Dong Yi Episode 48

Choi Dong Yi is dumbfounded
Queen Inhyeon: Therefore, from hence forth, you must adhere & listen to what I am about to say to you…Suk Ui…. If perhaps…perhaps by chance that the incumbent Crown Prince Yun has no choice in succeeding the throne….
Choi Dong Yi What?
Queen Inhyeon: I am now asking you a question….will you have the confidence for that child, Prince Yeoning whether are you willing or not to support your son to the throne as the Sovereign of this nation
Choi Dong Yi is dumbfounded

Choi Dong Yi: Queen Inhyeon! What are you implying by saying this?…Why are you asking me whether I will support Prince Yeoning to the throne…as the Sovereign of this nation. Mama…this…this is….
Queen Inhyeon: Suk Ui!…..
Queen Inhyeon affirms with her determination. Choi Dong Yi is shocked
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Queen Inhyeon: Therefore I am asking whether you are able to permit Prince Yeoning to become this nation’s Monarch.
Choi Dong Yi is shocked at what Queen Inhyeon is saying & how can this be possible
Choi Dong Yi: Mama, this is can Prince Yeoning be possible become….
Queen Inhyeon: Prince Yeoning is the posterity of Cheon Na’s bloodline, therefore a Royal Prince of this nation..Suk Ui, there is no reason that exist that to why he can’t ascend the throne….Suk Ui
Choi Dong Yi: But however there is an incumbent Crown Prince is present & with this apparent situation, how can Mama say this?
Queen Inhyeon: therefore didn’t I have already mentioned that what if perhaps by chance that the Crown Prince Yun has no choice in succeeding the throne then under this circumstances…as in that moment what will be your decision?
Choi Dong Yi: Under what circumstance in situation that implies that the Crown Prince has no choice in succeeding the throne & what is that matter, Mama?…What is actually in that matter that Mama would derive a conclusion have say this remarks
Queen Inhyeon: Suk Ui?
Queen Inhyeon doesn’t take further than that
Jang Hee Bin a sour puss in Chwi Seon Dang. Jang Hee Jae tells that Si Gang Won is solely where Crown Prince has his education, how can they permit to allow Prince Yeoning to enrol there for his education there. Jang Hee Bin tells that Queen Inhyeon is making use Choi Dong Yi’s born son Prince Yeoning to threaten to waver Crown Prince Yun’s position that Queen Inhyeon wants to oust Crown Prince Yun aside to allow Prince Yeoning to ascend the throne. Jang Mu Yeol tells Jang Hee Bin that Prince Yeoning enrol to Si Gang Won for his education is reckon to be some concern but however to say the fact that this is the reason that this may oust Crown Prince Yun aside, will be a little over reacting to something groundless, as such merely petty matter can be seen to threaten Crown Prince Yun’s position
Jang Hee Bin rebuke Jang Mu Yeol for mentioned this as a merely petty matter then she emphasis that Si Gang Won is the place responsible where Crown Prince Yun solely received his education, how can there be a possibility to have another Royal Prince coming to attend then question Jang Mu Yeol that he doesn’t see or recognise that Queen Inhyeon has ulterior motive in suggesting & recommend the matter. Jang Hee Bin tells Jang Mu Yeol that no matter whatsoever that the Namin faction must prevent this from happening at all cost that they must not have Prince Yeoning enters a foot into the entrance of Si Gang Won & asked Jang Mu Yeol whether he is clear. Jang Mu Yeol acknowledged
Jang Mu Yeol leaves Chwi Seon Dang & queries that Jang Hee Bin is getting out of line & definitely getting way overboard, then question what is making Jang Hee Bin all work up in nerve wrecking jitters & being so unsettled then Jang Mu Yeol recalls the Jang Hee Jae near misses of letting the cat out of the bag indicating that might be something amiss in regards to Crown Prince Yun. Jang Mu Yeol recalls the scene that Jang Hee Jae was to delay Crown Prince Yun from taking a consort. Jang Mu Yeol’s opinion that they need to hasten to marriage in order to secure the Crown Prince Yun’s position by having posterity. Jang Hee Jae reminds Jang Mu Yeol that he just need to do as he is being told & not add comments… then Jang Hee Jae gets all work up with the return of Choi Dong Yi & her son & why they have to return during the moment when the Crown Prince is at his present condition. Jang Hee Jae shut her brother up from revealing the truth in his blabbers. Jang Mu Yeol could concluded that if perhaps there is something amiss & a problem that lies in regards to Crown Prince Yun. Jang Mu Yeol is beginning to have doubts & reluctance with the Jang siblings
Jang Hee Bin tells Jang Hee Jae that she is certain that Queen Inhyeon has learned & found out something about Crown Prince Yun’s ailment. Jang Hee Jae tells his sister that Queen Inhyeon may has merely suggest this in passing. Jang Hee Bin tells Jang Hee Jae that Queen Inhyeon did this with intent as Si Gang Won is the place where Crown Prince Yin sole received his education, then why is the reason to suggest that Prince Yeoning come to enrol into Si Gang Won, this is done as a precaution for the “what if”, the precaution that when it come down to the matter that Crown Prince Yun has no choice in succeeding to the throne that Queen is rendering an outlet for Prince Yeoning to receive the Royal education as the replacement. Jang Hee Bin tells Jang Hee Jae that they must find that missing female physician. They must know how much Queen Inhyeon has learns in the truth about Crown Prince Yun’s ailment. Jang Hee Jae assures his sister that he is sending people all over in search for the missing female physician & asked his sister to calm down her nerve or else if she continues in this stress, he is afraid that Jang Hee Bin may end up getting ill. Jang Hee Bin tells that this matter is driving her crazy that since Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning return to the palace, she has not slept a wink in peace. Jang Hee Jae asked his sister that she can carry on being this way
In Injeongjeon Sukjong is happy to have a prodigy son. Sukjong test his son Prince Yeoning on the Doctrine of Mean since he has reads the classic then begin to asked his son about the text & its meaning
Jung Ryong (Doctrine of Mean) is one of the 4 great classic, which consist of the Analects of Confucius, Great Learning & Book of Mencius

Prince Yeoning describes in the essence Doctrine of Mean from the author, then Sukjong asked what is the meaning
Prince Yeoning: Ja Sa consider the virtue embodied in the doctrine of the Mean is of the highest order. But it has long been rare among people. The person who follows the mean is on a path of duty and must never leave it. A superior person is cautious, a gentle teacher and shows no contempt for their inferiors. They always do what is natural according to their status in the world. Even common men and women can carry the mean into their practices, as long as they do not exceed their natural order
Ja Sa (circa BC 481-402) was the author of Doctrine of Mean, the grandson of Confucius
Sukjong praise Prince Yeoning that he is correct …then asked that Prince Yeoning self study the classic himself. Prince Yeoning affirms that he did. Sukjong praise in front of Do Seong Ji that did he hear his son speaks that Prince Yeoning self study to be proficient & well verse in Great Learning & Doctrine of Mean. Do Seong Ji concurs that Prince Yeoning is indeed a prodigy that he has never been seen in his life before as Sukjong repeats that his son is indeed a genius. Sukjong tell that Crown Prince is god given intelligence. Crown Prince Yun announce his arrival in Daejeon. Sukjong welcome Crown Prince Yun. Prince Yeoning greets his brother as Crown Prince Yun send greetings to Sukjong then asked him to take a seat & praise Crown Prince Yun’s Chaek Rae that he has done well, that he summoned Crown Prince Yun to Daejeon is to render him praise. Crown Prince Yun thanked Sukjong for his praises. Sukjong tells that his Crown Prince Yun is intelligent & his younger brother is just as outstanding that today, Sukjong is happy that he can start to dance in jubilation. Do Seong Ji confirms that this is indeed Sukjong great fortune to have his 2 sons doing so well at his side. Sukjong laugh that he totally agree
Chaek Rae (Chaengnye) is Matriculation
Crown Prince goes through a few rites of passage. Matriculation, Coming of Age & Royal Wedding. It is because the crown princes of the Joseon dynasty were to be the successors to the throne, there were various rites of passage and ceremonies to be observed. The main rites of passage and ceremonies related to the crown prince were entering school, coming of age, & marriage. After becoming crown prince, a ceremony was held to commemorate the entrance of the crown prince into the Joseon dynasty’s premier educational institution, Sungkyunkwan (National Confucian Academy). Ceremonial drinks were offered to the tablets of the four sages, including Confucius, who appear in Daeseongjeon (Hall of Confucius) at Sungkyunkwan & the Crown prince bowed to the master in Myeongnyundang (Lecture Hall), where he would be receiving instruction on Confucianism. King Munjong was the first person to commemorate the matriculation ceremony at Sungkyunkwan as a Crown prince at the age of eight. The matriculation of the Crown prince was depicted as it was considered an important coming of age ceremony for “the future sun.”. & along with the matriculation, there was another coming of age ceremony called gwallye. The Gwallye was so named because the boy undergoing this ceremony symbolically became a man by tying his hair up and donning the hat called a Gwan. As opposed to the children of Sadaebu (scholar-official) who commonly underwent the gwallye ceremony before marriage between the ages of 15-20, Crown Princes normally underwent them between eight to twelve years of age, after the investiture ceremony. The crown prince then awaited his wedding ceremony after becoming a respectable adult through the Gwallye. The wedding ceremony took place not long after the Gwallye, usually between ten to thirteen years of age. The wedding ceremonies of either the king or the crown prince are recorded in the Royal Wedding Uigwe (Garye dogam uigwe) in their entirety. A crown prince was considered an adult and the rightful future king after completing the matriculation, coming of age, and wedding ceremonies. The exact date of his ascension to the throne, however, was not fixed because it was directly related to the longevity of the preceding king as like King Sukjong, who became king at the age of 14, there were Crown Princes who rose to be king at a tender age, whereas others ascended at a relatively late age, such as King Munjong, who took the throne at the age of 37
.Choi Dong Yi is standing out in her own right & no longer being shelter by Queen Inhyeon’s protection
Choi Dong Yi ponder over the Queen Inhyeon’s remark as then conversation continues when Choi Dong Yi comment to Queen Inhyeon about under what circumstance in situation that implies that the Crown Prince has no choice in succeeding the throne & what is that matter, Mama?…What is actually in that matter that Mama would derive a conclusion have say this remarks
Queen Inhyeon: Suk Ui?…The reason, it is not possible to say this to you now. When the time is right, I will disclose everything that is to know to you
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Queen Inhyeon. But however, at present moment, you just need to bear this in mind on matter of a fact that there is a possibility for Prince Yeoning to succeed the throne, moreover you definitely need to make compulsory & appropriate preparation in measure to anticipate the matter
Choi Dong Yi question to ponder what is it then that makes Crown Prince Yun has no choice in succeeding the throne that Queen Inhyeon can come out to have such frightful statement
Sukjong surprise to learn that the Royal Court has gather in the throne hall as Do Seong Ji confirms that they are here to petition their opposition against Prince Yeoning attending Si Gang Won with Crown Prince Yun & request Sukjong audience to the throne hall. Sukjong listen to Namin faction stage their petition for Sukjong to reconsider. The Namin faction tells that improper for Prince Yeoning to enter Si Gang Won for his education since that Si Gang Won is a place where the Crown Prince sole receive his education for kingship. Sukjong asked his Royal Court how many times must he explain many times about the matter. Sukjong tells that this is not for just the benefit for Prince Yeoning but for the sake of Crown Prince Yun. The Namin faction doesn’t think that is appropriate & asked Sukjong to reconsider. Sukjong explains that what is wrong for Crown Prince Yun to study in accompany with his younger brother who has innate such intelligence that will & may reap benefits to Crown Prince Yin as there may be normal practice that Crown Prince & Royal Prince has accompany study companions, why can’t Prince Yeoning take up this role. Jang Mu Yeol tells Sukjong that he dares to defer that the reason that Prince Yeoning is a Royal Prince. Jang Mu Yeol tells that having a Yanban Child & a Royal Prince to become as a study companion is 2 different issue matter, as this will have future implication that may be threats to waver the Crown Prince Yun’s position. Sukjong rebuke that Jang Mu Yeol is out of line, how can this matter threaten Crown Prince Yun’s position & now can they mentioned such absurdity
Bae Dong is a child that study together in companionship
Choi Dong Yi with Seo Yong Gi as she tells Seo Yong Gi that she can fully understand why the Royal Court will raise to have this kind of reaction will be seen normal. Choi Dong Yi also think it is improper for Prince Yeoning to enter So Gang Won for his education. Prince Yeoning’s potential that far exceeding from norms, will sooner or later will turn problematic that this will bring grave risk towards Prince Yeoning, because the issue to the matter is in regards to Si Gang Won. Seo Yong Gi tells that Sukjong is determined in his sincere intention to provide the best for Prince Yeoning’s future. Choi Dong Yi is all aware & understands that this matter comes Sukjong’s heart in his way to provide his love & care for his son but returning to the palace so soon that Choi Dong Yi doesn’t wish or allow to cause a stir for Sukjong because of her & Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi goes to Sukjong in Daejeon
Sukjong: No, I will not stand down on the matter & retract my decree. I didn’t make this decision only to be deter by fluster of commotion
Choi Dong Yi expresses her concern.
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: For the past 6 years that I have not done a single thing for the child, is it so wrong that I wish to provide the best education that is to offer for the child
Choi Dong Yi: The issue of this matter that this involves Crown Prince Yun, Cheon Na
Sukjong: Never would I have thought that you also concurs with them by saying this
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?…
Sukjong: The least that I thought this will benefit the Crown Prince
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na’s sincerity in this matter…I do acknowledge & understand that you wish to provide the best to offer for Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi dong Yi: But however…..the matter of Si Gang Won is where the problems lies, please take into consideration carefully
Sukjong: Then what about Prince Yeoning, what is supposed to have for that child? That child need to have the best tutor
Choi Dong Yi: Prince Yeoning has Yun Han Kim Gu Seon, Cheon Na
Sukjong shakes his head
Sukjong: Didn’t I already mentioned that Yun Han is not a person that changes his mindset so readily
Choi Dong Yi sighs
Sukjong: That person will not….
Kim Gu Seon looks around then tells that it looks like Prince Yeoning isn’t coming to his cottage again. Kim Gu Seon tells that this home finally can have some peace & quiet. Prince Yeoning comes to greet Kim Gu Seon to greets his return. Kim Gu Seon surprise to asked what he has been doing. Kim Gu Seon asked what is in Prince Yeoning’s hand as he is holding a dirty rag cloth. Prince Yeoning tells that he has just finished housekeeping Kim Gu Seon’s room, because it was really dirty. Kim Gu Seon surprise that Prince Yeoning took the initiative. Prince Yeoning tells that of course that rightfully he needs to clean Kim Gu Seon’s room but then there is saying that Superior of Man must wanders in beauty, how can Teacher live in such dirty & messy environment. Kim Gu Seon can’t explains as Prince Yeoning say that his mother wants him to follow Kim Gu Seon by example & reputation, this is also making him to worry as Prince Yeoning shakes his head, while Kim Gu Seon smiles to see that Prince Yeoning is so cute
While studying with Kim Gu Seon, Prince Yeoning recites the passage from the Book of Mencius Part 6 
Prince Yeoning: To dwell in the wide house of the world, to stand in the correct seat of the world, and to walk in the great path of the world; when he obtains his desire for office, to practise his principles for the good of the people; – these characteristics constitute the great man.
Kim Gu Seon tells that Prince Yeoning is reciting is noisy. Prince Yeoning apologise that recites in mute. Kim Gu Seon is taking a liking to Prince Yeoning
Kim Gu Seon: It seems that Hwang Ja Mama likes to study
Prince Yeoning: Yes, Teacher, as for me, able to study is the most happiest of my moment
Kim Gu Seon: What is the purpose of you studying so diligently?
Prince Yeoning: What?
Prince Yeoning: What is in the purpose…isn’t it so that we can reimburse to share the knowledge to others, Teacher
Kim Gu Seon: Reimburse to share the knowledge to others
Prince Yeoning: Yes, my Mother always has said….if a person is bestowed with heaven’s innate ability then in turns that it is also heaven’s will for that person to invest his ability for the good of mankind therefore the knowledge ian’t for just me alone, therefore one need to continue to pursue that knowledge of study in order to able to invest that knowledge to those who are poor & marginalise who unable & deprive to fend for themselves. I concurs with what my Mother has said
Kim Gu Seon: Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! It would be better to teach you how to filled your stomach then your Mother would have come up with such grandeur statement, I do fear & worry for Hwang Ja Mama’s future
Prince Yeoning: What?…..Why is that?…Why would you say that you are worried for me?
Kim Gu Seon doesn’t answer
Prince Yeoning: Teacher?
Sukjong in Daejeon recalls what Choi Dong Yi does understand Sukjong sincerity
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na’s sincerity in this matter…I do acknowledge & understand that you wish to provide the best to offer for Prince Yeoning & Crown Prince Yun
Sukjong: Dong Yi?
Choi dong Yi: But however…..the matter of Si Gang Won is where the problems like, please take into consideration carefully
Sukjong calls out for Chief Eunuch Han, as he enter & acknowledge. Sukjong tells that he wish to leave the palace to make a trip
Kim Gu Seon return to his cottage to find Sukjong ploughing his plot of land & curious to know who is the intruder
Kim Gu Seon: I dare say, Man, who are you doing here?
Sukjong approaches Kim Gu Seon
Sukjong: Oh! You must be Yun Han….Nice to meet you….So this is what you look like….
Kim Gu Seon: Who the hell are you, esquire? What are you doing here?
Sukjong: I am the father who want to pass his child under your tutelage…therefore I came to help you plough the plot for you to cultivate
Kim Gu Seon: I say what is this suddenly out of the blue are you trying to do there?
Prince Yeoning calls out to Sukjong
Prince Yeoning: Ah Ba Mama!
Sukjong: Oh…yes Prince Yeoning
Prince Yeoning comes to greet Sukjong
Sukjong: Yes….I am this child’s father
Kim Gu Seon is jaw agape that if Sukjong claim that he is Prince Yeoning father then he must be….
Kim Gu Seon: If so, then you must be
Sukjong: I am the King
Kim Gu Seon: Cheon Na?….
Kim Gu Seon kneels before Sukjong
Kim Gu Seon: Cheon Na, my fault that I didn’t recognise you, my apology
Sukjong: It is fine…please get up…quickly
Sukjong help Kim Gu Seon to get up
Sukjong: Really, why is it so hard to see you….this is how you look like….
Kim Gu Seon in his cottage
Kim Gu Seon: My apology in asking you to come to my meagre lodgings
Sukjong: There is no need to be apologetic, it is on the laurel of fortune of Suk Ui & Prince Yeoning, compare to your humble abode, I have been too far worse than yours
Kim Gu Seon: What?…But however….my apology….why from the start didn’t you reveal yourself
Sukjong: Reveal what?….that I am this King
Kim Gu Seon: Yes
Sukjong: This is because I didn’t come here as the King, I am here merely as the father to my child. I know that Suk Ui has come to see you to earnestly asked you to accept Prince Yeoning as your student…Today, with the same reason has come here to earnestly asked of you to do the same
Kim Gu Seon is surprise
Kim Gu Seon: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: During this time, Prince Yeoning has come in & out about your abode, that you already has seen the child’s potential & disposition. The Child is extraordinary to be reckon that I wish for the child to be under the tutelage of the best tutor there is therefore I came here sincerely to asked of you in earnest plea. I do what kind of person you are, that I will not force you to enter into officialdom but please can you consider becoming the child’s tutor
Kim Gu Seon: If it is in regards to that matter, then I render my apology that you have waste your effort to have come here, Cheon Na
Sukjong: I dare say…Yun Han
Kim Gu Seon: It is because I am already….has decided & determined to become Hwang Ja Mama’s Tutor
Sukjong: Become his Tutor?…..That you already decided….
Kim Gu Seon: Yes…this is why I have said that you have waste an effort in coming here
Sukjong laughs
Sukjong: I dare say, Man
Sukjong nods in relieve
Sukjong & his family of 3 goes on an excursion
Choi Dong Yi: Is this really true that Yun Han has agree to accept Prince Yeoning?
Sukjong: Didn’t I just said, didn’t you just seen?…The King has come to his abode personally to give his decree, how can he oppose?…..Yes, I understand…I will accept the decree with gratitude
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Prince Yeoning: Then Ah Ba Mama…is Teacher really now has become my tutor?
Sukjong: That is correct, Geum Ah…your Ah Ba Mama for your sake has got you a tutor
Prince Yeoning: Yes
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na, why did you think that you personally has to venture to do this own your own accord
Sukjong: That is….
Sukjong drags Choi Dong Yi one side in private
Sukjong: Actually this is “talking bull”

Choi Dong Yi surprised
Choi Dong Yi: What?
Sukjong: Yun Han has already been convince by Geum Ah prior to my arrival, but however as the King of this nation, to able to do something about the matter, the least in front of the child, I will have gain some pride
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na!
Sukjong & Choi Dong Yi laughs then Sukjong recognise the tavern
Sukjong: Look over there…that place haven’t really change much….in the past together with you, now in turn, there is now the 3 of us, together with our child
Sukjong wants quality time with Choi Dong Yi & Yi Geum then have an idea
Sukjong: Geum Ah!
Sukjong carry his son
Sukjong: Come, let us go….We will go there & you can have drinks with your Ah Ba Mama
Choi Dong Yi worried
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na, did you say drinks?
Sukjong: Yes, that is correct, in a family, doesn’t the father goes & have drinks together with his son?
Choi Dong Yi clearly disapprove
Choi Dong Yi: However, Cheon Na…Prince Yeoning is just 7 years old, moreover he is still a child
Prince Yeoning: Oh!….Mother, didn’t you have said to me that a 7 years old person is already the righteousness of Man
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah…that is to means
Sukjong: Aigoo! Aigoo! Well said my son!!! Who’s intelligence do you take after?
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na?
Sukjong: Over here Ju Meo, a plate of pork skin & wine
Ju Meo is the tavern mistress or the proprietor
Ju Meo: Yes, coming
Prince Yeoning: Ah Ba Mama also eats this kind of dishes?
Sukjong: Of course…..but I wish to eat, but can’t get to eat it, it is all due to your Mother…Come to think of it, it is because of your Mother that I really attempt to have done many things that I never done before…I ran….scale the walls
Choi Dong Yi: Cheon Na…..I was the one who scale the walls
Sukjong tries to stop Choi Dong Yi from letting the cat out of the bag
Prince Yeoning: Oh! Ah Ba Mama has mentioned that he can scale walls
Sukjong: Yes, that is correct
Choi Dong Yi: Heavens!!!! How can you talks such bullish nonsense?……Geum Ah…actually…
Sukjong tries to change the subject to distract Prince Yeoning then goes to Choi Dong Yi
Sukjong: look….look over there!!!!…keep Quiet…don’t say anymore…this is royal decree
Choi Dong Yi: Why always at moments like this that you like to pull out “this is royal decree”, Cheon Na!
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah…Don’t listen or believe to your Ah Ba Mama’s talking bull nonsense, do you understand?
Sukjong: Your Mother really knows how to talk bull?
Sukjong, Choi Dong Yi & Prince Yeoning having a great time as a normal family with laughters
Bong Sang Gung, Ae Jung & Chief Eunuch Han proud to see Sukjong & his happy family outing
Jang Hee Bin pacing anxiously outside her residence. Jo Sang Gung tells that it already late in the night that she should return to her residence to retire from bed, but Jang Hee Bin doesn’t want to sleep either she can’t just sit here & wait. Yeong Sun is concern about Jang Hee Bin
In Daejojeon, Ahn Sang Gung send Jung Geum out of the palace to run an errand in delivery a letter & asked her to exercise caution & be careful. Jung Geum acknowledged & leaves. Inside Daejojeon Queen Inhyeon asked about Jung Geum as Ahn Sang Gung informs that Jung Geum has left the palace. Queen Inhyeon reminds that caution must be exercise as they will also be making their move. Ahn Sang Gung assures Queen Inhyeon that Jung Geum is quick witted in handling situation & there wouldn’t be problems
Queen Inhyeon is having sudden bout of chest pains attack as Ahn Sang Gung is concern.
Ahn Sang Gung: Mama? Are you alright
Queen Inhyeon: I am fine…Don’t worry….
Ahn Sang Gung: This was an old ailment sustain from the private residence; in the end has return in reoccurrence to make you suffered
Queen Inhyeon: So it seems…recalling that moment that I suffer hardship both physically & emotionally then & able to have endure & carry on until now, is consider a miracle in itself
Ahn Sang Gung: However Mama…..lately the ailment has been seen that it is getting more & more painful
Queen Inhyeon: Needn’t worry, I still have the strength to endure & hold on
Ahn Sang Gung: Mama
Queen Inhyeon: I have been sitting & residing as Queen Consort as then until now, I felt that I haven’t accomplish anything. The likes like me, I am determined to do one final achievement for the Royal Household before my passing. Although I feel that it comes with some regret of sadness, if this matter is proven to the true, even for the sake of Crown Prince Yun, this matter must be expose to the open, moreover this country’s current Prince Successor must be rectify
Jung Geun’s whereabouts outside the palace is being followed & observed in close watch
Jang Hee Jae meets with Jang Hee Bin in Chwi Seon Dang with some concern news as he invites Jang Hee Bin to go inside to speak in private in her residence. Jang Hee Bin asked what is the progress, Jang Hee Jae informs that just as they have surmise there is some oddity in Queen Inhyeon’s residence has her residence staff Jung Geum leaving the palace. If by chance that it is Queen Inhyeon’s residence who is hiding the missing female physician then this said residence staff will definitely lead them to the hidden place. Jang Hee Bin advice Jang Hee Jae to exercise caution, it could also be that they have set up a trap to lure them in. Jang Hee Jae acknowledge that before they have definite confirmation on the matter, they will not strike into action & only keep surveillance & not to alert the other party. Jang Hee Bin tells that make sure that this matter will never be reveal, or else then this can be said that for Crown Prince Yun that he may not be able to succeed the throne. Jang Hee Jae assure his sister
Mdm Yoon’s maid comes calling Mdm Yoon who asked her to come in. Mdm Yoon asked whether her maid has found out about the matter, as her maid affirms, just as instructed that the maid tells that she has obtain Prince Yeoning’s natal notes or chart (saju). Mdm Yoon reads the paper then asked the maid whether she has made arrangements that she has instructed. Mdm Yoon’s maid confirm that she did
Saju or BaZi in Chinese is Four Pillar of Destiny. Four Pillars of Destiny, has been in practiced for centuries and has proven to be an effective tool in managing a person’s luck and fortune with an uncanny accuracy. The four pillars comprise the eight Chinese characters or BaZi which form the destiny codes of a person. The secret is to unlock the meaning behind these codes and gain insights into ourselves and our future. We are all born with a BaZi (natal chart) comprising these codes and also a set of luck pillars representing 10-yearly periods of our life. Together, they shape our destiny for better or worse.
Mdm Yoon goes to see a Mudang then tells the Mudang that she has heard that the Mudang is expert in hexagram reading of Wen Wang which is the purpose of her visit. The Mudang scan Mdm Yoon. Mdm Yoon give Prince Yeoning’s natal notes (saju) asked the Mudang to read the natal chart then tell her what it means. The Mudang see it with a glance then throws it on the table as Mdm Yoon asked what does this implies
Hexagram reading is alleged that in the time period of the Han dynasty (206 B.C. to 220 A.C.), the concept of the ‘five elements’ (i.e. metal, wood, water, fire, and earth) was adopted. Wen Wang Gua 文王卦 (the hexagram of Wen Wang) was thus developed afterward, and gradually other Chinese fortune-telling methods were created accordingly. General speaking, the hexagrams nowadays used for divination are mainly divided into three systems, the two conventional ones are either to explain the divination in accordance with the text of the I Ching, or to explain based on the image of the trigram and the line characteristics; the third one is Wen Wang Gua which converts all the lines into the five elements and explains their mutual reactions.
Mdm Yoon: What does this mean?
Mudang: Even if I read it, it will be deem useless, it is best that you take your leave, Manim
Mdm Yoon: What?
Mudang: It will not be long that death is be at bay, it will seen useless to read into this
Mdm Yoon: Death?..Who are you implying?
Silence is affirmative
Mudang: It will not be long in the near future, it will soon after when the fire that Manim has played will come to blaze & combust on you
Mdm Yoon: What?…Fire?
Mudang: The said fire that you were playing recently
Mdm Yoon: How did you know about that?
Mudang is silence.
Choi Dong Yi goes to Naeuiwon & express concern about Queen Inhyeon’s heart ailment then asked the Physician whether they is any ideas of treatments. The prognosis is not favourable that leaves Choi Dong Yi with a sigh. Choi Dong Yi sees Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im express her concern for Queen Inhyeon & inform them that Queen Inhyeon’s illness is getting serious. Choi Dong Yi affirms that she has heard that lately that Queen Inhyeon’s illness has constantly suffering from attacks. It seems that she is worried to cause concern to Royal Household therefore she play down her illness. Choi Dong Yi sense that Queen Inhyeon is now conjuring alone something that has an element of risk. Jung Im queries the element of risk. Choi Dong Yi confirms that Queen Inhyeon wants to convey something of importance to her but Queen Inhyeon has give consideration to the risk factor involve towards Choi Dong Yi therefore conceal from her without revealing. Choi Dong Yi asked Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im to help out to investigate into this matter. Choi Dong Yi expresses concern of fear that if this continues, there will be something unforeseen that will happened to Queen Inhyeon. Jeong sang Gung acknowledged
Mdm Yoon is having nightmare after her visit to the Mudang. The screams “No” as she awake from her nightmare in fright as she recalls the Mudang telling her that it will not be long that Mdm Yoon playing with fire recently will combust on her. Mdm Yoon telling this can’t be, she will not died like that. Mdm Yoon calls out his maid. Mdm Yoon asked her maid to call the arsonist over
Oh Ho Yang standing at Choi Dong Yi burnt down private abode & wailing that one day, Choi Dong Yi will be his then drink himself silly that calling Choi Dong Yi’s name. Mdm Yoon calls the arsonist to her residence the instruct them to find a scrape goat for the arson, then make it look like a suicide & play this suicide note on the body. The arsonist acknowledge & takes the suicide note & leaves. Mdm Yoon has pin point Oh Ho Yang who like to prowl around Choi Dong Yi’s private abode, if they put the blame of the arson on Oh Ho Yang then that this fire incident will be appease without suspicion. Mdm Yoon tells that once they settle Oh Ho Yang, they are to leave Doseong at once. Mdm Yoon tells that they can have name their price & warn them never to return to Doseong again & asked if they are clear. The arsonist acknowledge & leaves
Mdm Park waiting for her son to return, since it is so late in the night. Oh Tae Pung asked his wife, why she isn’t in the house & outside doing what. Mdm Yoon tells that Oh Ho Yang seem to be late than usual, so she is worried. Oh Tae Pung tells that their son must be somewhere drunk. Oh Tae Pung complains that how he can have such an useless son. Mdm Yoon tells Oh Tae Pung not to complaint, as Oh Ho Yang is his posterity. Oh tae Pung tells that he has enough of his son, therefore the next time, Oh Ho Yang can address as Mdm Park’s son only. Oh Tae Pung tells that Sukjong can be such a rare gift in having his gifted posterity being a genius then it is his ill fate to have Oh Ho Yang as his son then Oh Tae Pung blames that it is all his wife fault. Mdm Yoon tells who is her husband, that he is a pot calling the kettle black. Mdm park tells that this is her fate that her men folk are so useless. Mdm Park tells that she will really teach her son a lesson when he returns
Oh Ho Yang wailing in drunken stupor to find his way home. The arsonist surrounds the drunken Oh Ho Yang to make him as a scrape goat who in turn grabs one of the arsonist as being Choi Dong Yi. The arsonist tells that Oh Ho Yang doesn’t know that he needs to journey to the nether world then tells that this matter will settle easily & asked his men to hurry as they grab the drunken Oh Ho Yang away. Oh Ho Yang found himself bound & gagged as he struggles then shouts that do they know who he is & mentioned his ancestry to them in which the arsonist couldn’t care less then slap Oh Ho Yang to make him stop talking then place the suicide note on Oh Ho Yang then order his men to string up Oh Ho Yang to hang him as they play the noose on him as Oh Ho Yang scream for someone to save him as the arson about to kick the stool under Oh Ho Yang
Suddenly Cha Cheon Soo comes dress like the Geumgae leader wearing a satgat with all the trademark features comes to rescue Oh Ho Yang as Oh Ho Yang struggles with his noose as his stool is tipping over. Cha Cheon Soo deals with the arsonist with just 2 sticks then takes them down, defeat the arsonist fled the scene. Cha Cheon Soo cut Oh Ho Yang down & asked what did happened as Oh Ho Yang thanked him for saving his life. Then Oh Ho Yang seem to recognise Cha Cheon Soo that he has seen familiar & asked where has he seem him before. Cha Cheon Soo remove his satgat & tells Oh Ho Yang that he afraid it will be most probably the palace. Oh Ho Yang mutters that he is Cha Cheon Soo
Choi Dong Yi comes running then stop a moment for a breath & utter “Orrabuni” as he is happy to learn the return of Cha Cheon Soo to the palace as she runs off. Meantime Seo Yong Gi is just as surprise learns from Shim Yun Taek of the hear the news of Cha Cheon Soo’s return. Shim Yun Taek tells that Cha Cheon Soo is promoted as a high ranking Officer Do Sa in Uigyeombu. Seo Yong Gi tells that this will be great news for Choi Dong Yi to hear. Han Jang Bu & Hwang Jung Gu is also just has happy on Cha Cheon Soo’s return. Cha Cheon Soo enters Uigyeombu with a parade line reception
Cha Cheon Soo meets with Sukjong & introduce himself in the new appointed rank. Sukjong welcomes Cha Cheon Soo return & pleased
Cha Cheon Soo leaves Daejeon & Choi Dong Yi marches to Daejeon to greet Cha Cheon Soo
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabuni!
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi can’t believe that Cha Cheon Soo is in front of her
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabuni!
Cha Cheon Soo: During this time….have you been well, …Mama?
Choi Dong Yi holds Cha Cheon Soo’s hands warmly
Choi Dong Yi: How could this be happening, Orrabuni…How could you have return here?
Cha Cheon Soo: Cheon Na has summon me to return to come & protect you Suk Ui Mama & Prince Yeoning… have me be by your side to protect you
Choi Dong Yi is so overjoyed to see Cha Cheon Soo as she choke with happiness
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabuni!
Ae Jung chasing Prince Yeoning as he run back to Bo Gyeong Dang to meet Cha Cheon Soo as Ae Jung calls out to Prince Yeoning not to run so fast or he might slip & fall
Prince Yeoning: Eomeoni!
Ae Jung : Mama?
Choi Dong Yi acknowledge her son
Choi Dong Yi Geum…Ah?
Prince Yeoning looks up to Cha Cheon Soo who is surprise to see Prince Yeoning
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama…who might this child be…
Choi Dong Yi confirms her son to Cha Cheon Soo
Cha Cheon Soo: Yes..this child is none other than Prince Yeoning
Cha Cheon Soo kneels before Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi: Geum Ah! Send greetings…this person is…
Prince Yeoning: I know…who he is… Eomeoni…are you Uncle (Wei Su Bu)
Cha Cheon Soo is so moved by Prince Yeoning
Prince Yeoning: Uncle!
Prince Yeoning hugs a stun Cha Cheon Soo which caught him surprise
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama?
Prince Yeoning: I am Prince Yeoning… you recognise me?….
Cha Cheon Soo: Yes, Mama….of course indeed I do
Cha Cheon Soo takes out letters from his pocket
Cha Cheon Soo: Here are all Mama’s letters that you have written & send to me that I have kept all this while & didn’t discard them
Prince Yeoning: Uncle!
Cha Cheon Soo: Look how well you have grown! How well you have grown?
Cha Cheon Soo laughs & happy to see Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi with Cha Cheon Soo in Bo Gyeong Dang
Cha Cheon Soo: You were sent to exile so far in such a remote distance place..being all alone & lonely that you must have suffer harshly in your banishment, Orrabuni
Cha Cheon Soo: No I didn’t….how can I say that I was alone & lonely, Mama….able to read Mama & Prince Yeoning’s letters that you have send to me, that every day that I was always seem to be together with the both of you. I kept the vigil of hope & faith that one day I will return to Mama’s side, it has given strength for me to endure that long period of time. Moreover here after I will not allow both of you to go through the same traumatic experiences again
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabuni?
Cha Cheon Soo: Therefore have the trust in me…just wait a while, it will not take long…I will definitely will not allow to have them to exist to live in the same under the heavens as you & Prince Yeoning
Choi Dong Yi nods
Crown Prince Yun is taking his medication, as he finished drinking; Court Physician Nam tells he will come again with another dosage of medication tonic in 3 hours later. Crown Prince Yun then queries what medication tonic is he drinking & for what purpose. Court Physician Nam surprise at the question as Crown Prince Yun knows that it is not the medicine prescription by Naeuiwon. Court Physician fumbles to answer. Crown Prince Yin then insist that Court Physician Nam to divulge to him what ailment is he suffering. Crown Prince Yun asked what illness is he suffering that require to have prescription done privately under such a shroud of secrecy then asked what is actually his ailment
Crown Prince Yun take a stroll as he feels downcast & contemplates what his aliment does he has that it is require to be done in such cloak & dagger. Then Crown Prince Yun hears some sound then turn up to finds Prince Yeoning up in the tree as Prince Yeoning acknowledge Crown Prince Yun then jumps down from the tree to tells that he will send greetings from here. Crown Prince Yun surprise that Prince Yeoning can jump down so high from the tree. Yi Geum is really naughty climbing trees. Choi Dong Yi scale palace walls & her son climbs tree, they are really a pair. Crown Prince Yun shocked that Prince Yeoning has climb a tree then jump from there from such a height. Prince Yeoning asked about that tree then he actually was…when calls from Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal looking for Prince Yeoning. Hwang Joo Shik tells that it is not enough that they has to suffer playing hide & seek with Prince Yeoning at the private abode & they now have to being back the game to the palace to play. Yeong Dal tells that the palace premises is slight confine that Prince Yeoning will not go too far to hide then Yeong Dal mentioned that Hwang Joo Shik that who is the person who suggested the game in the 1st place.
Crown Prince Yun learns that Prince Yeoning is playing hide & seek with Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik. Prince Yeoning affirms that this is why he was hiding on top of the tree, this way, it will be hard for them to find him. Crown Prince Yun tells even if he wishes to play the game hide & seek, Prince Yeoning shouldn’t climb tree as it is dangerous. Prince Yeoning tells Crown Prince Yun that it is not dangerous, he is an expert in climbing trees. Then the calls of Yeong Dal & Hwang Joo Shik gets nearer then Prince Yeoning asked Crown Prince to provide the cover for him to hide, as Prince Yeoning hides behind Crown Prince Yun’s back. Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal finds Crown Prince Yun as they greets him then as Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal trying to take peek behind Crown Prince Yun, he turns to follow their direction providing Prince Yeoning the cover then Hwang Joo Shik & Yeong Dal went off.
Crown Prince tells Prince Yeoning that the coast is clear. Prince Yeoning thanked his brother that it is because of him that he didn’t get caught. Crown Prince Yun tells Prince Yeoning that he is that happy. Prince Yeoning tells Crown Prince of course that even Crown Prince Yun also will not wish to get caught & found out. Crown Prince Yun concurs with Prince Yeoning. Prince Yeoning tells because Crown Prince Yun has render help, he gives Crown Prince some fresh jujubes as a token of his gratitude that he pluck from the tree. Crown Prince Yun asked whether Prince Yeoning wants him to have them. Prince Yeoning tells that they are already ripe & are really sweet. Crown Prince Yun hesitates as Prince Yeoning sense that Crown Prince Yun doesn’t want them then Prince Yeoning excuse himself to take his leave. Crown Prince Yun brushes that he is not & tells he will accept them then takes the jujubes off Prince Yeoning. Prince Yeoning run off as Crown Prince Yun looks on & bring up a smile from his down cast look
In Korea, jujubes or Chinese red dates (Ziziphus zizyphus) are called Daechu and are used in teas & samgyetang. It is said to be helpful in aiding the common cold.
Jang Hee Jae is shocked that what his mother is saying as Mdm Yoon admits to Jang Hee Jae that she sent the arsonist to set Choi Dong Yi’s private abode ablaze & the fire is all this doing,
Jang Hee Bin: What are you saying there, Mother…Suk Ui’s private abode’s fire is Mother’s doing
Jang Hee Jae express appalled for his mother’s blunder.
Jang Hee Jae: Mother!
Mdm Yoon: I did this all for Hee Bin Mama’s sake…before Suk Ui & Hwang Ja has the chance to return to the palace, I thought I will use my own initiative to get rid of them on my own
Jang Hee Jae: Do you know what the situation is now…even if we caught dead, will not help matters, why did you discuss this matter with me?
Mdm Yoon: I too never would have imagine that the matter will end up as such…that this incident have given Suk Ui the lawful right to return to the palace, moreover this incident has also backfired on me
Jang Hee Jae: Hee Bin Mama is already stressful with anxiety over the Crown Prince Yun’s ailment, if your blunder was to be known to Jang Hee Bin, it will be a disaster
Mdm Yoon: Hee Jae, compare to this, there is more serious implications to be reckon.
Jang Hee Jae: Serious implication?
Mdm Yoon: That Mudang has mentioned…it is not just me… calamity will besiege.
Jang Hee Jae: What?
Mdm Yoon: The palace will foresee a bloodshed in the palace & the Mudang has indicated that the place of reckoning to be Chwi Seon Dang.
Jang Hee Jae is petrified at the remark.
Mudang is a person who practice Shamanistic practices
Jang Hee Jae goes to see the Mudang in arms then threaten to cut the Mudang tongue for saying such nonsense. Jang Hee Jae goes into the Mudang’s cottage & places his blade at the Mudang’s neck & tells that the Mudang has said such prattles about bloodshed in the palace & wants to cut off her tongue. The Mudang is not deter with Jang Hee Jae’s aggression. Jang Hee Jae accuse that how can the Mudang say such prattles
Mudang: Put away your sword, Yeong Gam, this is a sacred place
Jang Hee Jae: Shut your trap, today I will make you pay with your tongue for your prattles
Mudang: Jung Jong?….Is Jung Jon residing above you all…Yeong Gam?
Jang Hee Jae: What?
Mudang: Isn’t it what you are most curious that you may want t know….
Jang Hee Jae steps back
Jang Hee Jae: What are you implying by saying this?
Mudang: Tonight, it is best that you don’t leave your doors for anything…or else you could have selected better & quick witted subordinates to help you
Jang Hee Jae; What are you saying…didn’t you hear me what you are saying there!!! I am asking what do you mean by saying that…
Jung Geum once again leave the palace as she cloak herself with a jangot & is being followed by assailants sent by Jang Hee Jae then Jung Geum meet with another lady who is wearing a jangot then the assailant decided to mount an assault & attacks the lady who they think is the female physician, as Jung Geum is caught by surprise. The assailant wants to capture the lady then the lady in the jangot then turn out to be a soldier in disguise & as the soldier has a set up ambush as archers surrounded the assailants & the soldier storm to the premises in numbers
Jang Hee Bin learns from Jang Hee Jae that their attempt to capture the missing female physician has been expose. Jang Hee Jae has nothing to say as Jang Hee Jae is shocked
Queen Inhyeon in Daejojeon holding her chest in her ill health finally checkmated Jang Hee Bin. Choi Dong Yi comes to Daejojeon wants to seek audience with Queen Inhyeon
Choi Dong Yi: I have come to seek audience with Mama, please announce my presence
Meanwhile Jang Hee Bin finds that it is Queen Inhyeon who use a female physician decoy to trap Jang Hee Jae’s assailant & that she can’t believe that Queen Inhyeon has use such stratagems ploys. Jang Hee Bin affirms that it is indeed that Queen Inhyeon has hide the female physician then this means that Queen Inhyeon has learn about everything & the whole gospel truth that she was just waiting for the opportunity to obtain substantial evidence of proof. Jang Hee Bin is gasping
Choi Dong Yi comes to Queen Inhyeon
Queen Inhyeon: Now, the time has come..Suk Ui…the moment that what I am about to convey to you on what I have learn & know
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?
Queen Inhyeon: But prior to that….I wish to know the answer from you, in regards to the question that I have asked you the last time…that answer…. If perhaps…perhaps by chance under certain circumstances & on what unforeseen reason that the incumbent Crown Prince has no choice in succeeding the throne….
Choi Dong Yi is taken aback
Queen Inhyeon: Whether are you willing or not to support your son Prince Yeoning to the throne as the Sovereign of this nation…
Choi Dong Yi: Mama, …why do you have to say as such…this is….
The conversation feels like it is Queen Inhyeon last will & testimony,
Queen Inhyeon: It will be soon that this palace will be usurp by a brewing storm tells that there will a cause celebre that is about to ripple the palace that has never before happened, that is…in regards to the changing of the Prince Successor.
Choi Dong Yi is shocked, Queen Inhyeon looks determined in a frail health
Choi Dong Yi: Mama…what are you implying….the changing of the Prince Successor
Queen Inhyeon: Indeed…yes
Choi Dong Yi doesn’t know how to react to what Queen Inhyeon shell shock news
Queen Inhyeon: Moreover if this is said & done, then Prince Yeoning & his posterity will be the person to succeed the throne in a usurpation but then if Prince Yeoning fails by chance in the attempt not able to succeed as Prince Successor that it will mean at that moment that he will not able to retain his life
Choi Dong Yi is horrified
Queen Inhyeon: This is politics….this is the intrigue of the palace…therefore I wish to know your answer in regards to this matter that may spiral Suk Ui & Prince Yeoning into the centre of this intrigue & the impending risk of your lives, that is why I am asking in earnest plea….Will you able to promise me that you will survive this intrigue at all cost….no matter what the means & consequences that Suk Ui & Prince Yeoning will survive in this palace then to make this child to become the King
Choi Dong Yi: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi looks shell shock leaving Daejojeon then she recalls Queen Inhyeon’s warning that this palace will be usurp by a brewing storm tells that there will a cause celebre that is about to ripple the palace that has never before happened, that is…in regards to the changing of the Prince Successor
Queen Inhyeon meditates then informs Ahn Sang Gung that she will leave to go to Chwi Seon Dang. Ahn Sang Gung acknowledged
Alas it is a pity to see Queen Inhyeon leave. Queen Inhyeon health is deteriorating rapidly for the worst, afraid she will not last much longer. It will be up to Choi Dong Yi to tied up loose ends
Jang Hee Bin comes out to greet Queen Inhyeon who has come to her residence
Queen Inhyeon: I sense a feeling that you wish to hear or ask something from me, therefore I have come
Jang Hee Bin comes to see the Mudang in much pleading tone then asked the Mudang whether she has any alternative idea to overturn the matter since the Mudang has mentioned to Mdm Yoon that there is nothing that can be done in regards to retaining their survival. Mudang tells Jang Hee Jae that it all depends on Queen Inhyeon, as she will be the person who can bring death or let Jang Hee Jae & Jang Hee Bin lived is none other than Queen Inhyeon. Jang Hee Jae asked the Mudang, what does that mean that their lives depend on Queen Inhyeon. Mudang is silence as Jang Hee jae demands
Queen Inhyeon confronts Jang Hee Bin on her playing turf. Queen Inhyeon lays her card with Jang Hee Bin as she brings out an identity badge & informs Jang Hee Bin that this is Jang Hee Jae’s subordinates that is currently under her custody.
Queen Inhyeon: Before that….I also know the reason why you are so desperately trying to capture that female physician & also the knowledge that I have come to know on what is the reason that you wasted no effort in trying to conceal.
Jang Hee Bin: Are you coming here to blackmail me with threats by telling me such nonsensical prattles?
Queen Inhyeon: You flatter me….I am not here to blackmail you, moreover I am rendering you a chance…therefore you need to personally on your own accord to go & divulge all truth to Cheon Na & accept whatever penalty rendered…moreover I am not doing this not because for your sake but this is for Crown Prince Yun…this is to prepare when the truth of the matter is to become public knowledge, this will allow to avoid Crown Prince Yun from receiving harm & trauma. I will not wait…therefore
Jang Hee Bin: No, I will not do so…I definitely will not
Queen Inhyeon: Hee Bin!
Jang Hee Bin: You want me to go & divulge everything…what is there to confess?…it is just a merely a identity badge & one female physician?….No…Mama, you have nothing substantial in proof to prove whatsoever
Queen Inhyeon: This is enough, Hee Bin! How many more offences that you needs to committed before putting this to a halt…until when comes a time that you still continue to show your contempt to Cheon Na, how long will you persist to conceal this matter from Cheon Na
Jang Hee Bin shouts at Queen Inhyeon & screams that she now looks possessed like a mad woman.
Jang Hee Bin: Mama…the person who is at fault is not I moreover it is you instead, Mama…Waver Crown Prince Yun’s position will render major affect that may shake the foundation of this nation, this you should be most aware that this a crime of treason that is without absolution?
Queen Inhyeon: Hee Bin!
Jang Hee Bin: This nation’s Prince Successor…there only can be one person, the person who can succeed to be King of this country is the Prince Successor, & this fact can never be altered
Queen Inhyeon: No…you are wrong…yes it can…it will be altered!!!!
Queen Inhyeon reminds Jang Hee Bin historically that has been done as Jang Hee Bin is shocked
Jang Hee Bin: What are you saying?
Queen Inhyeon If you wish to continues to choose to conceal the truth ….choose to avoid finally in the end you will have committed a fraudulent failure against Cheon Na….
Jang Hee Bin screaming on top of her larynx
Jang Hee Bin: Enough…enough said!!!!!
Queen Inhyeon: Moreover being the mother of Crown Prince Yun, you also has fraudulence against your son, don’t you understand although Crown Prince Yun is your born son but he is also I the Queen Consort’s posterity as well therefore I will not allow the truth to this matter to be keep in concealment …you have been deceitful against Cheon Na…deceitful against Crown Prince Yun…then to be deceitful against this nation’s general populace…this is all in your becoming actions
Crown Prince Yun is consider the son of Queen Inhyeon by default as Queen Inhyeon is the principal wife of Sukjong while Jang Hee Bin is just Consort
Queen Inhyeon: Therefore…bear this in mind to what I have said, I will not wait long
Jang Hee Bin is left gasping for air. Queen Inhyeon confrontation is indeed regal & with authority
Queen Inhyeon leaves Chwi Seon Dang after making her point known to Jang Hee Bin & then suffer a bout of chest attacks. Ahn Sang Gung is concern as Queen Inhyeon settle her pains then asked her entourage to leave. Eun Geum then notice that isn’t that Queen Inhyeon, as Shi Bin concurs then Yoo Sang Gung see that Queen Inhyeon leaving Chwi Seon Dang then wonders what is the reason & purpose her visit in such a lateness of the night
Jang Hee Bin is hyperventilating as Jo Sang Gung is concern as she keep muttering that she will allow t this to pass with Queen Inhyeon & she said that Queen Inhyeon must not allow to live. Jo Sang Gung is shocked
Jang Hee Jae learns from the Mudang that they need to eliminate Queen Inhyeon in order to obtained their own survival & asked if this is true. The Mudang affirms this is indeed correct
Queen Inhyeon to her residence after her confrontation looking rather determined. Jang Hee Bin in the residence sitting in the dark
Choi Dong Yi anxiously pacing at the residence to wait for Cha Cheon Soo. Cha Cheon Soo comes to see Choi Dong Yi at Bo Gyeong Dang
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: Orrabuni!
In Bo Gyeong Dang
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama! What are you saying now? Prince Yeoning may be spiral into a palace intrigue?
Choi Dong Yi: It seem now there is something amiss & causing grave concern about Crown Prince Yun, Orrabuni. Therefore Queen Inhyeon has decided with the intention & has the acknowledgment that there is a need for Prince Yeoning to replace Crown Prince Yun as Prince Successor
Cha Cheon Soo is taken aback
Choi Dong Yi: I am getting really frightful about this matter, Orrabuni. If perhaps by chance that this matter spiral uncontrollably, Prince Yeoning’s life with be at great risk
Cha Cheon Soo: Mama?
Choi Dong Yi: I must safeguard my child, no matter whatsoever the consequence, that I must safe guard him..therefore Orrabuni, we must firstly justify whether there is truth in Queen Inhyeon’s statement, also what is Chwi Seon Dang’s activities of late, you must help me investigate into this matter
Cha Cheon Soo: Yes, I understand, Mama
Choi Dong Yi comes out from her residence then asked Bong Sang Gung that she wishes to see Prince Yeoning & asked of his whereabouts. Jeong Sang Gung & Jung Im comes to see Choi Dong Yi where she is surprise at their presence. Choi Dong Yi surprise to learns from Jeong Sang Gung that Queen Inhyeon paid a visit to Chwi Seon Dang yesterday. Jeong Sang Gung tells that Yoo Sang Gung has confirm the matter. Jung Im wonders that Queen Inhyeon coming out of Chwi Seon Dang in such lateness of the night moreover it is said that Queen Inhyeon’s colour is not well
It seems that this is going to be Queen Inhyeon last swan song.
Choi Dong Yi goes to Daejojeon as Ahn Sang Gung greets Choi Dong Yi
Ahn Sang Gung: Suk Ui Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: I have heard that Mama (Queen Inhyeon) pay a visit to Chwi Seon Dang last night, is this true?
Ahn Sang Gung: Yes, it is indeed, I only know that Queen Inhyeon wanted to go & have a discussion with Hee Bin Mama
Choi Dong Yi: Please announce my arrival to Jung Jong Mama
Ahn Sang Gung: Yes Mama…Jung Jong Mama…Suk Ui Mama is here to seek your presence
There is no answer from Queen Inhyeon
Ahn Sang Gung; Jung Jong Mama!…. Suk Ui Mama has arrived to the residence….Mama?
Choi Dong Yi comes to Queen Inhyeon’s residence
Choi Dong Yi: Mama, …I am Suk Ui….May I come in?…
Choi Dong Yi comes in to her shock in her findings
Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama!
Choi Dong Yi finds Queen Inhyeon slump lifeless
Choi Dong Yi: Mama?…Jung Jong Mama
Choi Dong Yi goes to pick up the unconscious Queen Inhyeon. Ahn Sang Gung comes in
Ahn Sang Gung: Jung Jong Mama!
Choi Dong Yi: She has lost consciousness…..
Ahn Sang Gung scream for the staff to called the Royal Physician
Ahn Sang Gung: Is there anyone outside….summon the Royal physician to come at once…quickly
Choi Dong Yi tries to shakes Queen Inhyeon
Choi Dong Yi: Jung Jong Mama!…Please open your eyes!!….Mama!!…Mama!!….Mama!!!….Mama!!! Jung Jong Mama!!!….Mama!!!!!
Queen Inhyeon looks lifeless as Choi Dong Yi in stricken panic