahn Sang Gung asked whether this matter need to be disclose as Ahn Sang Gung suggest the least that Queen Inhyeon must discuss the matter with Choi Dong Yi. Queen Inhyeon tells she can’t as this matter can’t be confirm & she doesn’t want Choi Dong Yi to be get involve in this intrigue as this in turn will endanger Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning therefore Queen Inhyeon asked Ahn Sang Gung to keep her silence on the matter until they have solid substantial evidence to prove the facts & asked whether Ahn Sang Gung is clear. Ahn Sang Gung acknowledged
The next day, at Jung Hak, Prince Yeoning as usual starts to snooze at lecture out of boredom, the tutor is reading the passage as the student recites like parrots. The tutor caught Prince Yeoning dozing off & yawning in the lectures, much to the dismay of the tutor. The tutor shouts the passage to wake up Prince Yeoning, who turn to the pages. Jang Hee Bin is keeping surveillance on Prince Yeoning’s progress in Jung Hak, there is not end to her evils
Jang Hee Bin learns of Prince Yeoning dozing in lecture that asked whether Prince Yeoning is a dunce. Jang Hee Jae confirms that he was worried about Prince Yeoning’s potential so he sent someone to take a look & this was reported. Jang Hee Jae tells don’t mentioned about “Elementary Learning” even the basic “Thousand Characters Classic” he still can’t memorise. Jang Hee Bin is relief to hear Prince Yeoning’s progress in school. Jang Hee Jae tells that this is due to the fact that Prince Yeoning is raise in a private abode, it is understandable his progress is deem as much therefore Jang Hee Bin needn’t worried about Prince Yeoning’s potential to threaten Crown Prince Yun. Jang Hee Bin tells that this is still unsatisfactory for her, she must be sure that Prince Yeoning is not a threat that can replace Crown Prince Yun whatsoever that they have to show Sukjong & all who are in the palace to witness this for themselves in regards to Prince Yeoning’s potential, if perhaps by chance that Crown Prince Yun’s ailment is expose, then no one will able to threaten to waver Crown Prince Yun’s position as Prince Successor. Jang Hee Jae asked his sister how does she want to go about this matter then. Jang Hee Bin tells that she want to meet with the Crown Prince Yun’s Royal tutors in Si Gang Dang 7 the tutor in charge of Jung Hak
Cheon Ja Mun is “Thousand character Classic” which is in a form of a Chinese poem used as a primarily for teaching Chinese characters to children. It contains exactly one thousand unique characters.
Internal Bureau of Investigation learns that the Crown Prince will be prepares for Chaek Rae. Jeong Sang Gung affirms that it will be after 3 days when Crown Prince Yun finished completion with “Great Learning” that he will go to the Lecture Hall & asked them to prepare for the event. Eun Geum praise that Crown Prince Yun has completed “Great Learning” & he is really intelligent. Shi Bi concurs as Crown Prince Yun is just 13 years old. Jung Im tells this is why Sukjong is so fond of his Crown Prince, it is because he is really intelligent. Yoo Sang Gung tells that if it is to held in 3 days then what about Seo Do. Jeong Sang Gung agrees that it should be also held. Eun Geum complaints that they will have Chaek Rae & Seo Do simultaneously within a day & it will be really taxing for them. Jung Im finds it strange that the Seo Do event in Jung Hak is a grand affair, why is it that Crown Prince Yun’s Chaek Rae is held simultaneously on the same day. Yoo Sang Gung also concurs with Jung Im that she also might it odd
Si Gang Won is the Royal lecture Hall that Crown Prince conduct his education
Chaek Rae is a celebration to commemorate the completion of a classic text
Seo Do is like a term test
Sukjong learns from Do Seong Ji that Crown Prince Yun’s Chaek Rae & Jung Hak Seo Do will be held on the same day. Do Seong Ji confirms that this is from the proposal & suggestion of the Royal tutors in Jung Hak to render & opportunity to demonstrate Crown Prince’s literate ability for the Royal Household member of the posterity to see as a role model. Sukjong tells that this is a great idea that seeing an intelligent Crown Prince may give encouragement to the Royal Household posterity. Do Seong Ji agrees. Sukjong them realise that if it is Jung Hak’s Seo Do then this time Prince Yeoning will also be participating. Do Seong Ji tells that Prince Yeoning will be included. Sukjong tells that he is curious about Prince Yeoning’s potential, if Prince Yeoning takes up Choi Dong Yi & his intelligence, that Prince Yeoning’s intelligence should be have some excellence. Chief Eunuch Han smiles with some pride
In Jung Hak, the students are doing self study as Prince Yeoning looks rather bored with the lecture. Prince Yeoning tells that even doing the exam, he must pretend not to be well verse. Then one of the student turns around & asked him not to be lazy & study his books. Prince Yeoning pretends that looking at the books, he doesn’t understand a word out of it. The student tells this is why he needs to study as this time Seo Do, Sukjong will seek his presence in arriving to the Lecture hall, does he wish to be embarrassed by it. Prince Yeoning asked what is the student saying that Sukjong will come to their Seo Do. The student affirms & asked whether he has no knowledge of the matter. Prince Yeoning sighs
Jang Hee Bin waits for result of her scheme to be realised. Sukjong arrival is announce. Sukjong comes to the Lecture hall in Jung Hak, as the Crown Prince Yun is also presence. Sukjong acknowledge Prince Yeoning with a wink as Prince Yeoning is thrill with the acknowledgment from his father. Sukjong tells that today is Crown Prince Chak Rae & Jung Hak’s Seo Do are conduct simultaneously & Sukjong is really pleased to have given this chance. Sukjong tells that today, they will able to see Crown Prince’s potential & to show to the Royal Household to give encouragement for them in Jung Hak to study hard. The students at Jung Hak acknowledged. Sukjong asked to commence
The Royal tutor starts with Crown Prince Yun’s Chaek Rae. The Crown Prince recites the ‘Doctrine of Mean Chapter 21

Crown Prince Yun: Where there is a lack in your understanding, or your study has not yet reached the point where it is effective, don’t just leave it. When there is something you have investigated, or investigated but not understood, don’t just leave it. When there is something that you have not yet discerned, or discerned but not yet clarified, don’t just leave it. When there is something you have not yet practiced, or have practiced, but not yet universally, don’t just leave it.
The student at Jung Hak marvels at Crown Prince Yun recites the “Great Learning”. Sukjong praise Crown Prince Yun on his precise explanation of the text then it is difficult to recite “Great Learning” & he has done with great ease. Crown Prince Yun thanked Sukjong for his praise. The Royal tutor tells that Crown Prince Yin possess great intelligence & tells that there is a bright future for Joseon Dynasty. Sukjong tells that he is really satisfy with the Royal tutor assessment
There is actually a mistake as the passage comes from “Doctrine of Mean” & not “Great Learning”. The scriptwriter makes a mistake & I got frowning from my Chinese scholar friend
Sukjong tells that they proceed to audit Jung Hak. The Jung Hak tutor passing out question to student as Prince Yeoning sighs nervously
Choi Dong Yi then learns from Bong Sang Gung that Sukjong has arrives in presence to oversee Jung Hak’s Seo Do.
Choi Dong Yi: Sukjong is personally arrive to oversees the Jung Hak’s Seo Do
Bong Sang Gung: Yes, Mama, all of the sudden the Crown Prince Yun’s Chaek Rae & Jung Hak Seo Do is held & conduct
Choi Dong Yi expresses concern for her son Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
In the Jung Hak, it is Prince Yeoning’s turn to recite a text
Jung Hak Royal Tutor: Now it is Prince Yeoning turn
Sukjong anticipates as Prince Yeoning picks a text from the shuffle
Jung Hak Royal Tutor: Just pick any piece….the reads the text & explains what it means
Prince Yeoning picks the reads it…sigh then return the piece of paper
Jung Hak Royal Tutor: It is “Elementary learning” chapter 5
Prince Yeoning recalls his mother asking how is it then, will he able to adhere to that promise to his Mother. Prince Yeoning sighs that he must adhere to his promise to his Mother.
Jung Hak Royal Tutor: This text was just been recited in the lecture, why can’t you answer the question?
Prince Yeoning: I….I…I don’t know how to recite the text at all
Sukjong is surprise & tries to encourage
Sukjong: It is alright, Prince Yeoning, there is no need to be disheartened; it is not an embarrassment that you don’t know the text
Prince Yeoning: Ah Ba Mama!
Royal Tutor 1: It seems it could be the reason that Mama has been residing in private abode for too long a duration, Cheon Na. it is also to be said that Suk Ui Mama is from Cheonmin class, it is definitely that she may not able to provide proper education to Prince Yeoning, Cheon Na
Sukjong is offended by the remarks as Prince Yeoning is appalled that the Royal tutor disparage to insult his mother Choi Dong Yi & is seen fuming
Jung Hak Royal Tutor: This is correct, Cheon Na. We feel that Prince Yeoning is able to enter Jung Hak is consider lucky & a relief, if he continues to take his education from Suk Ui Mama, then he may not have the chance to even be proficient in “Elementary Learning”
Prince Yeoning is fuming in anger as the Tutor speak of his mother in such insolence manner
Sukjong: How dare that the both of you….out of line….
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni…..Eomeoni has taught me “Elementary Learning” it is because of Eomeoni’s teaching that I already am proficient in “Elementary Learning” but however how dare you speak about my Mother in such contempt
Sukjong: Prince Yeoning, what is going on here? What do you mean that you are already proficient in “Elementary Learning” but why did you reply that you don’t know how
Prince Yeoning: Ah Ba Mama!…This is because….that is….
Royal Tutor: Prince Yeoning, how can you as a student be speaking in such prattles? This is really improper to as the way of the Superior of Man
Prince Yeoning: This aren’t prattles…I am not saying prattles
Royal Tutor: Is it then? Then now can you able to recites to us “Elementary Learning” that was just given to you for us to hear?
Prince Yeoning is silence
Prince Yeoning: I have no knowledge in “Elementary Learning”
Royal Tutor: What?
Prince Yeoning: I don’t know “Elementary Learning”
Sukjong: What is the meaning of this…
Royal tutor thinks Prince Yeoning is a joke
Sukjong: Prince Yeoning?
Prince Yeoning: Don’t test me for “Elementary Learning” Could you just permit me to recites “Great Learning” or “Doctrine of Mean”
It is a joke, Prince Yeoning tells that he doesn’t know “Elementary Learning” but he can answer text from “Great Learning” & “Doctrine of Means. It is like telling that he doesn’t know arithmetic but he can do calculus
Sukjong is surprise, also included is the Crown Prince Yun & Chief Eunuch Han & the jaw agape Royal tutor
Sukjong: What?
Prince Yeoning waves no
Prince Yeoning: Ah! I suppose to say I don’t understand or proficient in “Elementary Learning” but I didn’t say that I am not versed in “Great Learning” & “Doctrine of Mean” therefore it is best that I will recites those classic for you
Royal Tutor : Yes, then are you trying to tell us that you can recites “Great Learning” & “Doctrine of Mean”, Mama
Prince Yeoning: That is precisely
Royal Tutor : Mama, are you proficient in both the classics?
Prince Yeoning nods earnestly. Sukjong is surprised with some doubts
Jung Hak Royal Tutor: My apology, Cheon Na….It seems now that Mama is slightly panic stricken with nerves, he doesn’t have any knowledge of “Great Learning” & “Doctrine of Mean” whatsoever
Prince Yeoning recites the beginning of Doctrine of Mean Chapter 21 that Crown Prince Yun recites. 
Prince Yeoning: You must study it broadly, investigate it in detail, deliberate on it carefully, discern it clearly and practice it universally.
Prince Yeoning recites text the explains the text to the jaw agape adults
Sukjong: Geum….Ah, now what have you just recites
Prince Yeoning: I understand, Ah Ba Mama….I have really well verse & proficient in the knowledge of “Great Learning” & “Doctrine of Mean”
Sukjong: Pass me the classic “Great Learning”
Royal Tutor: Cheon Na?….However….Cheon Na
Sukjong: Immediately at once!!!
Chief Eunuch Han passes the “Great Learning” to Sukjong. Sukjong starts to flip the pages of the “Great Learning”
Sukjong recites a “Great Learning” text. Chapter 7
Sukjong: Do you know what it means?
Prince Yeoning: Yes, I do…… Riches adorn a house, and virtue adorns the person. The mind is expanded, and the body is at ease. Therefore, the superior man must make his thoughts sincere
Wows from the crowd. Sukjong is getting excited as he goes to another text Great learning Chapter 1
Sukjong: That this means?
Prince Yeoning: What is meant by, “The cultivation of the person depends on rectifying the mind may be thus illustrated:-If a man be under the influence of passion he will be incorrect in his conduct …I do comprehend the meaning of the text
Sukjong: How can this be happening…Geum…Ah!
Crown Prince Yun marvel at his younger brother’s ability. Chief Eunuch Han is pleased while the rest of the Royal tutor look dumbfounded. Prince Yeoning is happy that he has pleased Sukjong. Sukjong is proud of his son Prince Yeoning
Meanwhile Choi Dong Yi is rather anxious with worries as she marches with her entourage to the lecture hall. Choi Dong Yi fears that Prince Yeoning might cause a stir
Jang Hee Bin learns that her plan has backfire & taken aback of Prince Yeoning’s potential
Jang Hee Bin: What have you just said?….That child Prince Yeoning is proficient & well versed in what?
Jang Mu Yeol: It is the classic “Great Learning”, Mama…Prince Yeoning in front before Cheon Na & others was able to recite & explains the classic “Great Learning”
Jang Hee Bin is jaw agape in astonishment
Hwang Joo Shik also learns from Yeong Dal that Prince Yeoning versed in the “Great Learning”. Hwang Joo Shik can’t believe Yeong Dal’s information & asked how can a child like Prince Yeoning able to comprehend the classic “Great Learning”. Yeong Dal confirms that he has witness this feat with his own eyes. Hwang Joo Shik still doesn’t what to believe & Yeong Dal is upset that he can’t get through to Hwang Joo Shik
Choi Dong Yi runs to her son Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni?
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah! What did you need to do this? Didn’t you forget what Mother has told you before?…What do have to do that for in front of public?
Prince Yeoning: However, you only mentioned that I am not supposed to know “Elementary Learning”. Therefore I have already adhere to the promise to Mother that I will not recite “Elementary Learning”
Choi Dong Yi: Geum…Ah?
Prince Yeoning: The tutors in the lecture hall spoke in contemptibility in disparagement about Mother, moreover Ah Ba Mama…also Ah Ba Mama sense that I have no knowledge in the classics & he may show disappointment in me. I really sincerely studied diligently so that I can prove to Ah Ba Mama to see that I can excel well in my studies
Prince Yeoning start to sob that he really want to make Sukjong proud as Choi Dong Yi pacify her son
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah?
Sukjong comes marching in
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi Dong Yi greets Sukjong
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong: Dong Yi! You already knew….this Child…Geum Yi Ah, has learns & proficient & versed the “Great Learning” & “Doctrine of Mean” on his own. This child is not ordinary in his intelligence. Geum Yi is an innate prodigy
Sukjong carries his son & laugh as he juggles his son in happiness. Choi Dong Yi doesn’t conform to that excitement
Prince Yeoning: Ah Ba Mama!
Sukjong: Yes, you are a replica of me,… that you have grown up to be exactly an inherent like me
Choi Dong Yi tries to smiles at Sukjong excitement but she has her doubts
Queen Inhyeon also learns from Shim Yun Taek of Prince Yeoning’s potential
Queen Inhyeon: It is to say that Prince Yeoning is an innate prodigy. A prodigy that possessed extraordinary talents
Shim Yun Taek: Yes, Mama. Suk Ui Mama (Choi Dong Yi) have long knew of the potential of Prince Yeoning’s innate intelligence
Jung In Guk: Queen Inhyeon!
Queen Inhyeon: It is because that she was worried about Prince Yeoning’s safety that is why she conceal the matter
Shim Yun Taek: Yes, this is indeed, Mama
Queen Inhyeon is pleased
Jang Hee Bin sat down in a thud
Jang Hee Bin: It seems that I have committed a grave miscalculation. It was I who has declare to them that the child was a prodigy, moreover it was before Sukjong
Jang Hee Jae: Mama?
Jang Hee Bin: It was in my hand…in my own accord that I have committed such a reckoning blunder
Jang Hee Jae: Mama!
Jo Sang Gung comes in to inform that Court Physician wants to see audience with Jang Hee Bin urgently
Jo Sang Gung: Court Physician Nam wants to seek audience with you urgently
Jang Hee Jae: Ask him to enter at once
Court Physician Nam enters
Court Physician Nam: Mama! There is a problem….
Jang Hee Bin: What has happened?
Court Physician Nam: My medical subordinates who was in charge in nursing Crown Prince Yun has been seen missing without a trace
Jang Hee Bin is alarm in horrors
Jang Hee Bin: What?
Jang Hee Jae: What are you saying….implying…missing without a trace…how could this be?….
Court Physician Nam: A few days ago, it is seen that the said medical staff has been discover to have discreetly enter Daejojeon
Jang Hee Bin: What Daejojeon? …….
Court Physician Nam: Yes, but then after that said staff is now seem to have vanished
Jang Hee Bin is shocked. Jang Hee Jae is upset as he choked the Court Physician Nam by grabbing his collar
Jang He Jae: Wretched brat!!!…How can you utter such nonsense excuses? Didn’t I already said to you to closely monitor your medical staff carefully…you wretched man
Court Physician Nam: Please forgive me, spare my life
Jang Hee Jae: You should deserve death, you wretched man!!!…Die you wretched brat!!!
Jang Hee Bin face is written with fears
Queen Inhyeon digesting the truth in Daejojeon
Queen Inhyeon: I want to go to Daejeon to seek audience with Sukjong, convey my arrival
Ahn Sang Gung: Yes, Mama
Queen Inhyeon looks steadfast & determined
Shim Yun Taek comes to Bo Gyeong Dang. Seo Yong Gi with Choi Dong Yi
Seo Yong Gi: Anyhow what it is to be said…no matter what it is, this matter can never been kept under wraps, Mama
Choi Dong Yi: I do understand, but never imagine that it will be reveal so quickly to public knowledge. This is my short sight, for the sake that I didn’t take consideration to abide that he wishes to safe guard his Mother but didn’t give consideration that the child’s feeling that he yearn the wishes to hear praise for his recognition of his knowledge that I must acknowledge that I didn’t put into consideration in regards to his feelings
Seo Yong Gi: Mama?
Bong Sang Gung: Mama! I am Bong Sang Gung
Bong Sang Gung enters
Bong Sang Gung: Shim Yun Taek is here to seek your audience
Shim Yun Taek comes in quickly
Shim Yun Taek: I have most urgent matter that I need to convey to you, it is well that Seo yong Gi is here too…This is great
Choi Dong Yi: What is the matter in regards?
Shim Yun Taek: The incident in regards to Prince Yeoning has cause a usurp commotion of ripple in the palace
Choi Dong Yi: What?
Seo Yong Gi: How can Prince Yeoning’s incident can able to create this kind of commotion? What are you implying, Shim Yun Taek?
Oh Tae Pung learns Oh Ho Yang that Sukjong has allowed Prince Yeoning to participate in the same Royal lecture in Si Gang Won together with Crown Prince Yun. Mdm Park asked whether this proper & correct, isn’t the Royal lecture Hall meant to prepare the Crown Prince for Kingship, how can Prince Yeoning goes & participate as well. Oh Tae Pung is upset that he doesn’t know anything & asked his wife not to ask him
The Crown Prince needs to participate in a few sessions of lectures. Lecture are conducted in Yeonghwadang or just commonly known as Royal lecture Hall
Hoegang refers to the sessions that were held to evaluate the academic achievements of the Crown prince every month in front of the king, his teachers, and other government officials.
Beopgang was classified into Jogang (morning lectures), Jugang (lunch lectures), Seokgang (evening lectures), depending on the time of day at which a lecture was given.
Sodae and Yadae unlike Beopgang, which was offered regularly, Sodae and Yadae were given whenever it was deemed necessary by calling in the Seoyeonggwan (government officials responsible for educating the crown prince). However, Sodae was given during daytime and yadae in the evening, after the gates of the palace had been closed.
Jeongyeon refers to the suspension of Seoyeon (education of the crown prince) on occasions when the crown prince was required to participate in a national even or when the seoyeongwan could not attend a lecture. For the Jeongyeon of the crown prince, there were regular and temporary suspension days. In the case of national affairs, the crown prince suspended Seoyeon so that he could devote himself to cleansing his mind & body with great care for several days in preparation for a national sacrificial ritual. Otherwise, tutors’ lectures could be suspended on birthdays of the king or the queen to enable the crown prince to show filial piety towards his parents.
Choi Dong Yi goes to Daejeon
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na, this is impossible to do this. How can you permit Prince Yeoning to participate in the same Royal lecture with Crown Prince Yun at Royal Lecture Hall
Sukjong: Prince Yeoning, that child possess an extraordinary potential, Dong Yi…therefore I will want the best tutor for the child that is available in the Royal Lecture Hall
Choi Dong Yi: But however, Cheon Na?
Sukjong: After learning that child extraordinary potential, I was pondering in my mind, how to go about nurturing his ability & contemplating the whole day on what I am suppose to do, when Queen Inhyeon came to me with a great suggestion & recommendation. Queen Inhyeon said that the best tutors are available in the Royal Lecture Hall, it will be seen at that place that will able to provide Geum Yi with the education he needs, what do you think about that suggestion…Dong Yi
Choi Dong Yi leaves Daejeon & ponders that Sukjong tells that it was done on Queen Inhyeon’s recommendation that the best tutors in the nation are at Royal Lecture Hall where Crown Prince Yun’s education is done
Choi Dong Yi: Queen Inhyeon?
Jang Hee Bin hurls items in upset as her staff tries to pacified her as she too learns about Prince Yeoning’s participation of lectures with the Crown Prince
Jang Hee Bin: Participation of Royal lecture. The place where Crown Prince Yun solely have his education, that they will permitted for Suk Ui’s born son Prince Yeoning to participate as well
Jo Sang Gung: Mama! Please calm down!!
Jang Hee Bin: This will not do…this can’t be done…this definitely must not happen. How can I…how can I allow Suk Ui (Choi Dong Ui)’s son to waver the Crown Prince Yun’s foundation, I will not allow to stand by idle to watch without any action
Jo Sang Gung: Mama?
Jang Hee Bin panting for breathes
In Daejojeon, Choi Dong Yi goes to see Queen Inhyeon as Queen Inhyeon is taking her medication. Choi Dong Yi is concern about Queen Inhyeon’s health
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Queen Inhyeon is in frail health & gives out a few coughs
It looks like the scriptwriter has decided to use the same illness that they did with Queen Seon Deok that they all died of congenital heart failure
Queen Inhyeon: As you may see, now my health is somewhat unbecoming….according to the Royal Physician prognosis that my long progression heart ailment will slowly deteriorate for the worst
Queen Inhyeon holds her chest when she exerts
Queen Inhyeon: You must have come here to ask me, why did I do so? Why did I recommend & brought out this suggestion to Sukjong?
Queen Inhyeon holds her chest in pain
Queen Inhyeon: It is because of this ailment, while I am still alive, it is to say I wish to able to safe guard both you & Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Queen Inhyeon: Therefore, now onwards please adhere & listen to what I am about to say to you now…Suk Ui
Choi Dong Yi is taken aback
Queen Inhyeon: If perhaps…perhaps by chance that the incumbent Crown Prince will not able to succeed the throne….
Choi Dong Yi: What?
Queen Inhyeon: Then this is to say….then this nation, the person who is able to succeed Sukjong’s throne will be none other than your born son, Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi is dumbfounded
Queen Inhyeon: Therefore, I am now asking you a question….will you have the confidence for that child, whether are you willing or not to support your son Prince Yeoning to the throne as the Sovereign of this nation
Choi Dong Yi: Queen Inhyeon! What are you implying by saying this?…Why are you asking me whether I will support Prince Yeoning to the throne…as the Sovereign of this nation. Mama…this…this is….
Queen Inhyeon: Suk Ui!…..
Queen Inhyeon affirms with her determination. Choi Dong Yi is shocked
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?